'use strict'; 'require view'; 'require form'; 'require fs'; 'require uci'; return view.extend({ load: function () { return Promise.all([uci.load('uhttpd')]); }, render: function () { var lhttp = null; var lhttps = null; var cert_file = null; var key_file = null; var ucs = null; var uhttpdMap = new form.Map('uhttpd', _('uHTTPd'), _('A lightweight single-threaded HTTP(S) server')); ucs = uhttpdMap.section(form.TypedSection, 'uhttpd'); ucs.addremove = true; ucs.anonymous = false; ucs.tab('general', _('General Settings')); ucs.tab('server', _('Full Web Server Settings'), _('For settings primarily geared to serving more than the web UI')); ucs.tab('advanced', _('Advanced Settings'), _('Settings which are either rarely needed or which affect serving the WebUI')); lhttp = ucs.taboption('general', form.DynamicList, 'listen_http', _('HTTP listeners (address:port)'), _('Bind to specific interface:port (by specifying interface address')); lhttp.datatype = 'list(ipaddrport(1))'; lhttp.validate = function (section_id, value) { var have_https_listener = false; var have_http_listener = false; if (lhttp && lhttp.formvalue(section_id) && lhttp.formvalue(section_id).length > 0) { lhttp.formvalue(section_id).forEach(function (v) { if (v && v !== '') { have_http_listener = true; return false; } }); } if (lhttps && lhttps.formvalue(section_id) && lhttps.formvalue(section_id).length > 0) { lhttps.formvalue(section_id).forEach(function (v) { if (v && v !== '') { have_https_listener = true; return false; } }); } if (!(have_http_listener || have_https_listener)) { return [null, 'must listen on at least one address:port']; } return true; }; lhttps = ucs.taboption('general', form.DynamicList, 'listen_https', _('HTTPS listener (address:port)'), _('Bind to specific interface:port (by specifying interface address')); lhttps.datatype = 'list(ipaddrport(1))'; var cert = uci.get('uhttpd', 'main', 'cert'); var key = uci.get('uhttpd', 'main', 'key'); lhttps.validate = function (section_id, value) { let have_https_listener = false; let have_http_listener = false; if (lhttps && lhttps.formvalue(section_id) && lhttps.formvalue(section_id).length > 0) { lhttps.formvalue(section_id).forEach(function (v) { if (v && v !== '') { have_https_listener = true; return false; } }); if (have_https_listener && (!cert_file || !cert_file.formvalue(section_id) || cert_file.formvalue(section_id) === '')) { return [null, 'must have certificate when using https']; } if (have_https_listener && (!key_file || !key_file.formvalue(section_id) || key_file.formvalue(section_id) === '')) { return [null, 'must have key when using https']; } } if (lhttp && lhttp.formvalue(section_id) && lhttp.formvalue(section_id).length > 0) { lhttp.formvalue(section_id).forEach(function (v) { if (v && v !== '') { have_http_listener = true; return false; } }); } if (!(have_http_listener || have_https_listener)) { return [null, 'must listen on at least one address:port']; } return true; }; lhttps.depends({ cert, key }); var httptoHttps = ucs.taboption('general', form.Flag, 'redirect_https', _('Redirect all HTTP to HTTPS')); httptoHttps.default = httptoHttps.enabled; httptoHttps.rmempty = false; var rfc1918Filter = ucs.taboption('general', form.Flag, 'rfc1918_filter', _('Ignore private IPs on public interface'), _('Prevent access from private (RFC1918) IPs on an interface if it has an public IP address')); rfc1918Filter.default = rfc1918Filter.enabled; rfc1918Filter.rmempty = false; cert_file = ucs.taboption('general', form.FileUpload, 'cert', _('HTTPS Certificate (DER or PEM format)')); cert_file.root_directory = '/'; cert_file.enable_delete = false; key_file = ucs.taboption('general', form.FileUpload, 'key', _('HTTPS Private Key (DER or PEM format)')); key_file.root_directory = '/'; key_file.enable_delete = false; var removeOld = ucs.taboption('general', form.Button, 'remove_old', _('Remove old certificate and key'), _('uHTTPd will generate a new self-signed certificate using the configuration shown below.')); removeOld.inputstyle = 'remove'; removeOld.onclick = function (section_id) { fs.remove(`${uci.get('uhttpd', 'main', 'cert')}`) .then(() => fs.remove(`${uci.get('uhttpd', 'main', 'key')}`)) .then(() => { return fs.exec('/etc/init.d/uhttpd', ['restart']); }) .finally(() => { window.location.reload(); }); }; var removeConf = ucs.taboption('general', form.Button, 'remove_conf', _('Remove configuration for certificate and key'), _('This permanently deletes the cert, key, and configuration to use same.')); removeConf.inputstyle = 'remove'; removeConf.onclick = function (section_id) { fs.remove(`${uci.get('uhttpd', 'main', 'cert')}`) .then(() => fs.remove(`${uci.get('uhttpd', 'main', 'key')}`)) .then(() => { uci.unset('uhttpd', 'main', 'cert'); uci.unset('uhttpd', 'main', 'key'); uci.unset('uhttpd', 'main', 'listen_https'); return uci.save(); }) .then(() => { return fs.exec('/etc/init.d/uhttpd', ['restart']); }) .finally(() => { window.location.reload(); }); }; var indexPage = ucs.taboption('server', form.DynamicList, 'index_page', _('Index page(s)'), _('E.g specify with index.html and index.php when using PHP')); indexPage.optional = true; indexPage.placeholder = 'index.html'; var interpreter = ucs.taboption('server', form.DynamicList, 'interpreter', _('CGI filetype handler'), _("Interpreter to associate with file endings ('suffix=handler', e.g. '.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi')")); interpreter.optional = true; var noSymlinks = ucs.taboption('server', form.Flag, 'no_symlinks', _('Do not follow symlinks outside document root')); noSymlinks.optional = true; var noDirlists = ucs.taboption('server', form.Flag, 'no_dirlists', _('Do not generate directory listings.')); noDirlists.default = noDirlists.disabled; var alias = ucs.taboption('server', form.DynamicList, 'alias', _('Aliases'), _('(/old/path=/new/path) or (just /old/path which becomes /cgi-prefix/old/path)')); alias.optional = true; var realm = ucs.taboption('server', form.Value, 'realm', _('Realm for Basic Auth')); realm.optional = true; realm.placeholder = window.location.hostname || 'OpenWrt'; var httpconfig = ucs.taboption('server', form.Value, 'config', _('Config file (e.g. for credentials for Basic Auth)'), _('Will not use HTTP authentication if not present')); httpconfig.optional = true; var errorPage = ucs.taboption('server', form.Value, 'error_page', _('404 Error'), _("Virtual URL or CGI script to display on status '404 Not Found'. Must begin with '/'")); errorPage.optional = true; var docRoot = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'home', _('Document root'), _('Base directory for files to be served')); docRoot.default = '/www'; docRoot.datatype = 'directory'; var cgiPrefix = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'cgi_prefix', _('Path prefix for CGI scripts'), _('CGI is disabled if not present.')); cgiPrefix.optional = true; var luaPrefix = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'lua_prefix', _('Virtual path prefix for Lua scripts')); luaPrefix.placeholder = '/lua'; luaPrefix.optional = true; var luaHandler = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'lua_handler', _('Full real path to handler for Lua scripts'), _('Embedded Lua interpreter is disabled if not present.')); luaHandler.optional = true; var ubusPrefix = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'ubus_prefix', _('Virtual path prefix for ubus via JSON-RPC integration'), _('ubus integration is disabled if not present')); ubusPrefix.optional = true; var ubusSocket = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'ubus_socket', _('Override path for ubus socket')); ubusSocket.optional = true; var ubusCors = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Flag, 'ubus_cors', _('Enable JSON-RPC Cross-Origin Resource Support')); ubusCors.default = ubusCors.disabled; ubusCors.optional = true; var noUbusauth = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Flag, 'no_ubusauth', _('Disable JSON-RPC authorization via ubus session API')); noUbusauth.optional = true; noUbusauth.default = noUbusauth.disabled; var scriptTimeout = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'script_timeout', _('Maximum wait time for Lua, CGI, or ubus execution')); scriptTimeout.placeholder = 60; scriptTimeout.datatype = 'uinteger'; scriptTimeout.optional = true; var networkTimeout = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'network_timeout', _('Maximum wait time for network activity')); networkTimeout.placeholder = 30; networkTimeout.datatype = 'uinteger'; networkTimeout.optional = true; var httpKeepalive = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'http_keepalive', _('Connection reuse')); httpKeepalive.placeholder = 20; httpKeepalive.datatype = 'uinteger'; httpKeepalive.optional = true; var tcpKeepalive = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'tcp_keepalive', _('TCP Keepalive')); tcpKeepalive.optional = true; tcpKeepalive.datatype = 'uinteger'; tcpKeepalive.default = 1; var maxConnections = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'max_connections', _('Maximum number of connections')); maxConnections.optional = true; maxConnections.datatype = 'uinteger'; var maxRequests = ucs.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'max_requests', _('Maximum number of script requests')); maxRequests.optional = true; maxRequests.datatype = 'uinteger'; var certParam = uhttpdMap.section(form.TypedSection, 'cert', _('uHTTPd Self-signed Certificate Parameters')); certParam.template = 'cbi/tsection'; certParam.anonymous = true; var days = certParam.option(form.Value, 'days', _('Valid for # of Days')); days.default = 730; days.datatype = 'uinteger'; var bits = certParam.option(form.Value, 'bits', _('Length of key in bits')); bits.default = 2048; bits.datatype = 'min(1024)'; var commonname = certParam.option(form.Value, 'commonname', _('Server Hostname'), _('a.k.a CommonName')); commonname.default = window.location.hostname || 'OpenWrt'; var organization = certParam.option(form.Value, 'organization', _('Organization'), _('If empty, a random/unique value is used in cert generation')); var location = certParam.option(form.Value, 'location', _('Location')); location.default = 'Unknown'; var state = certParam.option(form.Value, 'state', _('State')); state.default = 'Unknown'; var country = certParam.option(form.Value, 'country', _('Country')); country.default = 'ZZ'; return uhttpdMap.render(); }, });