'use strict'; 'require uci'; var modalDiv = null, tooltipDiv = null, tooltipTimeout = null; var UIElement = L.Class.extend({ getValue: function() { if (L.dom.matches(this.node, 'select') || L.dom.matches(this.node, 'input')) return this.node.value; return null; }, setValue: function(value) { if (L.dom.matches(this.node, 'select') || L.dom.matches(this.node, 'input')) this.node.value = value; }, isValid: function() { return (this.validState !== false); }, triggerValidation: function() { if (typeof(this.vfunc) != 'function') return false; var wasValid = this.isValid(); this.vfunc(); return (wasValid != this.isValid()); }, registerEvents: function(targetNode, synevent, events) { var dispatchFn = L.bind(function(ev) { this.node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(synevent, { bubbles: true })); }, this); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) targetNode.addEventListener(events[i], dispatchFn); }, setUpdateEvents: function(targetNode /*, ... */) { var datatype = this.options.datatype, optional = this.options.hasOwnProperty('optional') ? this.options.optional : true, validate = this.options.validate, events = this.varargs(arguments, 1); this.registerEvents(targetNode, 'widget-update', events); if (!datatype && !validate) return; this.vfunc = L.ui.addValidator.apply(L.ui, [ targetNode, datatype || 'string', optional, validate ].concat(events)); this.node.addEventListener('validation-success', L.bind(function(ev) { this.validState = true; }, this)); this.node.addEventListener('validation-failure', L.bind(function(ev) { this.validState = false; }, this)); }, setChangeEvents: function(targetNode /*, ... */) { this.registerEvents(targetNode, 'widget-change', this.varargs(arguments, 1)); } }); var UITextfield = UIElement.extend({ __init__: function(value, options) { this.value = value; this.options = Object.assign({ optional: true, password: false }, options); }, render: function() { var frameEl = E('div', { 'id': this.options.id }); if (this.options.password) { frameEl.classList.add('nowrap'); frameEl.appendChild(E('input', { 'type': 'password', 'style': 'position:absolute; left:-100000px', 'aria-hidden': true, 'tabindex': -1, 'name': this.options.name ? 'password.%s'.format(this.options.name) : null })); } frameEl.appendChild(E('input', { 'name': this.options.name, 'type': this.options.password ? 'password' : 'text', 'class': this.options.password ? 'cbi-input-password' : 'cbi-input-text', 'readonly': this.options.readonly ? '' : null, 'maxlength': this.options.maxlength, 'placeholder': this.options.placeholder, 'value': this.value, })); if (this.options.password) frameEl.appendChild(E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-neutral', 'title': _('Reveal/hide password'), 'aria-label': _('Reveal/hide password'), 'click': function(ev) { var e = this.previousElementSibling; e.type = (e.type === 'password') ? 'text' : 'password'; ev.preventDefault(); } }, '∗')); return this.bind(frameEl); }, bind: function(frameEl) { var inputEl = frameEl.childNodes[+!!this.options.password]; this.node = frameEl; this.setUpdateEvents(inputEl, 'keyup', 'blur'); this.setChangeEvents(inputEl, 'change'); L.dom.bindClassInstance(frameEl, this); return frameEl; }, getValue: function() { var inputEl = this.node.childNodes[+!!this.options.password]; return inputEl.value; }, setValue: function(value) { var inputEl = this.node.childNodes[+!!this.options.password]; inputEl.value = value; } }); var UICheckbox = UIElement.extend({ __init__: function(value, options) { this.value = value; this.options = Object.assign({ value_enabled: '1', value_disabled: '0' }, options); }, render: function() { var frameEl = E('div', { 'id': this.options.id, 'class': 'cbi-checkbox' }); if (this.options.hiddenname) frameEl.appendChild(E('input', { 'type': 'hidden', 'name': this.options.hiddenname, 'value': 1 })); frameEl.appendChild(E('input', { 'name': this.options.name, 'type': 'checkbox', 'value': this.options.value_enabled, 'checked': (this.value == this.options.value_enabled) ? '' : null })); return this.bind(frameEl); }, bind: function(frameEl) { this.node = frameEl; this.setUpdateEvents(frameEl.lastElementChild, 'click', 'blur'); this.setChangeEvents(frameEl.lastElementChild, 'change'); L.dom.bindClassInstance(frameEl, this); return frameEl; }, isChecked: function() { return this.node.lastElementChild.checked; }, getValue: function() { return this.isChecked() ? this.options.value_enabled : this.options.value_disabled; }, setValue: function(value) { this.node.lastElementChild.checked = (value == this.options.value_enabled); } }); var UISelect = UIElement.extend({ __init__: function(value, choices, options) { if (typeof(choices) != 'object') choices = {}; if (!Array.isArray(value)) value = (value != null && value != '') ? [ value ] : []; if (!options.multi && value.length > 1) value.length = 1; this.values = value; this.choices = choices; this.options = Object.assign({ multi: false, widget: 'select', orientation: 'horizontal' }, options); }, render: function() { var frameEl, keys = Object.keys(this.choices); if (this.options.sort === true) keys.sort(); else if (Array.isArray(this.options.sort)) keys = this.options.sort; if (this.options.widget == 'select') { frameEl = E('select', { 'id': this.options.id, 'name': this.options.name, 'size': this.options.size, 'class': 'cbi-input-select', 'multiple': this.options.multi ? '' : null }); if (this.options.optional) frameEl.appendChild(E('option', { 'value': '', 'selected': (this.values.length == 0 || this.values[0] == '') ? '' : null }, this.choices[''] || this.options.placeholder || _('-- Please choose --'))); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (keys[i] == null || keys[i] == '') continue; frameEl.appendChild(E('option', { 'value': keys[i], 'selected': (this.values.indexOf(keys[i]) > -1) ? '' : null }, this.choices[keys[i]] || keys[i])); } } else { frameEl = E('div', { 'id': this.options.id }); var brEl = (this.options.orientation === 'horizontal') ? document.createTextNode(' ') : E('br'); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { frameEl.appendChild(E('label', {}, [ E('input', { 'name': this.options.id || this.options.name, 'type': this.options.multi ? 'checkbox' : 'radio', 'class': this.options.multi ? 'cbi-input-checkbox' : 'cbi-input-radio', 'value': keys[i], 'checked': (this.values.indexOf(keys[i]) > -1) ? '' : null }), this.choices[keys[i]] || keys[i] ])); if (i + 1 == this.options.size) frameEl.appendChild(brEl); } } return this.bind(frameEl); }, bind: function(frameEl) { this.node = frameEl; if (this.options.widget == 'select') { this.setUpdateEvents(frameEl, 'change', 'click', 'blur'); this.setChangeEvents(frameEl, 'change'); } else { var radioEls = frameEl.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'); for (var i = 0; i < radioEls.length; i++) { this.setUpdateEvents(radioEls[i], 'change', 'click', 'blur'); this.setChangeEvents(radioEls[i], 'change', 'click', 'blur'); } } L.dom.bindClassInstance(frameEl, this); return frameEl; }, getValue: function() { if (this.options.widget == 'select') return this.node.value; var radioEls = frameEl.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'); for (var i = 0; i < radioEls.length; i++) if (radioEls[i].checked) return radioEls[i].value; return null; }, setValue: function(value) { if (this.options.widget == 'select') { if (value == null) value = ''; for (var i = 0; i < this.node.options.length; i++) this.node.options[i].selected = (this.node.options[i].value == value); return; } var radioEls = frameEl.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'); for (var i = 0; i < radioEls.length; i++) radioEls[i].checked = (radioEls[i].value == value); } }); var UIDropdown = UIElement.extend({ __init__: function(value, choices, options) { if (typeof(choices) != 'object') choices = {}; if (!Array.isArray(value)) this.values = (value != null && value != '') ? [ value ] : []; else this.values = value; this.choices = choices; this.options = Object.assign({ sort: true, multi: Array.isArray(value), optional: true, select_placeholder: _('-- Please choose --'), custom_placeholder: _('-- custom --'), display_items: 3, dropdown_items: 5, create: false, create_query: '.create-item-input', create_template: 'script[type="item-template"]' }, options); }, render: function() { var sb = E('div', { 'id': this.options.id, 'class': 'cbi-dropdown', 'multiple': this.options.multi ? '' : null, 'optional': this.options.optional ? '' : null, }, E('ul')); var keys = Object.keys(this.choices); if (this.options.sort === true) keys.sort(); else if (Array.isArray(this.options.sort)) keys = this.options.sort; if (this.options.create) for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) if (!this.choices.hasOwnProperty(this.values[i])) keys.push(this.values[i]); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) sb.lastElementChild.appendChild(E('li', { 'data-value': keys[i], 'selected': (this.values.indexOf(keys[i]) > -1) ? '' : null }, this.choices[keys[i]] || keys[i])); if (this.options.create) { var createEl = E('input', { 'type': 'text', 'class': 'create-item-input', 'readonly': this.options.readonly ? '' : null, 'maxlength': this.options.maxlength, 'placeholder': this.options.custom_placeholder || this.options.placeholder }); if (this.options.datatype) L.ui.addValidator(createEl, this.options.datatype, true, null, 'blur', 'keyup'); sb.lastElementChild.appendChild(E('li', { 'data-value': '-' }, createEl)); } if (this.options.create_markup) sb.appendChild(E('script', { type: 'item-template' }, this.options.create_markup)); return this.bind(sb); }, bind: function(sb) { var o = this.options; o.multi = sb.hasAttribute('multiple'); o.optional = sb.hasAttribute('optional'); o.placeholder = sb.getAttribute('placeholder') || o.placeholder; o.display_items = parseInt(sb.getAttribute('display-items') || o.display_items); o.dropdown_items = parseInt(sb.getAttribute('dropdown-items') || o.dropdown_items); o.create_query = sb.getAttribute('item-create') || o.create_query; o.create_template = sb.getAttribute('item-template') || o.create_template; var ul = sb.querySelector('ul'), more = sb.appendChild(E('span', { class: 'more', tabindex: -1 }, '···')), open = sb.appendChild(E('span', { class: 'open', tabindex: -1 }, '▾')), canary = sb.appendChild(E('div')), create = sb.querySelector(this.options.create_query), ndisplay = this.options.display_items, n = 0; if (this.options.multi) { var items = ul.querySelectorAll('li'); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { this.transformItem(sb, items[i]); if (items[i].hasAttribute('selected') && ndisplay-- > 0) items[i].setAttribute('display', n++); } } else { if (this.options.optional && !ul.querySelector('li[data-value=""]')) { var placeholder = E('li', { placeholder: '' }, this.options.select_placeholder || this.options.placeholder); ul.firstChild ? ul.insertBefore(placeholder, ul.firstChild) : ul.appendChild(placeholder); } var items = ul.querySelectorAll('li'), sel = sb.querySelectorAll('[selected]'); sel.forEach(function(s) { s.removeAttribute('selected'); }); var s = sel[0] || items[0]; if (s) { s.setAttribute('selected', ''); s.setAttribute('display', n++); } ndisplay--; } this.saveValues(sb, ul); ul.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); sb.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); if (ndisplay < 0) sb.setAttribute('more', '') else sb.removeAttribute('more'); if (ndisplay == this.options.display_items) sb.setAttribute('empty', '') else sb.removeAttribute('empty'); more.innerHTML = (ndisplay == this.options.display_items) ? (this.options.select_placeholder || this.options.placeholder) : '···'; sb.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick.bind(this)); sb.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeydown.bind(this)); sb.addEventListener('cbi-dropdown-close', this.handleDropdownClose.bind(this)); sb.addEventListener('cbi-dropdown-select', this.handleDropdownSelect.bind(this)); if ('ontouchstart' in window) { sb.addEventListener('touchstart', function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }); window.addEventListener('touchstart', this.closeAllDropdowns); } else { sb.addEventListener('mouseover', this.handleMouseover.bind(this)); sb.addEventListener('focus', this.handleFocus.bind(this)); canary.addEventListener('focus', this.handleCanaryFocus.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('mouseover', this.setFocus); window.addEventListener('click', this.closeAllDropdowns); } if (create) { create.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleCreateKeydown.bind(this)); create.addEventListener('focus', this.handleCreateFocus.bind(this)); create.addEventListener('blur', this.handleCreateBlur.bind(this)); var li = findParent(create, 'li'); li.setAttribute('unselectable', ''); li.addEventListener('click', this.handleCreateClick.bind(this)); } this.node = sb; this.setUpdateEvents(sb, 'cbi-dropdown-open', 'cbi-dropdown-close'); this.setChangeEvents(sb, 'cbi-dropdown-change', 'cbi-dropdown-close'); L.dom.bindClassInstance(sb, this); return sb; }, openDropdown: function(sb) { var st = window.getComputedStyle(sb, null), ul = sb.querySelector('ul'), li = ul.querySelectorAll('li'), fl = findParent(sb, '.cbi-value-field'), sel = ul.querySelector('[selected]'), rect = sb.getBoundingClientRect(), items = Math.min(this.options.dropdown_items, li.length); document.querySelectorAll('.cbi-dropdown[open]').forEach(function(s) { s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-dropdown-close', {})); }); sb.setAttribute('open', ''); var pv = ul.cloneNode(true); pv.classList.add('preview'); if (fl) fl.classList.add('cbi-dropdown-open'); if ('ontouchstart' in window) { var vpWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0), vpHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0), scrollFrom = window.pageYOffset, scrollTo = scrollFrom + rect.top - vpHeight * 0.5, start = null; ul.style.top = sb.offsetHeight + 'px'; ul.style.left = -rect.left + 'px'; ul.style.right = (rect.right - vpWidth) + 'px'; ul.style.maxHeight = (vpHeight * 0.5) + 'px'; ul.style.WebkitOverflowScrolling = 'touch'; var scrollStep = function(timestamp) { if (!start) { start = timestamp; ul.scrollTop = sel ? Math.max(sel.offsetTop - sel.offsetHeight, 0) : 0; } var duration = Math.max(timestamp - start, 1); if (duration < 100) { document.body.scrollTop = scrollFrom + (scrollTo - scrollFrom) * (duration / 100); window.requestAnimationFrame(scrollStep); } else { document.body.scrollTop = scrollTo; } }; window.requestAnimationFrame(scrollStep); } else { ul.style.maxHeight = '1px'; ul.style.top = ul.style.bottom = ''; window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { var height = items * li[Math.max(0, li.length - 2)].offsetHeight; ul.scrollTop = sel ? Math.max(sel.offsetTop - sel.offsetHeight, 0) : 0; ul.style[((rect.top + rect.height + height) > window.innerHeight) ? 'bottom' : 'top'] = rect.height + 'px'; ul.style.maxHeight = height + 'px'; }); } var cboxes = ul.querySelectorAll('[selected] input[type="checkbox"]'); for (var i = 0; i < cboxes.length; i++) { cboxes[i].checked = true; cboxes[i].disabled = (cboxes.length == 1 && !this.options.optional); }; ul.classList.add('dropdown'); sb.insertBefore(pv, ul.nextElementSibling); li.forEach(function(l) { l.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); }); sb.lastElementChild.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); this.setFocus(sb, sel || li[0], true); }, closeDropdown: function(sb, no_focus) { if (!sb.hasAttribute('open')) return; var pv = sb.querySelector('ul.preview'), ul = sb.querySelector('ul.dropdown'), li = ul.querySelectorAll('li'), fl = findParent(sb, '.cbi-value-field'); li.forEach(function(l) { l.removeAttribute('tabindex'); }); sb.lastElementChild.removeAttribute('tabindex'); sb.removeChild(pv); sb.removeAttribute('open'); sb.style.width = sb.style.height = ''; ul.classList.remove('dropdown'); ul.style.top = ul.style.bottom = ul.style.maxHeight = ''; if (fl) fl.classList.remove('cbi-dropdown-open'); if (!no_focus) this.setFocus(sb, sb); this.saveValues(sb, ul); }, toggleItem: function(sb, li, force_state) { if (li.hasAttribute('unselectable')) return; if (this.options.multi) { var cbox = li.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'), items = li.parentNode.querySelectorAll('li'), label = sb.querySelector('ul.preview'), sel = li.parentNode.querySelectorAll('[selected]').length, more = sb.querySelector('.more'), ndisplay = this.options.display_items, n = 0; if (li.hasAttribute('selected')) { if (force_state !== true) { if (sel > 1 || this.options.optional) { li.removeAttribute('selected'); cbox.checked = cbox.disabled = false; sel--; } else { cbox.disabled = true; } } } else { if (force_state !== false) { li.setAttribute('selected', ''); cbox.checked = true; cbox.disabled = false; sel++; } } while (label && label.firstElementChild) label.removeChild(label.firstElementChild); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].removeAttribute('display'); if (items[i].hasAttribute('selected')) { if (ndisplay-- > 0) { items[i].setAttribute('display', n++); if (label) label.appendChild(items[i].cloneNode(true)); } var c = items[i].querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'); if (c) c.disabled = (sel == 1 && !this.options.optional); } } if (ndisplay < 0) sb.setAttribute('more', ''); else sb.removeAttribute('more'); if (ndisplay === this.options.display_items) sb.setAttribute('empty', ''); else sb.removeAttribute('empty'); more.innerHTML = (ndisplay === this.options.display_items) ? (this.options.select_placeholder || this.options.placeholder) : '···'; } else { var sel = li.parentNode.querySelector('[selected]'); if (sel) { sel.removeAttribute('display'); sel.removeAttribute('selected'); } li.setAttribute('display', 0); li.setAttribute('selected', ''); this.closeDropdown(sb, true); } this.saveValues(sb, li.parentNode); }, transformItem: function(sb, li) { var cbox = E('form', {}, E('input', { type: 'checkbox', tabindex: -1, onclick: 'event.preventDefault()' })), label = E('label'); while (li.firstChild) label.appendChild(li.firstChild); li.appendChild(cbox); li.appendChild(label); }, saveValues: function(sb, ul) { var sel = ul.querySelectorAll('li[selected]'), div = sb.lastElementChild, name = this.options.name, strval = '', values = []; while (div.lastElementChild) div.removeChild(div.lastElementChild); sel.forEach(function (s) { if (s.hasAttribute('placeholder')) return; var v = { text: s.innerText, value: s.hasAttribute('data-value') ? s.getAttribute('data-value') : s.innerText, element: s }; div.appendChild(E('input', { type: 'hidden', name: name, value: v.value })); values.push(v); strval += strval.length ? ' ' + v.value : v.value; }); var detail = { instance: this, element: sb }; if (this.options.multi) detail.values = values; else detail.value = values.length ? values[0] : null; sb.value = strval; sb.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-dropdown-change', { bubbles: true, detail: detail })); }, setValues: function(sb, values) { var ul = sb.querySelector('ul'); if (this.options.create) { for (var value in values) { this.createItems(sb, value); if (!this.options.multi) break; } } if (this.options.multi) { var lis = ul.querySelectorAll('li[data-value]'); for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { var value = lis[i].getAttribute('data-value'); if (values === null || !(value in values)) this.toggleItem(sb, lis[i], false); else this.toggleItem(sb, lis[i], true); } } else { var ph = ul.querySelector('li[placeholder]'); if (ph) this.toggleItem(sb, ph); var lis = ul.querySelectorAll('li[data-value]'); for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { var value = lis[i].getAttribute('data-value'); if (values !== null && (value in values)) this.toggleItem(sb, lis[i]); } } }, setFocus: function(sb, elem, scroll) { if (sb && sb.hasAttribute && sb.hasAttribute('locked-in')) return; if (sb.target && findParent(sb.target, 'ul.dropdown')) return; document.querySelectorAll('.focus').forEach(function(e) { if (!matchesElem(e, 'input')) { e.classList.remove('focus'); e.blur(); } }); if (elem) { elem.focus(); elem.classList.add('focus'); if (scroll) elem.parentNode.scrollTop = elem.offsetTop - elem.parentNode.offsetTop; } }, createItems: function(sb, value) { var sbox = this, val = (value || '').trim(), ul = sb.querySelector('ul'); if (!sbox.options.multi) val = val.length ? [ val ] : []; else val = val.length ? val.split(/\s+/) : []; val.forEach(function(item) { var new_item = null; ul.childNodes.forEach(function(li) { if (li.getAttribute && li.getAttribute('data-value') === item) new_item = li; }); if (!new_item) { var markup, tpl = sb.querySelector(sbox.options.create_template); if (tpl) markup = (tpl.textContent || tpl.innerHTML || tpl.firstChild.data).replace(/^<!--|-->$/, '').trim(); else markup = '<li data-value="{{value}}">{{value}}</li>'; new_item = E(markup.replace(/{{value}}/g, item)); if (sbox.options.multi) { sbox.transformItem(sb, new_item); } else { var old = ul.querySelector('li[created]'); if (old) ul.removeChild(old); new_item.setAttribute('created', ''); } new_item = ul.insertBefore(new_item, ul.lastElementChild); } sbox.toggleItem(sb, new_item, true); sbox.setFocus(sb, new_item, true); }); }, closeAllDropdowns: function() { document.querySelectorAll('.cbi-dropdown[open]').forEach(function(s) { s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-dropdown-close', {})); }); }, handleClick: function(ev) { var sb = ev.currentTarget; if (!sb.hasAttribute('open')) { if (!matchesElem(ev.target, 'input')) this.openDropdown(sb); } else { var li = findParent(ev.target, 'li'); if (li && li.parentNode.classList.contains('dropdown')) this.toggleItem(sb, li); else if (li && li.parentNode.classList.contains('preview')) this.closeDropdown(sb); } ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); }, handleKeydown: function(ev) { var sb = ev.currentTarget; if (matchesElem(ev.target, 'input')) return; if (!sb.hasAttribute('open')) { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: this.openDropdown(sb); ev.preventDefault(); } } else { var active = findParent(document.activeElement, 'li'); switch (ev.keyCode) { case 27: this.closeDropdown(sb); break; case 13: if (active) { if (!active.hasAttribute('selected')) this.toggleItem(sb, active); this.closeDropdown(sb); ev.preventDefault(); } break; case 32: if (active) { this.toggleItem(sb, active); ev.preventDefault(); } break; case 38: if (active && active.previousElementSibling) { this.setFocus(sb, active.previousElementSibling); ev.preventDefault(); } break; case 40: if (active && active.nextElementSibling) { this.setFocus(sb, active.nextElementSibling); ev.preventDefault(); } break; } } }, handleDropdownClose: function(ev) { var sb = ev.currentTarget; this.closeDropdown(sb, true); }, handleDropdownSelect: function(ev) { var sb = ev.currentTarget, li = findParent(ev.target, 'li'); if (!li) return; this.toggleItem(sb, li); this.closeDropdown(sb, true); }, handleMouseover: function(ev) { var sb = ev.currentTarget; if (!sb.hasAttribute('open')) return; var li = findParent(ev.target, 'li'); if (li && li.parentNode.classList.contains('dropdown')) this.setFocus(sb, li); }, handleFocus: function(ev) { var sb = ev.currentTarget; document.querySelectorAll('.cbi-dropdown[open]').forEach(function(s) { if (s !== sb || sb.hasAttribute('open')) s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-dropdown-close', {})); }); }, handleCanaryFocus: function(ev) { this.closeDropdown(ev.currentTarget.parentNode); }, handleCreateKeydown: function(ev) { var input = ev.currentTarget, sb = findParent(input, '.cbi-dropdown'); switch (ev.keyCode) { case 13: ev.preventDefault(); if (input.classList.contains('cbi-input-invalid')) return; this.createItems(sb, input.value); input.value = ''; input.blur(); break; } }, handleCreateFocus: function(ev) { var input = ev.currentTarget, cbox = findParent(input, 'li').querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'), sb = findParent(input, '.cbi-dropdown'); if (cbox) cbox.checked = true; sb.setAttribute('locked-in', ''); }, handleCreateBlur: function(ev) { var input = ev.currentTarget, cbox = findParent(input, 'li').querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'), sb = findParent(input, '.cbi-dropdown'); if (cbox) cbox.checked = false; sb.removeAttribute('locked-in'); }, handleCreateClick: function(ev) { ev.currentTarget.querySelector(this.options.create_query).focus(); }, setValue: function(values) { if (this.options.multi) { if (!Array.isArray(values)) values = (values != null && values != '') ? [ values ] : []; var v = {}; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) v[values[i]] = true; this.setValues(this.node, v); } else { var v = {}; if (values != null) { if (Array.isArray(values)) v[values[0]] = true; else v[values] = true; } this.setValues(this.node, v); } }, getValue: function() { var div = this.node.lastElementChild, h = div.querySelectorAll('input[type="hidden"]'), v = []; for (var i = 0; i < h.length; i++) v.push(h[i].value); return this.options.multi ? v : v[0]; } }); var UICombobox = UIDropdown.extend({ __init__: function(value, choices, options) { this.super('__init__', [ value, choices, Object.assign({ select_placeholder: _('-- Please choose --'), custom_placeholder: _('-- custom --'), dropdown_items: 5, sort: true }, options, { multi: false, create: true, optional: true }) ]); } }); var UIDynamicList = UIElement.extend({ __init__: function(values, choices, options) { if (!Array.isArray(values)) values = (values != null && values != '') ? [ values ] : []; if (typeof(choices) != 'object') choices = null; this.values = values; this.choices = choices; this.options = Object.assign({}, options, { multi: false, optional: true }); }, render: function() { var dl = E('div', { 'id': this.options.id, 'class': 'cbi-dynlist' }, E('div', { 'class': 'add-item' })); if (this.choices) { var cbox = new UICombobox(null, this.choices, this.options); dl.lastElementChild.appendChild(cbox.render()); } else { var inputEl = E('input', { 'type': 'text', 'class': 'cbi-input-text', 'placeholder': this.options.placeholder }); dl.lastElementChild.appendChild(inputEl); dl.lastElementChild.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-add' }, '+')); if (this.options.datatype) L.ui.addValidator(inputEl, this.options.datatype, true, null, 'blur', 'keyup'); } for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) this.addItem(dl, this.values[i], this.choices ? this.choices[this.values[i]] : null); return this.bind(dl); }, bind: function(dl) { dl.addEventListener('click', L.bind(this.handleClick, this)); dl.addEventListener('keydown', L.bind(this.handleKeydown, this)); dl.addEventListener('cbi-dropdown-change', L.bind(this.handleDropdownChange, this)); this.node = dl; this.setUpdateEvents(dl, 'cbi-dynlist-change'); this.setChangeEvents(dl, 'cbi-dynlist-change'); L.dom.bindClassInstance(dl, this); return dl; }, addItem: function(dl, value, text, flash) { var exists = false, new_item = E('div', { 'class': flash ? 'item flash' : 'item', 'tabindex': 0 }, [ E('span', {}, text || value), E('input', { 'type': 'hidden', 'name': this.options.name, 'value': value })]); dl.querySelectorAll('.item, .add-item').forEach(function(item) { if (exists) return; var hidden = item.querySelector('input[type="hidden"]'); if (hidden && hidden.parentNode !== item) hidden = null; if (hidden && hidden.value === value) exists = true; else if (!hidden || hidden.value >= value) exists = !!item.parentNode.insertBefore(new_item, item); }); dl.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-dynlist-change', { bubbles: true, detail: { instance: this, element: dl, value: value, add: true } })); }, removeItem: function(dl, item) { var value = item.querySelector('input[type="hidden"]').value; var sb = dl.querySelector('.cbi-dropdown'); if (sb) sb.querySelectorAll('ul > li').forEach(function(li) { if (li.getAttribute('data-value') === value) { if (li.hasAttribute('dynlistcustom')) li.parentNode.removeChild(li); else li.removeAttribute('unselectable'); } }); item.parentNode.removeChild(item); dl.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-dynlist-change', { bubbles: true, detail: { instance: this, element: dl, value: value, remove: true } })); }, handleClick: function(ev) { var dl = ev.currentTarget, item = findParent(ev.target, '.item'); if (item) { this.removeItem(dl, item); } else if (matchesElem(ev.target, '.cbi-button-add')) { var input = ev.target.previousElementSibling; if (input.value.length && !input.classList.contains('cbi-input-invalid')) { this.addItem(dl, input.value, null, true); input.value = ''; } } }, handleDropdownChange: function(ev) { var dl = ev.currentTarget, sbIn = ev.detail.instance, sbEl = ev.detail.element, sbVal = ev.detail.value; if (sbVal === null) return; sbIn.setValues(sbEl, null); sbVal.element.setAttribute('unselectable', ''); if (sbVal.element.hasAttribute('created')) { sbVal.element.removeAttribute('created'); sbVal.element.setAttribute('dynlistcustom', ''); } this.addItem(dl, sbVal.value, sbVal.text, true); }, handleKeydown: function(ev) { var dl = ev.currentTarget, item = findParent(ev.target, '.item'); if (item) { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 8: /* backspace */ if (item.previousElementSibling) item.previousElementSibling.focus(); this.removeItem(dl, item); break; case 46: /* delete */ if (item.nextElementSibling) { if (item.nextElementSibling.classList.contains('item')) item.nextElementSibling.focus(); else item.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.focus(); } this.removeItem(dl, item); break; } } else if (matchesElem(ev.target, '.cbi-input-text')) { switch (ev.keyCode) { case 13: /* enter */ if (ev.target.value.length && !ev.target.classList.contains('cbi-input-invalid')) { this.addItem(dl, ev.target.value, null, true); ev.target.value = ''; ev.target.blur(); ev.target.focus(); } ev.preventDefault(); break; } } }, getValue: function() { var items = this.node.querySelectorAll('.item > input[type="hidden"]'), v = []; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) v.push(items[i].value); return v; }, setValue: function(values) { if (!Array.isArray(values)) values = (values != null && values != '') ? [ values ] : []; var items = this.node.querySelectorAll('.item'); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) if (items[i].parentNode === this.node) this.removeItem(this.node, items[i]); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) this.addItem(this.node, values[i], this.choices ? this.choices[values[i]] : null); } }); var UIHiddenfield = UIElement.extend({ __init__: function(value, options) { this.value = value; this.options = Object.assign({ }, options); }, render: function() { var hiddenEl = E('input', { 'id': this.options.id, 'type': 'hidden', 'value': this.value }); return this.bind(hiddenEl); }, bind: function(hiddenEl) { this.node = hiddenEl; L.dom.bindClassInstance(hiddenEl, this); return hiddenEl; }, getValue: function() { return this.node.value; }, setValue: function(value) { this.node.value = value; } }); return L.Class.extend({ __init__: function() { modalDiv = document.body.appendChild( L.dom.create('div', { id: 'modal_overlay' }, L.dom.create('div', { class: 'modal', role: 'dialog', 'aria-modal': true }))); tooltipDiv = document.body.appendChild( L.dom.create('div', { class: 'cbi-tooltip' })); /* setup old aliases */ L.showModal = this.showModal; L.hideModal = this.hideModal; L.showTooltip = this.showTooltip; L.hideTooltip = this.hideTooltip; L.itemlist = this.itemlist; document.addEventListener('mouseover', this.showTooltip.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener('mouseout', this.hideTooltip.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener('focus', this.showTooltip.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener('blur', this.hideTooltip.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener('luci-loaded', this.tabs.init.bind(this.tabs)); document.addEventListener('luci-loaded', this.changes.init.bind(this.changes)); document.addEventListener('uci-loaded', this.changes.init.bind(this.changes)); }, /* Modal dialog */ showModal: function(title, children) { var dlg = modalDiv.firstElementChild; dlg.setAttribute('class', 'modal'); L.dom.content(dlg, L.dom.create('h4', {}, title)); L.dom.append(dlg, children); document.body.classList.add('modal-overlay-active'); return dlg; }, hideModal: function() { document.body.classList.remove('modal-overlay-active'); }, /* Tooltip */ showTooltip: function(ev) { var target = findParent(ev.target, '[data-tooltip]'); if (!target) return; if (tooltipTimeout !== null) { window.clearTimeout(tooltipTimeout); tooltipTimeout = null; } var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect(), x = rect.left + window.pageXOffset, y = rect.top + rect.height + window.pageYOffset; tooltipDiv.className = 'cbi-tooltip'; tooltipDiv.innerHTML = '▲ '; tooltipDiv.firstChild.data += target.getAttribute('data-tooltip'); if (target.hasAttribute('data-tooltip-style')) tooltipDiv.classList.add(target.getAttribute('data-tooltip-style')); if ((y + tooltipDiv.offsetHeight) > (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset)) { y -= (tooltipDiv.offsetHeight + target.offsetHeight); tooltipDiv.firstChild.data = '▼ ' + tooltipDiv.firstChild.data.substr(2); } tooltipDiv.style.top = y + 'px'; tooltipDiv.style.left = x + 'px'; tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 1; tooltipDiv.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tooltip-open', { bubbles: true, detail: { target: target } })); }, hideTooltip: function(ev) { if (ev.target === tooltipDiv || ev.relatedTarget === tooltipDiv || tooltipDiv.contains(ev.target) || tooltipDiv.contains(ev.relatedTarget)) return; if (tooltipTimeout !== null) { window.clearTimeout(tooltipTimeout); tooltipTimeout = null; } tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0; tooltipTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { tooltipDiv.removeAttribute('style'); }, 250); tooltipDiv.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tooltip-close', { bubbles: true })); }, /* Widget helper */ itemlist: function(node, items, separators) { var children = []; if (!Array.isArray(separators)) separators = [ separators || E('br') ]; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) { if (items[i+1] !== null && items[i+1] !== undefined) { var sep = separators[(i/2) % separators.length], cld = []; children.push(E('span', { class: 'nowrap' }, [ items[i] ? 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If you believe that the configuration changes are correct nonetheless, perform an unchecked configuration apply. Alternatively, you can dismiss this warning and edit changes before attempting to apply again, or revert all pending changes to keep the currently working configuration state.').format(L.env.apply_rollback)), E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [ E('input', { 'type': 'button', 'class': 'btn', 'click': L.bind(L.ui.changes.displayStatus, L.ui.changes, false), 'value': _('Dismiss') }), ' ', E('input', { 'type': 'button', 'class': 'btn cbi-button-action important', 'click': L.bind(L.ui.changes.revert, L.ui.changes), 'value': _('Revert changes') }), ' ', E('input', { 'type': 'button', 'class': 'btn cbi-button-negative important', 'click': L.bind(L.ui.changes.apply, L.ui.changes, false), 'value': _('Apply unchecked') }) ]) ]); return; } var delay = isNaN(duration) ? 0 : Math.max(1000 - duration, 0); window.setTimeout(function() { L.Request.request(L.url('admin/uci/confirm'), { method: 'post', timeout: L.env.apply_timeout * 1000, query: { sid: L.env.sessionid, token: L.env.token } }).then(call); }, delay); }; call({ status: 0 }); } else { this.displayStatus('warning', [ E('h4', _('Device unreachable!')), E('p', _('Could not regain access to the device after applying the configuration changes. You might need to reconnect if you modified network related settings such as the IP address or wireless security credentials.')) ]); } }, confirm: function(checked, deadline, override_token) { var tt; var ts = Date.now(); this.displayStatus('notice'); if (override_token) this.confirm_auth = { token: override_token }; var call = function(r, data, duration) { if (Date.now() >= deadline) { window.clearTimeout(tt); L.ui.changes.rollback(checked); return; } else if (r && (r.status === 200 || r.status === 204)) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('uci-applied')); L.ui.changes.setIndicator(0); L.ui.changes.displayStatus('notice', E('p', _('Configuration has been applied.'))); window.clearTimeout(tt); window.setTimeout(function() { //L.ui.changes.displayStatus(false); window.location = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, L.env.apply_display * 1000); return; } var delay = isNaN(duration) ? 0 : Math.max(1000 - duration, 0); window.setTimeout(function() { L.Request.request(L.url('admin/uci/confirm'), { method: 'post', timeout: L.env.apply_timeout * 1000, query: L.ui.changes.confirm_auth }).then(call); }, delay); }; var tick = function() { var now = Date.now(); L.ui.changes.displayStatus('notice spinning', E('p', _('Waiting for configuration to get applied… %ds') .format(Math.max(Math.floor((deadline - Date.now()) / 1000), 0)))); if (now >= deadline) return; tt = window.setTimeout(tick, 1000 - (now - ts)); ts = now; }; tick(); /* wait a few seconds for the settings to become effective */ window.setTimeout(call, Math.max(L.env.apply_holdoff * 1000 - ((ts + L.env.apply_rollback * 1000) - deadline), 1)); }, apply: function(checked) { this.displayStatus('notice spinning', E('p', _('Starting configuration apply…'))); L.Request.request(L.url('admin/uci', checked ? 'apply_rollback' : 'apply_unchecked'), { method: 'post', query: { sid: L.env.sessionid, token: L.env.token } }).then(function(r) { if (r.status === (checked ? 200 : 204)) { var tok = null; try { tok = r.json(); } catch(e) {} if (checked && tok !== null && typeof(tok) === 'object' && typeof(tok.token) === 'string') L.ui.changes.confirm_auth = tok; L.ui.changes.confirm(checked, Date.now() + L.env.apply_rollback * 1000); } else if (checked && r.status === 204) { L.ui.changes.displayStatus('notice', E('p', _('There are no changes to apply'))); window.setTimeout(function() { L.ui.changes.displayStatus(false); }, L.env.apply_display * 1000); } else { L.ui.changes.displayStatus('warning', E('p', _('Apply request failed with status <code>%h</code>%>') .format(r.responseText || r.statusText || r.status))); window.setTimeout(function() { L.ui.changes.displayStatus(false); }, L.env.apply_display * 1000); } }); }, revert: function() { this.displayStatus('notice spinning', E('p', _('Reverting configuration…'))); L.Request.request(L.url('admin/uci/revert'), { method: 'post', query: { sid: L.env.sessionid, token: L.env.token } }).then(function(r) { if (r.status === 200) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('uci-reverted')); L.ui.changes.setIndicator(0); L.ui.changes.displayStatus('notice', E('p', _('Changes have been reverted.'))); window.setTimeout(function() { //L.ui.changes.displayStatus(false); window.location = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; }, L.env.apply_display * 1000); } else { L.ui.changes.displayStatus('warning', E('p', _('Revert request failed with status <code>%h</code>') .format(r.statusText || r.status))); window.setTimeout(function() { L.ui.changes.displayStatus(false); }, L.env.apply_display * 1000); } }); } }), addValidator: function(field, type, optional, vfunc /*, ... */) { if (type == null) return; var events = this.varargs(arguments, 3); if (events.length == 0) events.push('blur', 'keyup'); try { var cbiValidator = new CBIValidator(field, type, optional, vfunc), validatorFn = cbiValidator.validate.bind(cbiValidator); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) field.addEventListener(events[i], validatorFn); validatorFn(); return validatorFn; } catch (e) { } }, /* Widgets */ Textfield: UITextfield, Checkbox: UICheckbox, Select: UISelect, Dropdown: UIDropdown, DynamicList: UIDynamicList, Combobox: UICombobox, Hiddenfield: UIHiddenfield });