-- Copyright 2017-2018 Stan Grishin -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. module("luci.controller.advanced_reboot", package.seeall) local util = require "luci.util" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local sys = require "luci.sys" local http = require "luci.http" local dispatcher = require "luci.dispatcher" local i18n = require "luci.i18n" local ltemplate = require "luci.template" local ip = require "luci.ip" local http = require "luci.http" local sys = require "luci.sys" local dispatcher = require "luci.dispatcher" local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local packageName = "advanced-reboot" local devices_dir = "/usr/lib/lua/luci/" .. packageName .. "/devices/" function logger(t) util.exec("logger -t " .. packageName .. " '" .. tostring(t) .. "'") end function is_alt_mountable(p1_mtd, p2_mtd) if p1_mtd:sub(1,3) == "mtd" and p2_mtd:sub(1,3) == "mtd" and fs.access("/usr/sbin/ubiattach") and fs.access("/usr/sbin/ubiblock") and fs.access("/bin/mount") then return true else return false end end function get_partition_os_info(op_ubi) local cp_info, op_info if fs.access("/etc/os-release") then cp_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME"')) if cp_info:find("SNAPSHOT") then cp_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /etc/os-release && echo "$OPENWRT_RELEASE"')) end end logger(i18n.translate("attempting to mount alternative partition") .. " (mtd" .. tostring(op_ubi) .. ")") alt_partition_unmount(op_ubi) alt_partition_mount(op_ubi) if fs.access("/alt/rom/etc/os-release") then op_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /alt/rom/etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME"')) if op_info:find("SNAPSHOT") then op_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /alt/rom/etc/os-release && echo "$OPENWRT_RELEASE"')) end end logger(i18n.translate("attempting to unmount alternative partition") .. " (mtd" .. tostring(op_ubi) .. ")") alt_partition_unmount(op_ubi) return cp_info, op_info end function alt_partition_mount(op_ubi) local ubi_dev util.exec('for i in rom overlay firmware; do [ ! -d "$i" ] && mkdir -p "/alt/${i}"; done') ubi_dev = tostring(util.exec("ubiattach -m " .. tostring(op_ubi))) _, _, ubi_dev = ubi_dev:find("UBI device number (%d+)") if not ubi_dev then util.exec("ubidetach -m " .. tostring(op_ubi)) return end util.exec("ubiblock --create /dev/ubi" .. ubi_dev .. "_0") util.exec("mount -t squashfs -o ro /dev/ubiblock" .. ubi_dev .. "_0 /alt/rom") util.exec("mount -t ubifs /dev/ubi" .. ubi_dev .. "_1 /alt/overlay") -- util.exec("mount -t overlay overlay -o noatime,lowerdir=/alt/rom,upperdir=/alt/overlay/upper,workdir=/alt/overlay/work /alt/firmware") end function alt_partition_unmount(op_ubi) local i local mtdCount = tonumber(util.exec("ubinfo | grep 'Present UBI devices' | grep -c ','")) mtdCount = mtdCount and mtdCount + 1 or 10 -- util.exec("[ -d /alt/firmware ] && umount /alt/firmware") util.exec("[ -d /alt/overlay ] && umount /alt/overlay") util.exec("[ -d /alt/rom ] && umount /alt/rom") for i = 0, mtdCount do if not fs.access("/sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi" .. tostring(i) .. "/mtd_num") then break end ubi_mtd = tonumber(util.trim(util.exec("cat /sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi" .. i .. "/mtd_num"))) if ubi_mtd and ubi_mtd == op_ubi then util.exec("ubiblock --remove /dev/ubi" .. tostring(i) .. "_0") util.exec("ubidetach -m " .. tostring(op_ubi)) util.exec('rm -rf /alt') end end end function obtain_device_info() local p, boardName, n, p1_label, p1_version, p2_label, p2_version, p1_os, p2_os local errorMessage, current_partition local op_ubi, cp_info, op_info, zyxelFlagPartition local romBoardName = util.trim(util.exec("cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name")) for filename in fs.dir(devices_dir) do local p_func = loadfile(devices_dir .. filename) setfenv(p_func, { _ = i18n.translate }) p = p_func() boardName = p.boardName:gsub('%p','') if romBoardName and romBoardName:gsub('%p',''):match(boardName) then if p.labelOffset then if p.partition1MTD then p1_label = util.trim(util.exec("dd if=/dev/" .. p.partition1MTD .. " bs=1 skip=" .. p.labelOffset .. " count=128" .. " 2>/dev/null")) n, p1_version = p1_label:match('(Linux)-([%d|.]+)') end if p.partition2MTD then p2_label = util.trim(util.exec("dd if=/dev/" .. p.partition2MTD .. " bs=1 skip=" .. p.labelOffset .. " count=128" .. " 2>/dev/null")) n, p2_version = p2_label:match('(Linux)-([%d|.]+)') end if p1_label and p1_label:find("LEDE") then p1_os = "LEDE" end if p1_label and p1_label:find("OpenWrt") then p1_os = "OpenWrt" end if p1_label and p.vendorName and p1_label:find(p.vendorName) then p1_os = p.vendorName end if p2_label and p2_label:find("LEDE") then p2_os = "LEDE" end if p2_label and p2_label:find("OpenWrt") then p2_os = "OpenWrt" end if p2_label and p.vendorName and p2_label:find(p.vendorName) then p2_os = p.vendorName end if not p1_os then p1_os = p.vendorName .. "/" .. i18n.translate("Unknown") end if not p2_os then p2_os = p.vendorName .. "/" .. i18n.translate("Unknown") end if p1_os and p1_version then p1_os = p1_os .. " (Linux " .. p1_version .. ")" end if p2_os and p2_version then p2_os = p2_os .. " (Linux " .. p2_version .. ")" end else p1_os = p.vendorName .. "/" .. i18n.translate("Unknown") .. " (" .. i18n.translate("Compressed") .. ")" p2_os = p.vendorName .. "/" .. i18n.translate("Unknown") .. " (" .. i18n.translate("Compressed") .. ")" end if p.bootEnv1 then if fs.access("/usr/sbin/fw_printenv") and fs.access("/usr/sbin/fw_setenv") then current_partition = tonumber(util.trim(util.exec("fw_printenv -n " .. p.bootEnv1))) end else if not zyxelFlagPartition then zyxelFlagPartition = util.trim(util.exec(". /lib/functions.sh; find_mtd_part 0:DUAL_FLAG")) end if zyxelFlagPartition then current_partition = tonumber(util.exec("dd if=" .. zyxelFlagPartition .. " bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 \"%d\"'")) else errorMessage = errorMessage or i18n.translate("Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition.") util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition.")) end end if is_alt_mountable(p.partition1MTD, p.partition2MTD) then if current_partition == p.bootEnv1Partition1Value then op_ubi = tonumber(p.partition2MTD:sub(4)) + 1 else op_ubi = tonumber(p.partition1MTD:sub(4)) + 1 end local cp_info, op_info = get_partition_os_info(op_ubi) if current_partition == p.bootEnv1Partition1Value then p1_os = cp_info or p1_os p2_os = op_info or p2_os else p1_os = op_info or p1_os p2_os = cp_info or p2_os end end return romBoardName, p.vendorName .. " " .. p.deviceName, p.bootEnv1, p.bootEnv1Partition1Value, p1_os, p.bootEnv1Partition2Value, p2_os, p.bootEnv2, p.bootEnv2Partition1Value, p.bootEnv2Partition1Value, current_partition end end return romBoardName, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil end function index() entry({"admin", "system", "advanced_reboot"}, call("action_template"), _("Advanced Reboot"), 90) entry({"admin", "system", "advanced_reboot", "reboot"}, post("action_reboot")) entry({"admin", "system", "advanced_reboot", "alternative_reboot"}, post("action_altreboot")) entry({"admin", "system", "advanced_reboot", "power_off"}, post("action_poweroff")) end function action_template() local romBoardName, device_name, bev1, bev1p1, p1_os, bev1p2, p2_os, bev2, bev2p1, bev2p2, current_partition = obtain_device_info() ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/advanced_reboot",{ romBoardName=romBoardName, device_name=device_name, bev1p1=bev1p1, p1_os=p1_os, bev1p2=bev1p2, p2_os=p2_os, current_partition=current_partition, errorMessage = errorMessage}) end function action_reboot() ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/applyreboot", { title = i18n.translate("Rebooting..."), msg = i18n.translate("The system is rebooting now.
Wait a few minutes before you try to reconnect. It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings."), addr = ip.new(util.imatch(ip)() or "") }) sys.reboot() end function action_altreboot() local romBoardName, device_name, bev1, bev1p1, p1_os, bev1p2, p2_os, bev2, bev2p1, bev2p2, current_partition = obtain_device_info() local zyxelFlagPartition, zyxelBootFlag, zyxelNewBootFlag, errorCode, curEnvSetting, newEnvSetting errorMessage = nil errorCode = 0 if http.formvalue("cancel") then http.redirect(dispatcher.build_url('admin/system/advanced_reboot')) return end local step = tonumber(http.formvalue("step") or 1) if step == 1 then if fs.access("/usr/sbin/fw_printenv") and fs.access("/usr/sbin/fw_setenv") then ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/alternative_reboot",{}) else ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/advanced_reboot",{errorMessage = i18n.translate("No access to fw_printenv or fw_printenv!")}) end elseif step == 2 then if bev1 or bev2 then -- Linksys devices if bev1 then curEnvSetting = tonumber(util.trim(util.exec("fw_printenv -n " .. bev1))) if not curEnvSetting then errorMessage = errorMessage .. i18n.translate("Unable to obtain firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev1 .. ". " util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to obtain firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev1 .. ".") else newEnvSetting = curEnvSetting == bev1p1 and bev1p2 or bev1p1 errorCode = sys.call("fw_setenv " .. bev1 .. " " .. newEnvSetting) if errorCode ~= 0 then errorMessage = errorMessage or "" .. i18n.translate("Unable to set firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev1 .. " " .. i18n.translate("to") .. " " .. newEnvSetting .. ". " util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to set firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev1 .. " " .. i18n.translate("to") .. " " .. newEnvSetting .. ".") end end end if bev2 then curEnvSetting = util.trim(util.exec("fw_printenv -n " .. bev2)) if not curEnvSetting then errorMessage = errorMessage or "" .. i18n.translate("Unable to obtain firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev2 .. ". " util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to obtain firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev2 .. ".") else newEnvSetting = curEnvSetting == bev2p1 and bev2p2 or bev2p1 errorCode = sys.call("fw_setenv " .. bev2 .. " '" .. newEnvSetting .. "'") if errorCode ~= 0 then errorMessage = errorMessage or "" .. i18n.translate("Unable to set firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev2 .. " " .. i18n.translate("to") .. " " .. newEnvSetting .. ". " util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to set firmware environment variable") .. ": " .. bev2 .. " " .. i18n.translate("to") .. " " .. newEnvSetting .. ".") end end end else -- NetGear device if not zyxelFlagPartition then zyxelFlagPartition = util.trim(util.exec(". /lib/functions.sh; find_mtd_part 0:DUAL_FLAG")) end if not zyxelFlagPartition then errorMessage = errorMessage .. i18n.translate("Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition." .. " ") util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition.")) else zyxelBootFlag = tonumber(util.exec("dd if=" .. zyxelFlagPartition .. " bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 \"%d\"'")) zyxelNewBootFlag = zyxelBootFlag and zyxelBootFlag == 1 and "\\xff" or "\\x01" if zyxelNewBootFlag then errorCode = sys.call("printf \"" .. zyxelNewBootFlag .. "\" >" .. zyxelFlagPartition ) if errorCode ~= 0 then errorMessage = errorMessage or "" .. i18n.translate("Unable to set Dual Boot Flag Partition entry for partition") .. ": " .. zyxelFlagPartition .. ". " util.perror(i18n.translate("Unable to set Dual Boot Flag Partition entry for partition") .. ": " .. zyxelFlagPartition .. ".") end end end end if not errorMessage then ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/applyreboot", { title = i18n.translate("Rebooting..."), msg = i18n.translate("The system is rebooting to an alternative partition now.
Wait a few minutes before you try to reconnect. It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings."), addr = ip.new(util.imatch(uci:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr"))() or "") }) sys.reboot() else ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/advanced_reboot",{ romBoardName=romBoardName, device_name=device_name, bev1p1=bev1p1, p1_os=p1_os, bev1p2=bev1p2, p2_os=p2_os, current_partition=current_partition, errorMessage = errorMessage}) end end end function action_poweroff() if http.formvalue("cancel") then http.redirect(dispatcher.build_url('admin/system/advanced_reboot')) return end local step = tonumber(http.formvalue("step") or 1) if step == 1 then if fs.access("/sbin/poweroff") then ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/power_off",{}) else ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/advanced_reboot",{}) end elseif step == 2 then ltemplate.render("advanced_reboot/applyreboot", { title = i18n.translate("Shutting down..."), msg = i18n.translate("The system is shutting down now.
It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings."), addr = ip.new(util.imatch(uci:get("network", "lan", "ipaddr"))() or "") }) sys.call("/sbin/poweroff") end end