'use strict'; 'require ui'; 'require uci'; 'require rpc'; 'require dom'; 'require baseclass'; var scope = this; var callSessionAccess = rpc.declare({ object: 'session', method: 'access', params: [ 'scope', 'object', 'function' ], expect: { 'access': false } }); var CBIJSONConfig = baseclass.extend({ __init__: function(data) { data = Object.assign({}, data); this.data = {}; var num_sections = 0, section_ids = []; for (var sectiontype in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(sectiontype)) continue; if (Array.isArray(data[sectiontype])) { for (var i = 0, index = 0; i < data[sectiontype].length; i++) { var item = data[sectiontype][i], anonymous, name; if (!L.isObject(item)) continue; if (typeof(item['.name']) == 'string') { name = item['.name']; anonymous = false; } else { name = sectiontype + num_sections; anonymous = true; } if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(name)) section_ids.push(name); this.data[name] = Object.assign(item, { '.index': num_sections++, '.anonymous': anonymous, '.name': name, '.type': sectiontype }); } } else if (L.isObject(data[sectiontype])) { this.data[sectiontype] = Object.assign(data[sectiontype], { '.anonymous': false, '.name': sectiontype, '.type': sectiontype }); section_ids.push(sectiontype); num_sections++; } } section_ids.sort(L.bind(function(a, b) { var indexA = (this.data[a]['.index'] != null) ? +this.data[a]['.index'] : 9999, indexB = (this.data[b]['.index'] != null) ? +this.data[b]['.index'] : 9999; if (indexA != indexB) return (indexA - indexB); return L.naturalCompare(a, b); }, this)); for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) this.data[section_ids[i]]['.index'] = i; }, load: function() { return Promise.resolve(this.data); }, save: function() { return Promise.resolve(); }, get: function(config, section, option) { if (section == null) return null; if (option == null) return this.data[section]; if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(section)) return null; var value = this.data[section][option]; if (Array.isArray(value)) return value; if (value != null) return String(value); return null; }, set: function(config, section, option, value) { if (section == null || option == null || option.charAt(0) == '.') return; if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(section)) return; if (value == null) delete this.data[section][option]; else if (Array.isArray(value)) this.data[section][option] = value; else this.data[section][option] = String(value); }, unset: function(config, section, option) { return this.set(config, section, option, null); }, sections: function(config, sectiontype, callback) { var rv = []; for (var section_id in this.data) if (sectiontype == null || this.data[section_id]['.type'] == sectiontype) rv.push(this.data[section_id]); rv.sort(function(a, b) { return a['.index'] - b['.index'] }); if (typeof(callback) == 'function') for (var i = 0; i < rv.length; i++) callback.call(this, rv[i], rv[i]['.name']); return rv; }, add: function(config, sectiontype, sectionname) { var num_sections_type = 0, next_index = 0; for (var name in this.data) { num_sections_type += (this.data[name]['.type'] == sectiontype); next_index = Math.max(next_index, this.data[name]['.index']); } var section_id = sectionname || sectiontype + num_sections_type; if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(section_id)) { this.data[section_id] = { '.name': section_id, '.type': sectiontype, '.anonymous': (sectionname == null), '.index': next_index + 1 }; } return section_id; }, remove: function(config, section) { if (this.data.hasOwnProperty(section)) delete this.data[section]; }, resolveSID: function(config, section_id) { return section_id; }, move: function(config, section_id1, section_id2, after) { return uci.move.apply(this, [config, section_id1, section_id2, after]); } }); /** * @class AbstractElement * @memberof LuCI.form * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `AbstractElement` class serves as abstract base for the different form * elements implemented by `LuCI.form`. It provides the common logic for * loading and rendering values, for nesting elements and for defining common * properties. * * This class is private and not directly accessible by user code. */ var CBIAbstractElement = baseclass.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.AbstractElement.prototype */ { __init__: function(title, description) { this.title = title || ''; this.description = description || ''; this.children = []; }, /** * Add another form element as children to this element. * * @param {AbstractElement} element * The form element to add. */ append: function(obj) { this.children.push(obj); }, /** * Parse this elements form input. * * The `parse()` function recursively walks the form element tree and * triggers input value reading and validation for each encountered element. * * Elements which are hidden due to unsatisified dependencies are skipped. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once this element's value and the values of * all child elements have been parsed. The returned promise is rejected * if any parsed values are not meeting the validation constraints of their * respective elements. */ parse: function() { var args = arguments; this.children.forEach(function(child) { child.parse.apply(child, args); }); }, /** * Render the form element. * * The `render()` function recursively walks the form element tree and * renders the markup for each element, returning the assembled DOM tree. * * @abstract * @returns {Node|Promise} * May return a DOM Node or a promise resolving to a DOM node containing * the form element's markup, including the markup of any child elements. */ render: function() { L.error('InternalError', 'Not implemented'); }, /** @private */ loadChildren: function(/* ... */) { var tasks = []; if (Array.isArray(this.children)) for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) if (!this.children[i].disable) tasks.push(this.children[i].load.apply(this.children[i], arguments)); return Promise.all(tasks); }, /** @private */ renderChildren: function(tab_name /*, ... */) { var tasks = [], index = 0; if (Array.isArray(this.children)) for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) if (tab_name === null || this.children[i].tab === tab_name) if (!this.children[i].disable) tasks.push(this.children[i].render.apply( this.children[i], this.varargs(arguments, 1, index++))); return Promise.all(tasks); }, /** * Strip any HTML tags from the given input string. * * @param {string} input * The input string to clean. * * @returns {string} * The cleaned input string with HTML removes removed. */ stripTags: function(s) { if (typeof(s) == 'string' && !s.match(/[<>]/)) return s; var x = dom.elem(s) ? s : dom.parse('
' + s + '
'); x.querySelectorAll('br').forEach(function(br) { x.replaceChild(document.createTextNode('\n'), br); }); return (x.textContent || x.innerText || '').replace(/([ \t]*\n)+/g, '\n'); }, /** * Format the given named property as title string. * * This function looks up the given named property and formats its value * suitable for use as element caption or description string. It also * strips any HTML tags from the result. * * If the property value is a string, it is passed to `String.format()` * along with any additional parameters passed to `titleFn()`. * * If the property value is a function, it is invoked with any additional * `titleFn()` parameters as arguments and the obtained return value is * converted to a string. * * In all other cases, `null` is returned. * * @param {string} property * The name of the element property to use. * * @param {...*} fmt_args * Extra values to format the title string with. * * @returns {string|null} * The formatted title string or `null` if the property did not exist or * was neither a string nor a function. */ titleFn: function(attr /*, ... */) { var s = null; if (typeof(this[attr]) == 'function') s = this[attr].apply(this, this.varargs(arguments, 1)); else if (typeof(this[attr]) == 'string') s = (arguments.length > 1) ? ''.format.apply(this[attr], this.varargs(arguments, 1)) : this[attr]; if (s != null) s = this.stripTags(String(s)).trim(); if (s == null || s == '') return null; return s; } }); /** * @constructor Map * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.AbstractElement * * @classdesc * * The `Map` class represents one complete form. A form usually maps one UCI * configuraton file and is divided into multiple sections containing multiple * fields each. * * It serves as main entry point into the `LuCI.form` for typical view code. * * @param {string} config * The UCI configuration to map. It is automatically loaded along when the * resulting map instance. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the form. A form title is usually rendered as separate * headline element before the actual form contents. If omitted, the * corresponding headline element will not be rendered. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the form which is usually rendered as text * paragraph below the form title and before the actual form conents. * If omitted, the corresponding paragraph element will not be rendered. */ var CBIMap = CBIAbstractElement.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.Map.prototype */ { __init__: function(config /*, ... */) { this.super('__init__', this.varargs(arguments, 1)); this.config = config; this.parsechain = [ config ]; this.data = uci; }, /** * Toggle readonly state of the form. * * If set to `true`, the Map instance is marked readonly and any form * option elements added to it will inherit the readonly state. * * If left unset, the Map will test the access permission of the primary * uci configuration upon loading and mark the form readonly if no write * permissions are granted. * * @name LuCI.form.Map.prototype#readonly * @type boolean */ /** * Find all DOM nodes within this Map which match the given search * parameters. This function is essentially a convenience wrapper around * `querySelectorAll()`. * * This function is sensitive to the amount of arguments passed to it; * if only one argument is specified, it is used as selector-expression * as-is. When two arguments are passed, the first argument is treated * as attribute name, the second one as attribute value to match. * * As an example, `map.findElements('input')` would find all `` * nodes while `map.findElements('type', 'text')` would find any DOM node * with a `type="text"` attribute. * * @param {string} selector_or_attrname * If invoked with only one parameter, this argument is a * `querySelectorAll()` compatible selector expression. If invoked with * two parameters, this argument is the attribute name to filter for. * * @param {string} [attrvalue] * In case the function is invoked with two parameters, this argument * specifies the attribute value to match. * * @throws {InternalError} * Throws an `InternalError` if more than two function parameters are * passed. * * @returns {NodeList} * Returns a (possibly empty) DOM `NodeList` containing the found DOM nodes. */ findElements: function(/* ... */) { var q = null; if (arguments.length == 1) q = arguments[0]; else if (arguments.length == 2) q = '[%s="%s"]'.format(arguments[0], arguments[1]); else L.error('InternalError', 'Expecting one or two arguments to findElements()'); return this.root.querySelectorAll(q); }, /** * Find the first DOM node within this Map which matches the given search * parameters. This function is essentially a convenience wrapper around * `findElements()` which only returns the first found node. * * This function is sensitive to the amount of arguments passed to it; * if only one argument is specified, it is used as selector-expression * as-is. When two arguments are passed, the first argument is treated * as attribute name, the second one as attribute value to match. * * As an example, `map.findElement('input')` would find the first `` * node while `map.findElement('type', 'text')` would find the first DOM * node with a `type="text"` attribute. * * @param {string} selector_or_attrname * If invoked with only one parameter, this argument is a `querySelector()` * compatible selector expression. If invoked with two parameters, this * argument is the attribute name to filter for. * * @param {string} [attrvalue] * In case the function is invoked with two parameters, this argument * specifies the attribute value to match. * * @throws {InternalError} * Throws an `InternalError` if more than two function parameters are * passed. * * @returns {Node|null} * Returns the first found DOM node or `null` if no element matched. */ findElement: function(/* ... */) { var res = this.findElements.apply(this, arguments); return res.length ? res[0] : null; }, /** * Tie another UCI configuration to the map. * * By default, a map instance will only load the UCI configuration file * specified in the constructor but sometimes access to values from * further configuration files is required. This function allows for such * use cases by registering further UCI configuration files which are * needed by the map. * * @param {string} config * The additional UCI configuration file to tie to the map. If the given * config already is in the list of required files, it will be ignored. */ chain: function(config) { if (this.parsechain.indexOf(config) == -1) this.parsechain.push(config); }, /** * Add a configuration section to the map. * * LuCI forms follow the structure of the underlying UCI configurations, * means that a map, which represents a single UCI configuration, is * divided into multiple sections which in turn contain an arbitrary * number of options. * * While UCI itself only knows two kinds of sections - named and anonymous * ones - the form class offers various flavors of form section elements * to present configuration sections in different ways. Refer to the * documentation of the different section classes for details. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} sectionclass * The section class to use for rendering the configuration section. * Note that this value must be the class itself, not a class instance * obtained from calling `new`. It must also be a class dervied from * `LuCI.form.AbstractSection`. * * @param {...string} classargs * Additional arguments which are passed as-is to the contructor of the * given section class. Refer to the class specific constructor * documentation for details. * * @returns {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} * Returns the instantiated section class instance. */ section: function(cbiClass /*, ... */) { if (!CBIAbstractSection.isSubclass(cbiClass)) L.error('TypeError', 'Class must be a descendent of CBIAbstractSection'); var obj = cbiClass.instantiate(this.varargs(arguments, 1, this)); this.append(obj); return obj; }, /** * Load the configuration covered by this map. * * The `load()` function first loads all referenced UCI configurations, * then it recursively walks the form element tree and invokes the * load function of each child element. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once the entire form completed loading all * data. The promise may reject with an error if any configuration failed * to load or if any of the child elements load functions rejected with * an error. */ load: function() { var doCheckACL = (!(this instanceof CBIJSONMap) && this.readonly == null), loadTasks = [ doCheckACL ? callSessionAccess('uci', this.config, 'write') : true ], configs = this.parsechain || [ this.config ]; loadTasks.push.apply(loadTasks, configs.map(L.bind(function(config, i) { return i ? L.resolveDefault(this.data.load(config)) : this.data.load(config); }, this))); return Promise.all(loadTasks).then(L.bind(function(res) { if (res[0] === false) this.readonly = true; return this.loadChildren(); }, this)); }, /** * Parse the form input values. * * The `parse()` function recursively walks the form element tree and * triggers input value reading and validation for each child element. * * Elements which are hidden due to unsatisified dependencies are skipped. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once the entire form completed parsing all * input values. The returned promise is rejected if any parsed values are * not meeting the validation constraints of their respective elements. */ parse: function() { var tasks = []; if (Array.isArray(this.children)) for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) tasks.push(this.children[i].parse()); return Promise.all(tasks); }, /** * Save the form input values. * * This function parses the current form, saves the resulting UCI changes, * reloads the UCI configuration data and redraws the form elements. * * @param {function} [cb] * An optional callback function that is invoked after the form is parsed * but before the changed UCI data is saved. This is useful to perform * additional data manipulation steps before saving the changes. * * @param {boolean} [silent=false] * If set to `true`, trigger an alert message to the user in case saving * the form data failes. Otherwise fail silently. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once the entire save operation is complete. * The returned promise is rejected if any step of the save operation * failed. */ save: function(cb, silent) { this.checkDepends(); return this.parse() .then(cb) .then(this.data.save.bind(this.data)) .then(this.load.bind(this)) .catch(function(e) { if (!silent) { ui.showModal(_('Save error'), [ E('p', {}, [ _('An error occurred while saving the form:') ]), E('p', {}, [ E('em', { 'style': 'white-space:pre-wrap' }, [ e.message ]) ]), E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [ E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button', 'click': ui.hideModal }, [ _('Dismiss') ]) ]) ]); } return Promise.reject(e); }).then(this.renderContents.bind(this)); }, /** * Reset the form by re-rendering its contents. This will revert all * unsaved user inputs to their initial form state. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving to the toplevel form DOM node once the * re-rendering is complete. */ reset: function() { return this.renderContents(); }, /** * Render the form markup. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving to the toplevel form DOM node once the * rendering is complete. */ render: function() { return this.load().then(this.renderContents.bind(this)); }, /** @private */ renderContents: function() { var mapEl = this.root || (this.root = E('div', { 'id': 'cbi-%s'.format(this.config), 'class': 'cbi-map', 'cbi-dependency-check': L.bind(this.checkDepends, this) })); dom.bindClassInstance(mapEl, this); return this.renderChildren(null).then(L.bind(function(nodes) { var initialRender = !mapEl.firstChild; dom.content(mapEl, null); if (this.title != null && this.title != '') mapEl.appendChild(E('h2', { 'name': 'content' }, this.title)); if (this.description != null && this.description != '') mapEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-map-descr' }, this.description)); if (this.tabbed) dom.append(mapEl, E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-map-tabbed' }, nodes)); else dom.append(mapEl, nodes); if (!initialRender) { mapEl.classList.remove('flash'); window.setTimeout(function() { mapEl.classList.add('flash'); }, 1); } this.checkDepends(); var tabGroups = mapEl.querySelectorAll('.cbi-map-tabbed, .cbi-section-node-tabbed'); for (var i = 0; i < tabGroups.length; i++) ui.tabs.initTabGroup(tabGroups[i].childNodes); return mapEl; }, this)); }, /** * Find a form option element instance. * * @param {string} name_or_id * The name or the full ID of the option element to look up. * * @param {string} [section_id] * The ID of the UCI section containing the option to look up. May be * omitted if a full ID is passed as first argument. * * @param {string} [config] * The name of the UCI configuration the option instance is belonging to. * Defaults to the main UCI configuration of the map if omitted. * * @returns {Array|null} * Returns a two-element array containing the form option instance as * first item and the corresponding UCI section ID as second item. * Returns `null` if the option could not be found. */ lookupOption: function(name, section_id, config_name) { var id, elem, sid, inst; if (name.indexOf('.') > -1) id = 'cbid.%s'.format(name); else id = 'cbid.%s.%s.%s'.format(config_name || this.config, section_id, name); elem = this.findElement('data-field', id); sid = elem ? id.split(/\./)[2] : null; inst = elem ? dom.findClassInstance(elem) : null; return (inst instanceof CBIAbstractValue) ? [ inst, sid ] : null; }, /** @private */ checkDepends: function(ev, n) { var changed = false; for (var i = 0, s = this.children[0]; (s = this.children[i]) != null; i++) if (s.checkDepends(ev, n)) changed = true; if (changed && (n || 0) < 10) this.checkDepends(ev, (n || 10) + 1); ui.tabs.updateTabs(ev, this.root); }, /** @private */ isDependencySatisfied: function(depends, config_name, section_id) { var def = false; if (!Array.isArray(depends) || !depends.length) return true; for (var i = 0; i < depends.length; i++) { var istat = true, reverse = depends[i]['!reverse'], contains = depends[i]['!contains']; for (var dep in depends[i]) { if (dep == '!reverse' || dep == '!contains') { continue; } else if (dep == '!default') { def = true; istat = false; } else { var res = this.lookupOption(dep, section_id, config_name), val = (res && res[0].isActive(res[1])) ? res[0].formvalue(res[1]) : null; var equal = contains ? isContained(val, depends[i][dep]) : isEqual(val, depends[i][dep]); istat = (istat && equal); } } if (istat ^ reverse) return true; } return def; } }); /** * @constructor JSONMap * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Map * * @classdesc * * A `JSONMap` class functions similar to [LuCI.form.Map]{@link LuCI.form.Map} * but uses a multidimensional JavaScript object instead of UCI configuration * as data source. * * @param {Object|Array>>} data * The JavaScript object to use as data source. Internally, the object is * converted into an UCI-like format. Its toplevel keys are treated like UCI * section types while the object or array-of-object values are treated as * section contents. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the form. A form title is usually rendered as separate * headline element before the actual form contents. If omitted, the * corresponding headline element will not be rendered. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the form which is usually rendered as text * paragraph below the form title and before the actual form conents. * If omitted, the corresponding paragraph element will not be rendered. */ var CBIJSONMap = CBIMap.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.JSONMap.prototype */ { __init__: function(data /*, ... */) { this.super('__init__', this.varargs(arguments, 1, 'json')); this.config = 'json'; this.parsechain = [ 'json' ]; this.data = new CBIJSONConfig(data); } }); /** * @class AbstractSection * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.AbstractElement * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `AbstractSection` class serves as abstract base for the different form * section styles implemented by `LuCI.form`. It provides the common logic for * enumerating underlying configuration section instances, for registering * form options and for handling tabs to segment child options. * * This class is private and not directly accessible by user code. */ var CBIAbstractSection = CBIAbstractElement.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.AbstractSection.prototype */ { __init__: function(map, sectionType /*, ... */) { this.super('__init__', this.varargs(arguments, 2)); this.sectiontype = sectionType; this.map = map; this.config = map.config; this.optional = true; this.addremove = false; this.dynamic = false; }, /** * Access the parent option container instance. * * In case this section is nested within an option element container, * this property will hold a reference to the parent option instance. * * If this section is not nested, the property is `null`. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractSection.prototype#parentoption * @type LuCI.form.AbstractValue * @readonly */ /** * Enumerate the UCI section IDs covered by this form section element. * * @abstract * @throws {InternalError} * Throws an `InternalError` exception if the function is not implemented. * * @returns {string[]} * Returns an array of UCI section IDs covered by this form element. * The sections will be rendered in the same order as the returned array. */ cfgsections: function() { L.error('InternalError', 'Not implemented'); }, /** * Filter UCI section IDs to render. * * The filter function is invoked for each UCI section ID of a given type * and controls whether the given UCI section is rendered or ignored by * the form section element. * * The default implementation always returns `true`. User code or * classes extending `AbstractSection` may overwrite this function with * custom implementations. * * @abstract * @param {string} section_id * The UCI section ID to test. * * @returns {boolean} * Returns `true` when the given UCI section ID should be handled and * `false` when it should be ignored. */ filter: function(section_id) { return true; }, /** * Load the configuration covered by this section. * * The `load()` function recursively walks the section element tree and * invokes the load function of each child option element. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once the values of all child elements have * been loaded. The promise may reject with an error if any of the child * elements load functions rejected with an error. */ load: function() { var section_ids = this.cfgsections(), tasks = []; if (Array.isArray(this.children)) for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) tasks.push(this.loadChildren(section_ids[i]) .then(Function.prototype.bind.call(function(section_id, set_values) { for (var i = 0; i < set_values.length; i++) this.children[i].cfgvalue(section_id, set_values[i]); }, this, section_ids[i]))); return Promise.all(tasks); }, /** * Parse this sections form input. * * The `parse()` function recursively walks the section element tree and * triggers input value reading and validation for each encountered child * option element. * * Options which are hidden due to unsatisified dependencies are skipped. * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once the values of all child elements have * been parsed. The returned promise is rejected if any parsed values are * not meeting the validation constraints of their respective elements. */ parse: function() { var section_ids = this.cfgsections(), tasks = []; if (Array.isArray(this.children)) for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) for (var j = 0; j < this.children.length; j++) tasks.push(this.children[j].parse(section_ids[i])); return Promise.all(tasks); }, /** * Add an option tab to the section. * * The child option elements of a section may be divided into multiple * tabs to provide a better overview to the user. * * Before options can be moved into a tab pane, the corresponding tab * has to be defined first, which is done by calling this function. * * Note that once tabs are defined, user code must use the `taboption()` * method to add options to specific tabs. Option elements added by * `option()` will not be assigned to any tab and not be rendered in this * case. * * @param {string} name * The name of the tab to register. It may be freely chosen and just serves * as an identifier to differentiate tabs. * * @param {string} title * The human readable caption of the tab. * * @param {string} [description] * An additional description text for the corresponding tab pane. It is * displayed as text paragraph below the tab but before the tab pane * contents. If omitted, no description will be rendered. * * @throws {Error} * Throws an exeption if a tab with the same `name` already exists. */ tab: function(name, title, description) { if (this.tabs && this.tabs[name]) throw 'Tab already declared'; var entry = { name: name, title: title, description: description, children: [] }; this.tabs = this.tabs || []; this.tabs.push(entry); this.tabs[name] = entry; this.tab_names = this.tab_names || []; this.tab_names.push(name); }, /** * Add a configuration option widget to the section. * * Note that [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} * should be used instead if this form section element uses tabs. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractValue} optionclass * The option class to use for rendering the configuration option. Note * that this value must be the class itself, not a class instance obtained * from calling `new`. It must also be a class dervied from * [LuCI.form.AbstractSection]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection}. * * @param {...*} classargs * Additional arguments which are passed as-is to the contructor of the * given option class. Refer to the class specific constructor * documentation for details. * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception in case the passed class value is not a * descendent of `AbstractValue`. * * @returns {LuCI.form.AbstractValue} * Returns the instantiated option class instance. */ option: function(cbiClass /*, ... */) { if (!CBIAbstractValue.isSubclass(cbiClass)) throw L.error('TypeError', 'Class must be a descendent of CBIAbstractValue'); var obj = cbiClass.instantiate(this.varargs(arguments, 1, this.map, this)); this.append(obj); return obj; }, /** * Add a configuration option widget to a tab of the section. * * @param {string} tabname * The name of the section tab to add the option element to. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractValue} optionclass * The option class to use for rendering the configuration option. Note * that this value must be the class itself, not a class instance obtained * from calling `new`. It must also be a class dervied from * [LuCI.form.AbstractSection]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection}. * * @param {...*} classargs * Additional arguments which are passed as-is to the contructor of the * given option class. Refer to the class specific constructor * documentation for details. * * @throws {ReferenceError} * Throws a `ReferenceError` exception when the given tab name does not * exist. * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception in case the passed class value is not a * descendent of `AbstractValue`. * * @returns {LuCI.form.AbstractValue} * Returns the instantiated option class instance. */ taboption: function(tabName /*, ... */) { if (!this.tabs || !this.tabs[tabName]) throw L.error('ReferenceError', 'Associated tab not declared'); var obj = this.option.apply(this, this.varargs(arguments, 1)); obj.tab = tabName; this.tabs[tabName].children.push(obj); return obj; }, /** * Query underlying option configuration values. * * This function is sensitive to the amount of arguments passed to it; * if only one argument is specified, the configuration values of all * options within this section are returned as dictionary. * * If both the section ID and an option name are supplied, this function * returns the configuration value of the specified option only. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @param {string} [option] * The name of the option to query * * @returns {null|string|string[]|Object} * Returns either a dictionary of option names and their corresponding * configuration values or just a single configuration value, depending * on the amount of passed arguments. */ cfgvalue: function(section_id, option) { var rv = (arguments.length == 1) ? {} : null; for (var i = 0, o; (o = this.children[i]) != null; i++) if (rv) rv[o.option] = o.cfgvalue(section_id); else if (o.option == option) return o.cfgvalue(section_id); return rv; }, /** * Query underlying option widget input values. * * This function is sensitive to the amount of arguments passed to it; * if only one argument is specified, the widget input values of all * options within this section are returned as dictionary. * * If both the section ID and an option name are supplied, this function * returns the widget input value of the specified option only. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @param {string} [option] * The name of the option to query * * @returns {null|string|string[]|Object} * Returns either a dictionary of option names and their corresponding * widget input values or just a single widget input value, depending * on the amount of passed arguments. */ formvalue: function(section_id, option) { var rv = (arguments.length == 1) ? {} : null; for (var i = 0, o; (o = this.children[i]) != null; i++) { var func = this.map.root ? this.children[i].formvalue : this.children[i].cfgvalue; if (rv) rv[o.option] = func.call(o, section_id); else if (o.option == option) return func.call(o, section_id); } return rv; }, /** * Obtain underlying option LuCI.ui widget instances. * * This function is sensitive to the amount of arguments passed to it; * if only one argument is specified, the LuCI.ui widget instances of all * options within this section are returned as dictionary. * * If both the section ID and an option name are supplied, this function * returns the LuCI.ui widget instance value of the specified option only. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @param {string} [option] * The name of the option to query * * @returns {null|LuCI.ui.AbstractElement|Object} * Returns either a dictionary of option names and their corresponding * widget input values or just a single widget input value, depending * on the amount of passed arguments. */ getUIElement: function(section_id, option) { var rv = (arguments.length == 1) ? {} : null; for (var i = 0, o; (o = this.children[i]) != null; i++) if (rv) rv[o.option] = o.getUIElement(section_id); else if (o.option == option) return o.getUIElement(section_id); return rv; }, /** * Obtain underlying option objects. * * This function is sensitive to the amount of arguments passed to it; * if no option name is specified, all options within this section are * returned as dictionary. * * If an option name is supplied, this function returns the matching * LuCI.form.AbstractValue instance only. * * @param {string} [option] * The name of the option object to obtain * * @returns {null|LuCI.form.AbstractValue|Object} * Returns either a dictionary of option names and their corresponding * option instance objects or just a single object instance value, * depending on the amount of passed arguments. */ getOption: function(option) { var rv = (arguments.length == 0) ? {} : null; for (var i = 0, o; (o = this.children[i]) != null; i++) if (rv) rv[o.option] = o; else if (o.option == option) return o; return rv; }, /** @private */ renderUCISection: function(section_id) { var renderTasks = []; if (!this.tabs) return this.renderOptions(null, section_id); for (var i = 0; i < this.tab_names.length; i++) renderTasks.push(this.renderOptions(this.tab_names[i], section_id)); return Promise.all(renderTasks) .then(this.renderTabContainers.bind(this, section_id)); }, /** @private */ renderTabContainers: function(section_id, nodes) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, containerEls = E([]); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var tab_name = this.tab_names[i], tab_data = this.tabs[tab_name], containerEl = E('div', { 'id': 'container.%s.%s.%s'.format(config_name, section_id, tab_name), 'data-tab': tab_name, 'data-tab-title': tab_data.title, 'data-tab-active': tab_name === this.selected_tab }); if (tab_data.description != null && tab_data.description != '') containerEl.appendChild( E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-tab-descr' }, tab_data.description)); containerEl.appendChild(nodes[i]); containerEls.appendChild(containerEl); } return containerEls; }, /** @private */ renderOptions: function(tab_name, section_id) { var in_table = (this instanceof CBITableSection); return this.renderChildren(tab_name, section_id, in_table).then(function(nodes) { var optionEls = E([]); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) optionEls.appendChild(nodes[i]); return optionEls; }); }, /** @private */ checkDepends: function(ev, n) { var changed = false, sids = this.cfgsections(); for (var i = 0, sid = sids[0]; (sid = sids[i]) != null; i++) { for (var j = 0, o = this.children[0]; (o = this.children[j]) != null; j++) { var isActive = o.isActive(sid), isSatisified = o.checkDepends(sid); if (isActive != isSatisified) { o.setActive(sid, !isActive); isActive = !isActive; changed = true; } if (!n && isActive) o.triggerValidation(sid); } } return changed; } }); var isEqual = function(x, y) { if (typeof(y) == 'object' && y instanceof RegExp) return (x == null) ? false : y.test(x); if (x != null && y != null && typeof(x) != typeof(y)) return false; if ((x == null && y != null) || (x != null && y == null)) return false; if (Array.isArray(x)) { if (x.length != y.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) if (!isEqual(x[i], y[i])) return false; } else if (typeof(x) == 'object') { for (var k in x) { if (x.hasOwnProperty(k) && !y.hasOwnProperty(k)) return false; if (!isEqual(x[k], y[k])) return false; } for (var k in y) if (y.hasOwnProperty(k) && !x.hasOwnProperty(k)) return false; } else if (x != y) { return false; } return true; }; var isContained = function(x, y) { if (Array.isArray(x)) { for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) if (x[i] == y) return true; } else if (L.isObject(x)) { if (x.hasOwnProperty(y) && x[y] != null) return true; } else if (typeof(x) == 'string') { return (x.indexOf(y) > -1); } return false; }; /** * @class AbstractValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.AbstractElement * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `AbstractValue` class serves as abstract base for the different form * option styles implemented by `LuCI.form`. It provides the common logic for * handling option input values, for dependencies among options and for * validation constraints that should be applied to entered values. * * This class is private and not directly accessible by user code. */ var CBIAbstractValue = CBIAbstractElement.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype */ { __init__: function(map, section, option /*, ... */) { this.super('__init__', this.varargs(arguments, 3)); this.section = section; this.option = option; this.map = map; this.config = map.config; this.deps = []; this.initial = {}; this.rmempty = true; this.default = null; this.size = null; this.optional = false; this.retain = false; }, /** * If set to `false`, the underlying option value is retained upon saving * the form when the option element is disabled due to unsatisfied * dependency constraints. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#rmempty * @type boolean * @default true */ /** * If set to `true`, the underlying ui input widget is allowed to be empty, * otherwise the option element is marked invalid when no value is entered * or selected by the user. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#optional * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * If set to `true`, the underlying ui input widget value is not cleared * from the configuration on unsatisfied depedencies. The default behavior * is to remove the values of all options whose dependencies are not * fulfilled. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#retain * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Sets a default value to use when the underlying UCI option is not set. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#default * @type * * @default null */ /** * Specifies a datatype constraint expression to validate input values * against. Refer to {@link LuCI.validation} for details on the format. * * If the user entered input does not match the datatype validation, the * option element is marked as invalid. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#datatype * @type string * @default null */ /** * Specifies a custom validation function to test the user input for * validity. The validation function must return `true` to accept the * value. Any other return value type is converted to a string and * displayed to the user as validation error message. * * If the user entered input does not pass the validation function, the * option element is marked as invalid. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#validate * @type function * @default null */ /** * Override the UCI configuration name to read the option value from. * * By default, the configuration name is inherited from the parent Map. * By setting this property, a deviating configuration may be specified. * * The default is null, means inheriting from the parent form. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#uciconfig * @type string * @default null */ /** * Override the UCI section name to read the option value from. * * By default, the section ID is inherited from the parent section element. * By setting this property, a deviating section may be specified. * * The default is null, means inheriting from the parent section. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#ucisection * @type string * @default null */ /** * Override the UCI option name to read the value from. * * By default, the elements name, which is passed as third argument to * the constructor, is used as UCI option name. By setting this property, * a deviating UCI option may be specified. * * The default is null, means using the option element name. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#ucioption * @type string * @default null */ /** * Mark grid section option element as editable. * * Options which are displayed in the table portion of a `GridSection` * instance are rendered as readonly text by default. By setting the * `editable` property of a child option element to `true`, that element * is rendered as full input widget within its cell instead of a text only * preview. * * This property has no effect on options that are not children of grid * section elements. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#editable * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Move grid section option element into the table, the modal popup or both. * * If this property is `null` (the default), the option element is * displayed in both the table preview area and the per-section instance * modal popup of a grid section. When it is set to `false` the option * is only shown in the table but not the modal popup. When set to `true`, * the option is only visible in the modal popup but not the table. * * This property has no effect on options that are not children of grid * section elements. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#modalonly * @type boolean * @default null */ /** * Make option element readonly. * * This property defaults to the readonly state of the parent form element. * When set to `true`, the underlying widget is rendered in disabled state, * means its contents cannot be changed and the widget cannot be interacted * with. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#readonly * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Override the cell width of a table or grid section child option. * * If the property is set to a numeric value, it is treated as pixel width * which is set on the containing cell element of the option, essentially * forcing a certain column width. When the property is set to a string * value, it is applied as-is to the CSS `width` property. * * This property has no effect on options that are not children of grid or * table section elements. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#width * @type number|string * @default null */ /** * Register a custom value change handler. * * If this property is set to a function value, the function is invoked * whenever the value of the underlying UI input element is changing. * * The invoked handler function will receive the DOM click element as * first and the underlying configuration section ID as well as the input * value as second and third argument respectively. * * @name LuCI.form.AbstractValue.prototype#onchange * @type function * @default null */ /** * Add a dependency contraint to the option. * * Dependency constraints allow making the presence of option elements * dependant on the current values of certain other options within the * same form. An option element with unsatisfied dependencies will be * hidden from the view and its current value is omitted when saving. * * Multiple constraints (that is, multiple calls to `depends()`) are * treated as alternatives, forming a logical "or" expression. * * By passing an object of name => value pairs as first argument, it is * possible to depend on multiple options simultaneously, allowing to form * a logical "and" expression. * * Option names may be given in "dot notation" which allows to reference * option elements outside of the current form section. If a name without * dot is specified, it refers to an option within the same configuration * section. If specified as configname.sectionid.optionname, * options anywhere within the same form may be specified. * * The object notation also allows for a number of special keys which are * not treated as option names but as modifiers to influence the dependency * constraint evaluation. The associated value of these special "tag" keys * is ignored. The recognized tags are: * *
  • * !reverse
    * Invert the dependency, instead of requiring another option to be * equal to the dependency value, that option should not be * equal. *
  • *
  • * !contains
    * Instead of requiring an exact match, the dependency is considered * satisfied when the dependency value is contained within the option * value. *
  • *
  • * !default
    * The dependency is always satisfied *
  • *
* * Examples: * *
  • * opt.depends("foo", "test")
    * Require the value of `foo` to be `test`. *
  • *
  • * opt.depends({ foo: "test" })
    * Equivalent to the previous example. *
  • *
  • * opt.depends({ foo: /test/ })
    * Require the value of `foo` to match the regular expression `/test/`. *
  • *
  • * opt.depends({ foo: "test", bar: "qrx" })
    * Require the value of `foo` to be `test` and the value of `bar` to be * `qrx`. *
  • *
  • * opt.depends({ foo: "test" })
    * opt.depends({ bar: "qrx" })

    * Require either foo to be set to test, * or the bar option to be qrx. *
  • *
  • * opt.depends("test.section1.foo", "bar")
    * Require the "foo" form option within the "section1" section to be * set to "bar". *
  • *
  • * opt.depends({ foo: "test", "!contains": true })
    * Require the "foo" option value to contain the substring "test". *
  • *
* * @param {string|Object} optionname_or_depends * The name of the option to depend on or an object describing multiple * dependencies which must be satified (a logical "and" expression). * * @param {string} optionvalue|RegExp * When invoked with a plain option name as first argument, this parameter * specifies the expected value. In case an object is passed as first * argument, this parameter is ignored. */ depends: function(field, value) { var deps; if (typeof(field) === 'string') deps = {}, deps[field] = value; else deps = field; this.deps.push(deps); }, /** @private */ transformDepList: function(section_id, deplist) { var list = deplist || this.deps, deps = []; if (Array.isArray(list)) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var dep = {}; for (var k in list[i]) { if (list[i].hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (k.charAt(0) === '!') dep[k] = list[i][k]; else if (k.indexOf('.') !== -1) dep['cbid.%s'.format(k)] = list[i][k]; else dep['cbid.%s.%s.%s'.format( this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, this.ucisection || section_id, k )] = list[i][k]; } } for (var k in dep) { if (dep.hasOwnProperty(k)) { deps.push(dep); break; } } } } return deps; }, /** @private */ transformChoices: function() { if (!Array.isArray(this.keylist) || this.keylist.length == 0) return null; var choices = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.keylist.length; i++) choices[this.keylist[i]] = this.vallist[i]; return choices; }, /** @private */ checkDepends: function(section_id) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, active = this.map.isDependencySatisfied(this.deps, config_name, section_id); if (active) this.updateDefaultValue(section_id); return active; }, /** @private */ updateDefaultValue: function(section_id) { if (!L.isObject(this.defaults)) return; var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, cfgvalue = L.toArray(this.cfgvalue(section_id))[0], default_defval = null, satisified_defval = null; for (var value in this.defaults) { if (!this.defaults[value] || this.defaults[value].length == 0) { default_defval = value; continue; } else if (this.map.isDependencySatisfied(this.defaults[value], config_name, section_id)) { satisified_defval = value; break; } } if (satisified_defval == null) satisified_defval = default_defval; var node = this.map.findElement('id', this.cbid(section_id)); if (node && node.getAttribute('data-changed') != 'true' && satisified_defval != null && cfgvalue == null) dom.callClassMethod(node, 'setValue', satisified_defval); this.default = satisified_defval; }, /** * Obtain the internal ID ("cbid") of the element instance. * * Since each form section element may map multiple underlying * configuration sections, the configuration section ID is required to * form a fully qualified ID pointing to the specific element instance * within the given specific section. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception when no `section_id` was specified. * * @returns {string} * Returns the element ID. */ cbid: function(section_id) { if (section_id == null) L.error('TypeError', 'Section ID required'); return 'cbid.%s.%s.%s'.format( this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, section_id, this.option); }, /** * Load the underlying configuration value. * * The default implementation of this method reads and returns the * underlying UCI option value (or the related JavaScript property for * `JSONMap` instances). It may be overwritten by user code to load data * from nonstandard sources. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception when no `section_id` was specified. * * @returns {*|Promise<*>} * Returns the configuration value to initialize the option element with. * The return value of this function is filtered through `Promise.resolve()` * so it may return promises if overridden by user code. */ load: function(section_id) { if (section_id == null) L.error('TypeError', 'Section ID required'); return this.map.data.get( this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, this.ucisection || section_id, this.ucioption || this.option); }, /** * Obtain the underlying `LuCI.ui` element instance. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception when no `section_id` was specified. * * @return {LuCI.ui.AbstractElement|null} * Returns the `LuCI.ui` element instance or `null` in case the form * option implementation does not use `LuCI.ui` widgets. */ getUIElement: function(section_id) { var node = this.map.findElement('id', this.cbid(section_id)), inst = node ? dom.findClassInstance(node) : null; return (inst instanceof ui.AbstractElement) ? inst : null; }, /** * Query the underlying configuration value. * * The default implementation of this method returns the cached return * value of [load()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractValue#load}. It may be * overwritten by user code to obtain the configuration value in a * different way. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception when no `section_id` was specified. * * @returns {*} * Returns the configuration value. */ cfgvalue: function(section_id, set_value) { if (section_id == null) L.error('TypeError', 'Section ID required'); if (arguments.length == 2) { this.data = this.data || {}; this.data[section_id] = set_value; } return this.data ? this.data[section_id] : null; }, /** * Query the current form input value. * * The default implementation of this method returns the current input * value of the underlying [LuCI.ui]{@link LuCI.ui.AbstractElement} widget. * It may be overwritten by user code to handle input values differently. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception when no `section_id` was specified. * * @returns {*} * Returns the current input value. */ formvalue: function(section_id) { var elem = this.getUIElement(section_id); return elem ? elem.getValue() : null; }, /** * Obtain a textual input representation. * * The default implementation of this method returns the HTML escaped * current input value of the underlying * [LuCI.ui]{@link LuCI.ui.AbstractElement} widget. User code or specific * option element implementations may overwrite this function to apply a * different logic, e.g. to return `Yes` or `No` depending on the checked * state of checkbox elements. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @throws {TypeError} * Throws a `TypeError` exception when no `section_id` was specified. * * @returns {string} * Returns the text representation of the current input value. */ textvalue: function(section_id) { var cval = this.cfgvalue(section_id); if (cval == null) cval = this.default; if (Array.isArray(cval)) cval = cval.join(' '); return (cval != null) ? '%h'.format(cval) : null; }, /** * Apply custom validation logic. * * This method is invoked whenever incremental validation is performed on * the user input, e.g. on keyup or blur events. * * The default implementation of this method does nothing and always * returns `true`. User code may overwrite this method to provide * additional validation logic which is not covered by data type * constraints. * * @abstract * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @param {*} value * The value to validate * * @returns {*} * The method shall return `true` to accept the given value. Any other * return value is treated as failure, converted to a string and displayed * as error message to the user. */ validate: function(section_id, value) { return true; }, /** * Test whether the input value is currently valid. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @returns {boolean} * Returns `true` if the input value currently is valid, otherwise it * returns `false`. */ isValid: function(section_id) { var elem = this.getUIElement(section_id); return elem ? elem.isValid() : true; }, /** * Returns the current validation error for this input. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @returns {string} * The validation error at this time */ getValidationError: function (section_id) { var elem = this.getUIElement(section_id); return elem ? elem.getValidationError() : ''; }, /** * Test whether the option element is currently active. * * An element is active when it is not hidden due to unsatisfied dependency * constraints. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @returns {boolean} * Returns `true` if the option element currently is active, otherwise it * returns `false`. */ isActive: function(section_id) { var field = this.map.findElement('data-field', this.cbid(section_id)); return (field != null && !field.classList.contains('hidden')); }, /** @private */ setActive: function(section_id, active) { var field = this.map.findElement('data-field', this.cbid(section_id)); if (field && field.classList.contains('hidden') == active) { field.classList[active ? 'remove' : 'add']('hidden'); if (dom.matches(field.parentNode, '.td.cbi-value-field')) field.parentNode.classList[active ? 'remove' : 'add']('inactive'); return true; } return false; }, /** @private */ triggerValidation: function(section_id) { var elem = this.getUIElement(section_id); return elem ? elem.triggerValidation() : true; }, /** * Parse the option element input. * * The function is invoked when the `parse()` method has been invoked on * the parent form and triggers input value reading and validation. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @returns {Promise} * Returns a promise resolving once the input value has been read and * validated or rejecting in case the input value does not meet the * validation constraints. */ parse: function(section_id) { var active = this.isActive(section_id); if (active && !this.isValid(section_id)) { var title = this.stripTags(this.title).trim(), error = this.getValidationError(section_id); return Promise.reject(new TypeError( _('Option "%s" contains an invalid input value.').format(title || this.option) + ' ' + error)); } if (active) { var cval = this.cfgvalue(section_id), fval = this.formvalue(section_id); if (fval == null || fval == '') { if (this.rmempty || this.optional) { return Promise.resolve(this.remove(section_id)); } else { var title = this.stripTags(this.title).trim(); return Promise.reject(new TypeError( _('Option "%s" must not be empty.').format(title || this.option))); } } else if (this.forcewrite || !isEqual(cval, fval)) { return Promise.resolve(this.write(section_id, fval)); } } else if (!this.retain) { return Promise.resolve(this.remove(section_id)); } return Promise.resolve(); }, /** * Write the current input value into the configuration. * * This function is invoked upon saving the parent form when the option * element is valid and when its input value has been changed compared to * the initial value returned by * [cfgvalue()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractValue#cfgvalue}. * * The default implementation simply sets the given input value in the * UCI configuration (or the associated JavaScript object property in * case of `JSONMap` forms). It may be overwritten by user code to * implement alternative save logic, e.g. to transform the input value * before it is written. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID * * @param {string|string[]} formvalue * The input value to write. */ write: function(section_id, formvalue) { return this.map.data.set( this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, this.ucisection || section_id, this.ucioption || this.option, formvalue); }, /** * Remove the corresponding value from the configuration. * * This function is invoked upon saving the parent form when the option * element has been hidden due to unsatisfied dependencies or when the * user cleared the input value and the option is marked optional. * * The default implementation simply removes the associated option from the * UCI configuration (or the associated JavaScript object property in * case of `JSONMap` forms). It may be overwritten by user code to * implement alternative removal logic, e.g. to retain the original value. * * @param {string} section_id * The configuration section ID */ remove: function(section_id) { var this_cfg = this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, this_sid = this.ucisection || section_id, this_opt = this.ucioption || this.option; for (var i = 0; i < this.section.children.length; i++) { var sibling = this.section.children[i]; if (sibling === this || sibling.ucioption == null) continue; var sibling_cfg = sibling.uciconfig || sibling.section.uciconfig || sibling.map.config, sibling_sid = sibling.ucisection || section_id, sibling_opt = sibling.ucioption || sibling.option; if (this_cfg != sibling_cfg || this_sid != sibling_sid || this_opt != sibling_opt) continue; if (!sibling.isActive(section_id)) continue; /* found another active option aliasing the same uci option name, * so we can't remove the value */ return; } this.map.data.unset(this_cfg, this_sid, this_opt); } }); /** * @class TypedSection * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.AbstractSection * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `TypedSection` class maps all or - if `filter()` is overwritten - a * subset of the underlying UCI configuration sections of a given type. * * Layout wise, the configuration section instances mapped by the section * element (sometimes referred to as "section nodes") are stacked beneath * each other in a single column, with an optional section remove button next * to each section node and a section add button at the end, depending on the * value of the `addremove` property. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [section()]{@link LuCI.form.Map#section}. * * @param {string} section_type * The type of the UCI section to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the form section element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the form section element. */ var CBITypedSection = CBIAbstractSection.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.TypedSection', /** * If set to `true`, the user may add or remove instances from the form * section widget, otherwise only preexisting sections may be edited. * The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#addremove * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * If set to `true`, mapped section instances are treated as anonymous * UCI sections, which means that section instance elements will be * rendered without title element and that no name is required when adding * new sections. The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#anonymous * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * When set to `true`, instead of rendering section instances one below * another, treat each instance as separate tab pane and render a tab menu * at the top of the form section element, allowing the user to switch * among instances. The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#tabbed * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Override the caption used for the section add button at the bottom of * the section form element. If set to a string, it will be used as-is, * if set to a function, the function will be invoked and its return value * is used as caption, after converting it to a string. If this property * is not set, the default is `Add`. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#addbtntitle * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * Override the UCI configuration name to read the section IDs from. By * default, the configuration name is inherited from the parent `Map`. * By setting this property, a deviating configuration may be specified. * The default is `null`, means inheriting from the parent form. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#uciconfig * @type string * @default null */ /** @override */ cfgsections: function() { return this.map.data.sections(this.uciconfig || this.map.config, this.sectiontype) .map(function(s) { return s['.name'] }) .filter(L.bind(this.filter, this)); }, /** @private */ handleAdd: function(ev, name) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config; this.map.data.add(config_name, this.sectiontype, name); return this.map.save(null, true); }, /** @private */ handleRemove: function(section_id, ev) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config; this.map.data.remove(config_name, section_id); return this.map.save(null, true); }, /** @private */ renderSectionAdd: function(extra_class) { if (!this.addremove) return E([]); var createEl = E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-create' }), config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, btn_title = this.titleFn('addbtntitle'); if (extra_class != null) createEl.classList.add(extra_class); if (this.anonymous) { createEl.appendChild(E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-add', 'title': btn_title || _('Add'), 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleAdd'), 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }, [ btn_title || _('Add') ])); } else { var nameEl = E('input', { 'type': 'text', 'class': 'cbi-section-create-name', 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }); dom.append(createEl, [ E('div', {}, nameEl), E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-add', 'title': btn_title || _('Add'), 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, function(ev) { if (nameEl.classList.contains('cbi-input-invalid')) return; return this.handleAdd(ev, nameEl.value); }), 'disabled': this.map.readonly || true }, [ btn_title || _('Add') ]) ]); if (this.map.readonly !== true) { ui.addValidator(nameEl, 'uciname', true, function(v) { var button = createEl.querySelector('.cbi-section-create > .cbi-button-add'); if (v !== '') { button.disabled = null; return true; } else { button.disabled = true; return _('Expecting: %s').format(_('non-empty value')); } }, 'blur', 'keyup'); } } return createEl; }, /** @private */ renderSectionPlaceholder: function() { return E('em', _('This section contains no values yet')); }, /** @private */ renderContents: function(cfgsections, nodes) { var section_id = null, config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, sectionEl = E('div', { 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s'.format(config_name, this.sectiontype), 'class': 'cbi-section', 'data-tab': (this.map.tabbed && !this.parentoption) ? this.sectiontype : null, 'data-tab-title': (this.map.tabbed && !this.parentoption) ? this.title || this.sectiontype : null }); if (this.title != null && this.title != '') sectionEl.appendChild(E('h3', {}, this.title)); if (this.description != null && this.description != '') sectionEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-descr' }, this.description)); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (this.addremove) { sectionEl.appendChild( E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-remove right' }, E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button', 'name': 'cbi.rts.%s.%s'.format(config_name, cfgsections[i]), 'data-section-id': cfgsections[i], 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleRemove', cfgsections[i]), 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }, [ _('Delete') ]))); } if (!this.anonymous) sectionEl.appendChild(E('h3', cfgsections[i].toUpperCase())); sectionEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s'.format(config_name, cfgsections[i]), 'class': this.tabs ? 'cbi-section-node cbi-section-node-tabbed' : 'cbi-section-node', 'data-section-id': cfgsections[i] }, nodes[i])); } if (nodes.length == 0) sectionEl.appendChild(this.renderSectionPlaceholder()); sectionEl.appendChild(this.renderSectionAdd()); dom.bindClassInstance(sectionEl, this); return sectionEl; }, /** @override */ render: function() { var cfgsections = this.cfgsections(), renderTasks = []; for (var i = 0; i < cfgsections.length; i++) renderTasks.push(this.renderUCISection(cfgsections[i])); return Promise.all(renderTasks).then(this.renderContents.bind(this, cfgsections)); } }); /** * @class TableSection * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.TypedSection * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `TableSection` class maps all or - if `filter()` is overwritten - a * subset of the underlying UCI configuration sections of a given type. * * Layout wise, the configuration section instances mapped by the section * element (sometimes referred to as "section nodes") are rendered as rows * within an HTML table element, with an optional section remove button in the * last column and a section add button below the table, depending on the * value of the `addremove` property. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [section()]{@link LuCI.form.Map#section}. * * @param {string} section_type * The type of the UCI section to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the form section element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the form section element. */ var CBITableSection = CBITypedSection.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.TableSection', /** * If set to `true`, the user may add or remove instances from the form * section widget, otherwise only preexisting sections may be edited. * The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#addremove * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * If set to `true`, mapped section instances are treated as anonymous * UCI sections, which means that section instance elements will be * rendered without title element and that no name is required when adding * new sections. The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#anonymous * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Override the caption used for the section add button at the bottom of * the section form element. If set to a string, it will be used as-is, * if set to a function, the function will be invoked and its return value * is used as caption, after converting it to a string. If this property * is not set, the default is `Add`. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#addbtntitle * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * Override the per-section instance title caption shown in the first * column of the table unless `anonymous` is set to true. If set to a * string, it will be used as `String.format()` pattern with the name of * the underlying UCI section as first argument, if set to a function, the * function will be invoked with the section name as first argument and * its return value is used as caption, after converting it to a string. * If this property is not set, the default is the name of the underlying * UCI configuration section. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#sectiontitle * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * Override the per-section instance modal popup title caption shown when * clicking the `More…` button in a section specifying `max_cols`. If set * to a string, it will be used as `String.format()` pattern with the name * of the underlying UCI section as first argument, if set to a function, * the function will be invoked with the section name as first argument and * its return value is used as caption, after converting it to a string. * If this property is not set, the default is the name of the underlying * UCI configuration section. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#modaltitle * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * Override the UCI configuration name to read the section IDs from. By * default, the configuration name is inherited from the parent `Map`. * By setting this property, a deviating configuration may be specified. * The default is `null`, means inheriting from the parent form. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#uciconfig * @type string * @default null */ /** * Specify a maximum amount of columns to display. By default, one table * column is rendered for each child option of the form section element. * When this option is set to a positive number, then no more columns than * the given amount are rendered. When the number of child options exceeds * the specified amount, a `More…` button is rendered in the last column, * opening a modal dialog presenting all options elements in `NamedSection` * style when clicked. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#max_cols * @type number * @default null */ /** * If set to `true`, alternating `cbi-rowstyle-1` and `cbi-rowstyle-2` CSS * classes are added to the table row elements. Not all LuCI themes * implement these row style classes. The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#rowcolors * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Enables a per-section instance row `Edit` button which triggers a certain * action when clicked. If set to a string, the string value is used * as `String.format()` pattern with the name of the underlying UCI section * as first format argument. The result is then interpreted as URL which * LuCI will navigate to when the user clicks the edit button. * * If set to a function, this function will be registered as click event * handler on the rendered edit button, receiving the section instance * name as first and the DOM click event as second argument. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#extedit * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * If set to `true`, a sort button is added to the last column, allowing * the user to reorder the section instances mapped by the section form * element. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#sortable * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * If set to `true`, the header row with the options descriptions will * not be displayed. By default, descriptions row is automatically displayed * when at least one option has a description. * * @name LuCI.form.TableSection.prototype#nodescriptions * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * The `TableSection` implementation does not support option tabbing, so * its implementation of `tab()` will always throw an exception when * invoked. * * @override * @throws Throws an exception when invoked. */ tab: function() { throw 'Tabs are not supported by TableSection'; }, /** @private */ renderContents: function(cfgsections, nodes) { var section_id = null, config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, max_cols = isNaN(this.max_cols) ? this.children.length : this.max_cols, has_more = max_cols < this.children.length, drag_sort = this.sortable && !('ontouchstart' in window), touch_sort = this.sortable && ('ontouchstart' in window), sectionEl = E('div', { 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s'.format(config_name, this.sectiontype), 'class': 'cbi-section cbi-tblsection', 'data-tab': (this.map.tabbed && !this.parentoption) ? this.sectiontype : null, 'data-tab-title': (this.map.tabbed && !this.parentoption) ? this.title || this.sectiontype : null }), tableEl = E('table', { 'class': 'table cbi-section-table' }); if (this.title != null && this.title != '') sectionEl.appendChild(E('h3', {}, this.title)); if (this.description != null && this.description != '') sectionEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-descr' }, this.description)); tableEl.appendChild(this.renderHeaderRows(max_cols)); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var sectionname = this.titleFn('sectiontitle', cfgsections[i]); if (sectionname == null) sectionname = cfgsections[i]; var trEl = E('tr', { 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s'.format(config_name, cfgsections[i]), 'class': 'tr cbi-section-table-row', 'data-sid': cfgsections[i], 'draggable': (drag_sort || touch_sort) ? true : null, 'mousedown': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDragInit, this) : null, 'dragstart': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDragStart, this) : null, 'dragover': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDragOver, this) : null, 'dragenter': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDragEnter, this) : null, 'dragleave': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDragLeave, this) : null, 'dragend': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDragEnd, this) : null, 'drop': drag_sort ? L.bind(this.handleDrop, this) : null, 'touchmove': touch_sort ? L.bind(this.handleTouchMove, this) : null, 'touchend': touch_sort ? L.bind(this.handleTouchEnd, this) : null, 'data-title': (sectionname && (!this.anonymous || this.sectiontitle)) ? sectionname : null, 'data-section-id': cfgsections[i] }); if (this.extedit || this.rowcolors) trEl.classList.add(!(tableEl.childNodes.length % 2) ? 'cbi-rowstyle-1' : 'cbi-rowstyle-2'); for (var j = 0; j < max_cols && nodes[i].firstChild; j++) trEl.appendChild(nodes[i].firstChild); trEl.appendChild(this.renderRowActions(cfgsections[i], has_more ? _('More…') : null)); tableEl.appendChild(trEl); } if (nodes.length == 0) tableEl.appendChild(E('tr', { 'class': 'tr cbi-section-table-row placeholder' }, E('td', { 'class': 'td' }, this.renderSectionPlaceholder()))); sectionEl.appendChild(tableEl); sectionEl.appendChild(this.renderSectionAdd('cbi-tblsection-create')); dom.bindClassInstance(sectionEl, this); return sectionEl; }, /** @private */ renderHeaderRows: function(max_cols, has_action) { var has_titles = false, has_descriptions = false, max_cols = isNaN(this.max_cols) ? this.children.length : this.max_cols, has_more = max_cols < this.children.length, anon_class = (!this.anonymous || this.sectiontitle) ? 'named' : 'anonymous', trEls = E([]); for (var i = 0, opt; i < max_cols && (opt = this.children[i]) != null; i++) { if (opt.modalonly) continue; has_titles = has_titles || !!opt.title; has_descriptions = has_descriptions || !!opt.description; } if (has_titles) { var trEl = E('tr', { 'class': 'tr cbi-section-table-titles ' + anon_class, 'data-title': (!this.anonymous || this.sectiontitle) ? _('Name') : null, 'click': this.sortable ? ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleSort') : null }); for (var i = 0, opt; i < max_cols && (opt = this.children[i]) != null; i++) { if (opt.modalonly) continue; trEl.appendChild(E('th', { 'class': 'th cbi-section-table-cell', 'data-widget': opt.__name__, 'data-sortable-row': this.sortable ? '' : null })); if (opt.width != null) trEl.lastElementChild.style.width = (typeof(opt.width) == 'number') ? opt.width+'px' : opt.width; if (opt.titleref) trEl.lastElementChild.appendChild(E('a', { 'href': opt.titleref, 'class': 'cbi-title-ref', 'title': this.titledesc || _('Go to relevant configuration page') }, opt.title)); else dom.content(trEl.lastElementChild, opt.title); } if (this.sortable || this.extedit || this.addremove || has_more || has_action) trEl.appendChild(E('th', { 'class': 'th cbi-section-table-cell cbi-section-actions' })); trEls.appendChild(trEl); } if (has_descriptions && !this.nodescriptions) { var trEl = E('tr', { 'class': 'tr cbi-section-table-descr ' + anon_class }); for (var i = 0, opt; i < max_cols && (opt = this.children[i]) != null; i++) { if (opt.modalonly) continue; trEl.appendChild(E('th', { 'class': 'th cbi-section-table-cell', 'data-widget': opt.__name__ }, opt.description)); if (opt.width != null) trEl.lastElementChild.style.width = (typeof(opt.width) == 'number') ? opt.width+'px' : opt.width; } if (this.sortable || this.extedit || this.addremove || has_more || has_action) trEl.appendChild(E('th', { 'class': 'th cbi-section-table-cell cbi-section-actions' })); trEls.appendChild(trEl); } return trEls; }, /** @private */ renderRowActions: function(section_id, more_label) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config; if (!this.sortable && !this.extedit && !this.addremove && !more_label) return E([]); var tdEl = E('td', { 'class': 'td cbi-section-table-cell nowrap cbi-section-actions' }, E('div')); if (this.sortable) { dom.append(tdEl.lastElementChild, [ E('button', { 'title': _('Drag to reorder'), 'class': 'cbi-button drag-handle center', 'style': 'cursor:move', 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }, '☰') ]); } if (this.extedit) { var evFn = null; if (typeof(this.extedit) == 'function') evFn = L.bind(this.extedit, this); else if (typeof(this.extedit) == 'string') evFn = L.bind(function(sid, ev) { location.href = this.extedit.format(sid); }, this, section_id); dom.append(tdEl.lastElementChild, E('button', { 'title': _('Edit'), 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-edit', 'click': evFn }, [ _('Edit') ]) ); } if (more_label) { dom.append(tdEl.lastElementChild, E('button', { 'title': more_label, 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-edit', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'renderMoreOptionsModal', section_id) }, [ more_label ]) ); } if (this.addremove) { var btn_title = this.titleFn('removebtntitle', section_id); dom.append(tdEl.lastElementChild, E('button', { 'title': btn_title || _('Delete'), 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-remove', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleRemove', section_id), 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }, [ btn_title || _('Delete') ]) ); } return tdEl; }, /** @private */ handleDragInit: function(ev) { scope.dragState = { node: ev.target }; }, /** @private */ handleDragStart: function(ev) { if (!scope.dragState || !scope.dragState.node.classList.contains('drag-handle')) { scope.dragState = null; ev.preventDefault(); return false; } scope.dragState.node = dom.parent(scope.dragState.node, '.tr'); ev.dataTransfer.setData('text', 'drag'); ev.target.style.opacity = 0.4; }, /** @private */ handleDragOver: function(ev) { var n = scope.dragState.targetNode, r = scope.dragState.rect, t = r.top + r.height / 2; if (ev.clientY <= t) { n.classList.remove('drag-over-below'); n.classList.add('drag-over-above'); } else { n.classList.remove('drag-over-above'); n.classList.add('drag-over-below'); } ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; ev.preventDefault(); return false; }, /** @private */ handleDragEnter: function(ev) { scope.dragState.rect = ev.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); scope.dragState.targetNode = ev.currentTarget; }, /** @private */ handleDragLeave: function(ev) { ev.currentTarget.classList.remove('drag-over-above'); ev.currentTarget.classList.remove('drag-over-below'); }, /** @private */ handleDragEnd: function(ev) { var n = ev.target; n.style.opacity = ''; n.classList.add('flash'); n.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.drag-over-above, .drag-over-below') .forEach(function(tr) { tr.classList.remove('drag-over-above'); tr.classList.remove('drag-over-below'); }); }, /** @private */ handleDrop: function(ev) { var s = scope.dragState; if (s.node && s.targetNode) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, ref_node = s.targetNode, after = false; if (ref_node.classList.contains('drag-over-below')) { ref_node = ref_node.nextElementSibling; after = true; } var sid1 = s.node.getAttribute('data-sid'), sid2 = s.targetNode.getAttribute('data-sid'); s.node.parentNode.insertBefore(s.node, ref_node); this.map.data.move(config_name, sid1, sid2, after); } scope.dragState = null; ev.target.style.opacity = ''; ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); return false; }, /** @private */ determineBackgroundColor: function(node) { var r = 255, g = 255, b = 255; while (node) { var s = window.getComputedStyle(node), c = (s.getPropertyValue('background-color') || '').replace(/ /g, ''); if (c != '' && c != 'transparent' && c != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)') { if (/^#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})$/i.test(c)) { r = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 16); g = parseInt(RegExp.$2, 16); b = parseInt(RegExp.$3, 16); } else if (/^rgba?\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)[,)]$/.test(c)) { r = +RegExp.$1; g = +RegExp.$2; b = +RegExp.$3; } break; } node = node.parentNode; } return [ r, g, b ]; }, /** @private */ handleTouchMove: function(ev) { if (!ev.target.classList.contains('drag-handle')) return; var touchLoc = ev.targetTouches[0], rowBtn = ev.target, rowElem = dom.parent(rowBtn, '.tr'), htmlElem = document.querySelector('html'), dragHandle = document.querySelector('.touchsort-element'), viewportHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0); if (!dragHandle) { var rowRect = rowElem.getBoundingClientRect(), btnRect = rowBtn.getBoundingClientRect(), paddingLeft = btnRect.left - rowRect.left, paddingRight = rowRect.right - btnRect.right, colorBg = this.determineBackgroundColor(rowElem), colorFg = (colorBg[0] * 0.299 + colorBg[1] * 0.587 + colorBg[2] * 0.114) > 186 ? [ 0, 0, 0 ] : [ 255, 255, 255 ]; dragHandle = E('div', { 'class': 'touchsort-element' }, [ E('strong', [ rowElem.getAttribute('data-title') ]), rowBtn.cloneNode(true) ]); Object.assign(dragHandle.style, { position: 'absolute', boxShadow: '0 0 3px rgba(%d, %d, %d, 1)'.format(colorFg[0], colorFg[1], colorFg[2]), background: 'rgba(%d, %d, %d, 0.8)'.format(colorBg[0], colorBg[1], colorBg[2]), top: rowRect.top + 'px', left: rowRect.left + 'px', width: rowRect.width + 'px', height: (rowBtn.offsetHeight + 4) + 'px' }); Object.assign(dragHandle.firstElementChild.style, { position: 'absolute', lineHeight: dragHandle.style.height, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', left: (paddingRight > paddingLeft) ? '' : '5px', right: (paddingRight > paddingLeft) ? '5px' : '', width: (Math.max(paddingLeft, paddingRight) - 10) + 'px' }); Object.assign(dragHandle.lastElementChild.style, { position: 'absolute', top: '2px', left: paddingLeft + 'px', width: rowBtn.offsetWidth + 'px' }); document.body.appendChild(dragHandle); rowElem.classList.remove('flash'); rowBtn.blur(); } dragHandle.style.top = (touchLoc.pageY - (parseInt(dragHandle.style.height) / 2)) + 'px'; rowElem.parentNode.querySelectorAll('[draggable]').forEach(function(tr, i, trs) { var trRect = tr.getBoundingClientRect(), yTop = trRect.top + window.scrollY, yBottom = trRect.bottom + window.scrollY, yMiddle = yTop + ((yBottom - yTop) / 2); tr.classList.remove('drag-over-above', 'drag-over-below'); if ((i == 0 || touchLoc.pageY >= yTop) && touchLoc.pageY <= yMiddle) tr.classList.add('drag-over-above'); else if ((i == (trs.length - 1) || touchLoc.pageY <= yBottom) && touchLoc.pageY > yMiddle) tr.classList.add('drag-over-below'); }); /* prevent standard scrolling and scroll page when drag handle is * moved very close (~30px) to the viewport edge */ ev.preventDefault(); if (touchLoc.clientY < 30) window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { htmlElem.scrollTop -= 30 }); else if (touchLoc.clientY > viewportHeight - 30) window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { htmlElem.scrollTop += 30 }); }, /** @private */ handleTouchEnd: function(ev) { var rowElem = dom.parent(ev.target, '.tr'), htmlElem = document.querySelector('html'), dragHandle = document.querySelector('.touchsort-element'), targetElem = rowElem.parentNode.querySelector('.drag-over-above, .drag-over-below'), viewportHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0); if (!dragHandle) return; if (targetElem) { var isBelow = targetElem.classList.contains('drag-over-below'); rowElem.parentNode.insertBefore(rowElem, isBelow ? targetElem.nextElementSibling : targetElem); this.map.data.move( this.uciconfig || this.map.config, rowElem.getAttribute('data-sid'), targetElem.getAttribute('data-sid'), isBelow); window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { var rowRect = rowElem.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rowRect.top < 50) htmlElem.scrollTop = (htmlElem.scrollTop + rowRect.top - 50); else if (rowRect.bottom > viewportHeight - 50) htmlElem.scrollTop = (htmlElem.scrollTop + viewportHeight - 50 - rowRect.height); rowElem.classList.add('flash'); }); targetElem.classList.remove('drag-over-above', 'drag-over-below'); } document.body.removeChild(dragHandle); }, /** @private */ handleModalCancel: function(modalMap, ev) { var prevNode = this.getPreviousModalMap(), resetTasks = Promise.resolve(); if (prevNode) { var heading = prevNode.parentNode.querySelector('h4'), prevMap = dom.findClassInstance(prevNode); while (prevMap) { resetTasks = resetTasks .then(L.bind(prevMap.load, prevMap)) .then(L.bind(prevMap.reset, prevMap)); prevMap = prevMap.parent; } prevNode.classList.add('flash'); prevNode.classList.remove('hidden'); prevNode.parentNode.removeChild(prevNode.nextElementSibling); heading.removeChild(heading.lastElementChild); if (!this.getPreviousModalMap()) prevNode.parentNode .querySelector('div.right > button') .firstChild.data = _('Dismiss'); } else { ui.hideModal(); } return resetTasks; }, /** @private */ handleModalSave: function(modalMap, ev) { var mapNode = this.getActiveModalMap(), activeMap = dom.findClassInstance(mapNode), saveTasks = activeMap.save(null, true); while (activeMap.parent) { activeMap = activeMap.parent; saveTasks = saveTasks .then(L.bind(activeMap.load, activeMap)) .then(L.bind(activeMap.reset, activeMap)); } return saveTasks .then(L.bind(this.handleModalCancel, this, modalMap, ev, true)) .catch(function() {}); }, /** @private */ handleSort: function(ev) { if (!ev.target.matches('th[data-sortable-row]')) return; var th = ev.target, descending = (th.getAttribute('data-sort-direction') == 'desc'), config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, index = 0, list = []; ev.currentTarget.querySelectorAll('th').forEach(function(other_th, i) { if (other_th !== th) other_th.removeAttribute('data-sort-direction'); else index = i; }); ev.currentTarget.parentNode.querySelectorAll('tr.cbi-section-table-row').forEach(L.bind(function(tr, i) { var sid = tr.getAttribute('data-sid'), opt = tr.childNodes[index].getAttribute('data-name'), val = this.cfgvalue(sid, opt); tr.querySelectorAll('.flash').forEach(function(n) { n.classList.remove('flash') }); list.push([ ui.Table.prototype.deriveSortKey((val != null) ? val.trim() : ''), tr ]); }, this)); list.sort(function(a, b) { return descending ? -L.naturalCompare(a[0], b[0]) : L.naturalCompare(a[0], b[0]); }); window.requestAnimationFrame(L.bind(function() { var ref_sid, cur_sid; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i][1].childNodes[index].classList.add('flash'); th.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(list[i][1]); cur_sid = list[i][1].getAttribute('data-sid'); if (ref_sid) this.map.data.move(config_name, cur_sid, ref_sid, true); ref_sid = cur_sid; } th.setAttribute('data-sort-direction', descending ? 'asc' : 'desc'); }, this)); }, /** * Add further options to the per-section instanced modal popup. * * This function may be overwritten by user code to perform additional * setup steps before displaying the more options modal which is useful to * e.g. query additional data or to inject further option elements. * * The default implementation of this function does nothing. * * @abstract * @param {LuCI.form.NamedSection} modalSection * The `NamedSection` instance about to be rendered in the modal popup. * * @param {string} section_id * The ID of the underlying UCI section the modal popup belongs to. * * @param {Event} ev * The DOM event emitted by clicking the `More…` button. * * @returns {*|Promise<*>} * Return values of this function are ignored but if a promise is returned, * it is run to completion before the rendering is continued, allowing * custom logic to perform asynchroneous work before the modal dialog * is shown. */ addModalOptions: function(modalSection, section_id, ev) { }, /** @private */ getActiveModalMap: function() { return document.querySelector('body.modal-overlay-active > #modal_overlay > .modal.cbi-modal > .cbi-map:not(.hidden)'); }, /** @private */ getPreviousModalMap: function() { var mapNode = this.getActiveModalMap(), prevNode = mapNode ? mapNode.previousElementSibling : null; return (prevNode && prevNode.matches('.cbi-map.hidden')) ? prevNode : null; }, /** @private */ cloneOptions: function(src_section, dest_section) { for (var i = 0; i < src_section.children.length; i++) { var o1 = src_section.children[i]; if (o1.modalonly === false && src_section === this) continue; var o2; if (o1.subsection) { o2 = dest_section.option(o1.constructor, o1.option, o1.subsection.constructor, o1.subsection.sectiontype, o1.subsection.title, o1.subsection.description); for (var k in o1.subsection) { if (!o1.subsection.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; switch (k) { case 'map': case 'children': case 'parentoption': continue; default: o2.subsection[k] = o1.subsection[k]; } } this.cloneOptions(o1.subsection, o2.subsection); } else { o2 = dest_section.option(o1.constructor, o1.option, o1.title, o1.description); } for (var k in o1) { if (!o1.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; switch (k) { case 'map': case 'section': case 'option': case 'title': case 'description': case 'subsection': continue; default: o2[k] = o1[k]; } } } }, /** @private */ renderMoreOptionsModal: function(section_id, ev) { var parent = this.map, sref = parent.data.get(parent.config, section_id), mapNode = this.getActiveModalMap(), activeMap = mapNode ? dom.findClassInstance(mapNode) : null, stackedMap = activeMap && (activeMap.parent !== parent || activeMap.section !== section_id); return (stackedMap ? activeMap.save(null, true) : Promise.resolve()).then(L.bind(function() { section_id = sref['.name']; var m = new CBIMap(parent.config, null, null), s = m.section(CBINamedSection, section_id, this.sectiontype); m.parent = parent; m.section = section_id; m.readonly = parent.readonly; s.tabs = this.tabs; s.tab_names = this.tab_names; this.cloneOptions(this, s); return Promise.resolve(this.addModalOptions(s, section_id, ev)).then(function() { return m.render(); }).then(L.bind(function(nodes) { var title = parent.title, name = null; if ((name = this.titleFn('modaltitle', section_id)) != null) title = name; else if ((name = this.titleFn('sectiontitle', section_id)) != null) title = '%s - %s'.format(parent.title, name); else if (!this.anonymous) title = '%s - %s'.format(parent.title, section_id); if (stackedMap) { mapNode.parentNode .querySelector('h4') .appendChild(E('span', title ? ' » ' + title : '')); mapNode.parentNode .querySelector('div.right > button') .firstChild.data = _('Back'); mapNode.classList.add('hidden'); mapNode.parentNode.insertBefore(nodes, mapNode.nextElementSibling); nodes.classList.add('flash'); } else { ui.showModal(title, [ nodes, E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [ E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleModalCancel', m) }, [ _('Dismiss') ]), ' ', E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-positive important', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleModalSave', m), 'disabled': m.readonly || null }, [ _('Save') ]) ]) ], 'cbi-modal'); } }, this)); }, this)).catch(L.error); } }); /** * @class GridSection * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.TableSection * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `GridSection` class maps all or - if `filter()` is overwritten - a * subset of the underlying UCI configuration sections of a given type. * * A grid section functions similar to a {@link LuCI.form.TableSection} but * supports tabbing in the modal overlay. Option elements added with * [option()]{@link LuCI.form.GridSection#option} are shown in the table while * elements added with [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.GridSection#taboption} * are displayed in the modal popup. * * Another important difference is that the table cells show a readonly text * preview of the corresponding option elements by default, unless the child * option element is explicitely made writable by setting the `editable` * property to `true`. * * Additionally, the grid section honours a `modalonly` property of child * option elements. Refer to the [AbstractValue]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractValue} * documentation for details. * * Layout wise, a grid section looks mostly identical to table sections. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [section()]{@link LuCI.form.Map#section}. * * @param {string} section_type * The type of the UCI section to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the form section element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the form section element. */ var CBIGridSection = CBITableSection.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.GridSection.prototype */ { /** * Add an option tab to the section. * * The modal option elements of a grid section may be divided into multiple * tabs to provide a better overview to the user. * * Before options can be moved into a tab pane, the corresponding tab * has to be defined first, which is done by calling this function. * * Note that tabs are only effective in modal popups, options added with * `option()` will not be assigned to a specific tab and are rendered in * the table view only. * * @param {string} name * The name of the tab to register. It may be freely chosen and just serves * as an identifier to differentiate tabs. * * @param {string} title * The human readable caption of the tab. * * @param {string} [description] * An additional description text for the corresponding tab pane. It is * displayed as text paragraph below the tab but before the tab pane * contents. If omitted, no description will be rendered. * * @throws {Error} * Throws an exeption if a tab with the same `name` already exists. */ tab: function(name, title, description) { CBIAbstractSection.prototype.tab.call(this, name, title, description); }, /** @private */ handleAdd: function(ev, name) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, section_id = this.map.data.add(config_name, this.sectiontype, name), mapNode = this.getPreviousModalMap(), prevMap = mapNode ? dom.findClassInstance(mapNode) : this.map; prevMap.addedSection = section_id; return this.renderMoreOptionsModal(section_id); }, /** @private */ handleModalSave: function(/* ... */) { var mapNode = this.getPreviousModalMap(), prevMap = mapNode ? dom.findClassInstance(mapNode) : this.map; return this.super('handleModalSave', arguments); }, /** @private */ handleModalCancel: function(modalMap, ev, isSaving) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, mapNode = this.getPreviousModalMap(), prevMap = mapNode ? dom.findClassInstance(mapNode) : this.map; if (prevMap.addedSection != null && !isSaving) this.map.data.remove(config_name, prevMap.addedSection); delete prevMap.addedSection; return this.super('handleModalCancel', arguments); }, /** @private */ renderUCISection: function(section_id) { return this.renderOptions(null, section_id); }, /** @private */ renderChildren: function(tab_name, section_id, in_table) { var tasks = [], index = 0; for (var i = 0, opt; (opt = this.children[i]) != null; i++) { if (opt.disable || opt.modalonly) continue; if (opt.editable) tasks.push(opt.render(index++, section_id, in_table)); else tasks.push(this.renderTextValue(section_id, opt)); } return Promise.all(tasks); }, /** @private */ renderTextValue: function(section_id, opt) { var title = this.stripTags(opt.title).trim(), descr = this.stripTags(opt.description).trim(), value = opt.textvalue(section_id); return E('td', { 'class': 'td cbi-value-field', 'data-title': (title != '') ? title : null, 'data-description': (descr != '') ? descr : null, 'data-name': opt.option, 'data-widget': 'CBI.DummyValue' }, (value != null) ? value : E('em', _('none'))); }, /** @private */ renderHeaderRows: function(section_id) { return this.super('renderHeaderRows', [ NaN, true ]); }, /** @private */ renderRowActions: function(section_id) { return this.super('renderRowActions', [ section_id, _('Edit') ]); }, /** @override */ parse: function() { var section_ids = this.cfgsections(), tasks = []; if (Array.isArray(this.children)) { for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.children.length; j++) { if (!this.children[j].editable || this.children[j].modalonly) continue; tasks.push(this.children[j].parse(section_ids[i])); } } } return Promise.all(tasks); } }); /** * @class NamedSection * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.AbstractSection * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `NamedSection` class maps exactly one UCI section instance which is * specified when constructing the class instance. * * Layout and functionality wise, a named section is essentially a * `TypedSection` which allows exactly one section node. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [section()]{@link LuCI.form.Map#section}. * * @param {string} section_id * The name (ID) of the UCI section to map. * * @param {string} section_type * The type of the UCI section to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the form section element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the form section element. */ var CBINamedSection = CBIAbstractSection.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.NamedSection.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.NamedSection', __init__: function(map, section_id /*, ... */) { this.super('__init__', this.varargs(arguments, 2, map)); this.section = section_id; }, /** * If set to `true`, the user may remove or recreate the sole mapped * configuration instance from the form section widget, otherwise only a * preexisting section may be edited. The default is `false`. * * @name LuCI.form.NamedSection.prototype#addremove * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Override the UCI configuration name to read the section IDs from. By * default, the configuration name is inherited from the parent `Map`. * By setting this property, a deviating configuration may be specified. * The default is `null`, means inheriting from the parent form. * * @name LuCI.form.NamedSection.prototype#uciconfig * @type string * @default null */ /** * The `NamedSection` class overwrites the generic `cfgsections()` * implementation to return a one-element array containing the mapped * section ID as sole element. User code should not normally change this. * * @returns {string[]} * Returns a one-element array containing the mapped section ID. */ cfgsections: function() { return [ this.section ]; }, /** @private */ handleAdd: function(ev) { var section_id = this.section, config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config; this.map.data.add(config_name, this.sectiontype, section_id); return this.map.save(null, true); }, /** @private */ handleRemove: function(ev) { var section_id = this.section, config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config; this.map.data.remove(config_name, section_id); return this.map.save(null, true); }, /** @private */ renderContents: function(data) { var ucidata = data[0], nodes = data[1], section_id = this.section, config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, sectionEl = E('div', { 'id': ucidata ? null : 'cbi-%s-%s'.format(config_name, section_id), 'class': 'cbi-section', 'data-tab': (this.map.tabbed && !this.parentoption) ? this.sectiontype : null, 'data-tab-title': (this.map.tabbed && !this.parentoption) ? this.title || this.sectiontype : null }); if (typeof(this.title) === 'string' && this.title !== '') sectionEl.appendChild(E('h3', {}, this.title)); if (typeof(this.description) === 'string' && this.description !== '') sectionEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-descr' }, this.description)); if (ucidata) { if (this.addremove) { sectionEl.appendChild( E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section-remove right' }, E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleRemove'), 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }, [ _('Delete') ]))); } sectionEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s'.format(config_name, section_id), 'class': this.tabs ? 'cbi-section-node cbi-section-node-tabbed' : 'cbi-section-node', 'data-section-id': section_id }, nodes)); } else if (this.addremove) { sectionEl.appendChild( E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-add', 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleAdd'), 'disabled': this.map.readonly || null }, [ _('Add') ])); } dom.bindClassInstance(sectionEl, this); return sectionEl; }, /** @override */ render: function() { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.map.config, section_id = this.section; return Promise.all([ this.map.data.get(config_name, section_id), this.renderUCISection(section_id) ]).then(this.renderContents.bind(this)); } }); /** * @class Value * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.AbstractValue * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `Value` class represents a simple one-line form input using the * {@link LuCI.ui.Textfield} or - in case choices are added - the * {@link LuCI.ui.Combobox} class as underlying widget. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIValue = CBIAbstractValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.Value.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.Value', /** * If set to `true`, the field is rendered as password input, otherwise * as plain text input. * * @name LuCI.form.Value.prototype#password * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Set a placeholder string to use when the input field is empty. * * @name LuCI.form.Value.prototype#placeholder * @type string * @default null */ /** * Add a predefined choice to the form option. By adding one or more * choices, the plain text input field is turned into a combobox widget * which prompts the user to select a predefined choice, or to enter a * custom value. * * @param {string} key * The choice value to add. * * @param {Node|string} value * The caption for the choice value. May be a DOM node, a document fragment * or a plain text string. If omitted, the `key` value is used as caption. */ value: function(key, val) { this.keylist = this.keylist || []; this.keylist.push(String(key)); this.vallist = this.vallist || []; this.vallist.push(dom.elem(val) ? val : String(val != null ? val : key)); }, /** @override */ render: function(option_index, section_id, in_table) { return Promise.resolve(this.cfgvalue(section_id)) .then(this.renderWidget.bind(this, section_id, option_index)) .then(this.renderFrame.bind(this, section_id, in_table, option_index)); }, /** @private */ handleValueChange: function(section_id, state, ev) { if (typeof(this.onchange) != 'function') return; var value = this.formvalue(section_id); if (isEqual(value, state.previousValue)) return; state.previousValue = value; this.onchange.call(this, ev, section_id, value); }, /** @private */ renderFrame: function(section_id, in_table, option_index, nodes) { var config_name = this.uciconfig || this.section.uciconfig || this.map.config, depend_list = this.transformDepList(section_id), optionEl; if (in_table) { var title = this.stripTags(this.title).trim(); optionEl = E('td', { 'class': 'td cbi-value-field', 'data-title': (title != '') ? title : null, 'data-description': this.stripTags(this.description).trim(), 'data-name': this.option, 'data-widget': this.typename || (this.template ? this.template.replace(/^.+\//, '') : null) || this.__name__ }, E('div', { 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s-%s'.format(config_name, section_id, this.option), 'data-index': option_index, 'data-depends': depend_list, 'data-field': this.cbid(section_id) })); } else { optionEl = E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-value', 'id': 'cbi-%s-%s-%s'.format(config_name, section_id, this.option), 'data-index': option_index, 'data-depends': depend_list, 'data-field': this.cbid(section_id), 'data-name': this.option, 'data-widget': this.typename || (this.template ? this.template.replace(/^.+\//, '') : null) || this.__name__ }); if (this.last_child) optionEl.classList.add('cbi-value-last'); if (typeof(this.title) === 'string' && this.title !== '') { optionEl.appendChild(E('label', { 'class': 'cbi-value-title', 'for': 'widget.cbid.%s.%s.%s'.format(config_name, section_id, this.option), 'click': function(ev) { var node = ev.currentTarget, elem = node.nextElementSibling.querySelector('#' + node.getAttribute('for')) || node.nextElementSibling.querySelector('[data-widget-id="' + node.getAttribute('for') + '"]'); if (elem) { elem.click(); elem.focus(); } } }, this.titleref ? E('a', { 'class': 'cbi-title-ref', 'href': this.titleref, 'title': this.titledesc || _('Go to relevant configuration page') }, this.title) : this.title)); optionEl.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-value-field' })); } } if (nodes) (optionEl.lastChild || optionEl).appendChild(nodes); if (!in_table && typeof(this.description) === 'string' && this.description !== '') dom.append(optionEl.lastChild || optionEl, E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-value-description' }, this.description.trim())); if (depend_list && depend_list.length) optionEl.classList.add('hidden'); optionEl.addEventListener('widget-change', L.bind(this.map.checkDepends, this.map)); optionEl.addEventListener('widget-change', L.bind(this.handleValueChange, this, section_id, {})); dom.bindClassInstance(optionEl, this); return optionEl; }, /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var value = (cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, choices = this.transformChoices(), widget; if (choices) { var placeholder = (this.optional || this.rmempty) ? E('em', _('unspecified')) : _('-- Please choose --'); widget = new ui.Combobox(Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(' ') : value, choices, { id: this.cbid(section_id), sort: this.keylist, optional: this.optional || this.rmempty, datatype: this.datatype, select_placeholder: this.placeholder || placeholder, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); } else { widget = new ui.Textfield(Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(' ') : value, { id: this.cbid(section_id), password: this.password, optional: this.optional || this.rmempty, datatype: this.datatype, placeholder: this.placeholder, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); } return widget.render(); } }); /** * @class DynamicList * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `DynamicList` class represents a multi value widget allowing the user * to enter multiple unique values, optionally selected from a set of * predefined choices. It builds upon the {@link LuCI.ui.DynamicList} widget. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIDynamicList = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.DynamicList.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.DynamicList', /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var value = (cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, choices = this.transformChoices(), items = L.toArray(value); var widget = new ui.DynamicList(items, choices, { id: this.cbid(section_id), sort: this.keylist, optional: this.optional || this.rmempty, datatype: this.datatype, placeholder: this.placeholder, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); return widget.render(); }, }); /** * @class ListValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `ListValue` class implements a simple static HTML select element * allowing the user to chose a single value from a set of predefined choices. * It builds upon the {@link LuCI.ui.Select} widget. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIListValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.ListValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.ListValue', __init__: function() { this.super('__init__', arguments); this.widget = 'select'; this.orientation = 'horizontal'; this.deplist = []; }, /** * Set the size attribute of the underlying HTML select element. * * @name LuCI.form.ListValue.prototype#size * @type number * @default null */ /** * Set the type of the underlying form controls. * * May be one of `select` or `radio`. If set to `select`, an HTML * select element is rendered, otherwise a collection of `radio` * elements is used. * * @name LuCI.form.ListValue.prototype#widget * @type string * @default select */ /** * Set the orientation of the underlying radio or checkbox elements. * * May be one of `horizontal` or `vertical`. Only applies to non-select * widget types. * * @name LuCI.form.ListValue.prototype#orientation * @type string * @default horizontal */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var choices = this.transformChoices(); var widget = new ui.Select((cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, choices, { id: this.cbid(section_id), size: this.size, sort: this.keylist, widget: this.widget, optional: this.optional, orientation: this.orientation, placeholder: this.placeholder, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); return widget.render(); }, }); /** * @class FlagValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `FlagValue` element builds upon the {@link LuCI.ui.Checkbox} widget to * implement a simple checkbox element. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIFlagValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.FlagValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.FlagValue', __init__: function() { this.super('__init__', arguments); this.enabled = '1'; this.disabled = '0'; this.default = this.disabled; }, /** * Sets the input value to use for the checkbox checked state. * * @name LuCI.form.FlagValue.prototype#enabled * @type number * @default 1 */ /** * Sets the input value to use for the checkbox unchecked state. * * @name LuCI.form.FlagValue.prototype#disabled * @type number * @default 0 */ /** * Set a tooltip for the flag option. * * If set to a string, it will be used as-is as a tooltip. * * If set to a function, the function will be invoked and the return * value will be shown as a tooltip. If the return value of the function * is `null` no tooltip will be set. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#tooltip * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * Set a tooltip icon. * * If set, this icon will be shown for the default one. * This could also be a png icon from the resources directory. * * @name LuCI.form.TypedSection.prototype#tooltipicon * @type string * @default 'ℹ️'; */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var tooltip = null; if (typeof(this.tooltip) == 'function') tooltip = this.tooltip.apply(this, [section_id]); else if (typeof(this.tooltip) == 'string') tooltip = (arguments.length > 1) ? ''.format.apply(this.tooltip, this.varargs(arguments, 1)) : this.tooltip; var widget = new ui.Checkbox((cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, { id: this.cbid(section_id), value_enabled: this.enabled, value_disabled: this.disabled, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), tooltip: tooltip, tooltipicon: this.tooltipicon, disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); return widget.render(); }, /** * Query the checked state of the underlying checkbox widget and return * either the `enabled` or the `disabled` property value, depending on * the checked state. * * @override */ formvalue: function(section_id) { var elem = this.getUIElement(section_id), checked = elem ? elem.isChecked() : false; return checked ? this.enabled : this.disabled; }, /** * Query the checked state of the underlying checkbox widget and return * either a localized `Yes` or `No` string, depending on the checked state. * * @override */ textvalue: function(section_id) { var cval = this.cfgvalue(section_id); if (cval == null) cval = this.default; return (cval == this.enabled) ? _('Yes') : _('No'); }, /** @override */ parse: function(section_id) { if (this.isActive(section_id)) { var fval = this.formvalue(section_id); if (!this.isValid(section_id)) { var title = this.stripTags(this.title).trim(); var error = this.getValidationError(section_id); return Promise.reject(new TypeError( _('Option "%s" contains an invalid input value.').format(title || this.option) + ' ' + error)); } if (fval == this.default && (this.optional || this.rmempty)) return Promise.resolve(this.remove(section_id)); else return Promise.resolve(this.write(section_id, fval)); } else if (!this.retain) { return Promise.resolve(this.remove(section_id)); } }, }); /** * @class MultiValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.DynamicList * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `MultiValue` class is a modified variant of the `DynamicList` element * which leverages the {@link LuCI.ui.Dropdown} widget to implement a multi * select dropdown element. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIMultiValue = CBIDynamicList.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.MultiValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.MultiValue', __init__: function() { this.super('__init__', arguments); this.placeholder = _('-- Please choose --'); }, /** * Allows to specify the [display_items]{@link LuCI.ui.Dropdown.InitOptions} * property of the underlying dropdown widget. If omitted, the value of * the `size` property is used or `3` when `size` is unspecified as well. * * @name LuCI.form.MultiValue.prototype#display_size * @type number * @default null */ /** * Allows to specify the [dropdown_items]{@link LuCI.ui.Dropdown.InitOptions} * property of the underlying dropdown widget. If omitted, the value of * the `size` property is used or `-1` when `size` is unspecified as well. * * @name LuCI.form.MultiValue.prototype#dropdown_size * @type number * @default null */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var value = (cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, choices = this.transformChoices(); var widget = new ui.Dropdown(L.toArray(value), choices, { id: this.cbid(section_id), sort: this.keylist, multiple: true, optional: this.optional || this.rmempty, select_placeholder: this.placeholder, display_items: this.display_size || this.size || 3, dropdown_items: this.dropdown_size || this.size || -1, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); return widget.render(); }, }); /** * @class TextValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `TextValue` class implements a multi-line textarea input using * {@link LuCI.ui.Textarea}. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBITextValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.TextValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.TextValue', /** @ignore */ value: null, /** * Enforces the use of a monospace font for the textarea contents when set * to `true`. * * @name LuCI.form.TextValue.prototype#monospace * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Allows to specify the [cols]{@link LuCI.ui.Textarea.InitOptions} * property of the underlying textarea widget. * * @name LuCI.form.TextValue.prototype#cols * @type number * @default null */ /** * Allows to specify the [rows]{@link LuCI.ui.Textarea.InitOptions} * property of the underlying textarea widget. * * @name LuCI.form.TextValue.prototype#rows * @type number * @default null */ /** * Allows to specify the [wrap]{@link LuCI.ui.Textarea.InitOptions} * property of the underlying textarea widget. * * @name LuCI.form.TextValue.prototype#wrap * @type number * @default null */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var value = (cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default; var widget = new ui.Textarea(value, { id: this.cbid(section_id), optional: this.optional || this.rmempty, placeholder: this.placeholder, monospace: this.monospace, cols: this.cols, rows: this.rows, wrap: this.wrap, validate: L.bind(this.validate, this, section_id), disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); return widget.render(); } }); /** * @class DummyValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `DummyValue` element wraps an {@link LuCI.ui.Hiddenfield} widget and * renders the underlying UCI option or default value as readonly text. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIDummyValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.DummyValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.DummyValue', /** * Set an URL which is opened when clicking on the dummy value text. * * By setting this property, the dummy value text is wrapped in an `` * element with the property value used as `href` attribute. * * @name LuCI.form.DummyValue.prototype#href * @type string * @default null */ /** * Treat the UCI option value (or the `default` property value) as HTML. * * By default, the value text is HTML escaped before being rendered as * text. In some cases it may be needed to actually interpret and render * HTML contents as-is. When set to `true`, HTML escaping is disabled. * * @name LuCI.form.DummyValue.prototype#rawhtml * @type boolean * @default null */ /** * Render the UCI option value as hidden using the HTML display: none style property. * * By default, the value is displayed * * @name LuCI.form.DummyValue.prototype#hidden * @type boolean * @default null */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var value = (cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, hiddenEl = new ui.Hiddenfield(value, { id: this.cbid(section_id) }), outputEl = E('div', { 'style': this.hidden ? 'display:none' : null }); if (this.href && !((this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly)) outputEl.appendChild(E('a', { 'href': this.href })); dom.append(outputEl.lastChild || outputEl, this.rawhtml ? value : [ value ]); return E([ outputEl, hiddenEl.render() ]); }, /** @override */ remove: function() {}, /** @override */ write: function() {} }); /** * @class ButtonValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `DummyValue` element wraps an {@link LuCI.ui.Hiddenfield} widget and * renders the underlying UCI option or default value as readonly text. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIButtonValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.ButtonValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.ButtonValue', /** * Override the rendered button caption. * * By default, the option title - which is passed as fourth argument to the * constructor - is used as caption for the button element. When setting * this property to a string, it is used as `String.format()` pattern with * the underlying UCI section name passed as first format argument. When * set to a function, it is invoked passing the section ID as sole argument * and the resulting return value is converted to a string before being * used as button caption. * * The default is `null`, means the option title is used as caption. * * @name LuCI.form.ButtonValue.prototype#inputtitle * @type string|function * @default null */ /** * Override the button style class. * * By setting this property, a specific `cbi-button-*` CSS class can be * selected to influence the style of the resulting button. * * Suitable values which are implemented by most themes are `positive`, * `negative` and `primary`. * * The default is `null`, means a neutral button styling is used. * * @name LuCI.form.ButtonValue.prototype#inputstyle * @type string * @default null */ /** * Override the button click action. * * By default, the underlying UCI option (or default property) value is * copied into a hidden field tied to the button element and the save * action is triggered on the parent form element. * * When this property is set to a function, it is invoked instead of * performing the default actions. The handler function will receive the * DOM click element as first and the underlying configuration section ID * as second argument. * * @name LuCI.form.ButtonValue.prototype#onclick * @type function * @default null */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var value = (cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, hiddenEl = new ui.Hiddenfield(value, { id: this.cbid(section_id) }), outputEl = E('div'), btn_title = this.titleFn('inputtitle', section_id) || this.titleFn('title', section_id); if (value !== false) dom.content(outputEl, [ E('button', { 'class': 'cbi-button cbi-button-%s'.format(this.inputstyle || 'button'), 'click': ui.createHandlerFn(this, function(section_id, ev) { if (this.onclick) return this.onclick(ev, section_id); ev.currentTarget.parentNode.nextElementSibling.value = value; return this.map.save(); }, section_id), 'disabled': ((this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly) || null }, [ btn_title ]) ]); else dom.content(outputEl, ' - '); return E([ outputEl, hiddenEl.render() ]); } }); /** * @class HiddenValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `HiddenValue` element wraps an {@link LuCI.ui.Hiddenfield} widget. * * Hidden value widgets used to be necessary in legacy code which actually * submitted the underlying HTML form the server. With client side handling of * forms, there are more efficient ways to store hidden state data. * * Since this widget has no visible content, the title and description values * of this form element should be set to `null` as well to avoid a broken or * distorted form layout when rendering the option element. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIHiddenValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.HiddenValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.HiddenValue', /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var widget = new ui.Hiddenfield((cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, { id: this.cbid(section_id) }); return widget.render(); } }); /** * @class FileUpload * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `FileUpload` element wraps an {@link LuCI.ui.FileUpload} widget and * offers the ability to browse, upload and select remote files. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The name of the UCI option to map. * * @param {string} [title] * The title caption of the option element. * * @param {string} [description] * The description text of the option element. */ var CBIFileUpload = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.FileUpload.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.FileSelect', __init__: function(/* ... */) { this.super('__init__', arguments); this.show_hidden = false; this.enable_upload = true; this.enable_remove = true; this.root_directory = '/etc/luci-uploads'; }, /** * Toggle display of hidden files. * * Display hidden files when rendering the remote directory listing. * Note that this is merely a cosmetic feature, hidden files are always * included in received remote file listings. * * The default is `false`, means hidden files are not displayed. * * @name LuCI.form.FileUpload.prototype#show_hidden * @type boolean * @default false */ /** * Toggle file upload functionality. * * When set to `true`, the underlying widget provides a button which lets * the user select and upload local files to the remote system. * Note that this is merely a cosmetic feature, remote upload access is * controlled by the session ACL rules. * * The default is `true`, means file upload functionality is displayed. * * @name LuCI.form.FileUpload.prototype#enable_upload * @type boolean * @default true */ /** * Toggle remote file delete functionality. * * When set to `true`, the underlying widget provides a buttons which let * the user delete files from remote directories. Note that this is merely * a cosmetic feature, remote delete permissions are controlled by the * session ACL rules. * * The default is `true`, means file removal buttons are displayed. * * @name LuCI.form.FileUpload.prototype#enable_remove * @type boolean * @default true */ /** * Specify the root directory for file browsing. * * This property defines the topmost directory the file browser widget may * navigate to, the UI will not allow browsing directories outside this * prefix. Note that this is merely a cosmetic feature, remote file access * and directory listing permissions are controlled by the session ACL * rules. * * The default is `/etc/luci-uploads`. * * @name LuCI.form.FileUpload.prototype#root_directory * @type string * @default /etc/luci-uploads */ /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { var browserEl = new ui.FileUpload((cfgvalue != null) ? cfgvalue : this.default, { id: this.cbid(section_id), name: this.cbid(section_id), show_hidden: this.show_hidden, enable_upload: this.enable_upload, enable_remove: this.enable_remove, root_directory: this.root_directory, disabled: (this.readonly != null) ? this.readonly : this.map.readonly }); return browserEl.render(); } }); /** * @class SectionValue * @memberof LuCI.form * @augments LuCI.form.Value * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The `SectionValue` widget embeds a form section element within an option * element container, allowing to nest form sections into other sections. * * @param {LuCI.form.Map|LuCI.form.JSONMap} form * The configuration form this section is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} section * The configuration section this option is added to. It is automatically passed * by [option()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#option} or * [taboption()]{@link LuCI.form.AbstractSection#taboption} when adding the * option to the section. * * @param {string} option * The internal name of the option element holding the section. Since a section * container element does not read or write any configuration itself, the name * is only used internally and does not need to relate to any underlying UCI * option name. * * @param {LuCI.form.AbstractSection} subsection_class * The class to use for instantiating the nested section element. Note that * the class value itself is expected here, not a class instance obtained by * calling `new`. The given class argument must be a subclass of the * `AbstractSection` class. * * @param {...*} [class_args] * All further arguments are passed as-is to the subclass constructor. Refer * to the corresponding class constructor documentations for details. */ var CBISectionValue = CBIValue.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.SectionValue.prototype */ { __name__: 'CBI.ContainerValue', __init__: function(map, section, option, cbiClass /*, ... */) { this.super('__init__', [map, section, option]); if (!CBIAbstractSection.isSubclass(cbiClass)) throw 'Sub section must be a descendent of CBIAbstractSection'; this.subsection = cbiClass.instantiate(this.varargs(arguments, 4, this.map)); this.subsection.parentoption = this; }, /** * Access the embedded section instance. * * This property holds a reference to the instantiated nested section. * * @name LuCI.form.SectionValue.prototype#subsection * @type LuCI.form.AbstractSection * @readonly */ /** @override */ load: function(section_id) { return this.subsection.load(section_id); }, /** @override */ parse: function(section_id) { return this.subsection.parse(section_id); }, /** @private */ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) { return this.subsection.render(section_id); }, /** @private */ checkDepends: function(section_id) { this.subsection.checkDepends(section_id); return CBIValue.prototype.checkDepends.apply(this, [ section_id ]); }, /** * Since the section container is not rendering an own widget, * its `value()` implementation is a no-op. * * @override */ value: function() {}, /** * Since the section container is not tied to any UCI configuration, * its `write()` implementation is a no-op. * * @override */ write: function() {}, /** * Since the section container is not tied to any UCI configuration, * its `remove()` implementation is a no-op. * * @override */ remove: function() {}, /** * Since the section container is not tied to any UCI configuration, * its `cfgvalue()` implementation will always return `null`. * * @override * @returns {null} */ cfgvalue: function() { return null }, /** * Since the section container is not tied to any UCI configuration, * its `formvalue()` implementation will always return `null`. * * @override * @returns {null} */ formvalue: function() { return null } }); /** * @class form * @memberof LuCI * @hideconstructor * @classdesc * * The LuCI form class provides high level abstractions for creating creating * UCI- or JSON backed configurations forms. * * To import the class in views, use `'require form'`, to import it in * external JavaScript, use `L.require("form").then(...)`. * * A typical form is created by first constructing a * {@link LuCI.form.Map} or {@link LuCI.form.JSONMap} instance using `new` and * by subsequently adding sections and options to it. Finally * [render()]{@link LuCI.form.Map#render} is invoked on the instance to * assemble the HTML markup and insert it into the DOM. * * Example: * *
 * 'use strict';
 * 'require form';
 * var m, s, o;
 * m = new form.Map('example', 'Example form',
 *	'This is an example form mapping the contents of /etc/config/example');
 * s = m.section(form.NamedSection, 'first_section', 'example', 'The first section',
 * 	'This sections maps "config example first_section" of /etc/config/example');
 * o = s.option(form.Flag, 'some_bool', 'A checkbox option');
 * o = s.option(form.ListValue, 'some_choice', 'A select element');
 * o.value('choice1', 'The first choice');
 * o.value('choice2', 'The second choice');
 * m.render().then(function(node) {
 * 	document.body.appendChild(node);
 * });
*/ return baseclass.extend(/** @lends LuCI.form.prototype */ { Map: CBIMap, JSONMap: CBIJSONMap, AbstractSection: CBIAbstractSection, AbstractValue: CBIAbstractValue, TypedSection: CBITypedSection, TableSection: CBITableSection, GridSection: CBIGridSection, NamedSection: CBINamedSection, Value: CBIValue, DynamicList: CBIDynamicList, ListValue: CBIListValue, Flag: CBIFlagValue, MultiValue: CBIMultiValue, TextValue: CBITextValue, DummyValue: CBIDummyValue, Button: CBIButtonValue, HiddenValue: CBIHiddenValue, FileUpload: CBIFileUpload, SectionValue: CBISectionValue });