--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac <https://github.com/lisaac/luci-app-dockerman> ]]-- local docker = require "luci.model.docker" local m, s, o function byte_format(byte) local suff = {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"} for i=1, 5 do if byte > 1024 and i < 5 then byte = byte / 1024 else return string.format("%.2f %s", byte, suff[i]) end end end m = Map("dockerd", translate("Docker"), translate("DockerMan is a Simple Docker manager client for LuCI, If you have any issue please visit:") .. " " .. [[<a href="https://github.com/lisaac/luci-app-dockerman" target="_blank">]] .. translate("Github") .. [[</a>]]) local docker_info_table = {} docker_info_table['3ServerVersion'] = {_key=translate("Docker Version"),_value='-'} docker_info_table['4ApiVersion'] = {_key=translate("Api Version"),_value='-'} docker_info_table['5NCPU'] = {_key=translate("CPUs"),_value='-'} docker_info_table['6MemTotal'] = {_key=translate("Total Memory"),_value='-'} docker_info_table['7DockerRootDir'] = {_key=translate("Docker Root Dir"),_value='-'} docker_info_table['8IndexServerAddress'] = {_key=translate("Index Server Address"),_value='-'} docker_info_table['9RegistryMirrors'] = {_key=translate("Registry Mirrors"),_value='-'} s = m:section(Table, docker_info_table) s:option(DummyValue, "_key", translate("Info")) s:option(DummyValue, "_value") s = m:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "dockerman/overview" s.containers_running = '-' s.images_used = '-' s.containers_total = '-' s.images_total = '-' s.networks_total = '-' s.volumes_total = '-' if docker.new():_ping().code == 200 then local dk = docker.new() local containers_list = dk.containers:list({query = {all=true}}).body local images_list = dk.images:list().body local vol = dk.volumes:list() local volumes_list = vol and vol.body and vol.body.Volumes or {} local networks_list = dk.networks:list().body or {} local docker_info = dk:info() docker_info_table['3ServerVersion']._value = docker_info.body.ServerVersion docker_info_table['4ApiVersion']._value = docker_info.headers["Api-Version"] docker_info_table['5NCPU']._value = tostring(docker_info.body.NCPU) docker_info_table['6MemTotal']._value = byte_format(docker_info.body.MemTotal) if docker_info.body.DockerRootDir then local statvfs = nixio.fs.statvfs(docker_info.body.DockerRootDir) local size = statvfs and (statvfs.bavail * statvfs.bsize) or 0 docker_info_table['7DockerRootDir']._value = docker_info.body.DockerRootDir .. " (" .. tostring(byte_format(size)) .. " " .. translate("Available") .. ")" end docker_info_table['8IndexServerAddress']._value = docker_info.body.IndexServerAddress for i, v in ipairs(docker_info.body.RegistryConfig.Mirrors) do docker_info_table['9RegistryMirrors']._value = docker_info_table['9RegistryMirrors']._value == "-" and v or (docker_info_table['9RegistryMirrors']._value .. ", " .. v) end s.images_used = 0 for i, v in ipairs(images_list) do for ci,cv in ipairs(containers_list) do if v.Id == cv.ImageID then s.images_used = s.images_used + 1 break end end end s.containers_running = tostring(docker_info.body.ContainersRunning) s.images_used = tostring(s.images_used) s.containers_total = tostring(docker_info.body.Containers) s.images_total = tostring(#images_list) s.networks_total = tostring(#networks_list) s.volumes_total = tostring(#volumes_list) end s = m:section(NamedSection, "globals", "section", translate("Setting")) o = s:option(Flag, "remote_endpoint", translate("Remote Endpoint"), translate("Connect to remote endpoint")) o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "socket_path", translate("Docker Socket Path")) o.default = "unix://var/run/docker.sock" o.placeholder = "unix://var/run/docker.sock" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1) o = s:option(Value, "remote_host", translate("Remote Host")) o.placeholder = "" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1) o = s:option(Value, "remote_port", translate("Remote Port")) o.placeholder = "2375" o.default = "2375" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1) if nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/dockerd") then o = s:option(Value, "data_root", translate("Docker Root Dir")) o.placeholder = "/opt/docker/" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(Value, "bip", translate("Default bridge"), translate("Configure the default bridge network")) o.placeholder = "" o.default = "" o.datatype = "ipaddr" o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(DynamicList, "registry_mirrors", translate("Registry Mirrors")) o:value("https://hub-mirror.c.163.com", "https://hub-mirror.c.163.com") o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(ListValue, "log_level", translate("Log Level"), translate('Set the logging level')) o:value("debug", "debug") o:value("info", "info") o:value("warn", "warn") o:value("error", "error") o:value("fatal", "fatal") o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) o = s:option(DynamicList, "hosts", translate("Client connection"), translate('Specifies where the Docker daemon will listen for client connections')) o:value("unix://var/run/docker.sock", "unix://var/run/docker.sock") o:value("tcp://", "tcp://") o.rmempty = true o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0) end return m