--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2019 lisaac ]]-- local docker = require "luci.docker" local uci = (require "luci.model.uci").cursor() local _docker = {} --pull image and return iamge id local update_image = function(self, image_name) local json_stringify = luci.jsonc and luci.jsonc.stringify _docker:append_status("Images: " .. "pulling" .. " " .. image_name .. "...\n") local res = self.images:create({query = {fromImage=image_name}}, _docker.pull_image_show_status_cb) if res and res.code == 200 and (#res.body > 0 and not res.body[#res.body].error and res.body[#res.body].status and (res.body[#res.body].status == "Status: Downloaded newer image for ".. image_name)) then _docker:append_status("done\n") else res.body.message = res.body[#res.body] and res.body[#res.body].error or (res.body.message or res.message) end new_image_id = self.images:inspect({name = image_name}).body.Id return new_image_id, res end local table_equal = function(t1, t2) if not t1 then return true end if not t2 then return false end if #t1 ~= #t2 then return false end for i, v in ipairs(t1) do if t1[i] ~= t2[i] then return false end end return true end local table_subtract = function(t1, t2) if not t1 or next(t1) == nil then return nil end if not t2 or next(t2) == nil then return t1 end local res = {} for _, v1 in ipairs(t1) do local found = false for _, v2 in ipairs(t2) do if v1 == v2 then found= true break end end if not found then table.insert(res, v1) end end return next(res) == nil and nil or res end local map_subtract = function(t1, t2) if not t1 or next(t1) == nil then return nil end if not t2 or next(t2) == nil then return t1 end local res = {} for k1, v1 in pairs(t1) do local found = false for k2, v2 in ipairs(t2) do if k1 == k2 and luci.util.serialize_data(v1) == luci.util.serialize_data(v2) then found= true break end end if not found then res[k1] = v1 end end return next(res) ~= nil and res or nil end _docker.clear_empty_tables = function ( t ) local k, v if next(t) == nil then t = nil else for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == 'table' then t[k] = _docker.clear_empty_tables(v) end end end return t end local get_config = function(container_config, image_config) local config = container_config.Config local old_host_config = container_config.HostConfig local old_network_setting = container_config.NetworkSettings.Networks or {} if config.WorkingDir == image_config.WorkingDir then config.WorkingDir = "" end if config.User == image_config.User then config.User = "" end if table_equal(config.Cmd, image_config.Cmd) then config.Cmd = nil end if table_equal(config.Entrypoint, image_config.Entrypoint) then config.Entrypoint = nil end if table_equal(config.ExposedPorts, image_config.ExposedPorts) then config.ExposedPorts = nil end config.Env = table_subtract(config.Env, image_config.Env) config.Labels = table_subtract(config.Labels, image_config.Labels) config.Volumes = map_subtract(config.Volumes, image_config.Volumes) if old_host_config.PortBindings and next(old_host_config.PortBindings) ~= nil then config.ExposedPorts = {} for p, v in pairs(old_host_config.PortBindings) do config.ExposedPorts[p] = { HostPort=v[1] and v[1].HostPort } end end local network_setting = {} local multi_network = false local extra_network = {} for k, v in pairs(old_network_setting) do if multi_network then extra_network[k] = v else network_setting[k] = v end multi_network = true end local host_config = old_host_config host_config.Mounts = {} for i, v in ipairs(container_config.Mounts) do if v.Type == "volume" then table.insert(host_config.Mounts, { Type = v.Type, Target = v.Destination, Source = v.Source:match("([^/]+)\/_data"), BindOptions = (v.Type == "bind") and {Propagation = v.Propagation} or nil, ReadOnly = not v.RW }) end end local create_body = config create_body["HostConfig"] = host_config create_body["NetworkingConfig"] = {EndpointsConfig = network_setting} create_body = _docker.clear_empty_tables(create_body) or {} extra_network = _docker.clear_empty_tables(extra_network) or {} return create_body, extra_network end local upgrade = function(self, request) _docker:clear_status() local container_info = self.containers:inspect({id = request.id}) if container_info.code > 300 and type(container_info.body) == "table" then return container_info end local image_name = container_info.body.Config.Image if not image_name:match(".-:.+") then image_name = image_name .. ":latest" end local old_image_id = container_info.body.Image local container_name = container_info.body.Name:sub(2) local image_id, res = update_image(self, image_name) if res and res.code ~= 200 then return res end if image_id == old_image_id then return {code = 305, body = {message = "Already up to date"}} end _docker:append_status("Container: " .. "Stop" .. " " .. container_name .. "...") res = self.containers:stop({name = container_name}) if res and res.code < 305 then _docker:append_status("done\n") else return res end _docker:append_status("Container: rename" .. " " .. container_name .. " to ".. container_name .. "_old ...") res = self.containers:rename({name = container_name, query = { name = container_name .. "_old" }}) if res and res.code < 300 then _docker:append_status("done\n") else return res end local image_config = self.images:inspect({id = old_image_id}).body.Config local create_body, extra_network = get_config(container_info.body, image_config) -- create new container _docker:append_status("Container: Create" .. " " .. container_name .. "...") create_body = _docker.clear_empty_tables(create_body) res = self.containers:create({name = container_name, body = create_body}) if res and res.code > 300 then return res end _docker:append_status("done\n") -- extra networks need to network connect action for k, v in pairs(extra_network) do _docker:append_status("Networks: Connect" .. " " .. container_name .. "...") res = self.networks:connect({id = k, body = {Container = container_name, EndpointConfig = v}}) if res.code > 300 then return res end _docker:append_status("done\n") end _docker:clear_status() return res end local duplicate_config = function (self, request) local container_info = self.containers:inspect({id = request.id}) if container_info.code > 300 and type(container_info.body) == "table" then return nil end local old_image_id = container_info.body.Image local image_config = self.images:inspect({id = old_image_id}).body.Config return get_config(container_info.body, image_config) end _docker.new = function(option) local option = option or {} local remote = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint") options = { host = (remote == "true") and (option.host or uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host")) or nil, port = (remote == "true") and (option.port or uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port")) or nil, debug = option.debug or uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "debug") == 'true' and true or false, debug_path = option.debug_path or uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "debug_path") or "/tmp/.docker_debug" } options.socket_path = (remote ~= "true" or not options.host or not options.port) and (option.socket_path or uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") or "/var/run/docker.sock") or nil local _new = docker.new(options) _new.options.status_path = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "status_path") or "/tmp/.docker_status" _new.containers_upgrade = upgrade _new.containers_duplicate_config = duplicate_config return _new end _docker.options={} _docker.options.status_path = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "status_path") or "/tmp/.docker_status" _docker.append_status=function(self,val) if not val then return end local file_docker_action_status=io.open(self.options.status_path, "a+") file_docker_action_status:write(val) file_docker_action_status:close() end _docker.write_status=function(self,val) if not val then return end local file_docker_action_status=io.open(self.options.status_path, "w+") file_docker_action_status:write(val) file_docker_action_status:close() end _docker.read_status=function(self) return nixio.fs.readfile(self.options.status_path) end _docker.clear_status=function(self) nixio.fs.remove(self.options.status_path) end local status_cb = function(res, source, handler) res.body = res.body or {} while true do local chunk = source() if chunk then --standard output to res.body table.insert(res.body, chunk) handler(chunk) else return end end end --{"status":"Pulling from library\/debian","id":"latest"} --{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":[],"id":"50e431f79093"} --{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"total":50381971,"current":2029978},"id":"50e431f79093","progress":"[==> ] 2.03MB\/50.38MB"} --{"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":[],"id":"50e431f79093"} --{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"total":50381971,"current":17301504},"id":"50e431f79093","progress":"[=================> ] 17.3MB\/50.38MB"} --{"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":[],"id":"50e431f79093"} --{"status":"Digest: sha256:a63d0b2ecbd723da612abf0a8bdb594ee78f18f691d7dc652ac305a490c9b71a"} --{"status":"Status: Downloaded newer image for debian:latest"} _docker.pull_image_show_status_cb = function(res, source) return status_cb(res, source, function(chunk) local json_parse = luci.jsonc.parse local step = json_parse(chunk) if type(step) == "table" then local buf = _docker:read_status() local num = 0 local str = '\t' .. (step.id and (step.id .. ": ") or "") .. (step.status and step.status or "") .. (step.progress and (" " .. step.progress) or "").."\n" if step.id then buf, num = buf:gsub("\t"..step.id .. ": .-\n", str) end if num == 0 then buf = buf .. str end _docker:write_status(buf) end end) end --{"status":"Downloading from https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.0/targets/x86/64/openwrt-19.07.0-x86-64-generic-rootfs.tar.gz"} --{"status":"Importing","progressDetail":{"current":1572391,"total":3821714},"progress":"[====================\u003e ] 1.572MB/3.822MB"} --{"status":"sha256:d5304b58e2d8cc0a2fd640c05cec1bd4d1229a604ac0dd2909f13b2b47a29285"} _docker.import_image_show_status_cb = function(res, source) return status_cb(res, source, function(chunk) local json_parse = luci.jsonc.parse local step = json_parse(chunk) if type(step) == "table" then local buf = _docker:read_status() local num = 0 local str = '\t' .. (step.status and step.status or "") .. (step.progress and (" " .. step.progress) or "").."\n" if step.status then buf, num = buf:gsub("\t"..step.status .. " .-\n", str) end if num == 0 then buf = buf .. str end _docker:write_status(buf) end end) end _docker.create_macvlan_interface = function(name, device, gateway, subnet) if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/network") or not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/firewall") then return end if uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint") == "true" then return end local ip = require "luci.ip" local if_name = "docker_"..name local dev_name = "macvlan_"..name local net_mask = tostring(ip.new(subnet):mask()) local lan_interfaces -- add macvlan device uci:delete("network", dev_name) uci:set("network", dev_name, "device") uci:set("network", dev_name, "name", dev_name) uci:set("network", dev_name, "ifname", device) uci:set("network", dev_name, "type", "macvlan") uci:set("network", dev_name, "mode", "bridge") -- add macvlan interface uci:delete("network", if_name) uci:set("network", if_name, "interface") uci:set("network", if_name, "proto", "static") uci:set("network", if_name, "ifname", dev_name) uci:set("network", if_name, "ipaddr", gateway) uci:set("network", if_name, "netmask", net_mask) uci:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name == "lan" then local interfaces if type(s.network) == "table" then interfaces = table.concat(s.network, " ") uci:delete("firewall", s[".name"], "network") else interfaces = s.network and s.network or "" end interfaces = interfaces .. " " .. if_name interfaces = interfaces:gsub("%s+", " ") uci:set("firewall", s[".name"], "network", interfaces) end end) uci:commit("firewall") uci:commit("network") os.execute("ifup " .. if_name) end _docker.remove_macvlan_interface = function(name) if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/network") or not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/firewall") then return end if uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint") == "true" then return end local if_name = "docker_"..name local dev_name = "macvlan_"..name uci:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name == "lan" then local interfaces if type(s.network) == "table" then interfaces = table.concat(s.network, " ") else interfaces = s.network and s.network or "" end interfaces = interfaces and interfaces:gsub(if_name, "") interfaces = interfaces and interfaces:gsub("%s+", " ") uci:set("firewall", s[".name"], "network", interfaces) end end) uci:delete("network", dev_name) uci:delete("network", if_name) uci:commit("network") uci:commit("firewall") os.execute("ip link del " .. if_name) end return _docker