#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2017-2020 Stan Grishin (stangri@melmac.net) # shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC1091 readonly devices_dir="/usr/share/advanced-reboot/devices/" . /lib/functions.sh . /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh logger() { /usr/bin/logger -t advanced-reboot "$1"; } is_present() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; } is_alt_mountable() { local p1_mtd="$1" p2_mtd="$2" if [ "${p1_mtd:0:3}" = "mtd" ] && [ "${p2_mtd:0:3}" = "mtd" ] && \ is_present 'ubiattach' && \ is_present 'ubiblock' && \ is_present 'mount'; then return 0 else return 1 fi } alt_partition_mount() { local ubi_dev op_ubi="$1" mkdir -p /var/alt_rom ubi_dev="$(ubiattach -m "$op_ubi")" ubi_dev="$(echo "$ubi_dev" | sed -n "s/^UBI device number\s*\(\d*\),.*$/\1/p")" if [ -z "$ubi_dev" ]; then ubidetach -m "$op_ubi" return 1 fi ubiblock --create "/dev/ubi${ubi_dev}_0" && \ mount -t squashfs -r "/dev/ubiblock${ubi_dev}_0" /var/alt_rom } alt_partition_unmount() { local mtdCount i=0 op_ubi="$1" mtdCount="$(ubinfo | grep 'Present UBI devices' | tr ',' '\n' | grep -c 'ubi')" [ -z "$mtdCount" ] && mtdCount=10 [ -d /var/alt_rom ] && umount /var/alt_rom while [ "$i" -le "$mtdCount" ]; do if [ ! -e "/sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi${i}/mtd_num" ]; then break fi ubi_mtd="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi${i}/mtd_num)" if [ -n "$ubi_mtd" ] && [ "$ubi_mtd" = "$op_ubi" ]; then ubiblock --remove /dev/ubi${i}_0 ubidetach -m "$op_ubi" rm -rf /var/alt_rom fi i=$((i + 1)) done } get_main_partition_os_info(){ local cp_info if [ -s "/etc/os-release" ]; then cp_info="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")" if [ "${cp_info//SNAPSHOT}" != "$cp_info" ]; then cp_info="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "${OPENWRT_RELEASE%%-*}")" fi fi echo "$cp_info" } get_alt_partition_os_info(){ local op_info op_ubi="$1" logger "attempting to mount alternative partition (mtd${op_ubi})" alt_partition_unmount "$op_ubi" alt_partition_mount "$op_ubi" if [ -s "/var/alt_rom/etc/os-release" ]; then op_info="$(. /var/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")" if [ "${op_info//SNAPSHOT}" != "$op_info" ]; then op_info="$(. /var/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "${OPENWRT_RELEASE%%-*}")" fi fi logger "attempting to unmount alternative partition (mtd${op_ubi})" alt_partition_unmount "$op_ubi" echo "$op_info" } find_device_data(){ local boardNames filename i romBoardName="$1" for filename in "${devices_dir}"*.json; do [ "$filename" = "${devices_dir}*.json" ] && return json_load_file "$filename" json_get_values boardNames 'boardNames' json_cleanup for i in $boardNames; do if [ "$i" = "$romBoardName" ]; then echo "$filename" return fi done done } print_json() { json_init; json_add_string "$1" "$2"; json_dump; json_cleanup; } obtain_device_info(){ local romBoardName p zyxelFlagPartition i local vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset local bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value local bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value local p1_label p1_version p2_label p2_version p1_os p2_os local current_partition op_ubi cp_info op_info romBoardName="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)" if [ -z "$romBoardName" ]; then print_json 'error' 'NO_BOARD_NAME' return fi p="$(find_device_data "$romBoardName")" if [ -z "$p" ] || [ ! -s "$p" ]; then print_json 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" return fi json_load_file "$p" for i in vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset \ bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value \ bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value; do json_get_var $i "$i" done json_cleanup if [ -n "$labelOffset" ]; then if [ -n "$partition1MTD" ]; then p1_label="$(dd if="/dev/${partition1MTD}" bs=1 skip="${labelOffset}" count=64 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "$p1_label" ]; then p1_version="$(echo "$p1_label" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)Linux-\([0-9.]\+\).*$/\2/p")" if [ "${p1_label//LEDE}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="LEDE"; fi if [ "${p1_label//OpenWrt}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="OpenWrt"; fi if [ -n "$vendorName" ] && [ "${p1_label//$vendorName}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="$vendorName" fi fi if [ -z "$p1_os" ]; then p1_os="${vendorName:-Unknown}/Unknown" fi fi if [ -n "$partition2MTD" ]; then p2_label="$(dd if="/dev/${partition2MTD}" bs=1 skip="${labelOffset}" count=64 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "$p2_label" ]; then p2_version="$(echo "$p2_label" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)Linux-\([0-9.]\+\).*$/\2/p")" if [ "${p2_label//LEDE}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="LEDE"; fi if [ "${p2_label//OpenWrt}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="OpenWrt"; fi if [ -n "$vendorName" ] && [ "${p2_label//$vendorName}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="$vendorName" fi fi if [ -z "$p2_os" ]; then p2_os="${vendorName:-Unknown}/Unknown" fi fi else p1_os="${vendorName}/Unknown (Compressed)" p2_os="${vendorName}/Unknown (Compressed)" fi if [ -n "$bootEnv1" ]; then if [ -x "/usr/sbin/fw_printenv" ] && [ -x "/usr/sbin/fw_setenv" ]; then current_partition="$(/usr/sbin/fw_printenv -n "${bootEnv1}")" fi else for i in '0:dual_flag' '0:DUAL_FLAG'; do zyxelFlagPartition="$(find_mtd_part "$i" 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "$zyxelFlagPartition" ] && break done if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG' logger "Unable to find Dual Boot Environment or Dual Boot Flag Partition." return elif [ ! -b "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG_BLOCK' logger "The Dual Boot Flag Partition: $zyxelFlagPartition is not block device." return else current_partition="$(dd if="${zyxelFlagPartition}" bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 "%d"')" fi fi if is_alt_mountable "$partition1MTD" "$partition2MTD"; then if [ "$current_partition" = "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" ]; then op_ubi=$(( ${partition2MTD:3:3} + 1 )) else op_ubi=$(( ${partition1MTD:3:3} + 1 )) fi cp_info="$(get_main_partition_os_info $op_ubi)" op_info="$(get_alt_partition_os_info $op_ubi)" if [ "$current_partition" = "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" ]; then p1_os="${cp_info:-$p1_os}" p2_os="${op_info:-$p2_os}" else p1_os="${op_info:-$p1_os}" p2_os="${cp_info:-$p2_os}" fi fi if [ -n "$p1_os" ] && [ -n "$p1_version" ]; then p1_os="$p1_os (Linux ${p1_version})" fi if [ -n "$p2_os" ] && [ -n "$p2_version" ]; then p2_os="$p2_os (Linux ${p2_version})" fi json_init json_add_int 'current_partition' "$current_partition" json_add_string 'device_name' "$vendorName $deviceName" json_add_array 'partitions' json_add_object if [ "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" = "$current_partition" ]; then json_add_string 'state' "Current" else json_add_string 'state' "Alternative" fi json_add_string 'os' "$p1_os" json_add_int 'number' "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" json_close_object json_add_object if [ "$bootEnv1Partition2Value" = "$current_partition" ]; then json_add_string 'state' "Current" else json_add_string 'state' "Alternative" fi json_add_string 'os' "$p2_os" json_add_int 'number' "$bootEnv1Partition2Value" json_close_object json_close_array json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" json_dump; json_cleanup; } toggle_boot_partition(){ local zyxelFlagPartition i zyxelBootFlag zyxelNewBootFlag curEnvSetting newEnvSetting local romBoardName p local bev1 bev2 bev1p1 bev1p2 bev2p1 bev2p2 local vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset local bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value local bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value romBoardName="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)" if [ -z "$romBoardName" ]; then print_json 'error' 'NO_BOARD_NAME' return fi p="$(find_device_data "$romBoardName")" if [ -z "$p" ] || [ ! -s "$p" ]; then print_json 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" return fi json_load_file "$p" for i in vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset \ bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value \ bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value; do json_get_var $i "$i" done json_cleanup bev1="$bootEnv1" bev2="$bootEnv2" if [ -n "${bev1}${bev2}" ]; then # Linksys devices if [ -n "$bev1" ]; then curEnvSetting="$(fw_printenv -n "${bev1}")" if [ -z "$curEnvSetting" ]; then logger "$(printf "Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s." "$bev1")" json_init json_add_string 'error' 'NO_FIRM_ENV' json_add_array 'args' json_add_string "$bev1" json_close_array json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" json_dump; json_cleanup; return else bev1p1="$bootEnv1Partition1Value" bev1p2="$bootEnv1Partition2Value" if [ "$curEnvSetting" = "$bev1p1" ]; then newEnvSetting="$bev1p2" else newEnvSetting="$bev1p1" fi if ! fw_setenv "$bev1" "$newEnvSetting"; then logger "$(printf "Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s." "$bev1" "$newEnvSetting")" json_init json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_ENV' json_add_array 'args' json_add_string "$bev1" json_add_string "$newEnvSetting" json_close_array json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" json_dump; json_cleanup; return fi fi fi if [ -n "$bev2" ]; then curEnvSetting="$(fw_printenv -n "${bev2}")" if [ -z "$curEnvSetting" ]; then logger "$(printf "Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s." "$bev2")" json_init json_add_string 'error' 'NO_FIRM_ENV' json_add_array 'args' json_add_string "$bev2" json_close_array json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" json_dump; json_cleanup; return else bev2p1="$bootEnv2Partition1Value" bev2p2="$bootEnv2Partition2Value" if [ "$curEnvSetting" = "$bev2p1" ]; then newEnvSetting="$bev2p2" else newEnvSetting="$bev2p1" fi if ! fw_setenv "$bev2" "$newEnvSetting"; then logger "$(printf "Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s." "$bev2" "$newEnvSetting")" json_init json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_ENV' json_add_array 'args' json_add_string "$bev2" json_add_string "$newEnvSetting" json_close_array json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" json_dump; json_cleanup; return fi fi fi json_init json_dump; json_cleanup; else # NetGear device for i in '0:dual_flag' '0:DUAL_FLAG'; do zyxelFlagPartition="$(find_mtd_part "$i" 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "$zyxelFlagPartition" ] && break done if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG' logger "Unable to find Dual Boot Environment or Dual Boot Flag Partition." return elif [ ! -b "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG_BLOCK' logger "The Dual Boot Flag Partition: $zyxelFlagPartition is not block device." return else zyxelBootFlag="$(dd if="${zyxelFlagPartition}" bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 "%d"')" if [ "$zyxelBootFlag" = "1" ]; then zyxelNewBootFlag="\\xff" else zyxelNewBootFlag="\\x01" fi if [ -n "$zyxelNewBootFlag" ]; then if ! printf "%b" "$zyxelNewBootFlag" > "$zyxelFlagPartition"; then logger "$(printf "Unable to set Dual Boot Flag Partition entry for partition: %s." "$zyxelFlagPartition")" json_init json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_DUAL_FLAG' json_add_array 'args' json_add_string "$zyxelFlagPartition" json_close_array json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName" json_dump; json_cleanup; return fi fi fi json_init json_dump; json_cleanup; fi } case "$1" in list) json_init json_add_object "obtain_device_info" json_close_object json_add_object "toggle_boot_partition" json_close_object json_dump json_cleanup ;; call) case "$2" in obtain_device_info) obtain_device_info;; toggle_boot_partition) toggle_boot_partition;; esac ;; esac