--[[ LuCI - Filesystem tools Description: A module offering often needed filesystem manipulation functions FileId: $Id$ License: Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local io = require "io" local os = require "os" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local nutil = require "nixio.util" local type = type --- LuCI filesystem library. module "luci.fs" --- Test for file access permission on given path. -- @class function -- @name access -- @param str String value containing the path -- @return Number containing the return code, 0 on sucess or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description (if any) -- @return Number containing the os specific errno (if any) access = fs.access --- Evaluate given shell glob pattern and return a table containing all matching -- file and directory entries. -- @class function -- @name glob -- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read -- @return Table containing file and directory entries or nil if no matches -- @return String containing the error description (if no matches) -- @return Number containing the os specific errno (if no matches) function glob(...) local iter, code, msg = fs.glob(...) if iter then return nutil.consume(iter) else return nil, code, msg end end --- Checks wheather the given path exists and points to a regular file. -- @param filename String containing the path of the file to test -- @return Boolean indicating wheather given path points to regular file function isfile(filename) return fs.stat(filename, "type") == "reg" end --- Checks wheather the given path exists and points to a directory. -- @param dirname String containing the path of the directory to test -- @return Boolean indicating wheather given path points to directory function isdirectory(dirname) return fs.stat(dirname, "type") == "dir" end --- Read the whole content of the given file into memory. -- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read -- @return String containing the file contents or nil on error -- @return String containing the error message on error readfile = fs.readfile --- Write the contents of given string to given file. -- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read -- @param data String containing the data to write -- @return Boolean containing true on success or nil on error -- @return String containing the error message on error writefile = fs.writefile --- Copies a file. -- @param source Source file -- @param dest Destination -- @return Boolean containing true on success or nil on error copy = fs.datacopy --- Renames a file. -- @param source Source file -- @param dest Destination -- @return Boolean containing true on success or nil on error rename = fs.move --- Get the last modification time of given file path in Unix epoch format. -- @param path String containing the path of the file or directory to read -- @return Number containing the epoch time or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description (if any) -- @return Number containing the os specific errno (if any) function mtime(path) return fs.stat(path, "mtime") end --- Set the last modification time of given file path in Unix epoch format. -- @param path String containing the path of the file or directory to read -- @param mtime Last modification timestamp -- @param atime Last accessed timestamp -- @return 0 in case of success nil on error -- @return String containing the error description (if any) -- @return Number containing the os specific errno (if any) function utime(path, mtime, atime) return fs.utimes(path, atime, mtime) end --- Return the last element - usually the filename - from the given path with -- the directory component stripped. -- @class function -- @name basename -- @param path String containing the path to strip -- @return String containing the base name of given path -- @see dirname basename = fs.basename --- Return the directory component of the given path with the last element -- stripped of. -- @class function -- @name dirname -- @param path String containing the path to strip -- @return String containing the directory component of given path -- @see basename dirname = fs.dirname --- Return a table containing all entries of the specified directory. -- @class function -- @name dir -- @param path String containing the path of the directory to scan -- @return Table containing file and directory entries or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error function dir(...) local iter, code, msg = fs.dir(...) if iter then local t = nutil.consume(iter) t[#t+1] = "." t[#t+1] = ".." return t else return nil, code, msg end end --- Create a new directory, recursively on demand. -- @param path String with the name or path of the directory to create -- @param recursive Create multiple directory levels (optional, default is true) -- @return Number with the return code, 0 on sucess or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error function mkdir(path, recursive) return recursive and fs.mkdirr(path) or fs.mkdir(path) end --- Remove the given empty directory. -- @class function -- @name rmdir -- @param path String containing the path of the directory to remove -- @return Number with the return code, 0 on sucess or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error rmdir = fs.rmdir local stat_tr = { reg = "regular", dir = "directory", lnk = "link", chr = "character device", blk = "block device", fifo = "fifo", sock = "socket" } --- Get information about given file or directory. -- @class function -- @name stat -- @param path String containing the path of the directory to query -- @return Table containing file or directory properties or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error function stat(...) local data, code, msg = fs.stat(...) if data then data.mode = data.modestr data.type = stat_tr[data.type] or "?" end return data, code, msg end --- Set permissions on given file or directory. -- @class function -- @name chmod -- @param path String containing the path of the directory -- @param perm String containing the permissions to set ([ugoa][+-][rwx]) -- @return Number with the return code, 0 on sucess or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error chmod = fs.chmod --- Create a hard- or symlink from given file (or directory) to specified target -- file (or directory) path. -- @class function -- @name link -- @param path1 String containing the source path to link -- @param path2 String containing the destination path for the link -- @param symlink Boolean indicating wheather to create a symlink (optional) -- @return Number with the return code, 0 on sucess or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error function link(src, dest, sym) return sym and fs.symlink(src, dest) or fs.link(src, dest) end --- Remove the given file. -- @class function -- @name unlink -- @param path String containing the path of the file to remove -- @return Number with the return code, 0 on sucess or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error unlink = fs.unlink --- Retrieve target of given symlink. -- @class function -- @name readlink -- @param path String containing the path of the symlink to read -- @return String containing the link target or nil on error -- @return String containing the error description on error -- @return Number containing the os specific errno on error readlink = fs.readlink