--[[ FFLuCI - Iptables parser and query library Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. $Id$ ]]-- module("ffluci.iptparser", package.seeall) require("ffluci.sys") require("ffluci.util") IptParser = ffluci.util.class() --[[ IptParser.__init__( ... ) The class constructor, initializes the internal lookup table. ]]-- function IptParser.__init__( self, ... ) self._rules = { } self._chain = nil self:_parse_rules() end --[[ IptParser.find( args ) Find all firewall rules that match the given criteria. Expects a table with search criteria as only argument. If args is nil or an empty table then all rules will be returned. The following keys in the args table are recognized: - table Match rules that are located within the given table - chain Match rules that are located within the given chain - target Match rules with the given target - protocol Match rules that match the given protocol, rules with protocol "all" are always matched - source Match rules with the given source, rules with source "" are always matched - destination Match rules with the given destination, rules with destination "" are always matched - inputif Match rules with the given input interface, rules with input interface "*" (=all) are always matched - outputif Match rules with the given output interface, rules with output interface "*" (=all) are always matched - flags Match rules that match the given flags, current supported values are "-f" (--fragment) and "!f" (! --fragment) - options Match rules containing all given options The return value is a list of tables representing the matched rules. Each rule table contains the following fields: - index The index number of the rule - table The table where the rule is located, can be one of "filter", "nat" or "mangle" - chain The chain where the rule is located, e.g. "INPUT" or "postrouting_wan" - target The rule target, e.g. "REJECT" or "DROP" - protocol The matching protocols, e.g. "all" or "tcp" - flags Special rule options ("--", "-f" or "!f") - inputif Input interface of the rule, e.g. "eth0.0" or "*" for all interfaces - outputif Output interface of the rule, e.g. "eth0.0" or "*" for all interfaces - source The source ip range, e.g. "" - destination The destination ip range, e.g. "" - options A list of specific options of the rule, e.g. { "reject-with", "tcp-reset" } - packets The number of packets matched by the rule - bytes The number of total bytes matched by the rule Example: ip = IptParser(); result = ip.find( { target="REJECT", protocol="tcp", options={ "reject-with", "tcp-reset" } } ) This will match all rules with target "-j REJECT", protocol "-p tcp" (or "-p all") and the option "--reject-with tcp-reset". ]]-- function IptParser.find( self, args ) local args = args or { } local rv = { } for i, rule in ipairs(self._rules) do local match = true -- match table if not ( not args.table or args.table == rule.table ) then match = false end -- match chain if not ( match == true and ( not args.chain or args.chain == rule.chain ) ) then match = false end -- match target if not ( match == true and ( not args.target or args.target == rule.target ) ) then match = false end -- match protocol if not ( match == true and ( not args.protocol or rule.protocol == "all" or args.protocol == rule.protocol ) ) then match = false end -- match source (XXX: implement ipcalc stuff so that matches etc.) if not ( match == true and ( not args.source or rule.source == "" or rule.source == args.source ) ) then match = false end -- match destination (XXX: implement ipcalc stuff so that matches etc.) if not ( match == true and ( not args.destination or rule.destination == "" or rule.destination == args.destination ) ) then match = false end -- match input interface if not ( match == true and ( not args.inputif or rule.inputif == "*" or args.inputif == rule.inputif ) ) then match = false end -- match output interface if not ( match == true and ( not args.outputif or rule.outputif == "*" or args.outputif == rule.outputif ) ) then match = false end -- match flags (the "opt" column) if not ( match == true and ( not args.flags or rule.flags == args.flags ) ) then match = false end -- match specific options if not ( match == true and ( not args.options or self:_match_options( rule.options, args.options ) ) ) then match = false end -- insert match if match == true then table.insert( rv, rule ) end end return rv end --[[ IptParser.resync() Rebuild the internal lookup table, for example when rules have changed through external commands. ]]-- function IptParser.resync( self ) self._rules = { } self._chain = nil self:_parse_rules() end --[[ IptParser._parse_rules() [internal] Parse iptables output from all tables. ]]-- function IptParser._parse_rules( self ) for i, tbl in ipairs({ "filter", "nat", "mangle" }) do for i, rule in ipairs(ffluci.sys.execl("iptables -t " .. tbl .. " --line-numbers -nxvL")) do if rule:find( "Chain " ) == 1 then self._chain = rule:gsub("Chain ([^%s]*) .*", "%1") else if rule:find("%d") == 1 then local rule_parts = ffluci.util.split( rule, "%s+", nil, true ) local rule_details = { } rule_details["table"] = tbl rule_details["chain"] = _chain rule_details["index"] = tonumber(rule_parts[1]) rule_details["packets"] = tonumber(rule_parts[2]) rule_details["bytes"] = tonumber(rule_parts[3]) rule_details["target"] = rule_parts[4] rule_details["protocol"] = rule_parts[5] rule_details["flags"] = rule_parts[6] rule_details["inputif"] = rule_parts[7] rule_details["outputif"] = rule_parts[8] rule_details["source"] = rule_parts[9] rule_details["destination"] = rule_parts[10] rule_details["options"] = { } for i = 11, #rule_parts - 1 do rule_details["options"][i-10] = rule_parts[i] end table.insert( self._rules, rule_details ) end end end end end --[[ IptParser._match_options( optlist1, optlist2 ) [internal] Return true if optlist1 contains all elements of optlist2. Return false in all other cases. ]]-- function IptParser._match_options( self, o1, o2 ) -- construct a hashtable of first options list to speed up lookups local oh = { } for i, opt in ipairs( o1 ) do oh[opt] = true end -- iterate over second options list -- each string in o2 must be also present in o1 -- if o2 contains a string which is not found in o1 then return false for i, opt in ipairs( o2 ) do if not oh[opt] then return false end end return true end