/* Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. */ 'use strict'; return L.Class.extend({ title: _('APC UPS'), rrdargs: function(graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype) { var rv = []; /* * Types and instances supported by APC UPS * e.g. ups_types -> [ 'timeleft', 'charge', 'percent', 'voltage' ] * e.g. ups_inst['voltage'] -> [ 'input', 'battery' ] */ var ups_types = graph.dataTypes(host, plugin, plugin_instance), ups_inst = {}; for (var i = 0; i < ups_types.length; i++) ups_inst[ups_types[i]] = graph.dataInstances(host, plugin, plugin_instance, ups_types[i]); /* Check if hash table or array is empty or nil-filled */ function empty(t) { for (var k in t) if (t[k] != null) return false; return true; } /* Append graph definition but only types/instances which are */ /* supported and available to the plugin and UPS. */ function add_supported(t, defs) { var def_inst = defs['data']['instances']; if (L.isObject(def_inst)) { for (var k in def_inst) { if (ups_types.filter(function(t) { return t == k }).length) { for (var i = def_inst[k].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!ups_inst[k].filter(function(n) { return n == def_inst[k][i] }).length) def_inst[k].splice(i, 1); if (def_inst[k].length == 0) def_inst[k] = null; /* can't assign v: immutable */ } else { def_inst[k] = null; /* can't assign v: immutable */ } } if (empty(def_inst)) return; } t.push(defs); } /* Graph definitions for APC UPS measurements MUST use only 'instances': */ /* e.g. instances = { voltage = { "input", "output" } } */ var voltagesdc = { title: "%H: Voltages on APC UPS - Battery", vlabel: "Volts DC", alt_autoscale: true, number_format: "%5.1lfV", data: { instances: { voltage: [ "battery" ] }, options: { voltage: { title: "Battery voltage", noarea: true } } } }; add_supported(rv, voltagesdc); var voltagesac = { title: "%H: Voltages on APC UPS - AC", vlabel: "Volts AC", alt_autoscale: true, number_format: "%5.1lfV", data: { instances: { voltage: [ "input", "output" ] }, options: { voltage_output : { color: "00e000", title: "Output voltage", noarea: true, overlay: true }, voltage_input : { color: "ffb000", title: "Input voltage", noarea: true, overlay: true } } } }; add_supported(rv, voltagesac); var percentload = { title: "%H: Load on APC UPS ", vlabel: "Percent", y_min: "0", y_max: "100", number_format: "%5.1lf%%", data: { instances: { percent: [ "load" ] }, options: { percent_load: { color: "00ff00", title: "Load level" } } } }; add_supported(rv, percentload); var charge_percent = { title: "%H: Battery charge on APC UPS ", vlabel: "Percent", y_min: "0", y_max: "100", number_format: "%5.1lf%%", data: { instances: { charge: [ "" ] }, options: { charge: { color: "00ff0b", title: "Charge level" } } } }; add_supported(rv, charge_percent); var temperature = { title: "%H: Battery temperature on APC UPS ", vlabel: "\u00b0C", number_format: "%5.1lf\u00b0C", data: { instances: { temperature: [ "" ] }, options: { temperature: { color: "ffb000", title: "Battery temperature" } } } }; add_supported(rv, temperature); var timeleft = { title: "%H: Time left on APC UPS ", vlabel: "Minutes", number_format: "%.1lfm", data: { instances: { timeleft: [ "" ] }, options: { timeleft: { color: "0000ff", title: "Time left" } } } }; add_supported(rv, timeleft); var frequency = { title: "%H: Incoming line frequency on APC UPS ", vlabel: "Hz", number_format: "%5.0lfhz", data: { instances: { frequency: [ "input" ] }, options: { frequency_input: { color: "000fff", title: "Line frequency" } } } }; add_supported(rv, frequency); return rv; } });