--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org> Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local util = require "luci.util" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local table = require "table" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local assert = assert local tonumber = tonumber local error = error module "luci.json" --- Null replacement function -- @return null function null() return null end Decoder = util.class() --- Create an LTN12 sink from the decoder object -- @return LTN12 sink function Decoder.sink(self) local sink = coroutine.create(self.dispatch) return function(...) return coroutine.resume(sink, self, ...) end end --- Get the decoded data packets -- @return Decoded data function Decoder.get(self) return self.data end function Decoder.dispatch(self, chunk, src_err, strict) local robject, object while chunk do if #chunk < 1 then chunk = self:fetch() end assert(not strict or chunk, "Unexpected EOS") if not chunk then break end local parser = nil local char = chunk:sub(1, 1) if char == '"' then parser = self.parse_string elseif char == 't' then parser = self.parse_true elseif char == 'f' then parser = self.parse_false elseif char == 'n' then parser = self.parse_null elseif char == '[' then parser = self.parse_array elseif char == '{' then parser = self.parse_object elseif char:match("%s") then parser = self.parse_space elseif char:match("[0-9-]") then parser = self.parse_number end if parser then chunk, robject = parser(self, chunk) if robject ~= nil then assert(object == nil, "Scope violation: Too many objects") object = robject end if strict and object ~= nil then return chunk, object end else error("Unexpected char '%s'" % char) end end assert(not src_err, src_err) assert(object ~= nil, "Unexpected EOS") self.data = object return chunk, object end function Decoder.fetch(self) local tself, chunk, src_err = coroutine.yield() assert(chunk or not src_err, src_err) return chunk end function Decoder.fetch_atleast(self, chunk, bytes) while #chunk < bytes do local nchunk = self:fetch() assert(nchunk, "Unexpected EOS") chunk = chunk .. nchunk end return chunk end function Decoder.fetch_until(self, chunk, pattern) local start = chunk:find(pattern) while not start do local nchunk = self:fetch() assert(nchunk, "Unexpected EOS") chunk = chunk .. nchunk start = chunk:find(pattern) end return chunk, start end function Decoder.parse_space(self, chunk) local start = chunk:find("[^%s]") while not start do chunk = self:fetch() if not chunk then return nil end start = chunk:find("[^%s]") end return chunk:sub(start) end function Decoder.parse_literal(self, chunk, literal, value) chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk, #literal) assert(chunk:sub(1, #literal) == literal, "Invalid character sequence") return chunk:sub(#literal + 1), value end function Decoder.parse_null(self, chunk) return self:parse_literal(chunk, "null", null) end function Decoder.parse_true(self, chunk) return self:parse_literal(chunk, "true", true) end function Decoder.parse_false(self, chunk) return self:parse_literal(chunk, "false", false) end function Decoder.parse_number(self, chunk) local chunk, start = self:fetch_until(chunk, "[^0-9eE.+-]") local number = tonumber(chunk:sub(1, start - 1)) assert(number, "Invalid number specification") return chunk:sub(start), number end function Decoder.parse_string(self, chunk) local str = "" local object = nil assert(chunk:sub(1, 1) == '"', 'Expected "') chunk = chunk:sub(2) while true do local spos = chunk:find('[\\"]') if spos then str = str .. chunk:sub(1, spos - 1) local char = chunk:sub(spos, spos) if char == '"' then -- String end chunk = chunk:sub(spos + 1) break elseif char == "\\" then -- Escape sequence chunk, object = self:parse_escape(chunk:sub(spos)) str = str .. object end else str = str .. chunk chunk = self:fetch() assert(chunk, "Unexpected EOS while parsing a string") end end return chunk, str end function Decoder.parse_escape(self, chunk) local str = "" chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk:sub(2), 1) local char = chunk:sub(1, 1) chunk = chunk:sub(2) if char == '"' then return chunk, '"' elseif char == "\\" then return chunk, "\\" elseif char == "/" then return chunk, "/" elseif char == "b" then return chunk, "\b" elseif char == "f" then return chunk, "\f" elseif char == "n" then return chunk, "\n" elseif char == "r" then return chunk, "\r" elseif char == "t" then return chunk, "\t" elseif char == "u" then chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk, 4) local s1, s2 = chunk:sub(1, 4):match("^([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])$") assert(s1 and s2, "Invalid Unicode character 'U+%s%s'" % {s1, s2}) s1, s2 = tonumber(s1, 16), tonumber(s2, 16) -- ToDo: Unicode support return chunk:sub(5), s1 == 0 and s2 or "" else error("Unexpected escaping sequence '\\%s'" % char) end end function Decoder.parse_array(self, chunk) chunk = chunk:sub(2) local array = {} local chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, "%]") if object then return chunk, array end repeat chunk, object = self:dispatch(chunk, nil, true) table.insert(array, object) chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, ",%]") assert(object, "Delimiter expected") until object == "]" return chunk, array end function Decoder.parse_object(self, chunk) chunk = chunk:sub(2) local array = {} local name local chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, "}") if object then return chunk, array end repeat chunk = self:parse_space(chunk) assert(chunk, "Unexpected EOS") chunk, name = self:parse_string(chunk) chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, ":") assert(object, "Separator expected") chunk, object = self:dispatch(chunk, nil, true) array[name] = object chunk, object = self:parse_delimiter(chunk, ",}") assert(object, "Delimiter expected") until object == "}" return chunk, array end function Decoder.parse_delimiter(self, chunk, delimiter) while true do chunk = self:fetch_atleast(chunk, 1) local char = chunk:sub(1, 1) if char:match("%s") then chunk = self:parse_space(chunk) assert(chunk, "Unexpected EOS") elseif char:match("[%s]" % delimiter) then return chunk:sub(2), char else return chunk, nil end end end