users configured (or enabled for outgoing calls).
2) Rewrote code to be more efficient by gathering all information about providers and users in one pass
at the start, and then using dictionaries with the data stored in them to build the sections.
3) Added translate() statements for default messages displayed (like "Dials all numbers").
4) Rewrote default messages for the "Incoming Calls" and "Providers Used for Outgoing Calls" sections
to be more descriptive.
1) Now trimming whitespace from all input before checking validity (of extensions, users, providers).
2) Now building valid outdoing providers and valid users array while rendering page since we're going
through all providers and users anyway to display the page (saves cycles).
3) Now not displaying internal naming scheme of providers to users, but what they expect (
Before we used to show us_erin_fo@host_org, and it was ugly and needed explanations.
4) Got rid of some no-longer-needed functions due to improvements mentioned in (2).