luci-base: luci.js: consolidate error handling

Add a new function L.error() which creates and throws a custom
error object with stack information and given type.

Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
This commit is contained in:
Jo-Philipp Wich 2019-01-08 15:32:17 +01:00
parent 26e54bb01f
commit ef187d5238

View file

@ -451,6 +451,43 @@
window.cbi_init = function() {};
error: function(type, fmt /*, ...*/) {
var e = null,
msg = fmt ? String.prototype.format.apply(fmt, this.varargs(arguments, 2)) : null,
stack = null;
if (type instanceof Error) {
e = type;
stack = (e.stack || '').split(/\n/);
if (msg)
e.message = msg + ': ' + e.message;
else {
e = new (window[type || 'Error'] || Error)(msg || 'Unspecified error'); = type || 'Error';
try { throw new Error('stacktrace') }
catch (e2) { stack = (e2.stack || '').split(/\n/) }
/* IE puts the exception message into the first line */
if (stack[0] == 'Error: stacktrace')
/* Pop L.error() invocation from stack */
/* Append shortened & beautified stacktrace to message */
e.message += '\n' + stack.join('\n')
.replace(/(.*?)@(.+):(\d+):(\d+)/g, ' at $1 ($2:$3:$4)');
if (window.console && console.debug)
throw e;
/* Class require */
require: function(name, from) {
var L = this, url = null, from = from || [];
@ -459,8 +496,9 @@
if (classes[name] != null) {
/* Circular dependency */
if (from.indexOf(name) != -1)
throw new Error('Circular dependency: class "%s" depends on "%s"'
.format(name, from.join('" which depends on "')));
'Circular dependency: class "%s" depends on "%s"',
name, from.join('" which depends on "'));
return classes[name];
@ -472,14 +510,14 @@
if (url == null)
throw new Error('Cannot find url of luci.js');
L.error('InternalError', 'Cannot find url of luci.js');
from = [ name ].concat(from);
var compileClass = function(res) {
if (!res.ok)
throw new Error('HTTP error %d while loading class file "%s"'
.format(res.status, url));
'HTTP error %d while loading class file "%s"', res.status, url);
var source = res.text(),
reqmatch = /(?:^|\n)[ \t]*(?:["']require[ \t]+(\S+)(?:[ \t]+as[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_]\S*))?["']);/g,
@ -501,16 +539,15 @@
.format(args, source, res.url));
catch (error) {
throw new SyntaxError('%s\n in %s:%s'
.format(error.message, res.url, error.lineNumber || '?'));
L.error('SyntaxError', '%s\n in %s:%s',
error.message, res.url, error.lineNumber || '?');
_factory.displayName = toCamelCase(name + 'ClassFactory');
_class = _factory.apply(_factory, [window, document, L].concat(instances));
if (!Class.isSubclass(_class))
throw new TypeError('"%s" factory yields invalid constructor'
L.error('TypeError', '"%s" factory yields invalid constructor', name);
if (_class.displayName == 'AnonymousClass')
_class.displayName = toCamelCase(name + 'Class');
@ -523,8 +560,9 @@
ptr = ptr[parts[i]];
if (!ptr)
throw new Error('Parent "%s" for class "%s" is missing'
.format(parts.slice(0, i).join('.'), name));
'Parent "%s" for class "%s" is missing',
parts.slice(0, i).join('.'), name);
classes[name] = ptr[parts[i]] = instance;
@ -562,7 +600,7 @@
}, _('To login…')))
return Promise.reject(new Error('Session expired'));
L.error('AuthenticationError', 'Session expired');
@ -570,19 +608,7 @@
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('luci-loaded'));
}).catch(function(error) {
var msg = (error.stack || '').replace(/(.+?)@(.+):(\d+):(\d+)/g,
' at $1 ($2:$3:$4)');
if (msg.indexOf(error.message) == -1)
msg = error.message + '\n' + msg;
if ( && msg.indexOf( != 0)
msg = + ': ' + msg;
alert('LuCI class loading error:\n' + msg);
if (window.console && console.debug)
alert('LuCI class loading error:\n' + error);
@ -831,7 +857,7 @@
cancel: function() { delete },
busy: function() { return ( === true) },
abort: function() {},
send_form: function() { throw 'Not implemented' },
send_form: function() { L.error('InternalError', 'Not implemented') },
XHR.get = function() { return window.L.get.apply(window.L, arguments) };