luci-base: luci.js: add dynamic class loader
Introduce L.require() to fetch additional JavaScript classes. Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 89 additions and 1 deletions
@ -428,7 +428,8 @@
tooltipTimeout = null,
dummyElem = null,
domParser = null,
originalCBIInit = null;
originalCBIInit = null,
classes = {};
LuCI = Class.extend({
__name__: 'LuCI',
@ -464,6 +465,93 @@
window.cbi_init = function() {};
/* Class require */
require: function(name, from) {
var L = this, url = null, from = from || [];
/* Class already loaded */
if (classes[name] != null) {
/* Circular dependency */
if (from.indexOf(name) != -1)
throw new Error('Circular dependency: class "%s" depends on "%s"'
.format(name, from.join('" which depends on "')));
return classes[name];
document.querySelectorAll('script[src$="/luci.js"]').forEach(function(s) {
url = '%s/%s.js'.format(
s.getAttribute('src').replace(/\/luci\.js$/, ''),
name.replace(/\./g, '/'));
if (url == null)
throw new Error('Cannot find url of luci.js');
from = [ name ].concat(from);
var compileClass = function(res) {
if (!res.ok)
throw new Error('HTTP error %d while loading class file "%s"'
.format(res.status, url));
var source = res.text(),
reqmatch = /(?:^|\n)[ \t]*(?:["']require[ \t]+(\S+)(?:[ \t]+as[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_]\S*))?["']);/g,
depends = [],
args = '';
/* find require statements in source */
for (var m = reqmatch.exec(source); m; m = reqmatch.exec(source)) {
var dep = m[1], as = m[2] || dep.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '_');
depends.push(L.require(dep, from));
args += ', ' + as;
/* load dependencies and instantiate class */
return Promise.all(depends).then(function(instances) {
try {
_factory = eval(
'(function(window, document, L%s) { %s })\n\n//# sourceURL=%s\n'
.format(args, source, res.url));
catch (error) {
throw new SyntaxError('%s\n in %s:%s'
.format(error.message, res.url, error.lineNumber || '?'));
_factory.displayName = toCamelCase(name + 'ClassFactory');
_class = _factory.apply(_factory, [window, document, L].concat(instances));
if (!Class.isSubclass(_class))
throw new TypeError('"%s" factory yields invalid constructor'
if (_class.displayName == 'AnonymousClass')
_class.displayName = toCamelCase(name + 'Class');
var ptr = Object.getPrototypeOf(L),
parts = name.split(/\./),
instance = new _class();
for (var i = 0; ptr && i < parts.length - 1; i++)
ptr = ptr[parts[i]];
if (!ptr)
throw new Error('Parent "%s" for class "%s" is missing'
.format(parts.slice(0, i).join('.'), name));
classes[name] = ptr[parts[i]] = instance;
return instance;
/* Request class file */
classes[name] = Request.get(url, { cache: true }).then(compileClass);
return classes[name];
/* DOM setup */
setupDOM: function(ev) {
Reference in a new issue