luci-app-dockerman: refactoring remote endpoint options

Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <>
This commit is contained in:
Florian Eckert 2020-07-28 15:58:49 +02:00
parent 18c2fef8b3
commit dff11ad240
4 changed files with 52 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ function index()
entry({"admin", "docker", "overview"},cbi("dockerman/overview"),_("Overview"),0).leaf=true
local remote = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint")
if remote == nil then
local socket = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path")
if socket and not nixio.fs.access(socket) then
elseif remote == "true" then
local remote = luci.model.uci.cursor():get_bool("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint")
if remote then
local host = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host")
local port = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port")
if not host or not port then
local socket = luci.model.uci.cursor():get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path")
if socket and not nixio.fs.access(socket) then
if (require "luci.model.docker").new():_ping().code ~= 200 then

View file

@ -705,10 +705,18 @@ elseif action == "console" then
local hosts
local uci = (require "luci.model.uci").cursor()
local remote = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint")
local socket_path = (remote == "false" or not remote) and uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") or nil
local host = (remote == "true") and uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host") or nil
local port = (remote == "true") and uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port") or nil
local remote = uci:get_bool("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint")
local host = nil
local port = nil
local socket = nil
if remote then
host = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host") or nil
port = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port") or nil
socket = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") or nil
if remote and host and port then
hosts = host .. ':'.. port
elseif socket_path then

View file

@ -91,41 +91,42 @@ if == 200 then
s = m:section(NamedSection, "globals", "section", translate("Setting"))
s:tab("daemon", translate("Docker Daemon"))
s:tab("dockerman", translate("DockerMan"))
o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "socket_path",
o = s:option(Flag, "remote_endpoint",
translate("Remote Endpoint"),
translate("Connect to remote endpoint"))
o.rmempty = false
o = s:option(Value, "socket_path",
translate("Docker Socket Path"))
o.default = "/var/run/docker.sock"
o.placeholder = "/var/run/docker.sock"
o.rmempty = false
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1)
o = s:taboption("dockerman", Flag, "remote_endpoint",
translate("Remote Endpoint"),
translate("Dockerman connect to remote endpoint"))
o.rmempty = false
o.enabled = "true"
o.disabled = "false"
o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "remote_host",
o = s:option(Value, "remote_host",
translate("Remote Host"))
o.placeholder = ""
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1)
o = s:taboption("dockerman", Value, "remote_port",
o = s:option(Value, "remote_port",
translate("Remote Port"))
o.placeholder = "2375"
o.default = "2375"
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 1)
if nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/dockerd") then
o = s:taboption("daemon", Value, "data_root",
o = s:option(Value, "data_root",
translate("Docker Root Dir"))
o.placeholder = "/opt/docker/"
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0)
o = s:taboption("daemon", DynamicList, "registry_mirrors",
o = s:option(DynamicList, "registry_mirrors",
translate("Registry Mirrors"))
o:value("", "")
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0)
o = s:taboption("daemon", ListValue, "log_level",
o = s:option(ListValue, "log_level",
translate("Log Level"),
translate('Set the logging level'))
o:value("debug", "debug")
@ -133,13 +134,15 @@ if nixio.fs.access("/usr/bin/dockerd") then
o:value("warn", "warn")
o:value("error", "error")
o:value("fatal", "fatal")
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0)
o = s:taboption("daemon", DynamicList, "hosts",
o = s:option(DynamicList, "hosts",
translate("Client connection"),
translate('Specifies where the Docker daemon will listen for client connections'))
o:value("unix://var/run/docker.sock", "unix://var/run/docker.sock")
o:value("tcp://", "tcp://")
o.rmempty = true
o:depends("remote_endpoint", 0)
return m

View file

@ -270,13 +270,23 @@ local duplicate_config = function (self, request)
end = function()
local host = nil
local port = nil
local socket = nil
local remote = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint")
local remote = uci:get_bool("dockerd", "globals", "remote_endpoint")
if remote then
host = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host") or nil
port = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port") or nil
socket = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") or "/var/run/docker.sock"
_docker.options = {
host = (remote == "true") and (uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_host")) or nil,
port = (remote == "true") and (uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "remote_port")) or nil,
socket_path = (remote ~= "true") and (uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "socket_path") or "/var/run/docker.sock") or nil,
host = host,
port = port,
socket_path = socket,
debug = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "debug") == 'true' and true or false,
debug_path = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "debug_path") or "/tmp/.docker_debug",
status_path = uci:get("dockerd", "globals", "status_path") or "/tmp/.docker_status"