From 7c16decdb425b6fa5c61f738f5e3d3c4486543b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 08:52:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] luci-base: move DOM manipulation functions to luci.js

Introduce a new luci.dom class which groups the DOM manipulation helpers
such as E(), findParent(), matchesElem() etc.

Provide wrappers for the old functions to ease the transition to the new

Also add a new widget helper function L.itemlist() which consolidates
the item enumeration formatting code found on various pages.

Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
 .../htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js       | 106 +---------
 .../htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js      | 190 ++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js
index 19228a2ff9..edf634ee74 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js
+++ b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/cbi.js
@@ -1478,107 +1478,11 @@ if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {
-var dummyElem, domParser;
-function isElem(e)
-	return (typeof(e) === 'object' && e !== null && 'nodeType' in e);
-function toElem(s)
-	var elem;
-	try {
-		domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
-		elem = domParser.parseFromString(s, 'text/html').body.firstChild;
-	}
-	catch(e) {}
-	if (!elem) {
-		try {
-			dummyElem = dummyElem || document.createElement('div');
-			dummyElem.innerHTML = s;
-			elem = dummyElem.firstChild;
-		}
-		catch (e) {}
-	}
-	return elem || null;
-function matchesElem(node, selector)
-	return ((node.matches && node.matches(selector)) ||
-	        (node.msMatchesSelector && node.msMatchesSelector(selector)));
-function findParent(node, selector)
-	if (node.closest)
-		return node.closest(selector);
-	while (node)
-		if (matchesElem(node, selector))
-			return node;
-		else
-			node = node.parentNode;
-	return null;
-function E()
-	var html = arguments[0],
-	    attr = (arguments[1] instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(arguments[1])) ? arguments[1] : null,
-	    data = attr ? arguments[2] : arguments[1],
-	    elem;
-	if (isElem(html))
-		elem = html;
-	else if (html.charCodeAt(0) === 60)
-		elem = toElem(html);
-	else
-		elem = document.createElement(html);
-	if (!elem)
-		return null;
-	if (attr)
-		for (var key in attr)
-			if (attr.hasOwnProperty(key) && attr[key] !== null && attr[key] !== undefined)
-				switch (typeof(attr[key])) {
-				case 'function':
-					elem.addEventListener(key, attr[key]);
-					break;
-				case 'object':
-					elem.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(attr[key]));
-					break;
-				default:
-					elem.setAttribute(key, attr[key]);
-				}
-	if (typeof(data) === 'function')
-		data = data(elem);
-	if (isElem(data)) {
-		elem.appendChild(data);
-	}
-	else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
-			if (isElem(data[i]))
-				elem.appendChild(data[i]);
-			else
-				elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + data[i]));
-	}
-	else if (data !== null && data !== undefined) {
-		elem.innerHTML = '' + data;
-	}
-	return elem;
+function isElem(e) { return L.dom.elem(e) }
+function toElem(s) { return L.dom.parse(s) }
+function matchesElem(node, selector) { return L.dom.matches(node, selector) }
+function findParent(node, selector) { return L.dom.parent(node, selector) }
+function E() { return L.dom.create.apply(L.dom, arguments) }
 if (typeof(window.CustomEvent) !== 'function') {
 	function CustomEvent(event, params) {
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js
index cbf22460e4..dcda941f7b 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js
+++ b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-(function(window, document) {
+(function(window, document, undefined) {
 	var modalDiv = null,
 	    tooltipDiv = null,
-	    tooltipTimeout = null;
+	    tooltipTimeout = null,
+	    dummyElem = null,
+	    domParser = null;
 	LuCI.prototype = {
 		/* URL construction helpers */
@@ -72,25 +74,18 @@
 				return XHR.get(url, data, cb);
+		halt: function() { XHR.halt() },
+		run: function() { },
 		/* Modal dialog */
 		showModal: function(title, children) {
 			var dlg = modalDiv.firstElementChild;
-			while (dlg.firstChild)
-				dlg.removeChild(dlg.firstChild);
 			dlg.setAttribute('class', 'modal');
-			dlg.appendChild(E('h4', {}, title));
-			if (!Array.isArray(children))
-				children = [ children ];
-			for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
-				if (isElem(children[i]))
-					dlg.appendChild(children[i]);
-				else
-					dlg.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + children[i]));
+			this.dom.content(dlg, this.dom.create('h4', {}, title));
+			this.dom.append(dlg, children);
@@ -146,14 +141,177 @@ = 0;
 			tooltipTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { tooltipDiv.removeAttribute('style'); }, 250);
+		},
+		/* Widget helper */
+		itemlist: function(node, items, separators) {
+			var children = [];
+			if (!Array.isArray(separators))
+				separators = [ separators || E('br') ];
+			for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) {
+				if (items[i+1] !== null && items[i+1] !== undefined) {
+					var sep = separators[(i/2) % separators.length],
+					    cld = [];
+					children.push(E('span', { class: 'nowrap' }, [
+						items[i] ? E('strong', items[i] + ': ') : '',
+						items[i+1]
+					]));
+					if ((i+2) < items.length)
+						children.push(this.dom.elem(sep) ? sep.cloneNode(true) : sep);
+				}
+			}
+			this.dom.content(node, children);
+			return node;
+		}
+	};
+	/* DOM manipulation */
+	LuCI.prototype.dom = {
+		elem: function(e) {
+			return (typeof(e) === 'object' && e !== null && 'nodeType' in e);
+		},
+		parse: function(s) {
+			var elem;
+			try {
+				domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
+				elem = domParser.parseFromString(s, 'text/html').body.firstChild;
+			}
+			catch(e) {}
+			if (!elem) {
+				try {
+					dummyElem = dummyElem || document.createElement('div');
+					dummyElem.innerHTML = s;
+					elem = dummyElem.firstChild;
+				}
+				catch (e) {}
+			}
+			return elem || null;
+		},
+		matches: function(node, selector) {
+			var m = this.elem(node) ? node.matches || node.msMatchesSelector : null;
+			return m ?, selector) : false;
+		},
+		parent: function(node, selector) {
+			if (this.elem(node) && node.closest)
+				return node.closest(selector);
+			while (this.elem(node))
+				if (this.matches(node, selector))
+					return node;
+				else
+					node = node.parentNode;
+			return null;
+		},
+		append: function(node, children) {
+			if (!this.elem(node))
+				return null;
+			if (Array.isArray(children)) {
+				for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
+					if (this.elem(children[i]))
+						node.appendChild(children[i]);
+					else if (children !== null && children !== undefined)
+						node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + children[i]));
+				return node.lastChild;
+			}
+			else if (typeof(children) === 'function') {
+				return this.append(node, children(node));
+			}
+			else if (this.elem(children)) {
+				return node.appendChild(children);
+			}
+			else if (children !== null && children !== undefined) {
+				node.innerHTML = '' + children;
+				return node.lastChild;
+			}
+			return null;
+		},
+		content: function(node, children) {
+			if (!this.elem(node))
+				return null;
+			while (node.firstChild)
+				node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
+			return this.append(node, children);
+		},
+		attr: function(node, key, val) {
+			if (!this.elem(node))
+				return null;
+			var attr = null;
+			if (typeof(key) === 'object' && key !== null)
+				attr = key;
+			else if (typeof(key) === 'string')
+				attr = {}, attr[key] = val;
+			for (key in attr) {
+				if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(key) || attr[key] === null || attr[key] === undefined)
+					continue;
+				switch (typeof(attr[key])) {
+				case 'function':
+					node.addEventListener(key, attr[key]);
+					break;
+				case 'object':
+					node.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(attr[key]));
+					break;
+				default:
+					node.setAttribute(key, attr[key]);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		create: function() {
+			var html = arguments[0],
+			    attr = (arguments[1] instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(arguments[1])) ? arguments[1] : null,
+			    data = attr ? arguments[2] : arguments[1],
+			    elem;
+			if (this.elem(html))
+				elem = html;
+			else if (html.charCodeAt(0) === 60)
+				elem = this.parse(html);
+			else
+				elem = document.createElement(html);
+			if (!elem)
+				return null;
+			this.attr(elem, attr);
+			this.append(elem, data);
+			return elem;
 	function LuCI(env) {
 		this.env = env;
-		modalDiv = document.body.appendChild(E('div', { id: 'modal_overlay' }, E('div', { class: 'modal' })));
-		tooltipDiv = document.body.appendChild(E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-tooltip' }));
+		modalDiv = document.body.appendChild(this.dom.create('div', { id: 'modal_overlay' }, this.dom.create('div', { class: 'modal' })));
+		tooltipDiv = document.body.appendChild(this.dom.create('div', { class: 'cbi-tooltip' }));
 		document.addEventListener('mouseover', this.showTooltip.bind(this), true);
 		document.addEventListener('mouseout', this.hideTooltip.bind(this), true);