2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
'use strict' ;
'require uci' ;
'require ui' ;
'require form' ;
'require view' ;
'require fs' ;
'require tools.widgets as widgets' ;
function validateEmpty ( section , value ) {
if ( value ) {
return true ;
else {
return _ ( 'Expecting: non-empty value' ) ;
return view . extend ( {
render : function ( ) {
var m , s , o ;
m = new form . Map ( 'xinetd' , _ ( 'Xinetd Settings' ) , _ ( 'Here you can configure Xinetd services' ) ) ;
s = m . section ( form . GridSection , 'service' ) ;
s . modaltitle = _ ( 'Service definitions to be used by Xinetd' ) ;
s . tabbed = true ;
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
s . anonymous = true ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
s . addremove = true ;
s . addbtntitle = _ ( 'Add new service entry' ) ;
// The following dummy values are used to show the table overview without the hint texts
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'name' , _ ( 'Servicename' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = false ;
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'protocol' , _ ( 'Protocol' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = false ;
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'port' , _ ( 'Port' ) ) ;
o . modalonly = false ;
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'type' , _ ( 'Type' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = false ;
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'server' , _ ( 'Server' ) ) ;
o . modalonly = false ;
2021-08-02 18:34:08 +00:00
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'flags' , _ ( 'IPv6' ) ) ;
o . cfgvalue = function ( section ) {
return ( uci . get ( 'xinetd' , section , 'flags' ) == "IPv6" ) ? _ ( "yes" ) : _ ( "no" ) ;
} ;
o . modalonly = false ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o = s . option ( form . DummyValue , 'disable' , _ ( 'Enabled' ) ) ;
o . cfgvalue = function ( section ) {
return ( uci . get ( 'xinetd' , section , 'disable' ) == "no" ) ? _ ( "yes" ) : _ ( "no" ) ;
} ;
o . modalonly = false ;
s . tab ( 'basic' , _ ( 'Basic Settings' ) ) ;
s . tab ( 'advanced' , _ ( 'Advanced Settings' ) ) ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
s . tab ( 'access' , _ ( 'Access Control' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
// Now here follow the "real" values to be set in the modal (with the hint texts)
// Basic settings
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Value , 'name' , _ ( 'Servicename' ) , _ ( 'Name for the service, if INTERNAL from /etc/services' ) ) ;
o . datatype = 'string' ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
o . validate = function ( section _id , value ) {
if ( /^[A-Za-z0-9-_]*$/ . test ( value ) == true )
return true ;
return _ ( 'Invalid character' ) ;
} ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Flag , 'disable' , _ ( 'Enabled' ) , _ ( 'Enable or Disable this service' ) ) ;
o . enabled = 'no' ;
o . disabled = 'yes' ;
o . default = o . enabled ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-02 18:34:08 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Flag , 'flags' , _ ( 'IPv6' ) , _ ( 'Listen on IPv6 additional' ) ) ;
o . enabled = 'IPv6' ;
o . disabled = 'IPv4' ;
o . default = o . disabled ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . ListValue , 'type' , _ ( 'Type' ) , _ ( 'Type of service' ) ) ;
o . default = 'UNLISTED' ;
o . value ( 'INTERNAL' , _ ( 'INTERNAL' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'UNLISTED' , _ ( 'UNLISTED' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Value , 'id' , _ ( 'Identification' ) , _ ( 'Required if a services can use tcp and udp.' ) ) ;
o . datatype = 'string' ;
o . value ( 'time-stream' ) ;
o . value ( 'time-dgram' ) ;
o . value ( 'daytime-stream' ) ;
o . value ( 'daytime-dgram' ) ;
o . depends ( 'type' , 'INTERNAL' ) ;
o . modalonly = true ;
o . validate = function ( section _id , value ) {
if ( value . length == 0 || /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/ . test ( value ) == true )
return true ;
return _ ( 'Invalid character' ) ;
} ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Value , 'port' , _ ( 'Port' ) , _ ( 'The port used for this service, valid range: 0 - 65535' ) ) ;
o . datatype = 'port' ;
o . depends ( 'type' , 'UNLISTED' ) ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . ListValue , 'protocol' , _ ( 'Protocol' ) , _ ( 'The protocol to be used for this service' ) ) ;
o . default = 'tcp' ;
o . value ( 'tcp' , _ ( 'TCP' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'udp' , _ ( 'UDP' ) ) ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . ListValue , 'socket_type' , _ ( 'Socket type' ) , _ ( 'The type of the socket used for this service' ) ) ;
o . default = 'stream' ;
o . value ( 'stream' , _ ( 'stream-based service' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'dgram' , _ ( 'datagram-based service' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'raw' , _ ( 'direct access to IP service' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'seqpacket' , _ ( 'sequential datagram transmission service' ) ) ;
o . rmempty = false ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Value , 'server' , _ ( 'Server' ) , _ ( 'Complete path to the executable server file' ) ) ;
o . datatype = 'string' ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
o . depends ( 'type' , 'UNLISTED' ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . validate = validateEmpty ;
o . write = function ( section , value ) {
return fs . stat ( value ) . then ( function ( res ) {
if ( res . type == "file" ) {
uci . set ( 'xinetd' , section , 'server' , value ) ;
return ;
} else {
ui . addNotification ( null , E ( 'p' , _ ( 'Service "%s": Invalid server file "%s"' ) . format ( section , value ) ) , 'danger' ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
ui . addNotification ( null , E ( 'p' , _ ( 'Service "%s": No access to server file "%s" (%s)' ) . format ( section , value , err . message ) ) , 'danger' ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
} ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'basic' , form . Value , 'server_args' , _ ( 'Server arguments' ) , _ ( 'Additional arguments passed to the server. There is no validation of this input.' ) ) ;
o . datatype = 'string' ;
2020-09-29 10:52:06 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o . depends ( 'type' , 'UNLISTED' ) ;
2020-09-29 10:52:06 +00:00
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
// Advanced settings
o = s . taboption ( 'advanced' , widgets . UserSelect , 'user' , _ ( 'User (UID)' ) , _ ( 'User ID for the server process for this service' ) ) ;
o . rmempty = false ;
2021-08-12 13:55:07 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
2020-09-29 10:52:06 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'advanced' , form . ListValue , 'wait' , _ ( 'Threading behaviour' ) , _ ( 'Selection of the threading for this service' ) ) ;
o . default = 'no' ;
o . value ( 'yes' , _ ( 'Single-Threaded Service' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'no' , _ ( 'Multi-Threaded Service' ) ) ;
o . rmempty = false ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'advanced' , form . MultiValue , 'log_on_success' , _ ( 'Log on success' ) , _ ( 'Informations that should be logged for this service in case of successful connection' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'PID' , _ ( 'Server PID' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'HOST' , _ ( 'Remote host address ' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'USERID' , _ ( 'User ID of the remote user' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'EXIT' , _ ( 'Server exited along with the exit status' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'DURATION' , _ ( 'Duration of a service session' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'TRAFFIC' , _ ( 'Total bytes in and out for a redirected service' ) ) ;
2020-09-29 10:52:06 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'advanced' , form . MultiValue , 'log_on_failure' , _ ( 'Log on failure' ) , _ ( 'Informations that should be logged for this service in case of a failed connection' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'HOST' , _ ( 'Remote host address ' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'USERID' , _ ( 'User ID of the remote user' ) ) ;
o . value ( 'ATTEMPT' , _ ( 'Failed attempts' ) ) ;
2020-09-29 10:52:06 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
// Access Control
o = s . taboption ( 'access' , form . DynamicList , 'only_from' , _ ( 'Allowed hosts' ) , _ ( 'List of allowed hosts to access this service' ) ) ;
o . datatype = 'or(ipaddr,ip6addr)' ;
o . cast = 'string' ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'access' , form . DynamicList , 'no_access' , _ ( 'Forbidden hosts' ) , _ ( 'List of forbidden hosts to access this service' ) ) ;
2021-08-02 18:35:38 +00:00
o . datatype = 'or(ipaddr,ip6addr)' ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . cast = 'string' ;
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'access' , form . Value , 'instances' , _ ( 'Number of instances' ) , _ ( 'Number of simultaneously running servers for this service. Argument is any number or the keyword \'UNLIMITED\'' ) ) ;
2020-09-29 10:52:06 +00:00
o . datatype = 'or("UNLIMITED", uinteger)' ;
o . value ( 'UNLIMITED' , 'UNLIMITED' ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'access' , form . Value , 'cps' , _ ( 'Connection limit' ) , _ ( 'Takes two arguments: [Number of connections per second] [Number of seconds to reenable service]' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . datatype = 'string' ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o . placeholder = '50 10' ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . modalonly = true ;
o . validate = function ( section _id , value ) {
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
if ( value . length == 0 || /^([0-9]+\s+[0-9]+$)/ . test ( value ) == true )
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
return true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
return _ ( 'Expected \'[Number] [Number]\'' ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
} ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
o = s . taboption ( 'access' , form . DynamicList , 'access_times' , _ ( 'Access times' ) , _ ( 'Time intervals within service is available (Format hh:mm-hh:mm)' ) ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
o . datatype = 'string' ;
o . modalonly = true ;
o . validate = function ( section _id , value ) {
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
if ( value . length == 0 || /^([01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d-([01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d$/ . test ( value ) == true )
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
return true ;
2021-08-12 14:42:23 +00:00
return _ ( 'Expected \'hh:mm-hh:mm\'' ) ;
2020-06-16 11:14:55 +00:00
} ;
return m . render ( ) ;
} ) ;