We assume you want to call your new theme _mytheme_. Make sure you replace this by your module name everytime this is mentionend in this Howto.
# Creating the structure
At first create a new theme directory *themes/_mytheme_*.
Create a _Makefile_ inside your theme directory with the following content:
include ../../build/config.mk
include ../../build/module.mk
Create the following directory structure inside your theme directory.
* ipkg
* htdocs
* luci-static
* _mytheme_
* luasrc
* view
* themes
* _mytheme_
* root
* etc
* uci-defaults
# Designing
Create two LuCI HTML-Templates named _header.htm'' and ''footer.htm'' under *luasrc/view/themes/''mytheme_*.
The _header.htm'' will be included at the beginning of each rendered page and the ''footer.htm_ at the end.
So your _header.htm'' will probably contain a DOCTYPE description, headers, the menu and layout of the page and the ''footer.htm_ will close all remaining open tags and may add a footer bar but hey that's your choice you are the designer ;-).
Just make sure your _header.htm_*begins* with the following lines:
This makes sure your content will be sent to the client with the right content type. Of course you can adapt _text/html_ to your needs.
Put any stylesheets, Javascripts, images, ... into *htdocs/luci-static/_mytheme_*.
You should refer to this directory in your header and footer templates as: _<%=media%>''. That means for a stylesheet *htdocs/luci-static/''mytheme_/cascade.css* you would write:
If you are done with your work there are two last steps to do.
To make your theme OpenWRT-capable and selectable on the settings page you should now create a file *root/etc/uci-defaults/luci-theme-_mytheme_* with the following contents:
uci batch <<-EOF
set luci.themes.MyTheme=/luci-static/mytheme
commit luci
and another file *ipkg/postinst* with the following content: