o=s.taboption('general',form.Value,'peeraddr',_('Remote IPv4 address'),_('This is usually the address of the nearest PoP operated by the tunnel broker'));
o=s.taboption('general',form.Value,'ip6addr',_('Local IPv6 address'),_('This is the local endpoint address assigned by the tunnel broker, it usually ends with <code>...:2/64</code>'));
o=s.taboption('general',form.DynamicList,'ip6prefix',_('IPv6 routed prefix'),_('This is the prefix routed to you by the tunnel broker for use by clients'));
o=s.taboption('general',form.Value,'password',_('HE.net password'),_('This is either the "Update Key" configured for the tunnel or the account password if no update key has been configured'));