o=s.taboption('general',form.DynamicList,'media_dir',_('Media directories'),_('Set this to the directory you want scanned. If you want to restrict the directory to a specific content type, you can prepend the type (\'A\' for audio, \'V\' for video, \'P\' for images), followed by a comma, to the directory (eg. A,/mnt/media/Music). Multiple directories can be specified.'));
o=s.taboption('general',form.DynamicList,'album_art_names',_('Album art names'),_('This is a list of file names to check for when searching for album art.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Value,'db_dir',_('Database directory'),_('Set this if you would like to specify the directory where you want MiniDLNA to store its database and album art cache.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Flag,'inotify',_('Enable inotify'),_('Set this to enable inotify monitoring to automatically discover new files.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Flag,'enable_tivo',_('Enable TIVO'),_('Set this to enable support for streaming .jpg and .mp3 files to a TiVo supporting HMO.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Flag,'wide_links',_('Allow wide links'),_('Set this to allow serving content outside the media root (via symlinks).'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Flag,'strict_dlna',_('Strict to DLNA standard'),_('Set this to strictly adhere to DLNA standards. This will allow server-side downscaling of very large JPEG images, which may hurt JPEG serving performance on (at least) Sony DLNA products.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Value,'notify_interval',_('Notify interval'),_('Notify interval in seconds.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Value,'serial',_('Announced serial number'),_('Serial number the miniDLNA daemon will report to clients in its XML description.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Value,'model_number',_('Announced model number'),_('Model number the miniDLNA daemon will report to clients in its XML description.'));
o=s.taboption('advanced',form.Value,'minissdpsocket',_('miniSSDP socket'),_('Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket.'));