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LuCI - System library
Utilities for interaction with the Linux system
Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
--- LuCI system utilities.
module("luci.sys", package.seeall)
--- Invoke the luci-flash executable to write an image to the flash memory.
-- @param kpattern Pattern of files to keep over flash process
-- @return Return value of os.execute()
function flash(image, kpattern)
local cmd = "luci-flash "
if kpattern then
2008-04-11 19:45:59 +00:00
cmd = cmd .. "-k '" .. kpattern:gsub("'", "") .. "' "
2008-04-11 19:53:09 +00:00
cmd = cmd .. "'" .. image:gsub("'", "") .. "' >/dev/null 2>&1"
return os.execute(cmd)
--- Retrieve environment variables. If no variable is given then a table
-- containing the whole environment is returned otherwise this function returns
-- the corresponding string value for the given name or nil if no such variable
-- exists.
-- @class function
-- @name getenv
-- @param var Name of the environment variable to retrieve (optional)
-- @return String containg the value of the specified variable
-- @return Table containing all variables if no variable name is given
2008-06-15 17:45:10 +00:00
getenv = posix.getenv
--- Determine the current hostname.
-- @return String containing the system hostname
function hostname()
return io.lines("/proc/sys/kernel/hostname")()
--- Returns the contents of a documented referred by an URL.
-- @param url The URL to retrieve
-- @param stream Return a stream instead of a buffer
-- @return String containing the contents of given the URL
function httpget(url, stream)
local source = stream and or luci.util.exec
return source("wget -qO- '"..url:gsub("'", "").."'")
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
--- Returns the absolute path to LuCI base directory.
-- @return String containing the directory path
function libpath()
return luci.fs.dirname(require("luci.debug").__file__)
--- Returns the system load average values.
-- @return String containing the average load value 1 minute ago
-- @return String containing the average load value 5 minutes ago
-- @return String containing the average load value 15 minutes ago
-- @return String containing the active and total number of processes
-- @return String containing the last used pid
function loadavg()
local loadavg = io.lines("/proc/loadavg")()
return loadavg:match("^(.-) (.-) (.-) (.-) (.-)$")
--- Initiate a system reboot.
-- @return Return value of os.execute()
function reboot()
return os.execute("reboot >/dev/null 2>&1")
--- Returns the system type, cpu name and installed physical memory.
-- @return String containing the system or platform identifier
-- @return String containing hardware model information
-- @return String containing the total memory amount in kB
-- @return String containing the memory used for caching in kB
-- @return String containing the memory used for buffering in kB
-- @return String containing the free memory amount in kB
-- @return Number containing free memory in percent
-- @return Number containing buffer memory in percent
-- @return Number containing cache memory in percent
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
function sysinfo()
local c1 = "cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep system\\ typ|cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null"
local c2 = "uname -m 2>/dev/null"
local c3 = "cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep model\\ name|cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null"
local c4 = "cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep cpu\\ model|cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null"
local c5 = "cat /proc/meminfo|grep MemTotal|awk {' print $2 '} 2>/dev/null"
local c6 = "cat /proc/meminfo|grep ^Cached|awk {' print $2 '} 2>/dev/null"
local c7 = "cat /proc/meminfo|grep MemFree|awk {' print $2 '} 2>/dev/null"
local c8 = "cat /proc/meminfo|grep Buffers|awk {' print $2 '} 2>/dev/null"
local system = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c1))
local model = ""
local memtotal = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c5))
local memcached = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c6))
local memfree = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c7))
local membuffers = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c8))
local perc_memfree = math.floor((memfree/memtotal)*100)
local perc_membuffers = math.floor((membuffers/memtotal)*100)
local perc_memcached = math.floor((memcached/memtotal)*100)
if system == "" then
system = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c2))
model = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c3))
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
model = luci.util.trim(luci.util.exec(c4))
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
return system, model, memtotal, memcached, membuffers, memfree, perc_memfree, perc_membuffers, perc_memcached
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
--- Retrieves the output of the "logread" command.
-- @return String containing the current log buffer
function syslog()
return luci.util.exec("logread")
--- Generates a random id with specified length.
-- @param bytes Number of bytes for the unique id
-- @return String containing hex encoded id
function uniqueid(bytes)
local fp ="/dev/urandom")
local chunk = { fp:read(bytes):byte(1, bytes) }
local hex = ""
local pattern = "%02X"
for i, byte in ipairs(chunk) do
hex = hex .. pattern:format(byte)
return hex
--- Returns the current system uptime stats.
-- @return String containing total uptime in seconds
-- @return String containing idle time in seconds
function uptime()
local loadavg = io.lines("/proc/uptime")()
return loadavg:match("^(.-) (.-)$")
--- LuCI system utilities / POSIX user group related functions.
-- @class module
-- @name
group = {}
--- Returns information about a POSIX user group.
-- @param group Group ID or name of a system user group
-- @return Table with information about the requested group
group.getgroup = posix.getgroup
--- LuCI system utilities / network related functions.
-- @class module
-- @name
net = {}
--- Returns the current arp-table entries as two-dimensional table.
-- @return Table of table containing the current arp entries.
-- The following fields are defined for arp entry objects:
-- { "IP address", "HW address", "HW type", "Flags", "Mask", "Device" }
function net.arptable()
return _parse_delimited_table(io.lines("/proc/net/arp"), "%s%s+")
--- Test whether an IP-Adress belongs to a certain net.
-- @param ip IPv4 address to test
-- @param ipnet IPv4 network address of the net range to compare against
-- @param prefix Network prefix of the net range to compare against
-- @return Boolean indicating wheather the ip is within the range
2008-04-26 21:59:45 +00:00
function net.belongs(ip, ipnet, prefix)
return (net.ip4bin(ip):sub(1, prefix) == net.ip4bin(ipnet):sub(1, prefix))
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
--- Determine the current default route.
-- @return Table with the properties of the current default route.
-- The following fields are defined:
-- { "Mask", "RefCnt", "Iface", "Flags", "Window", "IRTT",
-- "MTU", "Gateway", "Destination", "Metric", "Use" }
function net.defaultroute()
local routes = net.routes()
local route = nil
for i, r in pairs( do
if r.Destination == "00000000" and (not route or route.Metric > r.Metric) then
route = r
return route
--- Determine the names of available network interfaces.
-- @return Table containing all current interface names
function net.devices()
local devices = {}
for line in io.lines("/proc/net/dev") do
table.insert(devices, line:match(" *(.-):"))
return devices
-- Determine the MAC address belonging to the given IP address.
-- @param ip IPv4 address
-- @return String containing the MAC address or nil if it cannot be found
function net.ip4mac(ip)
local mac = nil
for i, l in ipairs(net.arptable()) do
if l["IP address"] == ip then
mac = l["HW address"]
return mac
--- Calculate the prefix from a given netmask.
-- @param mask IPv4 net mask
-- @return Number containing the corresponding numerical prefix
function net.mask4prefix(mask)
local bin = net.ip4bin(mask)
if not bin then
return nil
return #luci.util.split(bin, "1")-1
--- Returns the current kernel routing table entries.
-- @return Table of tables with properties of the corresponding routes.
-- The following fields are defined for route entry tables:
-- { "Mask", "RefCnt", "Iface", "Flags", "Window", "IRTT",
-- "MTU", "Gateway", "Destination", "Metric", "Use" }
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
function net.routes()
return _parse_delimited_table(io.lines("/proc/net/route"))
--- Convert hexadecimal 32 bit value to IPv4 address.
-- @param hex String containing the hexadecimal value
-- @param be Boolean indicating wheather the given value is big endian
-- @return String containing the corresponding IP4 address
function net.hexip4(hex, be)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
if #hex ~= 8 then
return nil
be = be or luci.util.bigendian()
local hexdec = luci.bits.Hex2Dec
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local ip = ""
if be then
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(1,2))) .. "."
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(3,4))) .. "."
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(5,6))) .. "."
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(7,8)))
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(7,8))) .. "."
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(5,6))) .. "."
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(3,4))) .. "."
ip = ip .. tostring(hexdec(hex:sub(1,2)))
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return ip
--- Convert given IPv4 address to binary value.
-- @param ip String containing a IPv4 address
-- @return String containing corresponding binary value
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
function net.ip4bin(ip)
local parts = luci.util.split(ip, '.')
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
if #parts ~= 4 then
return nil
local decbin = luci.bits.Dec2Bin
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local bin = ""
bin = bin .. decbin(parts[1], 8)
bin = bin .. decbin(parts[2], 8)
bin = bin .. decbin(parts[3], 8)
bin = bin .. decbin(parts[4], 8)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
return bin
--- Tests whether the given host responds to ping probes.
-- @param host String containing a hostname or IPv4 address
-- @return Number containing 0 on success and >= 1 on error
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
function net.pingtest(host)
return os.execute("ping -c1 '""'", '').."' >/dev/null 2>&1")
--- LuCI system utilities / process related functions.
-- @class module
-- @name luci.sys.process
process = {}
--- Get the current process id.
-- @return Number containing the current pid = posix.getpid
--- Set the gid of a process identified by given pid.
-- @param pid Number containing the process id
-- @param gid Number containing the Unix group id
-- @return Boolean indicating successful operation
-- @return String containing the error message if failed
-- @return Number containing the error code if failed
function process.setgroup(pid, gid)
return posix.setpid("g", pid, gid)
--- Set the uid of a process identified by given pid.
-- @param pid Number containing the process id
-- @param uid Number containing the Unix user id
-- @return Boolean indicating successful operation
-- @return String containing the error message if failed
-- @return Number containing the error code if failed
function process.setuser(pid, uid)
return posix.setpid("u", pid, uid)
--- LuCI system utilities / user related functions.
-- @class module
-- @name luci.sys.user
user = {}
--- Retrieve user informations for given uid.
-- @class function
-- @name getuser
-- @param uid Number containing the Unix user id
-- @return Table containing the following fields:
-- { "uid", "gid", "name", "passwd", "dir", "shell", "gecos" }
user.getuser = posix.getpasswd
--- Test whether given string matches the password of a given system user.
-- @param username String containing the Unix user name
-- @param password String containing the password to compare
-- @return Boolean indicating wheather the passwords are equal
function user.checkpasswd(username, password)
local account = user.getuser(username)
-- FIXME: detect testing environment
if luci.fs.stat("/etc/shadow") and not luci.fs.access("/etc/shadow", "r") then
return true
elseif account then
if account.passwd == "!" then
return true
return (account.passwd == posix.crypt(password, account.passwd))
--- Change the password of given user.
-- @param username String containing the Unix user name
-- @param password String containing the password to compare
-- @return Number containing 0 on success and >= 1 on error
function user.setpasswd(username, password)
if password then
password = password:gsub("'", "")
if username then
username = username:gsub("'", "")
local cmd = "(echo '"..password.."';sleep 1;echo '"..password.."')|"
cmd = cmd .. "passwd '"..username.."' >/dev/null 2>&1"
return os.execute(cmd)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
--- LuCI system utilities / wifi related functions.
-- @class module
-- @name luci.sys.wifi
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
wifi = {}
--- Get iwconfig output for all wireless devices.
-- @return Table of tables containing the iwconfing output for each wifi device
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
function wifi.getiwconfig()
local cnt = luci.util.exec("/usr/sbin/iwconfig 2>/dev/null")
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local iwc = {}
for i, l in pairs(luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(cnt), "\n\n")) do
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local k = l:match("^(.-) ")
l = l:gsub("^(.-) +", "", 1)
if k then
iwc[k] = _parse_mixed_record(l)
return iwc
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
--- Get iwlist scan output from all wireless devices.
-- @return Table of tables contaiing all scan results
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
function wifi.iwscan()
local cnt = luci.util.exec("iwlist scan 2>/dev/null")
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local iws = {}
for i, l in pairs(luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(cnt), "\n\n")) do
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local k = l:match("^(.-) ")
l = l:gsub("^[^\n]+", "", 1)
l = luci.util.trim(l)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
if k then
iws[k] = {}
for j, c in pairs(luci.util.split(l, "\n Cell")) do
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
c = c:gsub("^(.-)- ", "", 1)
c = luci.util.split(c, "\n", 7)
c = table.concat(c, "\n", 1)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
table.insert(iws[k], _parse_mixed_record(c))
return iws
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
-- Internal functions
function _parse_delimited_table(iter, delimiter)
delimiter = delimiter or "%s+"
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local data = {}
local trim = luci.util.trim
local split = luci.util.split
local keys = split(trim(iter()), delimiter, nil, true)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
for i, j in pairs(keys) do
keys[i] = trim(keys[i])
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
for line in iter do
local row = {}
line = trim(line)
if #line > 0 then
for i, j in pairs(split(line, delimiter, nil, true)) do
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
if keys[i] then
row[keys[i]] = j
table.insert(data, row)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
return data
function _parse_mixed_record(cnt)
local data = {}
for i, l in pairs(luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(cnt), "\n")) do
for j, f in pairs(luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(l), " ")) do
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
local k, x, v = f:match('([^%s][^:=]+) *([:=]*) *"*([^\n"]*)"*')
if k then
if x == "" then
table.insert(data, k)
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
data[k] = v
2008-04-19 20:09:38 +00:00
return data
Squashed commit of the following: commit d45d1757d24d8214f730af1a3401dd2bef4a434f Author: Steven <> Date: Wed May 28 17:23:27 2008 +0200 * libs/core: Removed dummymode checks in sys * libs/sgi-webuci: Fixes commit b870e8d345bc8912fd8ab61d463b9d68b924a6f4 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Wed May 28 15:40:10 2008 +0200 fix path to theme commit e3732926bd98db4cc38de6eb8018cd4e55176699 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Wed May 28 14:56:03 2008 +0200 set the proper path to the config in dummy mode commit a75aecf46f037c98bd6e49b9e48adb735d76d150 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Wed May 28 14:50:42 2008 +0200 add some dummy mode support commit 12bb39ef606bca6b403cc982213a6597b76dc1b3 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Wed May 28 14:41:56 2008 +0200 normalize paths commit 7aaad1103fd2bdc75aca158baa6ef191f9a961c6 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Wed May 28 14:27:26 2008 +0200 add missing require statement commit 5766274bd2511b00c42b474aeeeb3efaca6ded9b Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Wed May 28 14:19:54 2008 +0200 add optional luaposix package (patched for darwin support) commit 9e257a76d03722fc0ce8312aa9952641b21424bd Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Tue May 27 20:21:59 2008 +0200 add missing files, more integration for the boa plugin, fix path to lua modules commit dacc1a98ec946975fcb19f87076dfa7db865fca6 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Tue May 27 19:42:37 2008 +0200 use "compile" instead of "source" and rename the old version of compile to "compile-all" commit eb14777c4fee1eb5740aba1e5603e481320da7b1 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Tue May 27 19:41:59 2008 +0200 more boa integration commit df0afb965bf0a987b653e9d0acadf3151179a596 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Tue May 27 18:33:42 2008 +0200 build boa and the plugin along with sgi-webuci commit 878161dabf32066631103d199e2cbaf3f5a7fb07 Author: Felix Fietkau <> Date: Tue May 27 18:03:16 2008 +0200 add .gitignore
2008-05-28 15:28:13 +00:00