[widgets.UserSelect,'user',_('Run daemon as user')],
[widgets.GroupSelect,'group',_('Run daemon as group')],
[form.Flag,'respawn',_('Respawn when crashed')],
[form.DynamicList,'env',_('Environment variable'),_('OS environments pass to frp for config file template, see <a href="https://github.com/fatedier/frp#configuration-file-template">frp README</a>'),{placeholder:'ENV_NAME=value'}],
[form.DynamicList,'conf_inc',_('Additional configs'),_('Config files include in temporary config file'),{placeholder:'/etc/frp/frpc.d/frpc_full.ini'}]
[form.Value,'server_addr',_('Server address'),_('ServerAddr specifies the address of the server to connect to.<br />By default, this value is "".'),{datatype:'host'}],
[form.Value,'server_port',_('Server port'),_('ServerPort specifies the port to connect to the server on.<br />By default, this value is 7000.'),{datatype:'port'}],
[form.Value,'http_proxy',_('HTTP proxy'),_('HttpProxy specifies a proxy address to connect to the server through. If this value is "", the server will be connected to directly.<br />By default, this value is read from the "http_proxy" environment variable.')],
[form.ListValue,'log_level',_('Log level'),_('LogLevel specifies the minimum log level. Valid values are "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", and "error".<br />By default, this value is "info".'),{values:['trace','debug','info','warn','error']}],
[form.Flag,'disable_log_color',_('Disable log color'),_('DisableLogColor disables log colors when LogWay == "console" when set to true.'),{datatype:'bool',default:'true'}],
[form.Value,'token',_('Token'),_('Token specifies the authorization token used to create keys to be sent to the server. The server must have a matching token for authorization to succeed. <br />By default, this value is "".')],
[form.Value,'admin_addr',_('Admin address'),_('AdminAddr specifies the address that the admin server binds to.<br />By default, this value is "".'),{datatype:'ipaddr'}],
[form.Value,'admin_port',_('Admin port'),_('AdminPort specifies the port for the admin server to listen on. If this value is 0, the admin server will not be started.<br />By default, this value is 0.'),{datatype:'port'}],
[form.Value,'admin_user',_('Admin user'),_('AdminUser specifies the username that the admin server will use for login.<br />By default, this value is "admin".')],
[form.Value,'admin_pwd',_('Admin password'),_('AdminPwd specifies the password that the admin server will use for login.<br />By default, this value is "admin".'),{password:true}],
[form.Value,'assets_dir',_('Assets dir'),_('AssetsDir specifies the local directory that the admin server will load resources from. If this value is "", assets will be loaded from the bundled executable using statik.<br />By default, this value is "".')],
[form.Flag,'tcp_mux',_('TCP mux'),_('TcpMux toggles TCP stream multiplexing. This allows multiple requests from a client to share a single TCP connection. If this value is true, the server must have TCP multiplexing enabled as well.<br />By default, this value is true.'),{datatype:'bool',default:'true'}],
[form.Value,'user',_('User'),_('User specifies a prefix for proxy names to distinguish them from other clients. If this value is not "", proxy names will automatically be changed to "{user}.{proxy_name}".<br />By default, this value is "".')],
[form.Flag,'login_fail_exit',_('Exit when login fail'),_('LoginFailExit controls whether or not the client should exit after a failed login attempt. If false, the client will retry until a login attempt succeeds.<br />By default, this value is true.'),{datatype:'bool',default:'true'}],
[form.ListValue,'protocol',_('Protocol'),_('Protocol specifies the protocol to use when interacting with the server. Valid values are "tcp", "kcp", and "websocket".<br />By default, this value is "tcp".'),{values:['tcp','kcp','websocket']}],
[form.Value,'heartbeat_interval',_('Heartbeat interval'),_('HeartBeatInterval specifies at what interval heartbeats are sent to the server, in seconds. It is not recommended to change this value.<br />By default, this value is 30.'),{datatype:'uinteger'}],
[form.Value,'heartbeat_timeout',_('Heartbeat timeout'),_('HeartBeatTimeout specifies the maximum allowed heartbeat response delay before the connection is terminated, in seconds. It is not recommended to change this value.<br />By default, this value is 90.'),{datatype:'uinteger'}],
[form.DynamicList,'_',_('Additional settings'),_('This list can be used to specify some additional parameters which have not been included in this LuCI.'),{placeholder:'Key-A=Value-A'}]
[form.ListValue,'type',_('Proxy type'),_('ProxyType specifies the type of this proxy. Valid values include "tcp", "udp", "http", "https", "stcp", and "xtcp".<br />By default, this value is "tcp".'),{values:['tcp','udp','http','https','stcp','xtcp']}],
[form.Flag,'use_encryption',_('Encryption'),_('UseEncryption controls whether or not communication with the server will be encrypted. Encryption is done using the tokens supplied in the server and client configuration.<br />By default, this value is false.'),{datatype:'bool'}],
[form.Flag,'use_compression',_('Compression'),_('UseCompression controls whether or not communication with the server will be compressed.<br />By default, this value is false.'),{datatype:'bool'}],