2022-08-29 15:09:22 +00:00
// Copyright 2022 Jo-Philipp Wich <jo@mein.io>
// Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
import { open, stat, glob, lsdir, unlink, basename } from 'fs';
import { striptags, entityencode } from 'html';
import { connect } from 'ubus';
import { cursor } from 'uci';
import { rand } from 'math';
import { hash, load_catalog, change_catalog, translate, ntranslate, getuid } from 'luci.core';
import { revision as luciversion, branch as luciname } from 'luci.version';
import { default as LuCIRuntime } from 'luci.runtime';
import { urldecode } from 'luci.http';
let ubus = connect();
let uci = cursor();
let indexcache = "/tmp/luci-indexcache";
let http, runtime, tree, luabridge;
function error404(msg) {
http.status(404, 'Not Found');
try {
runtime.render('error404', { message: msg ?? 'Not found' });
catch {
http.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
http.write(msg ?? 'Not found');
return false;
function error500(msg, ex) {
if (!http.eoh) {
http.status(500, 'Internal Server Error');
http.header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
try {
runtime.render('error500', {
title: ex?.type ?? 'Runtime exception',
message: replace(
/(\s)((\/[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+)+:\d+|\[string "[^"]+"\]:\d+)/g,
exception: ex
catch {
if (ex) {
function load_luabridge(optional) {
if (luabridge == null) {
try {
luabridge = require('lua');
catch (ex) {
luabridge = false;
if (!optional)
error500('No Lua runtime installed');
return luabridge;
function determine_request_language() {
let lang = uci.get('luci', 'main', 'lang') || 'auto';
if (lang == 'auto') {
for (let tag in split(http.getenv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'), ',')) {
tag = split(trim(split(tag, ';')?.[0]), '-');
if (tag) {
let cc = tag[1] ? `${tag[0]}_${lc(tag[1])}` : null;
if (cc && uci.get('luci', 'languages', cc)) {
lang = cc;
else if (uci.get('luci', 'languages', tag[0])) {
lang = tag[0];
if (lang == 'auto')
lang = 'en';
2022-10-25 11:01:31 +00:00
lang = replace(lang, '_', '-');
2022-08-29 15:09:22 +00:00
if (load_catalog(lang, '/usr/lib/lua/luci/i18n'))
return lang;
function determine_version() {
let res = { luciname, luciversion };
for (let f = open("/etc/os-release"), l = f?.read?.("line"); l; l = f.read?.("line")) {
let kv = split(l, '=', 2);
switch (kv[0]) {
case 'NAME':
res.distname = trim(kv[1], '"\' \n');
case 'VERSION':
res.distversion = trim(kv[1], '"\' \n');
case 'HOME_URL':
res.disturl = trim(kv[1], '"\' \n');
case 'BUILD_ID':
res.distrevision = trim(kv[1], '"\' \n');
return res;
function read_jsonfile(path, defval) {
let rv;
try {
rv = json(open(path, "r"));
catch (e) {
rv = defval;
return rv;
function read_cachefile(file, reader) {
let euid = getuid(),
fstat = stat(file),
fuid = fstat?.uid,
perm = fstat?.perm;
if (euid != fuid ||
perm?.group_read || perm?.group_write || perm?.group_exec ||
perm?.other_read || perm?.other_write || perm?.other_exec)
return null;
return reader(file);
function check_fs_depends(spec) {
for (let path, kind in spec) {
if (kind == 'directory') {
if (!length(lsdir(path)))
return false;
else if (kind == 'executable') {
let fstat = stat(path);
if (fstat?.type != 'file' || fstat?.user_exec == false)
return false;
else if (kind == 'file') {
let fstat = stat(path);
if (fstat?.type != 'file')
return false;
2022-10-25 10:50:37 +00:00
else if (kind == 'absent') {
if (stat(path) != null)
return false;
2022-08-29 15:09:22 +00:00
return true;
function check_uci_depends_options(conf, s, opts) {
if (type(opts) == 'string') {
return (s['.type'] == opts);
else if (opts === true) {
for (let option, value in s)
if (ord(option) != 46)
return true;
else if (type(opts) == 'object') {
for (let option, value in opts) {
let sval = s[option];
if (type(sval) == 'array') {
if (!(value in sval))
return false;
else if (value === true) {
if (sval == null)
return false;
else {
if (sval != value)
return false;
return true;
function check_uci_depends_section(conf, sect) {
for (let section, options in sect) {
let stype = match(section, /^@([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$/);
if (stype) {
let found = false;
uci.foreach(conf, stype[1], (s) => {
if (check_uci_depends_options(conf, s, options)) {
found = true;
return false;
if (!found)
return false;
else {
let s = uci.get_all(conf, section);
if (!s || !check_uci_depends_options(conf, s, options))
return false;
return true;
function check_uci_depends(conf) {
for (let config, values in conf) {
if (values == true) {
let found = false;
uci.foreach(config, null, () => { found = true });
if (!found)
return false;
else if (type(values) == 'object') {
if (!check_uci_depends_section(config, values))
return false;
return true;
function check_depends(spec) {
if (type(spec?.depends?.fs) in ['array', 'object']) {
let satisfied = false;
let alternatives = (type(spec.depends.fs) == 'array') ? spec.depends.fs : [ spec.depends.fs ];
for (let alternative in alternatives) {
if (check_fs_depends(alternative)) {
satisfied = true;
if (!satisfied)
return false;
if (type(spec?.depends?.uci) in ['array', 'object']) {
let satisfied = false;
let alternatives = (type(spec.depends.uci) == 'array') ? spec.depends.uci : [ spec.depends.uci ];
for (let alternative in alternatives) {
if (check_uci_depends(alternative)) {
satisfied = true;
if (!satisfied)
return false;
return true;
function check_acl_depends(require_groups, groups) {
if (length(require_groups)) {
let writable = false;
for (let group in require_groups) {
let read = ('read' in groups?.[group]);
let write = ('write' in groups?.[group]);
if (!read && !write)
return null;
if (write)
writable = true;
return writable;
return true;
function hash_filelist(files) {
let hashval = 0x1b756362;
for (let file in files) {
let st = stat(file);
if (st)
hashval = hash(sprintf("%x|%x|%x", st.ino, st.mtime, st.size), hashval);
return hashval;
function build_pagetree() {
let tree = { action: { type: 'firstchild' } };
let schema = {
action: 'object',
auth: 'object',
cors: 'bool',
depends: 'object',
order: 'int',
setgroup: 'string',
setuser: 'string',
title: 'string',
wildcard: 'bool',
firstchild_ineligible: 'bool'
let files = glob('/usr/share/luci/menu.d/*.json', '/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/*.lua', '/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/*/*.lua');
let cachefile;
if (indexcache) {
cachefile = sprintf('%s.%08x.json', indexcache, hash_filelist(files));
let res = read_cachefile(cachefile, read_jsonfile);
if (res)
return res;
for (let path in glob(indexcache + '.*.json'))
for (let file in files) {
let data;
if (substr(file, -5) == '.json')
data = read_jsonfile(file);
else if (load_luabridge(true))
data = runtime.call('luci.dispatcher', 'process_lua_controller', file);
warn(`Lua controller ${file} present but no Lua runtime installed.\n`);
if (type(data) == 'object') {
for (let path, spec in data) {
if (type(spec) == 'object') {
let node = tree;
for (let s in match(path, /[^\/]+/g)) {
if (s[0] == '*') {
node.wildcard = true;
node.children ??= {};
node.children[s[0]] ??= {};
node = node.children[s[0]];
if (node !== tree) {
for (let k, t in schema)
if (type(spec[k]) == t)
node[k] = spec[k];
node.satisfied = check_depends(spec);
if (cachefile) {
let fd = open(cachefile, 'w', 0600);
if (fd) {
return tree;
function menu_json(acl) {
tree ??= build_pagetree();
return tree;
function ctx_append(ctx, name, node) {
ctx.path ??= [];
push(ctx.path, name);
ctx.acls ??= [];
push(ctx.acls, ...(node?.depends?.acl || []));
ctx.auth = node.auth || ctx.auth;
ctx.cors = node.cors || ctx.cors;
ctx.suid = node.setuser || ctx.suid;
ctx.sgid = node.setgroup || ctx.sgid;
return ctx;
function session_retrieve(sid, allowed_users) {
let sdat = ubus.call("session", "get", { ubus_rpc_session: sid });
let sacl = ubus.call("session", "access", { ubus_rpc_session: sid });
if (type(sdat?.values?.token) == 'string' &&
(!length(allowed_users) || sdat?.values?.username in allowed_users)) {
// uci:set_session_id(sid)
return {
data: sdat.values,
acls: length(sacl) ? sacl : {}
return null;
function randomid(num_bytes) {
let bytes = [];
while (num_bytes-- > 0)
push(bytes, sprintf('%02x', rand() % 256));
return join('', bytes);
function syslog(prio, msg) {
warn(sprintf("[%s] %s\n", prio, msg));
function session_setup(user, pass, path) {
let timeout = uci.get('luci', 'sauth', 'sessiontime');
let login = ubus.call("session", "login", {
username: user,
password: pass,
timeout: timeout ? +timeout : null
if (type(login?.ubus_rpc_session) == 'string') {
ubus.call("session", "set", {
ubus_rpc_session: login.ubus_rpc_session,
values: { token: randomid(16) }
syslog("info", sprintf("luci: accepted login on /%s for %s from %s",
join('/', path), user || "?", http.getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") || "?"));
return session_retrieve(login.ubus_rpc_session);
syslog("info", sprintf("luci: failed login on /%s for %s from %s",
join('/', path), user || "?", http.getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") || "?"));
function check_authentication(method) {
let m = match(method, /^([[:alpha:]]+):(.+)$/);
let sid;
switch (m?.[1]) {
case 'cookie':
sid = http.getcookie(m[2]);
case 'param':
sid = http.formvalue(m[2]);
case 'query':
sid = http.formvalue(m[2], true);
return sid ? session_retrieve(sid) : null;
function is_authenticated(auth) {
for (let method in auth?.methods) {
let session = check_authentication(method);
if (session)
return session;
return null;
function node_weight(node) {
let weight = min(node.order ?? 9999, 9999);
if (node.auth?.login)
weight += 10000;
return weight;
function clone(src) {
switch (type(src)) {
case 'array':
return map(src, clone);
case 'object':
let dest = {};
for (let k, v in src)
dest[k] = clone(v);
return dest;
return src;
function resolve_firstchild(node, session, login_allowed, ctx) {
let candidate, candidate_ctx;
for (let name, child in node.children) {
if (!child.satisfied)
if (!session)
session = is_authenticated(node.auth);
let cacl = child.depends?.acl;
let login = login_allowed || child.auth?.login;
if (login || check_acl_depends(cacl, session?.acls?.["access-group"]) != null) {
if (child.title && type(child.action) == "object") {
let child_ctx = ctx_append(clone(ctx), name, child);
if (child.action.type == "firstchild") {
if (!candidate || node_weight(candidate) > node_weight(child)) {
let have_grandchild = resolve_firstchild(child, session, login, child_ctx);
if (have_grandchild) {
candidate = child;
candidate_ctx = child_ctx;
else if (!child.firstchild_ineligible) {
if (!candidate || node_weight(candidate) > node_weight(child)) {
candidate = child;
candidate_ctx = child_ctx;
if (!candidate)
return false;
for (let k, v in candidate_ctx)
ctx[k] = v;
return true;
function resolve_page(tree, request_path) {
let node = tree;
let login = false;
let session = null;
let ctx = {};
for (let i, s in request_path) {
node = node.children?.[s];
if (!node?.satisfied)
ctx_append(ctx, s, node);
if (!session)
session = is_authenticated(node.auth);
if (!login && node.auth?.login)
login = true;
if (node.wildcard) {
ctx.request_args = [];
ctx.request_path = ctx.path ? [ ...ctx.path ] : [];
while (++i < length(request_path)) {
push(ctx.request_path, request_path[i]);
push(ctx.request_args, request_path[i]);
if (node?.action?.type == 'firstchild')
resolve_firstchild(node, session, login, ctx);
ctx.acls ??= {};
ctx.path ??= [];
ctx.request_args ??= [];
ctx.request_path ??= request_path ? [ ...request_path ] : [];
ctx.authsession = session?.sid;
ctx.authtoken = session?.data?.token;
ctx.authuser = session?.data?.username;
ctx.authacl = session?.acls;
node = tree;
for (let s in ctx.path) {
node = node.children[s];
assert(node, "Internal node resolve error");
return { node, ctx, session };
function require_post_security(target, args) {
if (target?.type == 'arcombine')
return require_post_security(length(args) ? target?.targets?.[1] : target?.targets?.[0], args);
if (type(target?.post) == 'object') {
for (let param_name, required_val in target.post) {
let request_val = http.formvalue(param_name);
if ((type(required_val) == 'string' && request_val != required_val) ||
(required_val == true && request_val == null))
return false;
return true;
return (target?.post == true);
function test_post_security(authtoken) {
if (http.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") != "POST") {
http.status(405, "Method Not Allowed");
http.header("Allow", "POST");
return false;
if (http.formvalue("token") != authtoken) {
http.status(403, "Forbidden");
return false;
return true;
function build_url(...path) {
let url = [ http.getenv('SCRIPT_NAME') ?? '' ];
for (let p in path)
if (match(p, /^[A-Za-z0-9_%.\/,;-]+$/))
push(url, '/', p);
if (length(url) == 1)
push(url, '/');
return join('', url);
function lookup(...segments) {
let node = menu_json();
let path = [];
for (let segment in segments)
for (let name in split(segment, '/'))
push(path, name);
for (let name in path) {
node = node.children[name];
if (!node)
return null;
if (node.leaf)
return { node, url: build_url(...path) };
function rollback_pending() {
const now = time();
const rv = ubus.call('session', 'get', {
ubus_rpc_session: '00000000000000000000000000000000',
keys: [ 'rollback' ]
if (type(rv?.values?.rollback?.token) != 'string' ||
type(rv?.values?.rollback?.session) != 'string' ||
type(rv?.values?.rollback?.timeout) != 'int' ||
rv.values.rollback.timeout <= now)
return false;
return {
remaining: rv.values.rollback.timeout - now,
session: rv.values.rollback.session,
token: rv.values.rollback.token
let dispatch;
function run_action(request_path, lang, tree, resolved, action) {
switch (action?.type) {
case 'template':
runtime.render(action.path, {});
case 'view':
runtime.render('view', { view: action.path });
case 'call':
http.write(render(() => {
runtime.call(action.module, action.function,
...(action.parameters ?? []),
case 'function':
const mod = require(action.module);
assert(type(mod[action.function]) == 'function',
`Module '${action.module}' does not export function '${action.function}'`);
http.write(render(() => {
call(mod[action.function], mod, runtime.env,
...(action.parameters ?? []),
2022-09-19 12:19:24 +00:00
case 'cbi':
http.write(render(() => {
runtime.call('luci.dispatcher', 'invoke_cbi_action',
action.path, null,
case 'form':
http.write(render(() => {
runtime.call('luci.dispatcher', 'invoke_form_action',
2022-08-29 15:09:22 +00:00
case 'alias':
dispatch(http, [ ...split(action.path, '/'), ...resolved.ctx.request_args ]);
case 'rewrite':
dispatch(http, [
...splice([ ...request_path ], 0, action.remove),
...split(action.path, '/'),
case 'firstchild':
if (!length(tree.children))
error404("No root node was registered, this usually happens if no module was installed.\n" +
"Install luci-mod-admin-full and retry. " +
"If the module is already installed, try removing the /tmp/luci-indexcache file.");
error404(`No page is registered at '/${join("/", resolved.ctx.request_path)}'.\n` +
"If this url belongs to an extension, make sure it is properly installed.\n" +
"If the extension was recently installed, try removing the /tmp/luci-indexcache file.");
error500(`Unhandled action type ${action?.type ?? '?'}`);
dispatch = function(_http, path) {
http = _http;
let version = determine_version();
let lang = determine_request_language();
runtime = LuCIRuntime({
ctx: {},
config: {
main: uci.get_all('luci', 'main') ?? {},
apply: uci.get_all('luci', 'apply') ?? {}
dispatcher: {
_: (...args) => translate(...args) ?? args[0],
N_: (...args) => ntranslate(...args) ?? (n[0] == 1 ? n[1] : n[2]),
try {
let menu = menu_json();
path ??= map(match(http.getenv('PATH_INFO'), /[^\/]+/g), m => m[0]);
let resolved = resolve_page(menu, path);
runtime.env.ctx = resolved.ctx;
runtime.env.node = resolved.node;
if (length(resolved.ctx.auth)) {
let session = is_authenticated(resolved.ctx.auth);
if (!session && resolved.ctx.auth.login) {
let user = http.getenv('HTTP_AUTH_USER');
let pass = http.getenv('HTTP_AUTH_PASS');
if (user == null && pass == null) {
user = http.formvalue('luci_username');
pass = http.formvalue('luci_password');
if (user != null && pass != null)
session = session_setup(user, pass, resolved.ctx.request_path);
if (!session) {
resolved.ctx.path = [];
http.status(403, 'Forbidden');
http.header('X-LuCI-Login-Required', 'yes');
let scope = { duser: 'root', fuser: user };
try {
runtime.render(`themes/${basename(runtime.env.media)}/sysauth`, scope);
catch (e) {
runtime.render('sysauth', scope);
let cookie_name = (http.getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? 'sysauth_https' : 'sysauth_http',
cookie_secure = (http.getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? '; secure' : '';
http.header('Set-Cookie', `${cookie_name}=${session.sid}; path=${build_url()}; SameSite=strict; HttpOnly${cookie_secure}`);
if (!session) {
http.status(403, 'Forbidden');
http.header('X-LuCI-Login-Required', 'yes');
resolved.ctx.authsession ??= session.sid;
resolved.ctx.authtoken ??= session.data?.token;
resolved.ctx.authuser ??= session.data?.username;
resolved.ctx.authacl ??= session.acls;
if (length(resolved.ctx.acls)) {
let perm = check_acl_depends(resolved.ctx.acls, resolved.ctx.authacl?.['access-group']);
if (perm == null) {
http.status(403, 'Forbidden');
if (resolved.node)
resolved.node.readonly = !perm;
let action = resolved.node.action;
if (action?.type == 'arcombine')
action = length(resolved.ctx.request_args) ? action.targets?.[1] : action.targets?.[0];
if (resolved.ctx.cors && http.getenv('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'OPTIONS') {
http.status(200, 'OK');
http.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', http.getenv('HTTP_ORIGIN') ?? '*');
http.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS');
if (require_post_security(action) && !test_post_security(resolved.ctx.authtoken))
run_action(path, lang, menu, resolved, action);
catch (ex) {
error500('Unhandled exception during request dispatching', ex);
export default dispatch;