2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
/ *
Copyright ( c ) 2006 , Lorenz Schori < lo @ znerol . ch >
All rights reserved ( Naja : Ich hab ' trotzdem was geaendert . Sven - Ola ) . ( Naja :
diese Rechte garantiert dir die BSD - Lizenz ja ausdrücklich . Lorenz )
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice , this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice ,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
- Neither the name of the < ORGANIZATION > nor the names of its contributors may
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
specific prior written permission .
OLSR - Viz is inspired by Wi - viz : http : //wiviz.natetrue.com
Changes :
2007 - 10 - 04 : Added hostname display option -- Stefan Katerkamp < stefan @ katerkamp . de > .
2007 - 10 - 04 : Optimized display by moving presentation css out of js -- lo
2010 - 12 - 11 : Changed some paths to make it work with Kamikaze and Luci -- soma
* /
var cgi _url = "/cgi-bin/vizdata.sh" ;
var maxmetric = 3 ;
var iconvariant = "-mini" ;
var nodes = new Array ( ) ;
var ncount = 0 ;
var newnodes = new Array ( ) ;
var edges = new Array ( ) ;
var iel = 220 ; // ideal edge length
var optsize = 10 ; // boundingbox around nodes
var vwidth = 0 ;
var vheight = 0 ;
var xoff = 0 ;
var yoff = 0 ;
var scale = 1.0 ;
var idle _timeout = 15 ;
var erase _timeout = 60 ;
var dcl _timeout = 250 ;
var dcllow _timeout = 500 ;
var auto _declump = true ;
var showdesc = true ;
var auto _save = 1 ;
var now _secs = 5 ;
// dom elements
var IFrameObj ;
var maindiv ;
var nodediv ;
var edgediv ;
/******* CALL TO SERVER ********/
function callToServer ( URL ) {
var IFrameDoc ;
if ( IFrameObj . document ) {
// For IE5 + opera
IFrameDoc = IFrameObj . document ;
else if ( IFrameObj . contentDocument ) {
// For NS6
IFrameDoc = IFrameObj . contentDocument ;
else if ( IFrameObj . contentWindow ) {
// For IE5.5 and IE6
IFrameDoc = IFrameObj . contentWindow . document ;
else {
// opera? hmmmm
return true ;
IFrameDoc . location . replace ( URL ) ;
return false ;
/******** EDGE CLASS ********/
function edge ( n1 , n2 ) {
this . getHTML = function ( )
var nh = "" ;
if ( this . n1 . metric > maxmetric || this . n2 . metric > maxmetric ) {
return "" ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var x = this . n1 . x * scale ;
var y = this . n1 . y * scale ;
var dx = this . n2 . x * scale - x ;
var dy = this . n2 . y * scale - y ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
x += xoff * scale + 75 ;
y += yoff * scale + 15 ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var imgtag = "<img src='/luci-static/resources/olsr-viz/dot_"
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( this . etx > 0 && this . etx < 2 ) {
imgtag += "good.gif'" ;
else if ( this . etx > 2 && this . etx < 5 ) {
imgtag += "ok.gif'" ;
else if ( this . etx > 5 && this . etx < 10 ) {
imgtag += "weak.gif'" ;
else {
imgtag += "down.gif'" ;
imgtag += " alt='ETX: " + this . etx + "' title='ETX: " + this . etx + "' " ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var d = Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var j = 0 ; j < d ; j += 15 ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
nh += imgtag + "style='top:"
+ parseInt ( y + dy * j / d ) + "px; left:"
+ parseInt ( x + dx * j / d ) + "px; "
+ "width: 4px; height: 4px; position: absolute; z-index: 2' >" ;
nh += "<div style='top:"
+ parseInt ( y + dy * 0.5 - 5 ) + "px; left:"
+ parseInt ( x + dx * 0.5 - 24 ) + "px; "
+ "position: absolute; z-index: 3; width: 48px; text-align: center;' >"
+ "<span class='label etx' >" + this . etx + "</span></div>" ;
return nh ;
this . isIdle = function ( )
return ( now _secs - this . lastseen > idle _timeout ) ;
this . isDead = function ( )
return ( now _secs - this . lastseen > erase _timeout ) ;
this . cleanup = function ( )
if ( this . n1 && this . n1 . weight ) {
this . n1 . weight -- ;
if ( this . n2 && this . n2 . weight ) {
this . n2 . weight -- ;
if ( this . n1 && this . n2 ) {
delete this . n1 . edges [ n2 . ip ] ;
delete this . n2 . edges [ n1 . ip ] ;
this . n1 = n1 ;
this . n2 = n2 ;
// setup edges within node objects
this . n1 . weight ++ ;
this . n1 . edges [ n2 . ip ] = this ;
this . n2 . weight ++ ;
this . n2 . edges [ n1 . ip ] = this ;
return this ;
function getEdgeKey ( ip1 , ip2 )
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var key = "" ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( ip1 > ip2 ) {
key = ip2 + "-" + ip1 ;
else {
key = ip1 + "-" + ip2 ;
return key ;
function touch _edge ( n1 , n2 , etx )
var key = getEdgeKey ( n1 . ip , n2 . ip ) ;
var e = edges [ key ] ;
if ( ! e ) {
e = new edge ( n1 , n2 ) ;
edges [ key ] = e ;
e . etx = etx ;
e . lastseen = now _secs ;
return e ;
/******** NODE CLASS ********/
function node ( ip ) {
this . getHTML = function ( )
var nh ;
if ( this . metric > maxmetric ) {
return "" ;
var igw = 0 ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var h in this . hna ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( h == "" ) {
igw = 1 ;
break ;
nh =
"<div id='node_" + this . ip + "' onmousedown='dragstart(this)' style="
+ "'top: " + parseInt ( ( this . y + yoff ) * scale ) + "px; "
+ "left: " + parseInt ( ( this . x + xoff ) * scale ) + "px; "
+ "width: 150px; height: 1px; z-index: 4; "
+ "position: absolute; background-color: transparent;' >"
+ "<div><img src='/luci-static/resources/olsr-viz/node" + ( igw ? "-hna" : "" ) + iconvariant + ".gif'"
+ " alt='node " + this . ip + "' style='border: none;'><br>"
+ "<a href='http://" + this . ip + "/'>"
+ "<span class='label ip'>" + this . ip + "</span></a>"
+ ( showdesc && this . desc != "" ?
"<br><span class='label desc'>" + this . desc + "</span>" : "" )
+ "</div></div>" ;
return nh ;
this . isIdle = function ( )
return ( now _secs - this . lastseen > idle _timeout ) ;
this . isDead = function ( )
return ( now _secs - this . lastseen > erase _timeout ) ;
this . cleanup = function ( )
ncount -- ;
this . set _metric = function ( metric ) {
this . metric = metric ;
return this ;
this . set _desc = function ( desc ) {
this . desc = desc
return this ;
this . update = function ( ) {
this . lastseen = now _secs ;
return this ;
this . ip = ip ;
this . x = 0 ;
this . y = 0 ;
this . dx _last = 0 ;
this . dy _last = 0 ;
this . placed = false ;
this . weight = 0 ;
this . edges = new Array ( ) ;
this . hna = new Array ( ) ;
this . pinned = false ;
this . metric = 999 ;
this . desc = "" ;
ncount ++ ;
return this ;
function touch _node ( ip ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var n = nodes [ ip ] ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( ! n ) {
n = new node ( ip ) ;
nodes [ ip ] = n ;
// newnodes.push(n);
// push and pop not supported in old ie. shit.
newnodes [ newnodes . length ] = n ;
return n ;
function place _new _nodes ( ) {
var nc = 0 ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < newnodes . length ; i ++ ) {
var n = newnodes [ i ] ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( n . placed ) { continue ; }
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var sp ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( sp = getCookie ( "node_" + n . ip ) ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var xy = sp . split ( "x" ) ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
debug _writeln ( "sp: " + sp + " xy[0]: " + xy [ 0 ] + " xy[1]: " + xy [ 1 ] ) ;
n . x = parseFloat ( xy [ 0 ] ) ;
n . y = parseFloat ( xy [ 1 ] ) ;
else if ( n . weight > 1 ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
// see if we find already placed nodes
var ox = 0 , oy = 0 ;
var dx = 0 , dy = 0 ;
var c = 0 ;
for ( var e in n . edges ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( nodes [ e ] && nodes [ e ] . placed ) {
if ( ! ox && ! oy ) {
ox = nodes [ e ] . x ;
oy = nodes [ e ] . y ;
else {
dx += nodes [ e ] . x - ox ;
dy += nodes [ e ] . y - oy ;
c ++ ;
if ( c > 0 ) {
n . x = ox + dx / c + Math . random ( ) * iel / 2 - iel / 4 ;
n . y = oy + dy / c + Math . random ( ) * iel / 2 - iel / 4 ;
else {
2018-08-18 04:21:21 +00:00
// begin somewhere
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
n . x = Math . random ( ) * 400 ;
n . y = Math . random ( ) * 400 ;
n . placed = true ;
nc ++ ;
newnodes . length = 0 ;
return nc ;
/******** HNA CLASS ********/
function hna ( gw , net , mask ) {
this . gw = gw ;
this . net = net ;
this . mask = mask ;
return this ;
function touch _hna ( node , net , mask ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var h = node . hna [ net ] ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( ! h ) {
h = new hna ( node . ip , net , mask ) ;
node . hna [ net ] = h ;
h . lastseen = now _secs ;
return h ;
/******** VIZ SETUP AND SETTINGS ********/
function viz _setup ( iframeid , maindivid , nodedivid , edgedivid ) {
// assign a reference to the
// object to our global variable IFrameObj.
IFrameObj = document . getElementById ( iframeid ) ;
if ( document . frames ) {
// this is for IE5 Mac, because it will only
// allow access to the document object
// of the IFrame if we access it through
// the document.frames array
IFrameObj = document . frames [ iframeid ] ;
draginit ( ) ;
maindiv = document . getElementById ( maindivid ) ;
nodediv = document . getElementById ( nodedivid ) ;
edgediv = document . getElementById ( edgedivid ) ;
// autosave on exit?
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var autosave ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( ( autosave = getCookie ( "prefs_autosave" ) ) ) {
auto _save = parseInt ( autosave ) ;
viz _autosave ( auto _save ) ;
// maximum metric of surrounding nodes
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var mmx ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( mmx = getCookie ( "prefs_maxmetric" ) ) {
set _maxmetric ( mmx , true , true ) ;
// scale of view
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var savescale ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( ( savescale = getCookie ( "prefs_scale" ) ) &&
( savescale = parseFloat ( savescale ) ) ) {
set _scale ( savescale , true ) ;
// scroll - FIXME
/ *
if ( val = getCookie ( "prefs_innerview" ) ) {
iv = val . split ( "x" ) ;
if ( iv [ 0 ] && ( iv [ 0 ] = parseInt ( iv [ 0 ] ) ) &&
iv [ 1 ] && ( iv [ 2 ] = parseInt ( iv [ 2 ] ) ) &&
iv [ 3 ] && ( iv [ 3 ] = parseInt ( iv [ 3 ] ) ) &&
iv [ 4 ] && ( iv [ 4 ] = parseInt ( iv [ 4 ] ) ) )
maindiv . scrollLeft = iv [ 0 ] + "px" ;
maindiv . scrollHeight = iv [ 1 ] + "px" ;
* /
function viz _save ( )
// let cookie survive a month
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var exp = new Date ( ) ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
exp . setTime ( exp . getTime ( ) + 2592000000 ) ;
// save node positions
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var ip in nodes )
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( nodes [ ip ] . metric > maxmetric ) {
continue ;
setCookie ( "node_" + ip , nodes [ ip ] . x + "x" + nodes [ ip ] . y , exp ) ;
// save maxmetric
setCookie ( "prefs_maxmetric" , maxmetric , exp ) ;
// save zooming
setCookie ( "prefs_scale" , scale , exp ) ;
// save scroll - FIXME
setCookie ( "prefs_innerview" ,
parseInt ( maindiv . scrollLeft ) + "x" + parseInt ( maindiv . scrollTop ) + "x" +
parseInt ( vwidth * scale ) + "x" + parseInt ( vheight * scale ) , exp ) ;
function viz _autosave ( autosave )
auto _save = autosave ;
if ( auto _save ) {
document . body . onunload = viz _save ;
else {
deleteCookie ( "prefs_autosave" ) ;
function viz _reset ( )
deleteAllCookies ( ) ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var ip in nodes ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
delete nodes [ ip ] ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var e in edges ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
delete edges [ e ] ;
viz _update ( ) ;
var updateTimer = 0 ;
function viz _update ( ) {
if ( updateTimer ) {
clearTimeout ( updateTimer ) ;
now _secs = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) / 1000 ;
callToServer ( cgi _url ) ;
function viz _callback ( ) {
if ( updateTimer ) {
clearTimeout ( updateTimer ) ;
if ( place _new _nodes ( ) > 0 && auto _declump ) {
declump ( ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
updateTimer = setTimeout ( 'viz_update()' , 5000 ) ;
var refresh _running = false ;
function refresh ( ) {
if ( refresh _running ) {
return ;
refresh _running = true ;
var nh = "" ;
// refresh nodes
nh = "" ;
for ( var n in nodes ) {
if ( nodes [ n ] . isDead ( ) ) {
nodes [ n ] . cleanup ( ) ;
delete nodes [ n ] ;
else {
nh += nodes [ n ] . getHTML ( ) ;
nodediv . innerHTML = nh ;
// refresh edges
nh = "" ;
for ( var e in edges ) {
if ( edges [ e ] . isDead ( ) ) {
edges [ e ] . cleanup ( ) ;
delete edges [ e ] ;
else {
nh += edges [ e ] . getHTML ( ) ;
edgediv . innerHTML = nh ;
refresh _running = false ;
function set _showdesc ( doit )
showdesc = doit ;
if ( ! noupdate ) refresh ( ) ;
function set _autodeclump ( doit )
auto _declump = doit ;
if ( doit ) {
declump ( ) ;
else {
clearTimeout ( dclTimer ) ;
function set _scale ( inscale , noupdate )
if ( ! inscale ) {
inscale = parseFloat ( document . getElementById ( "zoom" ) . value / 2 ) ;
scale = Math . round ( inscale * 100 ) / 100 ;
if ( ! scale || scale < 0.1 ) {
scale = 0.1 ;
document . getElementById ( "zoom" ) . value = scale * 2 ;
if ( ! noupdate ) refresh ( ) ;
function set _maxmetric ( inmetric , noupdate , noconfirm )
inmetric = parseInt ( inmetric ) ;
if ( inmetric > 0 || ! noconfirm || confirm ( "warning. setting the maximum metric to zero can lead to expensive calculations if you are connected to a network with many nodes. do you want to proceed?" ) ) {
maxmetric = inmetric ;
document . getElementById ( "maxmetric" ) . value = maxmetric ;
if ( ! noupdate ) refresh ( ) ;
// k = area / nodes
function fr ( x ) {
return Math . pow ( ( iel * iel ) / x , 2 ) ;
function fa ( x ) {
return Math . pow ( ( x * x ) / iel , 2 ) ;
var dclTimer = 0 ;
var declump _running = false ;
function declump ( t ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var dx ;
var dy ;
var d ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
// clear declump timer
if ( dclTimer ) {
clearTimeout ( dclTimer ) ;
if ( declump _running ) {
return ;
declump _running = true ;
// nodes
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var nc = 0 ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
for ( var ip1 in nodes ) {
nodes [ ip1 ] . fr _x = 0 ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . fr _y = 0 ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . fa _x = 0 ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . fa _y = 0 ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . x _next = nodes [ ip1 ] . x ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . y _next = nodes [ ip1 ] . y ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . randdisplace = 0 ;
for ( var ip1 in nodes ) {
if ( nodes [ ip1 ] . metric > maxmetric || nodes [ ip1 ] . pinned ) {
continue ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
for ( var ip2 in nodes ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( nodes [ ip2 ] . metric > maxmetric || ip1 == ip2 ) {
continue ;
dx = ( nodes [ ip1 ] . x _next - nodes [ ip2 ] . x _next ) ;
dy = ( nodes [ ip1 ] . y _next - nodes [ ip2 ] . y _next ) ;
d = Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ;
d = Math . max ( d - optsize , ( d + optsize ) / optsize ) ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . fr _x += ( dx / d ) * fr ( d ) ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . fr _y += ( dy / d ) * fr ( d ) ;
dx = nodes [ ip1 ] . fr _x ;
dy = nodes [ ip1 ] . fr _y ;
d = Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var md = Math . min ( d , iel / nodes [ ip1 ] . weight ) ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
nodes [ ip1 ] . x _next += ( dx / d ) * md ;
nodes [ ip1 ] . y _next += ( dy / d ) * md ;
nc ++ ;
// edges
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var ec = 0 ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
for ( var e in edges ) {
if ( ! edges [ e ] . n1 || ! edges [ e ] . n2 ||
edges [ e ] . n1 . metric > maxmetric || edges [ e ] . n2 . metric > maxmetric ) {
continue ;
dx = ( edges [ e ] . n1 . x _next - edges [ e ] . n2 . x _next ) ;
dy = ( edges [ e ] . n1 . y _next - edges [ e ] . n2 . y _next ) ;
d = Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ;
// d = Math.max(d-optsize,(d+optsize)/optsize);
edges [ e ] . n1 . fa _x -= ( dx / d ) * fa ( d ) ;
edges [ e ] . n1 . fa _y -= ( dy / d ) * fa ( d ) ;
edges [ e ] . n2 . fa _x += ( dx / d ) * fa ( d ) ;
edges [ e ] . n2 . fa _y += ( dy / d ) * fa ( d ) ;
ec ++ ;
// displacement
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var xmin = - 20 ;
var ymin = - 20 ;
var xmax = 20 ;
var ymax = 20 ;
var dsum = 0 ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
for ( var ip in nodes ) {
if ( nodes [ ip ] . metric > maxmetric || nodes [ ip ] . pinned ) {
continue ;
dx = nodes [ ip ] . fa _x ;
dy = nodes [ ip ] . fa _y ;
d = Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ;
dx = ( dx / d ) * Math . min ( d , iel / nodes [ ip ] . weight ) * 0.75 + nodes [ ip ] . dx _last * 0.25 ;
dy = ( dy / d ) * Math . min ( d , iel / nodes [ ip ] . weight ) * 0.75 + nodes [ ip ] . dy _last * 0.25 ;
nodes [ ip ] . dx _last = dx ;
nodes [ ip ] . dy _last = dy ;
nodes [ ip ] . x _next += dx ;
nodes [ ip ] . y _next += dy ;
if ( ! nodes [ ip ] . x _next || ! nodes [ ip ] . y _next ) {
continue ;
dx = ( nodes [ ip ] . x - nodes [ ip ] . x _next ) ;
dy = ( nodes [ ip ] . y - nodes [ ip ] . y _next ) ;
dsum += Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ;
nodes [ ip ] . x = nodes [ ip ] . x _next ;
nodes [ ip ] . y = nodes [ ip ] . y _next ;
xmin = Math . min ( xmin , nodes [ ip ] . x ) ;
xmax = Math . max ( xmax , nodes [ ip ] . x ) ;
ymin = Math . min ( ymin , nodes [ ip ] . y ) ;
ymax = Math . max ( ymax , nodes [ ip ] . y ) ;
vwidth = ( xmax - xmin ) ;
vheight = ( ymax - ymin ) ;
xoff = - xmin ;
yoff = - ymin ;
/ *
document . getElementById ( 'debug' ) . innerHTML = "<br>" +
"offset: " + xoff + "x" + yoff + " dsum: " + dsum + "<br>" +
"nc: " + nc + " ec: " + ec + "xmax: " + xmax + " xmin: " + xmin + "<br>" +
"optsize: " + optsize + "<br>" ;
* /
refresh ( ) ;
if ( auto _declump ) {
dclTimer = setTimeout ( "declump()" , dsum > ncount ? dcl _timeout : dcllow _timeout ) ;
declump _running = false ;
//Das Objekt, das gerade bewegt wird.
var dragip = null ;
// Position, an der das Objekt angeklickt wurde.
var dragx = 0 ;
var dragy = 0 ;
// Mausposition
var posx = 0 ;
var posy = 0 ;
function draginit ( ) {
// Initialisierung der ãberwachung der Events
document . onmousemove = drag ;
document . onmouseup = dragstop ;
function dragstart ( element ) {
//Wird aufgerufen, wenn ein Objekt bewegt werden soll.
dragip = element . id . split ( "_" ) [ 1 ] ;
dragx = posx - element . offsetLeft ;
dragy = posy - element . offsetTop ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var n = nodes [ dragip ] ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( n ) {
n . pinned = true ;
function dragstop ( ) {
//Wird aufgerufen, wenn ein Objekt nicht mehr bewegt werden soll.
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var n = nodes [ dragip ] ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( n ) {
n . pinned = false ;
refresh ( ) ;
dragip = null ;
function drag ( ereignis ) {
//Wird aufgerufen, wenn die Maus bewegt wird und bewegt bei Bedarf das Objekt.
posx = document . all ? window . event . clientX : ereignis . pageX ;
posy = document . all ? window . event . clientY : ereignis . pageY ;
if ( dragip != null ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var n = nodes [ dragip ] ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
if ( n ) {
n . x = ( posx - dragx ) / scale - xoff ;
n . y = ( posy - dragy ) / scale - yoff ;
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var e = document . getElementById ( 'node_' + dragip ) ;
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
e . style . left = parseInt ( ( n . x + xoff ) * scale ) + "px" ;
e . style . top = parseInt ( ( n . y + yoff ) * scale ) + "px" ;
function debug _writeln ( line )
document . getElementById ( 'debug' ) . innerHTML = line + "<br>" + document . getElementById ( 'debug' ) . innerHTML ;
/ * *
* Sets a Cookie with the given name and value .
* name Name of the cookie
* value Value of the cookie
* [ expires ] Expiration date of the cookie ( default : end of current session )
* [ path ] Path where the cookie is valid ( default : path of calling document )
* [ domain ] Domain where the cookie is valid
* ( default : domain of calling document )
* [ secure ] Boolean value indicating if the cookie transmission requires a
* secure transmission
* /
function setCookie ( name , value , expires , path , domain , secure ) {
document . cookie = name + "=" + escape ( value ) +
( ( expires ) ? "; expires=" + expires . toGMTString ( ) : "" ) +
( ( path ) ? "; path=" + path : "" ) +
( ( domain ) ? "; domain=" + domain : "" ) +
( ( secure ) ? "; secure" : "" ) ;
/ * *
* Gets the value of the specified cookie .
* name Name of the desired cookie .
* Returns a string containing value of specified cookie ,
* or null if cookie does not exist .
* /
function getCookie ( name )
var results = document . cookie . match ( name + '=(.*?)(;|$)' ) ;
if ( results ) {
return unescape ( results [ 1 ] ) ;
return null ;
/ * *
* Deletes the specified cookie .
* name name of the cookie
* [ path ] path of the cookie ( must be same as path used to create cookie )
* [ domain ] domain of the cookie ( must be same as domain used to create cookie )
* /
function deleteCookie ( name , path , domain ) {
if ( getCookie ( name ) ) {
document . cookie = name + "=" +
( ( path ) ? "; path=" + path : "" ) +
( ( domain ) ? "; domain=" + domain : "" ) +
"; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" ;
function deleteAllCookies ( ) {
2018-10-28 21:38:20 +00:00
var cookies = document . cookie . split ( "; " ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cookies . length ; i ++ ) {
2010-12-11 17:08:03 +00:00
deleteCookie ( cookies [ i ] . split ( "=" ) [ 0 ] ) ;