2020-04-22 10:00:15 +00:00
LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
Copyright 2019 lisaac < https : // github.com / lisaac / luci - app - dockerman >
] ] --
require " luci.util "
local docker = require " luci.model.docker "
-- local uci = require "luci.model.uci"
module ( " luci.controller.dockerman " , package.seeall )
function index ( )
2020-04-23 13:36:49 +00:00
local e = entry ( { " admin " , " docker " } , firstchild ( ) , " Docker " , 40 )
e.dependent = false
e.acl_depends = { " luci-app-dockerman " }
2020-04-22 10:00:15 +00:00
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " overview " } , cbi ( " dockerman/overview " ) , _ ( " Overview " ) , 0 ) . leaf = true
local remote = luci.model . uci.cursor ( ) : get ( " dockerman " , " local " , " remote_endpoint " )
if remote == nil then
local socket = luci.model . uci.cursor ( ) : get ( " dockerman " , " local " , " socket_path " )
if socket and not nixio.fs . access ( socket ) then return end
elseif remote == " true " then
local host = luci.model . uci.cursor ( ) : get ( " dockerman " , " local " , " remote_host " )
local port = luci.model . uci.cursor ( ) : get ( " dockerman " , " local " , " remote_port " )
if not host or not port then return end
if ( require " luci.model.docker " ) . new ( ) : _ping ( ) . code ~= 200 then return end
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " containers " } , form ( " dockerman/containers " ) , _ ( " Containers " ) , 1 ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images " } , form ( " dockerman/images " ) , _ ( " Images " ) , 2 ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " networks " } , form ( " dockerman/networks " ) , _ ( " Networks " ) , 3 ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " volumes " } , form ( " dockerman/volumes " ) , _ ( " Volumes " ) , 4 ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " events " } , call ( " action_events " ) , _ ( " Events " ) , 5 )
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " newcontainer " } , form ( " dockerman/newcontainer " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " newnetwork " } , form ( " dockerman/newnetwork " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " container " } , form ( " dockerman/container " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " container_stats " } , call ( " action_get_container_stats " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " container_get_archive " } , call ( " download_archive " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " container_put_archive " } , call ( " upload_archive " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images_save " } , call ( " save_images " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images_load " } , call ( " load_images " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images_import " } , call ( " import_images " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images_get_tags " } , call ( " get_image_tags " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images_tag " } , call ( " tag_image " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " images_untag " } , call ( " untag_image " ) ) . leaf = true
entry ( { " admin " , " docker " , " confirm " } , call ( " action_confirm " ) ) . leaf = true
function action_events ( )
local logs = " "
local dk = docker.new ( )
local query = { }
query [ " until " ] = os.time ( )
local events = dk : events ( { query = query } )
if events.code == 200 then
for _ , v in ipairs ( events.body ) do
if v and v.Type == " container " then
logs = ( logs ~= " " and ( logs .. " \n " ) or logs ) .. " [ " .. os.date ( " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " , v.time ) .. " ] " .. v.Type .. " " .. ( v.Action or " null " ) .. " Container ID: " .. ( v.Actor . ID or " null " ) .. " Container Name: " .. ( v.Actor . Attributes.name or " null " )
elseif v.Type == " network " then
logs = ( logs ~= " " and ( logs .. " \n " ) or logs ) .. " [ " .. os.date ( " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " , v.time ) .. " ] " .. v.Type .. " " .. v.Action .. " Container ID: " .. ( v.Actor . Attributes.container or " null " ) .. " Network Name: " .. ( v.Actor . Attributes.name or " null " ) .. " Network type: " .. v.Actor . Attributes.type or " "
elseif v.Type == " image " then
logs = ( logs ~= " " and ( logs .. " \n " ) or logs ) .. " [ " .. os.date ( " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " , v.time ) .. " ] " .. v.Type .. " " .. v.Action .. " Image: " .. ( v.Actor . ID or " null " ) .. " Image Name: " .. ( v.Actor . Attributes.name or " null " )
luci.template . render ( " dockerman/logs " , { self = { syslog = logs , title = " Events " } } )
local calculate_cpu_percent = function ( d )
if type ( d ) ~= " table " then return end
cpu_count = tonumber ( d [ " cpu_stats " ] [ " online_cpus " ] )
cpu_percent = 0.0
cpu_delta = tonumber ( d [ " cpu_stats " ] [ " cpu_usage " ] [ " total_usage " ] ) - tonumber ( d [ " precpu_stats " ] [ " cpu_usage " ] [ " total_usage " ] )
system_delta = tonumber ( d [ " cpu_stats " ] [ " system_cpu_usage " ] ) - tonumber ( d [ " precpu_stats " ] [ " system_cpu_usage " ] )
if system_delta > 0.0 then
cpu_percent = string.format ( " %.2f " , cpu_delta / system_delta * 100.0 * cpu_count )
-- return cpu_percent .. "%"
return cpu_percent
local get_memory = function ( d )
if type ( d ) ~= " table " then return end
-- local limit = string.format("%.2f", tonumber(d["memory_stats"]["limit"]) / 1024 / 1024)
-- local usage = string.format("%.2f", (tonumber(d["memory_stats"]["usage"]) - tonumber(d["memory_stats"]["stats"]["total_cache"])) / 1024 / 1024)
-- return usage .. "MB / " .. limit.. "MB"
local limit = tonumber ( d [ " memory_stats " ] [ " limit " ] )
local usage = tonumber ( d [ " memory_stats " ] [ " usage " ] ) - tonumber ( d [ " memory_stats " ] [ " stats " ] [ " total_cache " ] )
return usage , limit
local get_rx_tx = function ( d )
if type ( d ) ~= " table " then return end
-- local data
-- if type(d["networks"]) == "table" then
-- for e, v in pairs(d["networks"]) do
-- data = (data and (data .. "<br>") or "") .. e .. " Total Tx:" .. string.format("%.2f",(tonumber(v.tx_bytes)/1024/1024)) .. "MB Total Rx: ".. string.format("%.2f",(tonumber(v.rx_bytes)/1024/1024)) .. "MB"
-- end
-- end
local data = { }
if type ( d [ " networks " ] ) == " table " then
for e , v in pairs ( d [ " networks " ] ) do
data [ e ] = {
bw_tx = tonumber ( v.tx_bytes ) ,
bw_rx = tonumber ( v.rx_bytes )
return data
function action_get_container_stats ( container_id )
if container_id then
local dk = docker.new ( )
local response = dk.containers : inspect ( { id = container_id } )
if response.code == 200 and response.body . State.Running then
response = dk.containers : stats ( { id = container_id , query = { stream = false } } )
if response.code == 200 then
local container_stats = response.body
local cpu_percent = calculate_cpu_percent ( container_stats )
local mem_useage , mem_limit = get_memory ( container_stats )
local bw_rxtx = get_rx_tx ( container_stats )
luci.http . status ( response.code , response.body . message )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( {
cpu_percent = cpu_percent ,
memory = {
mem_useage = mem_useage ,
mem_limit = mem_limit
} ,
bw_rxtx = bw_rxtx
} )
luci.http . status ( response.code , response.body . message )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " text/plain " )
luci.http . write ( response.body . message )
if response.code == 200 then
luci.http . status ( 500 , " container " .. container_id .. " not running " )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " text/plain " )
luci.http . write ( " Container " .. container_id .. " not running " )
luci.http . status ( response.code , response.body . message )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " text/plain " )
luci.http . write ( response.body . message )
luci.http . status ( 404 , " No container name or id " )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " text/plain " )
luci.http . write ( " No container name or id " )
function action_confirm ( )
local data = docker : read_status ( )
if data then
data = data : gsub ( " \n " , " <br> " ) : gsub ( " " , " " )
code = 202
msg = data
code = 200
msg = " finish "
data = " finish "
luci.http . status ( code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { info = data } )
function download_archive ( )
local id = luci.http . formvalue ( " id " )
local path = luci.http . formvalue ( " path " )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local first
local cb = function ( res , chunk )
if res.code == 200 then
if not first then
first = true
luci.http . header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' inline; filename="archive.tar" ' )
luci.http . header ( ' Content-Type ' , ' application \ /x-tar ' )
luci.ltn12 . pump.all ( chunk , luci.http . write )
if not first then
first = true
luci.http . prepare_content ( " text/plain " )
luci.ltn12 . pump.all ( chunk , luci.http . write )
local res = dk.containers : get_archive ( { id = id , query = { path = path } } , cb )
function upload_archive ( container_id )
local path = luci.http . formvalue ( " upload-path " )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local ltn12 = require " luci.ltn12 "
local rec_send = function ( sinkout )
luci.http . setfilehandler ( function ( meta , chunk , eof )
if chunk then
ltn12.pump . step ( ltn12.source . string ( chunk ) , sinkout )
end )
local res = dk.containers : put_archive ( { id = container_id , query = { path = path } , body = rec_send } )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
function save_images ( container_id )
local names = luci.http . formvalue ( " names " )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local first
local cb = function ( res , chunk )
if res.code == 200 then
if not first then
first = true
luci.http . status ( res.code , res.message )
luci.http . header ( ' Content-Disposition ' , ' inline; filename="images.tar" ' )
luci.http . header ( ' Content-Type ' , ' application \ /x-tar ' )
luci.ltn12 . pump.all ( chunk , luci.http . write )
if not first then
first = true
luci.http . prepare_content ( " text/plain " )
luci.ltn12 . pump.all ( chunk , luci.http . write )
docker : write_status ( " Images: saving " .. " " .. container_id .. " ... " )
local res = dk.images : get ( { id = container_id , query = { names = names } } , cb )
docker : clear_status ( )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
function load_images ( )
local path = luci.http . formvalue ( " upload-path " )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local ltn12 = require " luci.ltn12 "
local rec_send = function ( sinkout )
luci.http . setfilehandler ( function ( meta , chunk , eof )
if chunk then
ltn12.pump . step ( ltn12.source . string ( chunk ) , sinkout )
end )
docker : write_status ( " Images: loading... " )
local res = dk.images : load ( { body = rec_send } )
-- res.body = {"stream":"Loaded image ID: sha256:1399d3d81f80d68832e85ed6ba5f94436ca17966539ba715f661bd36f3caf08f\n"}
local msg = res and res.body and ( res.body . message or res.body . stream or res.body . error ) or nil
if res.code == 200 and msg and msg : match ( " Loaded image ID " ) then
docker : clear_status ( )
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
docker : append_status ( " code: " .. res.code .. " " .. msg )
luci.http . status ( 300 , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
function import_images ( )
local src = luci.http . formvalue ( " src " )
local itag = luci.http . formvalue ( " tag " )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local ltn12 = require " luci.ltn12 "
local rec_send = function ( sinkout )
luci.http . setfilehandler ( function ( meta , chunk , eof )
if chunk then
ltn12.pump . step ( ltn12.source . string ( chunk ) , sinkout )
end )
docker : write_status ( " Images: importing " .. " " .. itag .. " ... \n " )
local repo = itag and itag : match ( " ^([^:]+) " )
local tag = itag and itag : match ( " ^[^:]-:([^:]+) " )
local res = dk.images : create ( { query = { fromSrc = src or " - " , repo = repo or nil , tag = tag or nil } , body = not src and rec_send or nil } , docker.import_image_show_status_cb )
local msg = res and res.body and ( res.body . message ) or nil
if not msg and # res.body == 0 then
-- res.body = {"status":"sha256:d5304b58e2d8cc0a2fd640c05cec1bd4d1229a604ac0dd2909f13b2b47a29285"}
msg = res.body . status or res.body . error
elseif not msg and # res.body >= 1 then
-- res.body = [...{"status":"sha256:d5304b58e2d8cc0a2fd640c05cec1bd4d1229a604ac0dd2909f13b2b47a29285"}]
msg = res.body [ # res.body ] . status or res.body [ # res.body ] . error
if res.code == 200 and msg and msg : match ( " sha256: " ) then
docker : clear_status ( )
docker : append_status ( " code: " .. res.code .. " " .. msg )
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
function get_image_tags ( image_id )
if not image_id then
luci.http . status ( 400 , " no image id " )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = " no image id " } )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local res = dk.images : inspect ( { id = image_id } )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
if res.code == 200 then
local tags = res.body . RepoTags
luci.http . write_json ( { tags = tags } )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
function tag_image ( image_id )
local src = luci.http . formvalue ( " tag " )
local image_id = image_id or luci.http . formvalue ( " id " )
if type ( src ) ~= " string " or not image_id then
luci.http . status ( 400 , " no image id or tag " )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = " no image id or tag " } )
local repo = src : match ( " ^([^:]+) " )
local tag = src : match ( " ^[^:]-:([^:]+) " )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local res = dk.images : tag ( { id = image_id , query = { repo = repo , tag = tag } } )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
if res.code == 201 then
local tags = res.body . RepoTags
luci.http . write_json ( { tags = tags } )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
function untag_image ( tag )
local tag = tag or luci.http . formvalue ( " tag " )
if not tag then
luci.http . status ( 400 , " no tag name " )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = " no tag name " } )
local dk = docker.new ( )
local res = dk.images : inspect ( { name = tag } )
if res.code == 200 then
local tags = res.body . RepoTags
if # tags > 1 then
local r = dk.images : remove ( { name = tag } )
local msg = r and r.body and r.body . message or nil
luci.http . status ( r.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )
luci.http . status ( 500 , " Cannot remove the last tag " )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = " Cannot remove the last tag " } )
local msg = res and res.body and res.body . message or nil
luci.http . status ( res.code , msg )
luci.http . prepare_content ( " application/json " )
luci.http . write_json ( { message = msg } )