2020-02-08 21:12:17 +00:00
'use strict' ;
2020-04-03 08:00:06 +00:00
'require baseclass' ;
2020-02-08 21:12:17 +00:00
'require fs' ;
'require form' ;
2020-04-03 08:00:06 +00:00
return baseclass . extend ( {
2020-02-08 21:12:17 +00:00
title : _ ( 'Thermal Plugin Configuration' ) ,
description : _ ( 'The thermal plugin will monitor temperature of the system. Data is typically read from /sys/class/thermal/*/temp ( \'*\' denotes the thermal device to be read, e.g. thermal_zone1 )' ) ,
addFormOptions : function ( s ) {
var o ;
o = s . option ( form . Flag , 'enable' , _ ( 'Enable this plugin' ) ) ;
o = s . option ( form . DynamicList , 'Device' , _ ( 'Monitor device(s) / thermal zone(s)' ) , _ ( 'Empty value = monitor all' ) ) ;
o . load = function ( section _id ) {
return Promise . all ( [
L . resolveDefault ( fs . list ( '/sys/class/thermal' ) , [ ] ) ,
L . resolveDefault ( fs . list ( '/proc/acpi/thermal_zone' ) , [ ] )
] ) . then ( L . bind ( function ( res ) {
var entries = res [ 0 ] . concat ( res [ 1 ] ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < entries . length ; i ++ )
if ( entries [ i ] . type == 'directory' && ! entries [ i ] . name . match ( /^cooling_device/ ) )
o . value ( entries [ i ] . name ) ;
return this . super ( 'load' , [ section _id ] ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
} ;
o . optional = true ;
o . depends ( 'enable' , '1' ) ;
o = s . option ( form . Flag , 'IgnoreSelected' , _ ( 'Monitor all except specified' ) ) ;
o . default = '0' ;
o . optional = true ;
o . depends ( 'enable' , '1' ) ;
} ,
configSummary : function ( section ) {
var zones = L . toArray ( section . Device ) ,
invert = section . IgnoreSelected == '1' ;
if ( zones . length )
return ( invert
? _ ( 'Monitoring all thermal zones except %s' )
: _ ( 'Monitoring thermal zones %s' )
) . format ( zones . join ( ', ' ) ) ;
return _ ( 'Monitoring all thermal zones' ) ;
} ) ;