
2180 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict';
'require uci';
'require rpc';
'require validation';
var proto_errors = {
CONNECT_FAILED: _('Connection attempt failed'),
INVALID_ADDRESS: _('IP address in invalid'),
INVALID_GATEWAY: _('Gateway address is invalid'),
INVALID_LOCAL_ADDRESS: _('Local IP address is invalid'),
MISSING_ADDRESS: _('IP address is missing'),
MISSING_PEER_ADDRESS: _('Peer address is missing'),
NO_DEVICE: _('Network device is not present'),
NO_IFACE: _('Unable to determine device name'),
NO_IFNAME: _('Unable to determine device name'),
NO_WAN_ADDRESS: _('Unable to determine external IP address'),
NO_WAN_LINK: _('Unable to determine upstream interface'),
PEER_RESOLVE_FAIL: _('Unable to resolve peer host name'),
PIN_FAILED: _('PIN code rejected')
var iface_patterns_ignore = [
var iface_patterns_wireless = [
var iface_patterns_virtual = [ ];
var callNetworkWirelessStatus = rpc.declare({
object: 'network.wireless',
method: 'status'
var callLuciNetdevs = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'getNetworkDevices',
expect: { '': {} }
var callLuciIfaddrs = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'getIfaddrs',
expect: { result: [] }
var callLuciBoardjson = rpc.declare({
object: 'luci',
method: 'getBoardJSON'
var callIwinfoInfo = rpc.declare({
object: 'iwinfo',
method: 'info',
params: [ 'device' ]
var callNetworkInterfaceStatus = rpc.declare({
object: 'network.interface',
method: 'dump',
expect: { 'interface': [] }
var callNetworkDeviceStatus = rpc.declare({
object: 'network.device',
method: 'status',
expect: { '': {} }
var callGetProtoHandlers = rpc.declare({
object: 'network',
method: 'get_proto_handlers',
expect: { '': {} }
var _init = null,
_state = null,
_protocols = {},
_protospecs = {};
function getWifiState(cache) {
return callNetworkWirelessStatus().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return state;
}).catch(function() {
return {};
function getInterfaceState(cache) {
return callNetworkInterfaceStatus().then(function(state) {
if (!Array.isArray(state))
throw !1;
return state;
}).catch(function() {
return [];
function getDeviceState(cache) {
return callNetworkDeviceStatus().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return state;
}).catch(function() {
return {};
function getIfaddrState(cache) {
return callLuciIfaddrs().then(function(addrs) {
if (!Array.isArray(addrs))
throw !1;
return addrs;
}).catch(function() {
return [];
function getNetdevState(cache) {
return callLuciNetdevs().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return state;
}).catch(function() {
return {};
function getBoardState(cache) {
return callLuciBoardjson().then(function(state) {
if (!L.isObject(state))
throw !1;
return state;
}).catch(function() {
return {};
function getProtocolHandlers(cache) {
return callGetProtoHandlers().then(function(protos) {
if (!L.isObject(protos))
throw !1;
/* Hack: emulate relayd protocol */
if (!protos.hasOwnProperty('relay'))
Object.assign(protos, { relay: { no_device: true } });
Object.assign(_protospecs, protos);
return Promise.all(Object.keys(protos).map(function(p) {
return Promise.resolve(L.require('protocol.%s'.format(p))).catch(function(err) {
if (L.isObject(err) && != 'NetworkError')
})).then(function() {
return protos;
}).catch(function() {
return {};
function getWifiStateBySid(sid) {
var s = uci.get('wireless', sid);
if (s != null && s['.type'] == 'wifi-iface') {
for (var radioname in _state.radios) {
for (var i = 0; i < _state.radios[radioname].interfaces.length; i++) {
var netstate = _state.radios[radioname].interfaces[i];
if (typeof(netstate.section) != 'string')
var s2 = uci.get('wireless', netstate.section);
if (s2 != null && s['.type'] == s2['.type'] && s['.name'] == s2['.name'])
return [ radioname, _state.radios[radioname], netstate ];
return null;
function getWifiStateByIfname(ifname) {
for (var radioname in _state.radios) {
for (var i = 0; i < _state.radios[radioname].interfaces.length; i++) {
var netstate = _state.radios[radioname].interfaces[i];
if (typeof(netstate.ifname) != 'string')
if (netstate.ifname == ifname)
return [ radioname, _state.radios[radioname], netstate ];
return null;
function isWifiIfname(ifname) {
for (var i = 0; i < iface_patterns_wireless.length; i++)
if (iface_patterns_wireless[i].test(ifname))
return true;
return false;
function getWifiIwinfoByIfname(ifname, forcePhyOnly) {
var tasks = [ callIwinfoInfo(ifname) ];
if (!forcePhyOnly)
return Promise.all(tasks).then(function(info) {
var iwinfo = info[0],
devstate = info[1],
phyonly = forcePhyOnly || !devstate[ifname] || (devstate[ifname].type != 1);
if (L.isObject(iwinfo)) {
if (phyonly) {
delete iwinfo.bitrate;
delete iwinfo.quality;
delete iwinfo.quality_max;
delete iwinfo.mode;
delete iwinfo.ssid;
delete iwinfo.bssid;
delete iwinfo.encryption;
iwinfo.ifname = ifname;
return iwinfo;
}).catch(function() {
return null;
function getWifiSidByNetid(netid) {
var m = /^(\w+)\.network(\d+)$/.exec(netid);
if (m) {
var sections = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (sections[i].device != m[1])
if (++n == +m[2])
return sections[i]['.name'];
return null;
function getWifiSidByIfname(ifname) {
var sid = getWifiSidByNetid(ifname);
if (sid != null)
return sid;
var res = getWifiStateByIfname(ifname);
if (res != null && L.isObject(res[2]) && typeof(res[2].section) == 'string')
return res[2].section;
return null;
function getWifiNetidBySid(sid) {
var s = uci.get('wireless', sid);
if (s != null && s['.type'] == 'wifi-iface') {
var radioname = s.device;
if (typeof(s.device) == 'string') {
var i = 0, netid = null, sections = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (sections[i].device != s.device)
if (sections[i]['.name'] != s['.name'])
return [ ''.format(s.device, n), s.device ];
return null;
function getWifiNetidByNetname(name) {
var sections = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
if (typeof(sections[i].network) != 'string')
var nets = sections[i].network.split(/\s+/);
for (var j = 0; j < nets.length; j++) {
if (nets[j] != name)
return getWifiNetidBySid(sections[i]['.name']);
return null;
function isVirtualIfname(ifname) {
for (var i = 0; i < iface_patterns_virtual.length; i++)
if (iface_patterns_virtual[i].test(ifname))
return true;
return false;
function isIgnoredIfname(ifname) {
for (var i = 0; i < iface_patterns_ignore.length; i++)
if (iface_patterns_ignore[i].test(ifname))
return true;
return false;
function appendValue(config, section, option, value) {
var values = uci.get(config, section, option),
isArray = Array.isArray(values),
rv = false;
if (isArray == false)
values = L.toArray(values);
if (values.indexOf(value) == -1) {
rv = true;
uci.set(config, section, option, isArray ? values : values.join(' '));
return rv;
function removeValue(config, section, option, value) {
var values = uci.get(config, section, option),
isArray = Array.isArray(values),
rv = false;
if (isArray == false)
values = L.toArray(values);
for (var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (values[i] == value) {
values.splice(i, 1);
rv = true;
if (values.length > 0)
uci.set(config, section, option, isArray ? values : values.join(' '));
uci.unset(config, section, option);
return rv;
function prefixToMask(bits, v6) {
var w = v6 ? 128 : 32,
m = [];
if (bits > w)
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < w / 16; i++) {
var b = Math.min(16, bits);
m.push((0xffff << (16 - b)) & 0xffff);
bits -= b;
if (v6)
return String.prototype.format.apply('%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x', m).replace(/:0(?::0)+$/, '::');
return '%d.%d.%d.%d'.format(m[0] >>> 8, m[0] & 0xff, m[1] >>> 8, m[1] & 0xff);
function maskToPrefix(mask, v6) {
var m = v6 ? validation.parseIPv6(mask) : validation.parseIPv4(mask);
if (!m)
return null;
var bits = 0;
for (var i = 0, z = false; i < m.length; i++) {
z = z || !m[i];
while (!z && (m[i] & (v6 ? 0x8000 : 0x80))) {
m[i] = (m[i] << 1) & (v6 ? 0xffff : 0xff);
if (m[i])
return null;
return bits;
function initNetworkState(refresh) {
if (_state == null || refresh) {
_init = _init || Promise.all([
getInterfaceState(), getDeviceState(), getBoardState(),
getWifiState(), getIfaddrState(), getNetdevState(), getProtocolHandlers(),
uci.load('network'), uci.load('wireless'), uci.load('luci')
]).then(function(data) {
var board = data[2], ifaddrs = data[4], devices = data[5];
var s = {
isTunnel: {}, isBridge: {}, isSwitch: {}, isWifi: {},
ifaces: data[0], devices: data[1], radios: data[3],
netdevs: {}, bridges: {}, switches: {}
for (var i = 0, a; (a = ifaddrs[i]) != null; i++) {
var name =$/, '');
if (isVirtualIfname(name))
s.isTunnel[name] = true;
if (s.isTunnel[name] || !(isIgnoredIfname(name) || isVirtualIfname(name))) {
s.netdevs[name] = s.netdevs[name] || {
idx: a.ifindex || i,
name: name,
flags: [],
ipaddrs: [],
ip6addrs: []
if ( == 'packet') {
s.netdevs[name].flags = a.flags;
s.netdevs[name].stats =;
s.netdevs[name].macaddr = a.addr;
else if ( == 'inet') {
s.netdevs[name].ipaddrs.push(a.addr + '/' + a.netmask);
else if ( == 'inet6') {
s.netdevs[name].ip6addrs.push(a.addr + '/' + a.netmask);
for (var devname in devices) {
var dev = devices[devname];
if (dev.bridge) {
var b = {
name: devname,
stp: dev.stp,
ifnames: []
for (var i = 0; dev.ports && i < dev.ports.length; i++) {
var subdev = s.netdevs[dev.ports[i]];
if (subdev == null)
subdev.bridge = b;
s.bridges[devname] = b;
s.isBridge[devname] = true;
if (s.netdevs.hasOwnProperty(devname)) {
Object.assign(s.netdevs[devname], {
macaddr: dev.mac,
type: dev.type,
mtu: dev.mtu,
qlen: dev.qlen
if (L.isObject(board.switch)) {
for (var switchname in board.switch) {
var layout = board.switch[switchname],
netdevs = {},
nports = {},
ports = [],
pnum = null,
role = null;
if (L.isObject(layout) && Array.isArray(layout.ports)) {
for (var i = 0, port; (port = layout.ports[i]) != null; i++) {
if (typeof(port) == 'object' && typeof(port.num) == 'number' &&
(typeof(port.role) == 'string' || typeof(port.device) == 'string')) {
var spec = {
num: port.num,
role: port.role || 'cpu',
index: (port.index != null) ? port.index : port.num
if (port.device != null) {
spec.device = port.device;
spec.tagged = spec.need_tag;
netdevs[port.num] = port.device;
if (port.role != null)
nports[port.role] = (nports[port.role] || 0) + 1;
ports.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.role != b.role)
return (a.role < b.role) ? -1 : 1;
return (a.index - b.index);
for (var i = 0, port; (port = ports[i]) != null; i++) {
if (port.role != role) {
role = port.role;
pnum = 1;
if (role == 'cpu')
port.label = 'CPU (%s)'.format(port.device);
else if (nports[role] > 1)
port.label = '%s %d'.format(role.toUpperCase(), pnum++);
port.label = role.toUpperCase();
delete port.role;
delete port.index;
s.switches[switchname] = {
ports: ports,
netdevs: netdevs
if (L.isObject(board.dsl) && L.isObject(board.dsl.modem)) {
s.hasDSLModem = board.dsl.modem;
_init = null;
return (_state = s);
return (_state != null ? Promise.resolve(_state) : _init);
function ifnameOf(obj) {
if (obj instanceof Protocol)
return obj.getIfname();
else if (obj instanceof Device)
return obj.getName();
else if (obj instanceof WifiDevice)
return obj.getName();
else if (obj instanceof WifiNetwork)
return obj.getIfname();
else if (typeof(obj) == 'string')
return obj.replace(/:.+$/, '');
return null;
function networkSort(a, b) {
return a.getName() > b.getName();
function deviceSort(a, b) {
var typeWeigth = { wifi: 2, alias: 3 },
weightA = typeWeigth[a.getType()] || 1,
weightB = typeWeigth[b.getType()] || 1;
if (weightA != weightB)
return weightA - weightB;
return a.getName() > b.getName();
var Network, Protocol, Device, WifiDevice, WifiNetwork;
Network = L.Class.extend({
prefixToMask: prefixToMask,
maskToPrefix: maskToPrefix,
flushCache: function() {
return _init;
getProtocol: function(protoname, netname) {
var v = _protocols[protoname];
if (v != null)
return new v(netname || '__dummy__');
return null;
getProtocols: function() {
var rv = [];
for (var protoname in _protocols)
rv.push(new _protocols[protoname]('__dummy__'));
return rv;
registerProtocol: function(protoname, methods) {
var spec = L.isObject(_protospecs) ? _protospecs[protoname] : null;
var proto = Protocol.extend(Object.assign({
getI18n: function() {
return protoname;
isFloating: function() {
return false;
isVirtual: function() {
return (L.isObject(spec) && spec.no_device == true);
renderFormOptions: function(section) {
}, methods, {
__init__: function(name) {
this.sid = name;
getProtocol: function() {
return protoname;
_protocols[protoname] = proto;
return proto;
registerPatternVirtual: function(pat) {
registerErrorCode: function(code, message) {
if (typeof(code) == 'string' &&
typeof(message) == 'string' &&
!proto_errors.hasOwnProperty(code)) {
proto_errors[code] = message;
return true;
return false;
addNetwork: function(name, options) {
return this.getNetwork(name).then(L.bind(function(existingNetwork) {
if (name != null && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/.test(name) && existingNetwork == null) {
var sid = uci.add('network', 'interface', name);
if (sid != null) {
if (L.isObject(options))
for (var key in options)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
uci.set('network', sid, key, options[key]);
return this.instantiateNetwork(sid);
else if (existingNetwork != null && existingNetwork.isEmpty()) {
if (L.isObject(options))
for (var key in options)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
existingNetwork.set(key, options[key]);
return existingNetwork;
}, this));
getNetwork: function(name) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var section = (name != null) ? uci.get('network', name) : null;
if (section != null && section['.type'] == 'interface') {
return this.instantiateNetwork(name);
else if (name != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < _state.ifaces.length; i++)
if (_state.ifaces[i].interface == name)
return this.instantiateNetwork(name, _state.ifaces[i].proto);
return null;
}, this));
getNetworks: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var uciInterfaces = uci.sections('network', 'interface'),
networks = {};
for (var i = 0; i < uciInterfaces.length; i++)
networks[uciInterfaces[i]['.name']] = this.instantiateNetwork(uciInterfaces[i]['.name']);
for (var i = 0; i < _state.ifaces.length; i++)
if (networks[_state.ifaces[i].interface] == null)
networks[_state.ifaces[i].interface] =
this.instantiateNetwork(_state.ifaces[i].interface, _state.ifaces[i].proto);
var rv = [];
for (var network in networks)
if (networks.hasOwnProperty(network))
return rv;
}, this));
deleteNetwork: function(name) {
return Promise.all([ L.require('firewall').catch(function() { return null }), initNetworkState() ]).then(function() {
var uciInterface = uci.get('network', name);
if (uciInterface != null && uciInterface['.type'] == 'interface') {
uci.remove('network', name);
uci.sections('luci', 'ifstate', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('luci', s['.name']);
uci.sections('network', 'alias', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('network', s['.name']);
uci.sections('network', 'route', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('network', s['.name']);
uci.sections('network', 'route6', function(s) {
if (s.interface == name)
uci.remove('network', s['.name']);
uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) {
var networks = L.toArray( { return network != name });
if (networks.length > 0)
uci.set('wireless', s['.name'], 'network', networks.join(' '));
uci.unset('wireless', s['.name'], 'network');
if (L.firewall)
return L.firewall.deleteNetwork(name).then(function() { return true });
return true;
return false;
renameNetwork: function(oldName, newName) {
return initNetworkState().then(function() {
if (newName == null || !/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/.test(newName) || uci.get('network', newName) != null)
return false;
var oldNetwork = uci.get('network', oldName);
if (oldNetwork == null || oldNetwork['.type'] != 'interface')
return false;
var sid = uci.add('network', 'interface', newName);
for (var key in oldNetwork)
if (oldNetwork.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.charAt(0) != '.')
uci.set('network', sid, key, oldNetwork[key]);
uci.sections('luci', 'ifstate', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('luci', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('network', 'alias', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('network', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('network', 'route', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('network', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('network', 'route6', function(s) {
if (s.interface == oldName)
uci.set('network', s['.name'], 'interface', newName);
uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) {
var networks = L.toArray( { return (network == oldName ? newName : network) });
if (networks.length > 0)
uci.set('wireless', s['.name'], 'network', networks.join(' '));
uci.remove('network', oldName);
return true;
getDevice: function(name) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
if (name == null)
return null;
if (_state.netdevs.hasOwnProperty(name) || isWifiIfname(name))
return this.instantiateDevice(name);
var netid = getWifiNetidBySid(name);
if (netid != null)
return this.instantiateDevice(netid[0]);
return null;
}, this));
getDevices: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var devices = {};
/* find simple devices */
var uciInterfaces = uci.sections('network', 'interface');
for (var i = 0; i < uciInterfaces.length; i++) {
var ifnames = L.toArray(uciInterfaces[i].ifname);
for (var j = 0; j < ifnames.length; j++) {
if (ifnames[j].charAt(0) == '@')
if (isIgnoredIfname(ifnames[j]) || isVirtualIfname(ifnames[j]) || isWifiIfname(ifnames[j]))
devices[ifnames[j]] = this.instantiateDevice(ifnames[j]);
for (var ifname in _state.netdevs) {
if (devices.hasOwnProperty(ifname))
if (isIgnoredIfname(ifname) || isVirtualIfname(ifname) || isWifiIfname(ifname))
devices[ifname] = this.instantiateDevice(ifname);
/* find VLAN devices */
var uciSwitchVLANs = uci.sections('network', 'switch_vlan');
for (var i = 0; i < uciSwitchVLANs.length; i++) {
if (typeof(uciSwitchVLANs[i].ports) != 'string' ||
typeof(uciSwitchVLANs[i].device) != 'string' ||
var ports = uciSwitchVLANs[i].ports.split(/\s+/);
for (var j = 0; j < ports.length; j++) {
var m = ports[j].match(/^(\d+)([tu]?)$/);
if (m == null)
var netdev = _state.switches[uciSwitchVLANs[i].device].netdevs[m[1]];
if (netdev == null)
if (!devices.hasOwnProperty(netdev))
devices[netdev] = this.instantiateDevice(netdev);
_state.isSwitch[netdev] = true;
if (m[2] != 't')
var vid = uciSwitchVLANs[i].vid || uciSwitchVLANs[i].vlan;
vid = (vid != null ? +vid : null);
if (vid == null || vid < 0 || vid > 4095)
var vlandev = '%s.%d'.format(netdev, vid);
if (!devices.hasOwnProperty(vlandev))
devices[vlandev] = this.instantiateDevice(vlandev);
_state.isSwitch[vlandev] = true;
/* find wireless interfaces */
var uciWifiIfaces = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface'),
networkCount = {};
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiIfaces.length; i++) {
if (typeof(uciWifiIfaces[i].device) != 'string')
networkCount[uciWifiIfaces[i].device] = (networkCount[uciWifiIfaces[i].device] || 0) + 1;
var netid = ''.format(uciWifiIfaces[i].device, networkCount[uciWifiIfaces[i].device]);
devices[netid] = this.instantiateDevice(netid);
var rv = [];
for (var netdev in devices)
if (devices.hasOwnProperty(netdev))
return rv;
}, this));
isIgnoredDevice: function(name) {
return isIgnoredIfname(name);
getWifiDevice: function(devname) {
return Promise.all([ getWifiIwinfoByIfname(devname, true), initNetworkState() ]).then(L.bind(function(res) {
var existingDevice = uci.get('wireless', devname);
if (existingDevice == null || existingDevice['.type'] != 'wifi-device')
return null;
return this.instantiateWifiDevice(devname, res[0]);
}, this));
getWifiDevices: function() {
var deviceNames = [];
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var uciWifiDevices = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-device'),
tasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiDevices.length; i++) {
tasks.push(callIwinfoInfo(uciWifiDevices['.name'], true));
return Promise.all(tasks);
}, this)).then(L.bind(function(iwinfos) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < deviceNames.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(iwinfos[i]))
rv.push(this.instantiateWifiDevice(deviceNames[i], iwinfos[i]));
rv.sort(function(a, b) { return a.getName() < b.getName() });
return rv;
}, this));
getWifiNetwork: function(netname) {
var sid, res, netid, radioname, radiostate, netstate;
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
sid = getWifiSidByNetid(netname);
if (sid != null) {
res = getWifiStateBySid(sid);
netid = netname;
radioname = res ? res[0] : null;
radiostate = res ? res[1] : null;
netstate = res ? res[2] : null;
else {
res = getWifiStateByIfname(netname);
if (res != null) {
radioname = res[0];
radiostate = res[1];
netstate = res[2];
sid = netstate.section;
netid = L.toArray(getWifiNetidBySid(sid))[0];
else {
res = getWifiStateBySid(netname);
if (res != null) {
radioname = res[0];
radiostate = res[1];
netstate = res[2];
sid = netname;
netid = L.toArray(getWifiNetidBySid(sid))[0];
else {
res = getWifiNetidBySid(netname);
if (res != null) {
netid = res[0];
radioname = res[1];
sid = netname;
return (netstate ? getWifiIwinfoByIfname(netstate.ifname) : Promise.reject())
.catch(function() { return radioname ? getWifiIwinfoByIfname(radioname) : Promise.reject() })
.catch(function() { return Promise.resolve({ ifname: netid || sid || netname }) });
}, this)).then(L.bind(function(iwinfo) {
return this.instantiateWifiNetwork(sid || netname, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo);
}, this));
addWifiNetwork: function(options) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
if (options == null ||
typeof(options) != 'object' ||
typeof(options.device) != 'string')
return null;
var existingDevice = uci.get('wireless', options.device);
if (existingDevice == null || existingDevice['.type'] != 'wifi-device')
return null;
var sid = uci.add('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var key in options)
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
uci.set('wireless', sid, key, options[key]);
var radioname = existingDevice['.name'],
netid = getWifiNetidBySid(sid) || [];
return this.instantiateWifiNetwork(sid, radioname, _state.radios[radioname], netid[0], null, { ifname: netid });
}, this));
deleteWifiNetwork: function(netname) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var sid = getWifiSidByIfname(netname);
if (sid == null)
return false;
uci.remove('wireless', sid);
return true;
}, this));
getStatusByRoute: function(addr, mask) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _state.ifaces.length; i++) {
if (!Array.isArray(_state.ifaces[i].route))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.ifaces[i].route.length; j++) {
if (typeof(_state.ifaces[i].route[j]) != 'object' ||
typeof(_state.ifaces[i].route[j].target) != 'string' ||
typeof(_state.ifaces[i].route[j].mask) != 'number')
if (_state.ifaces[i].route[j].table)
if (_state.ifaces[i].route[j].target != addr ||
_state.ifaces[i].route[j].mask != mask)
return rv;
}, this));
getStatusByAddress: function(addr) {
return initNetworkState().then(L.bind(function() {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _state.ifaces.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv4-address']))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.ifaces[i]['ipv4-address'].length; j++)
if (typeof(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv4-address'][j]) == 'object' &&
_state.ifaces[i]['ipv4-address'][j].address == addr)
return _state.ifaces[i];
if (Array.isArray(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-address']))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-address'].length; j++)
if (typeof(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-address'][j]) == 'object' &&
_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-address'][j].address == addr)
return _state.ifaces[i];
if (Array.isArray(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment']))
for (var j = 0; j < _state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'].length; j++)
if (typeof(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'][j]) == 'object' &&
typeof(_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'][j]['local-address']) == 'object' &&
_state.ifaces[i]['ipv6-prefix-assignment'][j]['local-address'].address == addr)
return _state.ifaces[i];
return null;
}, this));
getWANNetworks: function() {
return this.getStatusByRoute('', 0).then(L.bind(function(statuses) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++)
rv.push(this.instantiateNetwork(statuses[i].interface, statuses[i].proto));
return rv;
}, this));
getWAN6Networks: function() {
return this.getStatusByRoute('::', 0).then(L.bind(function(statuses) {
var rv = [];
for (var i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++)
rv.push(this.instantiateNetwork(statuses[i].interface, statuses[i].proto));
return rv;
}, this));
getSwitchTopologies: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(function() {
return _state.switches;
instantiateNetwork: function(name, proto) {
if (name == null)
return null;
proto = (proto == null ? uci.get('network', name, 'proto') : proto);
var protoClass = _protocols[proto] || Protocol;
return new protoClass(name);
instantiateDevice: function(name, network, extend) {
if (extend != null)
return new (Device.extend(extend))(name, network);
return new Device(name, network);
instantiateWifiDevice: function(radioname, iwinfo) {
return new WifiDevice(radioname, iwinfo);
instantiateWifiNetwork: function(sid, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo) {
return new WifiNetwork(sid, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo);
getIfnameOf: function(obj) {
return ifnameOf(obj);
getDSLModemType: function() {
return initNetworkState().then(function() {
return _state.hasDSLModem ? _state.hasDSLModem.type : null;
Protocol = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(name) {
this.sid = name;
_get: function(opt) {
var val = uci.get('network', this.sid, opt);
if (Array.isArray(val))
return val.join(' ');
return val || '';
_ubus: function(field) {
for (var i = 0; i < _state.ifaces.length; i++) {
if (_state.ifaces[i].interface != this.sid)
return (field != null ? _state.ifaces[i][field] : _state.ifaces[i]);
get: function(opt) {
return uci.get('network', this.sid, opt);
set: function(opt, val) {
return uci.set('network', this.sid, opt, val);
getIfname: function() {
var ifname;
if (this.isFloating())
ifname = this._ubus('l3_device');
ifname = this._ubus('device') || this._ubus('l3_device');
if (ifname != null)
return ifname;
var res = getWifiNetidByNetname(this.sid);
return (res != null ? res[0] : null);
getProtocol: function() {
return null;
getI18n: function() {
switch (this.getProtocol()) {
case 'none': return _('Unmanaged');
case 'static': return _('Static address');
case 'dhcp': return _('DHCP client');
default: return _('Unknown');
getType: function() {
return this._get('type');
getName: function() {
return this.sid;
getUptime: function() {
return this._ubus('uptime') || 0;
getExpiry: function() {
var u = this._ubus('uptime'),
d = this._ubus('data');
if (typeof(u) == 'number' && d != null &&
typeof(d) == 'object' && typeof(d.leasetime) == 'number') {
var r = d.leasetime - (u % d.leasetime);
return (r > 0 ? r : 0);
return -1;
getMetric: function() {
return this._ubus('metric') || 0;
getZoneName: function() {
var d = this._ubus('data');
if (L.isObject(d) && typeof( == 'string')
return null;
getIPAddr: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv4-address');
return ((Array.isArray(addrs) && addrs.length) ? addrs[0].address : null);
getIPAddrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv4-address'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
rv.push('%s/%d'.format(addrs[i].address, addrs[i].mask));
return rv;
getNetmask: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv4-address');
if (Array.isArray(addrs) && addrs.length)
return prefixToMask(addrs[0].mask, false);
getGatewayAddr: function() {
var routes = this._ubus('route');
if (Array.isArray(routes))
for (var i = 0; i < routes.length; i++)
if (typeof(routes[i]) == 'object' &&
routes[i].target == '' &&
routes[i].mask == 0)
return routes[i].nexthop;
return null;
getDNSAddrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('dns-server'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (!/:/.test(addrs[i]))
return rv;
getIP6Addr: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-address');
if (Array.isArray(addrs) && L.isObject(addrs[0]))
return '%s/%d'.format(addrs[0].address, addrs[0].mask);
addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-prefix-assignment');
if (Array.isArray(addrs) && L.isObject(addrs[0]) && L.isObject(addrs[0]['local-address']))
return '%s/%d'.format(addrs[0]['local-address'].address, addrs[0]['local-address'].mask);
return null;
getIP6Addrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-address'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(addrs[i]))
rv.push('%s/%d'.format(addrs[i].address, addrs[i].mask));
addrs = this._ubus('ipv6-prefix-assignment');
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(addrs[i]) && L.isObject(addrs[i]['local-address']))
rv.push('%s/%d'.format(addrs[i]['local-address'].address, addrs[i]['local-address'].mask));
return rv;
getDNS6Addrs: function() {
var addrs = this._ubus('dns-server'),
rv = [];
if (Array.isArray(addrs))
for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
if (/:/.test(addrs[i]))
return rv;
getIP6Prefix: function() {
var prefixes = this._ubus('ipv6-prefix');
if (Array.isArray(prefixes) && L.isObject(prefixes[0]))
return '%s/%d'.format(prefixes[0].address, prefixes[0].mask);
return null;
getErrors: function() {
var errors = this._ubus('errors'),
rv = null;
if (Array.isArray(errors)) {
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
if (!L.isObject(errors[i]) || typeof(errors[i].code) != 'string')
rv = rv || [];
rv.push(proto_errors[errors[i].code] || _('Unknown error (%s)').format(errors[i].code));
return rv;
isBridge: function() {
return (!this.isVirtual() && this.getType() == 'bridge');
getOpkgPackage: function() {
return null;
isInstalled: function() {
return true;
isVirtual: function() {
return false;
isFloating: function() {
return false;
isDynamic: function() {
return (this._ubus('dynamic') == true);
isAlias: function() {
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname')),
parent = null;
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++)
if (ifnames[i].charAt(0) == '@')
parent = ifnames[i].substr(1);
else if (parent != null)
parent = null;
return parent;
isEmpty: function() {
if (this.isFloating())
return false;
var empty = true,
ifname = this._get('ifname');
if (ifname != null && ifname.match(/\S+/))
empty = false;
if (empty == true && getWifiNetidBySid(this.sid) != null)
empty = false;
return empty;
isUp: function() {
return (this._ubus('up') == true);
addDevice: function(ifname) {
ifname = ifnameOf(ifname);
if (ifname == null || this.isFloating())
return false;
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null)
return appendValue('wireless', wif, 'network', this.sid);
return appendValue('network', this.sid, 'ifname', ifname);
deleteDevice: function(ifname) {
var rv = false;
ifname = ifnameOf(ifname);
if (ifname == null || this.isFloating())
return false;
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null)
rv = removeValue('wireless', wif, 'network', this.sid);
if (removeValue('network', this.sid, 'ifname', ifname))
rv = true;
return rv;
getDevice: function() {
if (this.isVirtual()) {
var ifname = '%s-%s'.format(this.getProtocol(), this.sid);
_state.isTunnel[this.getProtocol() + '-' + this.sid] = true;
return, this);
else if (this.isBridge()) {
var ifname = 'br-%s'.format(this.sid);
_state.isBridge[ifname] = true;
return new Device(ifname, this);
else {
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname'));
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++) {
var m = ifnames[i].match(/^([^:/]+)/);
return ((m && m[1]) ?[1], this) : null);
ifname = getWifiNetidByNetname(this.sid);
return (ifname != null ?[0], this) : null);
getL2Device: function() {
var ifname = this._ubus('device');
return (ifname != null ?, this) : null);
getL3Device: function() {
var ifname = this._ubus('l3_device');
return (ifname != null ?, this) : null);
getDevices: function() {
var rv = [];
if (!this.isBridge() && !(this.isVirtual() && !this.isFloating()))
return null;
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname'));
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++) {
if (ifnames[i].charAt(0) == '@')
var m = ifnames[i].match(/^([^:/]+)/);
if (m != null)
rv.push([1], this));
var uciWifiIfaces = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface');
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiIfaces.length; i++) {
if (typeof(uciWifiIfaces[i].device) != 'string')
var networks = L.toArray(uciWifiIfaces[i].network);
for (var j = 0; j < networks.length; j++) {
if (networks[j] != this.sid)
var netid = getWifiNetidBySid(uciWifiIfaces[i]['.name']);
if (netid != null)
rv.push([0], this));
return rv;
containsDevice: function(ifname) {
ifname = ifnameOf(ifname);
if (ifname == null)
return false;
else if (this.isVirtual() && '%s-%s'.format(this.getProtocol(), this.sid) == ifname)
return true;
else if (this.isBridge() && 'br-%s'.format(this.sid) == ifname)
return true;
var ifnames = L.toArray(uci.get('network', this.sid, 'ifname'));
for (var i = 0; i < ifnames.length; i++) {
var m = ifnames[i].match(/^([^:/]+)/);
if (m != null && m[1] == ifname)
return true;
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null) {
var networks = L.toArray(uci.get('wireless', wif, 'network'));
for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++)
if (networks[i] == this.sid)
return true;
return false;
Device = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(ifname, network) {
var wif = getWifiSidByIfname(ifname);
if (wif != null) {
var res = getWifiStateBySid(wif) || [],
netid = getWifiNetidBySid(wif) || [];
this.wif = new WifiNetwork(wif, res[0], res[1], netid[0], res[2], { ifname: ifname });
this.ifname = this.wif.getIfname();
this.ifname = this.ifname || ifname; = _state.netdevs[this.ifname]; = network;
_ubus: function(field) {
var dump = _state.devices[this.ifname] || {};
return (field != null ? dump[field] : dump);
getName: function() {
return (this.wif != null ? this.wif.getIfname() : this.ifname);
getMAC: function() {
var mac = ( != null ? : null);
if (mac == null)
mac = this._ubus('macaddr');
return mac ? mac.toUpperCase() : null;
getMTU: function() {
return ? : null;
getIPAddrs: function() {
var addrs = ( != null ? : null);
return (Array.isArray(addrs) ? addrs : []);
getIP6Addrs: function() {
var addrs = ( != null ? : null);
return (Array.isArray(addrs) ? addrs : []);
getType: function() {
if (this.ifname != null && this.ifname.charAt(0) == '@')
return 'alias';
else if (this.wif != null || isWifiIfname(this.ifname))
return 'wifi';
else if (_state.isBridge[this.ifname])
return 'bridge';
else if (_state.isTunnel[this.ifname])
return 'tunnel';
else if (this.ifname.indexOf('.') > -1)
return 'vlan';
else if (_state.isSwitch[this.ifname])
return 'switch';
return 'ethernet';
getShortName: function() {
if (this.wif != null)
return this.wif.getShortName();
return this.ifname;
getI18n: function() {
if (this.wif != null) {
return '%s: %s "%s"'.format(
_('Wireless Network'),
this.wif.getActiveSSID() || this.wif.getActiveBSSID() || this.wif.getID() || '?');
return '%s: "%s"'.format(this.getTypeI18n(), this.getName());
getTypeI18n: function() {
switch (this.getType()) {
case 'alias':
return _('Alias Interface');
case 'wifi':
return _('Wireless Adapter');
case 'bridge':
return _('Bridge');
case 'switch':
return _('Ethernet Switch');
case 'vlan':
return (_state.isSwitch[this.ifname] ? _('Switch VLAN') : _('Software VLAN'));
case 'tunnel':
return _('Tunnel Interface');
return _('Ethernet Adapter');
getPorts: function() {
var br = _state.bridges[this.ifname],
rv = [];
if (br == null || !Array.isArray(br.ifnames))
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < br.ifnames.length; i++)
return rv;
getBridgeID: function() {
var br = _state.bridges[this.ifname];
return (br != null ? : null);
getBridgeSTP: function() {
var br = _state.bridges[this.ifname];
return (br != null ? !!br.stp : false);
isUp: function() {
var up = this._ubus('up');
if (up == null)
up = (this.getType() == 'alias');
return up;
isBridge: function() {
return (this.getType() == 'bridge');
isBridgePort: function() {
return ( != null && != null);
getTXBytes: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.tx_bytes || 0 : 0);
getRXBytes: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.rx_bytes || 0 : 0);
getTXPackets: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.tx_packets || 0 : 0);
getRXPackets: function() {
var stat = this._ubus('statistics');
return (stat != null ? stat.rx_packets || 0 : 0);
getNetwork: function() {
return this.getNetworks()[0];
getNetworks: function() {
if (this.networks == null) {
this.networks = [];
var networks =;
for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++)
if (networks[i].containsDevice(this.ifname) || networks[i].getIfname() == this.ifname)
return this.networks;
getWifiNetwork: function() {
return (this.wif != null ? this.wif : null);
WifiDevice = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(name, iwinfo) {
var uciWifiDevice = uci.get('wireless', name);
if (uciWifiDevice != null &&
uciWifiDevice['.type'] == 'wifi-device' &&
uciWifiDevice['.name'] != null) {
this.sid = uciWifiDevice['.name'];
this.iwinfo = iwinfo;
this.sid = this.sid || name;
this.iwinfo = this.iwinfo || { ifname: this.sid };
get: function(opt) {
return uci.get('wireless', this.sid, opt);
set: function(opt, value) {
return uci.set('wireless', this.sid, opt, value);
getName: function() {
return this.sid;
getHWModes: function() {
if (L.isObject(this.iwinfo.hwmodelist))
for (var k in this.iwinfo.hwmodelist)
return this.iwinfo.hwmodelist;
return { b: true, g: true };
getI18n: function() {
var type = this.iwinfo.hardware_name || 'Generic';
if (this.iwinfo.type == 'wl')
type = 'Broadcom';
var hwmodes = this.getHWModes(),
modestr = '';
if (hwmodes.a) modestr += 'a';
if (hwmodes.b) modestr += 'b';
if (hwmodes.g) modestr += 'g';
if (hwmodes.n) modestr += 'n';
if ( modestr += 'ac';
return '%s 802.11%s Wireless Controller (%s)'.format(type, modestr, this.getName());
isUp: function() {
if (L.isObject(_state.radios[this.sid]))
return (_state.radios[this.sid].up == true);
return false;
getWifiNetwork: function(network) {
return {
var uciWifiIface = (networkInstance.sid ? uci.get('wireless', networkInstance.sid) : null);
if (uciWifiIface == null || uciWifiIface['.type'] != 'wifi-iface' || uciWifiIface.device != this.sid)
return Promise.reject();
return networkInstance;
}, this));
getWifiNetworks: function() {
var uciWifiIfaces = uci.sections('wireless', 'wifi-iface'),
tasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uciWifiIfaces.length; i++)
if (uciWifiIfaces[i].device == this.sid)
return Promise.all(tasks);
addWifiNetwork: function(options) {
if (!L.isObject(options))
options = {};
options.device = this.sid;
deleteWifiNetwork: function(network) {
var sid = null;
if (network instanceof WifiNetwork) {
sid = network.sid;
else {
var uciWifiIface = uci.get('wireless', network);
if (uciWifiIface == null || uciWifiIface['.type'] != 'wifi-iface')
sid = getWifiSidByIfname(network);
if (sid == null || uci.get('wireless', sid, 'device') != this.sid)
return Promise.resolve(false);
uci.delete('wireless', network);
return Promise.resolve(true);
WifiNetwork = L.Class.extend({
__init__: function(sid, radioname, radiostate, netid, netstate, iwinfo) {
this.sid = sid;
this.wdev = iwinfo.ifname;
this.iwinfo = iwinfo;
this.netid = netid;
this._ubusdata = {
radio: radioname,
dev: radiostate,
net: netstate
ubus: function(/* ... */) {
var v = this._ubusdata;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
if (L.isObject(v))
v = v[arguments[i]];
return null;
return v;
get: function(opt) {
return uci.get('wireless', this.sid, opt);
set: function(opt, value) {
return uci.set('wireless', this.sid, opt, value);
getMode: function() {
return this.ubus('net', 'config', 'mode') || this.get('mode') || 'ap';
getSSID: function() {
return this.ubus('net', 'config', 'ssid') || this.get('ssid');
getBSSID: function() {
return this.ubus('net', 'config', 'bssid') || this.get('bssid');
getNetworkNames: function() {
return L.toArray(this.ubus('net', 'config', 'network') || this.get('network'));
getID: function() {
return this.netid;
getName: function() {
return this.sid;
getIfname: function() {
var ifname = this.ubus('net', 'ifname') || this.iwinfo.ifname;
if (ifname == null || ifname.match(/^(wifi|radio)\d/))
ifname = this.netid;
return ifname;
getWifiDevice: function() {
var radioname = this.ubus('radio') || this.get('device');
if (radioname == null)
return Promise.reject();
isUp: function() {
var device = this.getDevice();
if (device == null)
return false;
return device.isUp();
getActiveMode: function() {
var mode = this.iwinfo.mode || this.ubus('net', 'config', 'mode') || this.get('mode') || 'ap';
switch (mode) {
case 'ap': return 'Master';
case 'sta': return 'Client';
case 'adhoc': return 'Ad-Hoc';
case 'mesh': return 'Mesh';
case 'monitor': return 'Monitor';
default: return mode;
getActiveModeI18n: function() {
var mode = this.getActiveMode();
switch (mode) {
case 'Master': return _('Master');
case 'Client': return _('Client');
case 'Ad-Hoc': return _('Ad-Hoc');
case 'Mash': return _('Mesh');
case 'Monitor': return _('Monitor');
default: return mode;
getActiveSSID: function() {
return this.iwinfo.ssid || this.ubus('net', 'config', 'ssid') || this.get('ssid');
getActiveBSSID: function() {
return this.iwinfo.bssid || this.ubus('net', 'config', 'bssid') || this.get('bssid');
getActiveEncryption: function() {
var encryption = this.iwinfo.encryption;
return (L.isObject(encryption) ? encryption.description || '-' : '-');
getAssocList: function() {
// XXX tbd
getFrequency: function() {
var freq = this.iwinfo.frequency;
if (freq != null && freq > 0)
return '%.03f'.format(freq / 1000);
return null;
getBitRate: function() {
var rate = this.iwinfo.bitrate;
if (rate != null && rate > 0)
return (rate / 1000);
return null;
getChannel: function() {
return || this.ubus('dev', 'config', 'channel') || this.get('channel');
getSignal: function() {
return this.iwinfo.signal || 0;
getNoise: function() {
return this.iwinfo.noise || 0;
getCountryCode: function() {
return || this.ubus('dev', 'config', 'country') || '00';
getTXPower: function() {
var pwr = this.iwinfo.txpower || 0;
return (pwr + this.getTXPowerOffset());
getTXPowerOffset: function() {
return this.iwinfo.txpower_offset || 0;
getSignalLevel: function(signal, noise) {
if (this.getActiveBSSID() == '00:00:00:00:00:00')
return -1;
signal = signal || this.getSignal();
noise = noise || this.getNoise();
if (signal < 0 && noise < 0) {
var snr = -1 * (noise - signal);
return Math.floor(snr / 5);
return 0;
getSignalPercent: function() {
var qc = this.iwinfo.quality || 0,
qm = this.iwinfo.quality_max || 0;
if (qc > 0 && qm > 0)
return Math.floor((100 / qm) * qc);
return 0;
getShortName: function() {
return '%s "%s"'.format(
this.getActiveSSID() || this.getActiveBSSID() || this.getID());
getI18n: function() {
return '%s: %s "%s" (%s)'.format(
_('Wireless Network'),
this.getActiveSSID() || this.getActiveBSSID() || this.getID(),
getNetwork: function() {
return this.getNetworks()[0];
getNetworks: function() {
var networkNames = this.getNetworkNames(),
networks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < networkNames.length; i++) {
var uciInterface = uci.get('network', networkNames[i]);
if (uciInterface == null || uciInterface['.type'] != 'interface')
return networks;
getDevice: function() {
return Network;