2010-11-15 22:08:42 +00:00
< %#
LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
Copyright 2010 Jo-Philipp Wich < xm @ subsignal . org >
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
2010-11-15 22:09:47 +00:00
2010-11-15 22:08:42 +00:00
< %-
local ntm = require "luci.model.network".init()
local net
local netlist = { }
for _, net in ipairs(ntm:get_networks()) do
if net:name() ~= "loopback" then
netlist[#netlist+1] = net:name()
< %+header%>
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "<%=resource%>/cbi.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" > < ! [ C D A T A [
function iface_shutdown(id, reconnect) {
if (!reconnect & & !confirm(String.format('< %_Really shutdown interface "%s" ?\nYou might loose access to this router if you are connected via this interface.%>', id)))
var a = document.getElementById(id + '-ifc-addrs');
if (a)
a.innerHTML = reconnect
? '< em > < %:Interface is reconnecting...%>< / em > '
: '< em > < %:Interface is shutting down...%>< / em > ';
var s = document.getElementById('ifc-rc-status');
if (s)
s.parentNode.style.display = 'block';
s.innerHTML = '< %:Waiting for router...%>';
var rcxhr = new XHR();
rcxhr.get('< %=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "network")%>/iface_' + (reconnect ? 'reconnect' : 'shutdown') + '/' + id, null,
if (s)
s.innerHTML = reconnect
? '< %:Interface reconnected%>'
: '< %:Interface shut down%>';
window.setTimeout(function() {
s.parentNode.style.display = 'none';
}, 1000);
var iwxhr = new XHR();
var wifidevs = < %=luci.http.write_json(netdevs)%>;
var arptable = < %=luci.http.write_json(arpcache)%>;
(function() {
iwxhr.get('< %=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "network", "iface_status", table.concat(netlist, ","))%>', null,
function(x, ifcs)
if (ifcs)
for (var i = 0; i < ifcs.length ; i + + )
var ifc = ifcs[i];
var is_up = (ifc.flags & & ifc.flags.up);
var rxb = ifc.stats ? (ifc.stats["rx_bytes"] / 1024) : 0;
var txb = ifc.stats ? (ifc.stats["tx_bytes"] / 1024) : 0;
var rxp = ifc.stats ? ifc.stats["rx_packets"] : 0;
var txp = ifc.stats ? ifc.stats["tx_packets"] : 0;
var mac = ifc.macaddr ? ifc.macaddr : '00:00:00:00:00:00';
var icon;
if (is_up)
icon = "< %=resource%>/icons/ethernet.png";
icon = "< %=resource%>/icons/ethernet_disabled.png";
var s = document.getElementById(ifc.id + '-ifc-signal');
if (s)
s.innerHTML = String.format(
'< img src = "%s" style = "width:16px; height:16px" / > < br / > ' +
'< small > %s< / small > ',
icon, ifc.ifname ? ifc.ifname : '?'
var m = document.getElementById(ifc.id + '-ifc-mac');
if (m)
m.innerHTML = mac.toUpperCase();
var a = document.getElementById(ifc.id + '-ifc-addrs');
if (a)
if (ifc.ifname)
a.innerHTML = '';
if (ifc.ipaddrs & & ifc.ipaddrs.length)
a.innerHTML += '< strong > < %:IPv4%>: < / strong > ';
for (var j = 0; j < ifc.ipaddrs.length ; j + + )
a.innerHTML += String.format(
j ? ', ' : '',
a.innerHTML += '< br / > ';
if (ifc.ip6addrs & & ifc.ip6addrs.length)
a.innerHTML += '< strong > < %:IPv6%>: < / strong > ';
for (var j = 0; j < ifc.ip6addrs.length ; j + + )
a.innerHTML += String.format(
j ? ', ' : '',
a.innerHTML += '< br / > ';
if (!a.innerHTML)
a.innerHTML = '< em > < %:No address configured on this interface.%>< / em > '
a.innerHTML = '< em > < %:Interface not present or not connected yet.%>< / em > ';
var t = document.getElementById(ifc.id + '-ifc-transfer');
if (t)
t.innerHTML = String.format(
'< strong > < %:RX%>< / strong > : %.2f < %:KB%> (%d < %:Pkts.%>)< br / > ' +
'< strong > < %:TX%>< / strong > : %.2f < %:KB%> (%d < %:Pkts.%>)< br / > ',
txb, txp, rxb, rxp
window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, 5000);
]]>< / script >
< h2 > < a id = "content" name = "content" > < %:Interface Overview%>< / a > < / h2 >
< fieldset class = "cbi-section" style = "display:none" >
< legend > < %:Reconnecting interface%>< / legend >
< img src = "<%=resource%>/icons/loading.gif" alt = "<%:Loading%>" style = "vertical-align:middle" / >
< span id = "ifc-rc-status" > < %:Waiting for router...%>< / span >
< / fieldset >
< div class = "cbi-map" >
< fieldset class = "cbi-section" >
< table class = "cbi-section-table" style = "margin:10px; empty-cells:hide" >
< tr class = "cbi-section-table-titles" >
< th class = "cbi-section-table-cell" > < / th >
< th class = "cbi-section-table-cell" > < %:Interface%>< / th >
< th class = "cbi-section-table-cell" > < %:MAC%>< / th >
< th class = "cbi-section-table-cell" style = "text-align:left" > < %:Addresses%>< / th >
< th class = "cbi-section-table-cell" style = "text-align:left" > < %:Transfer%>< / th >
< th class = "cbi-section-table-cell" colspan = "2" > < %:Actions%>< / th >
< / tr >
< % for i, net in ipairs(netlist) do %>
< tr class = "cbi-section-table-row cbi-rowstyle-<%=i % 2 + 1%>" >
< td >
< span style = "background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; padding:2px" > < %=net%>< / span >
< / td >
< td class = "cbi-value-field" style = "width:16px; padding:3px; text-align:center" id = "<%=net%>-ifc-signal" >
< img src = "<%=resource%>/icons/ethernet_disabled.png" style = "width:16px; height:16px" / > < br / >
< small > ?< / small >
< / td >
< td class = "cbi-value-field" id = "<%=net%>-ifc-mac" > ?< / td >
< td class = "cbi-value-field" style = "text-align:left; padding:3px" id = "<%=net%>-ifc-addrs" > < em > < %:Collecting data...%>< / em > < / td >
< td class = "cbi-value-field" style = "text-align:left; padding:3px" id = "<%=net%>-ifc-transfer" >
< strong > < %:RX%>< / strong > : 0 < %:KB%> (0 < %:Pkts.%>)< br / >
< strong > < %:TX%>< / strong > : 0 < %:KB%> (0 < %:Pkts.%>)< br / >
< / td >
< td >
< a href = "#" onclick = "iface_shutdown('<%=net%>', true)" > < img style = "border:none" src = "<%=resource%>/cbi/reload.gif" alt = "<%:Reconnect this interface%>" title = "<%:Reconnect this interface%>" / > < / a >
< a href = "#" onclick = "iface_shutdown('<%=net%>', false)" > < img style = "border:none" src = "<%=resource%>/cbi/reset.gif" alt = "<%:Shutdown this interface%>" title = "<%:Shutdown this interface%>" / > < / a >
< / td >
< td >
< a href = "<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url(" admin / network / network " , net ) % > ">< img style = "border:none" src = "<%=resource%>/cbi/edit.gif" alt = "<%:Edit this interface%>" title = "<%:Edit this interface%>" / > < / a >
< a href = "<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url(" admin / network / iface_delete " , net ) % > " onclick="return confirm('< %:Really delete this interface? The deletion cannot be undone!\nYou might loose access to this router if you are connected via this interface.%>')">< img style = "border:none" src = "<%=resource%>/cbi/remove.gif" alt = "<%:Delete this interface%>" title = "<%:Delete this interface%>" / > < / a >
< / td >
< / tr >
< % end %>
< / table >
< / fieldset >
< form action = "<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url(" admin / network / iface_add " ) % > " method="post">
< br / >
< input type = "submit" class = "cbi-button cbi-button-apply" value = "<%:Add new interface...%>" / >
< / form >
< / div >
< %+footer%>