The majority of our targets provide a default value for the variable SUPPORTED_DEVICES, which is used in images to check against the compatible on a running device: SUPPORTED_DEVICES := $(subst _,$(comma),$(1)) At the moment, this is implemented in the Device/Default block of the individual targets or even subtargets. However, since we standardized device names and compatible in the recent past, almost all targets are following the same scheme now: device/image name: vendor_model compatible: vendor,model The equal redundant definitions are a symptom of this process. Consequently, this patch moves the definition to making it a global default. For the few targets not using the scheme above, SUPPORTED_DEVICES will be defined to a different value in Device/Default anyway, overwriting the default. In other words: This change is supposed to be cosmetic. This can be used as a global measure to get the current compatible with: $(firstword $(SUPPORTED_DEVICES)) (Though this is not precisely an achievement of this commit.) Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
18 lines
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18 lines
516 B
include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Device/Default
PROFILES := Default
KERNEL_DEPENDS = $$(wildcard $(DTS_DIR)/$$(DEVICE_DTS).dts)
KERNEL_LOADADDR := 0x80208000
DEVICE_DTS = $$(SOC)-$(lastword $(subst _, ,$(1)))
IMAGES := sysupgrade.bin
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin = sysupgrade-tar | append-metadata
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin/squashfs :=
include $(SUBTARGET).mk
$(eval $(call BuildImage))