Ansuel Smith 88204bfa82 treewide: drop use of which
Ubuntu started to flag which as deprecated and it
seems which is not really standard and may vary
across Distro.
Drop the use of which and use the standard 'command -v'
for this simple task.
Which is still present in the prereq if some package/script
still use which.
A utility script called command_all.sh is implemented that
will just mimic the output of which -a.

Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <ansuelsmth@gmail.com>
2022-01-17 09:14:26 +01:00

296 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
# Copyright (C) 2016 LEDE project
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Text::ParseWords;
@ARGV > 2 or die "Syntax: $0 <target dir> <filename> <hash> <url filename> [<mirror> ...]\n";
my $url_filename;
my $target = glob(shift @ARGV);
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
my $file_hash = shift @ARGV;
$url_filename = shift @ARGV unless $ARGV[0] =~ /:\/\//;
my $scriptdir = dirname($0);
my @mirrors;
my $ok;
$url_filename or $url_filename = $filename;
sub localmirrors {
my @mlist;
open LM, "$scriptdir/localmirrors" and do {
while (<LM>) {
chomp $_;
push @mlist, $_ if $_;
close LM;
open CONFIG, "<".$ENV{'TOPDIR'}."/.config" and do {
while (<CONFIG>) {
/^CONFIG_LOCALMIRROR="(.+)"/ and do {
my @local_mirrors = split(/;/, $1);
push @mlist, @local_mirrors;
close CONFIG;
my $mirror = $ENV{'DOWNLOAD_MIRROR'};
$mirror and push @mlist, split(/;/, $mirror);
return @mlist;
sub which($) {
my $prog = shift;
my $res = `command -v $prog`;
$res or return undef;
return $res;
sub hash_cmd() {
my $len = length($file_hash);
my $cmd;
$len == 64 and return "$ENV{'MKHASH'} sha256";
$len == 32 and return "$ENV{'MKHASH'} md5";
return undef;
sub download_cmd($) {
my $url = shift;
my $have_curl = 0;
if (open CURL, '-|', 'curl', '--version') {
if (defined(my $line = readline CURL)) {
$have_curl = 1 if $line =~ /^curl /;
close CURL;
return $have_curl
? (qw(curl -f --connect-timeout 20 --retry 5 --location --insecure), shellwords($ENV{CURL_OPTIONS} || ''), $url)
: (qw(wget --tries=5 --timeout=20 --no-check-certificate --output-document=-), shellwords($ENV{WGET_OPTIONS} || ''), $url)
my $hash_cmd = hash_cmd();
$hash_cmd or ($file_hash eq "skip") or die "Cannot find appropriate hash command, ensure the provided hash is either a MD5 or SHA256 checksum.\n";
sub download
my $mirror = shift;
my $download_filename = shift;
$mirror =~ s!/$!!;
if ($mirror =~ s!^file://!!) {
if (! -d "$mirror") {
print STDERR "Wrong local cache directory -$mirror-.\n";
if (! -d "$target") {
system("mkdir", "-p", "$target/");
if (! open TMPDLS, "find $mirror -follow -name $filename 2>/dev/null |") {
print("Failed to search for $filename in $mirror\n");
my $link;
while (defined(my $line = readline TMPDLS)) {
chomp ($link = $line);
if ($. > 1) {
print("$. or more instances of $filename in $mirror found . Only one instance allowed.\n");
close TMPDLS;
if (! $link) {
print("No instances of $filename found in $mirror.\n");
print("Copying $filename from $link\n");
copy($link, "$target/$filename.dl");
$hash_cmd and do {
if (system("cat '$target/$filename.dl' | $hash_cmd > '$target/$filename.hash'")) {
print("Failed to generate hash for $filename\n");
} else {
my @cmd = download_cmd("$mirror/$download_filename");
print STDERR "+ ".join(" ",@cmd)."\n";
open(FETCH_FD, '-|', @cmd) or die "Cannot launch curl or wget.\n";
$hash_cmd and do {
open MD5SUM, "| $hash_cmd > '$target/$filename.hash'" or die "Cannot launch $hash_cmd.\n";
open OUTPUT, "> $target/$filename.dl" or die "Cannot create file $target/$filename.dl: $!\n";
my $buffer;
while (read FETCH_FD, $buffer, 1048576) {
$hash_cmd and print MD5SUM $buffer;
print OUTPUT $buffer;
$hash_cmd and close MD5SUM;
close FETCH_FD;
close OUTPUT;
if ($? >> 8) {
print STDERR "Download failed.\n";
$hash_cmd and do {
my $sum = `cat "$target/$filename.hash"`;
$sum =~ /^(\w+)\s*/ or die "Could not generate file hash\n";
$sum = $1;
if ($sum ne $file_hash) {
print STDERR "Hash of the downloaded file does not match (file: $sum, requested: $file_hash) - deleting download.\n";
unlink "$target/$filename";
system("mv", "$target/$filename.dl", "$target/$filename");
sub cleanup
unlink "$target/$filename.dl";
unlink "$target/$filename.hash";
@mirrors = localmirrors();
foreach my $mirror (@ARGV) {
if ($mirror =~ /^\@SF\/(.+)$/) {
# give sourceforge a few more tries, because it redirects to different mirrors
for (1 .. 5) {
push @mirrors, "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/$1";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@OPENWRT$/) {
# use OpenWrt source server directly
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@DEBIAN\/(.+)$/) {
push @mirrors, "https://ftp.debian.org/debian/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.leaseweb.com/debian/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.netcologne.de/debian/$1";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@APACHE\/(.+)$/) {
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.netcologne.de/apache.org/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/apache/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/apache/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://archive.apache.org/dist/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://mirror.cogentco.com/pub/apache/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://mirror.navercorp.com/apache/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/apache/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://apache.cs.utah.edu/apache.org/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://apache.mirrors.ovh.net/ftp.apache.org/dist/$1";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@GITHUB\/(.+)$/) {
# give github a few more tries (different mirrors)
for (1 .. 5) {
push @mirrors, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$1";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@GNU\/(.+)$/) {
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.netcologne.de/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.kddilabs.jp/GNU/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/gnu/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://mirror.navercorp.com/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://mirrors.rit.edu/gnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://download.xs4all.nl/pub/gnu/";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@SAVANNAH\/(.+)$/) {
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.netcologne.de/savannah/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/nongnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/gnu.org/savannah/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://nongnu.uib.no/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/nongnu/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/gnu.org/savannah/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/gnu.org/savannah/$1";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@KERNEL\/(.+)$/) {
my @extra = ( $1 );
if ($filename =~ /linux-\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?-rc/) {
push @extra, "$extra[0]/testing";
} elsif ($filename =~ /linux-(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/) {
push @extra, "$extra[0]/longterm/v$1";
foreach my $dir (@extra) {
push @mirrors, "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/$dir";
push @mirrors, "https://download.xs4all.nl/ftp.kernel.org/pub/$dir";
push @mirrors, "https://mirrors.mit.edu/kernel/$dir";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp/pub/kernel.org/$dir";
push @mirrors, "http://www.ring.gr.jp/archives/linux/kernel.org/$dir";
push @mirrors, "ftp://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/kernel.org/$dir";
push @mirrors, "ftp://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kernel.org/pub/$dir";
} elsif ($mirror =~ /^\@GNOME\/(.+)$/) {
push @mirrors, "https://download.gnome.org/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/gnome/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/gnome/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/gnome/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "http://ftp.belnet.be/ftp.gnome.org/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://ftp.cse.buffalo.edu/pub/Gnome/sources/$1";
push @mirrors, "ftp://ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp/pub/X11/GNOME/sources/$1";
} else {
push @mirrors, $mirror;
push @mirrors, 'https://sources.cdn.openwrt.org';
push @mirrors, 'https://sources.openwrt.org';
push @mirrors, 'https://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources';
if (-f "$target/$filename") {
$hash_cmd and do {
if (system("cat '$target/$filename' | $hash_cmd > '$target/$filename.hash'")) {
die "Failed to generate hash for $filename\n";
my $sum = `cat "$target/$filename.hash"`;
$sum =~ /^(\w+)\s*/ or die "Could not generate file hash\n";
$sum = $1;
exit 0 if $sum eq $file_hash;
die "Hash of the local file $filename does not match (file: $sum, requested: $file_hash) - deleting download.\n";
unlink "$target/$filename";
while (!-f "$target/$filename") {
my $mirror = shift @mirrors;
$mirror or die "No more mirrors to try - giving up.\n";
download($mirror, $url_filename);
if (!-f "$target/$filename" && $url_filename ne $filename) {
download($mirror, $filename);
$SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;