Do not parse /tmp/sysinfo/board_name, /proc/cpuinfo or the device tree compatible string directly. Always use the board_name function to get the board name. The admswconfig package still reads /proc/cpuinfo directly. The code looks somehow broken and the whole adm5120 which uses this package looks unmaintained. Leave it as it is for now. Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
17 lines
407 B
17 lines
407 B
n810_cal_bme_pmm_extract() {
[ -x /usr/bin/calvaria ] && {
/usr/bin/calvaria -p -n bme -i last /dev/mtdblock1 >/lib/firmware/n810-cal-bme-pmm.fw ||\
echo "CAL-BME extract: Failed to extract blob"
. /lib/
[ "$FIRMWARE" = "n810-cal-bme-pmm.fw" ] && {
[ "$(board_name)" != "nokia,n810" ] || {
[ -e /lib/firmware/n810-cal-bme-pmm.fw ] ||\