Zyxel NSA310S is a NAS based on Marvell kirkwood SoC.
- Processor Marvell 88F6702 1 GHz
- 256MB RAM
- 128MB NAND
- 1x GBE LAN port (PHY: Marvell 88E1318)
- 2x USB 2.0
- 1x SATA
- 3x button
- 7x leds
- serial on J1 connector (115200 8N1) (GND-NOPIN-RX-TX-VCC)
Known issues:
- no kernel module for RTC. [*]
- buzzer (connected to MPP43) need to be drived by 1kHz signal
- no kernel module for internal MCU connected via I2C[**]
Karoly Pocsi made simple, unofficial driver for HT1382.
It can be found here:
Karoly Pocsi found how CPU talk with MCU:
It is possible to query the MCU-controlled fan speed and temperature:
i2cget -y 0x0 0x0a 0x07
i2cget -y 0x0 0x0a 0x08
The first value (0x07) is the temperature in ° C, the second (0x08) is
the time in milliseconds to complete one fan revolution (rpm = 60,000 / value).
Info translated from:
1. Run serial console and go to u-boot.
2. Copy u-boot via tftp and write to NAND:
=> mw 0x0800000 0xffff 0x100000
=> nand erase 0x0 100000
=> setenv ipaddr
=> setenv serverip
=> tftp 0x0800000 nsa310s-u-boot.kwb
=> nand write 0x0800000 0x0 0x100000
=> reset
3. Run new u-Boot, repair bootcmd and restore MAC address from sticker
=> setenv ethaddr AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
=> saveenv
4. Copy and run initramfs image
=> setenv ipaddr
=> setenv serverip
=> tftpboot zyxel_nsa310s-initramfs-uImage
=> bootm 0x800000
5. Download sysupgrade image and perform sysupgrade
1. Prepare usb fat32 drive with u-boot.kwb and initramfs image.
Stick it to USB 2.0 port.
2. Run serial console and go to u-boot.
3. Copy u-boot from usb and write to NAND:
=> mw 0x0800000 0xffff 0x100000
=> nand erase 0x0 100000
=> usb start
=> fatload usb 0 0x0800000 u-boot.kwb
=> nand write 0x0800000 0x0 0x100000
=> reset
4. Run new u-Boot, repair bootcmd and restore MAC address from sticker
=> setenv ethaddr AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
=> saveenv
5. Copy and run initramfs image:
=> usb start
=> fatload usb 0 0x0800000 initramfs-uImage
=> bootm 0x800000
6. Download sysupgrade image and perform sysupgrade.
Based on work ThBexx <thomas.beckler@hotmail.com>
DTS based on dropped support in 0ebdf0c.
Tested-by: Lech Perczak <lech.perczak@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Lech Perczak <lech.perczak@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <paweldembicki@gmail.com>
[NSA310s -> NSA310S in DEVICE_MODEL]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>