Jo-Philipp Wich ad23dd94b6 firewall: provide examples of ssh port relocation on firewall and IPsec passthrough Two examples of potentially useful configurations (commented out, of course):
(a) map the ssh service running on the firewall to 22001 externally, without modifying the configuration of the daemon itself. this allows port 22 on the WAN side to then be port-forwarded to a
LAN-based machine if desired, or if not, simply obscures the port from external attack.

(b) allow IPsec/ESP and ISAKMP (UDP-based key exchange) to happen by default. useful for most modern VPN clients you might have on your WAN.

Signed-off-by: Philip Prindeville <philipp@redfish-solutions.com>

SVN-Revision: 26805
2011-05-02 12:54:31 +00:00

224 lines
5.7 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenWrt.org
fw__uci_state_add() {
local var="$1"
local item="$2"
local list="$(uci_get_state firewall core $var)"
list=" ${list:+$list }"
for item in $item; do
case "$list" in
"* $item *") continue;;
*) list="$list$item ";;
list="${list% }"
list="${list# }"
uci_revert_state firewall core $var
uci_set_state firewall core $var "$list"
fw__uci_state_del() {
local var="$1"
local item="$2"
echo "del[$item]"
local list val
for val in $(uci_get_state firewall core "$var" | sort -u); do
list="${list:+$list }$val"
echo "list[$list]"
uci_revert_state firewall core $var
[ -n "$list" ] && {
list=" $list "
for item in $item; do
list="${list// $item / }"
list="${list# }"
list="${list% }"
echo "list2[$list]"
uci_set_state firewall core $var "$list"
fw_configure_interface() {
local iface=$1
local action=$2
local ifname=$3
local aliasnet=$4
[ "$action" == "add" ] && {
local status=$(uci_get_state network "$iface" up 0)
[ "$status" == 1 ] || [ -n "$aliasnet" ] || return 0
[ -n "$ifname" ] || {
ifname=$(uci_get_state network "$iface" ifname)
[ -z "$ifname" ] && return 0
[ "$ifname" == "lo" ] && return 0
fw_callback pre interface
fw__do_rules() {
local action=$1
local zone=$2
local chain=zone_${zone}
local ifname=$3
local subnet=$4
local inet onet mode
fw_get_family_mode mode x $zone i
case "$mode/$subnet" in
# Zone supports v6 only or dual, need v6
inet="-s $subnet -d ::/0"
onet="-s ::/0 -d $subnet"
# Zone supports v4 only or dual, need v4
inet="-s $subnet -d"
onet="-s -d $subnet"
# Need v6 while zone is v4
*/*:*) fw_log info "zone $zone does not support IPv6 address family, skipping"; return ;;
# Need v4 while zone is v6
*/*.*) fw_log info "zone $zone does not support IPv4 address family, skipping"; return ;;
# Strip prefix
*) mode="${mode#G}" ;;
lock /var/run/firewall-interface.lock
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_ACCEPT ACCEPT $ { -o "$ifname" $onet }
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_ACCEPT ACCEPT $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_DROP DROP $ { -o "$ifname" $onet }
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_DROP DROP $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_REJECT reject $ { -o "$ifname" $onet }
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_REJECT reject $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode f ${chain}_MSSFIX TCPMSS $ { -o "$ifname" -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN --clamp-mss-to-pmtu $onet }
fw $action $mode f input ${chain} $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode f forward ${chain}_forward $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode n PREROUTING ${chain}_prerouting $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode r PREROUTING ${chain}_notrack $ { -i "$ifname" $inet }
fw $action $mode n POSTROUTING ${chain}_nat $ { -o "$ifname" $onet }
lock -u /var/run/firewall-interface.lock
local old_zones old_ifname old_subnets
config_get old_zones core "${iface}_zone"
[ -n "$old_zones" ] && {
config_get old_ifname core "${iface}_ifname"
config_get old_subnets core "${iface}_subnets"
local z
for z in $old_zones; do
local n
for n in ${old_subnets:-""}; do
fw_log info "removing $iface ($old_ifname${n:+ alias $n}) from zone $z"
fw__do_rules del $z $old_ifname $n
[ -n "$old_subnets" ] || {
fw__uci_state_del "${z}_networks" "$iface"
env -i ACTION=remove ZONE="$z" INTERFACE="$iface" DEVICE="$ifname" /sbin/hotplug-call firewall
local old_aliases
config_get old_aliases core "${iface}_aliases"
local a
for a in $old_aliases; do
fw_configure_interface "$a" del "$old_ifname"
uci_revert_state firewall core "${iface}_zone"
uci_revert_state firewall core "${iface}_ifname"
uci_revert_state firewall core "${iface}_subnets"
uci_revert_state firewall core "${iface}_aliases"
[ "$action" == del ] && return
[ -z "$aliasnet" ] && {
local aliases
config_get aliases "$iface" aliases
local a
for a in $aliases; do
local ipaddr netmask ip6addr
config_get ipaddr "$a" ipaddr
config_get netmask "$a" netmask
config_get ip6addr "$a" ip6addr
[ -n "$ipaddr" ] && fw_configure_interface "$a" add "" "$ipaddr${netmask:+/$netmask}"
[ -n "$ip6addr" ] && fw_configure_interface "$a" add "" "$ip6addr"
fw_sysctl_interface $ifname
fw_callback post interface
uci_set_state firewall core "${iface}_aliases" "$aliases"
} || {
local subnets=
config_get subnets core "${iface}_subnets"
append subnets "$aliasnet"
config_set core "${iface}_subnets" "$subnets"
uci_set_state firewall core "${iface}_subnets" "$subnets"
local new_zones=
load_zone() {
fw_config_get_zone "$1"
list_contains zone_network "$iface" || return
fw_log info "adding $iface ($ifname${aliasnet:+ alias $aliasnet}) to zone $zone_name"
fw__do_rules add ${zone_name} "$ifname" "$aliasnet"
append new_zones $zone_name
[ -n "$aliasnet" ] || {
fw__uci_state_add "${zone_name}_networks" "${zone_network}"
env -i ACTION=add ZONE="$zone_name" INTERFACE="$iface" DEVICE="$ifname" /sbin/hotplug-call firewall
config_foreach load_zone zone
uci_set_state firewall core "${iface}_zone" "$new_zones"
uci_set_state firewall core "${iface}_ifname" "$ifname"
fw_sysctl_interface() {
local ifname=$1
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.${ifname}.accept_redirects=$FW_ACCEPT_REDIRECTS
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.${ifname}.accept_redirects=$FW_ACCEPT_REDIRECTS
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.${ifname}.accept_source_route=$FW_ACCEPT_SRC_ROUTE
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.${ifname}.accept_source_route=$FW_ACCEPT_SRC_ROUTE
} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null