Linus Walleij ac5f431ad1 gemini: Generate padded kernel+rootfs images for DIR-685
We currently generate a kernel that boots from the harddrive
in the DIR-685. That's not how we usually do things, so
let's augment it to boot from flash and mount the rootfs
using squashfs and JFFS2 like everyone else.

Partition splitting only work when the partitions are
inside of a "partitions" node which is why we have a patch
like this (submitted upstream).

Another patch drops the rootfs arguments and renames the
firmware partition while adding the compatible "wrg"
to it so the WRGG parser will kick in.

Factory image was tested by bravely reflashing the DIR-685
from stock firmware using the web UI and the serial console
boot loader.

Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@linaro.org>
2019-03-13 16:25:36 +01:00

209 lines
6.6 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/image.mk
# Cook a "WRGG" image, this board is apparently one in the D-Link
# WRGG family and uses the exact same firmware format as other
# D-Link devices.
define Build/dir685-image
mkwrggimg -i $@ \
-o $@.new \
-d /dev/mtdblock/1 \
-s wrgns01_dlwbr_dir685RBWW \
-v 'N/A' \
-m dir685 \
-B 96bb
mv $@.new $@
# Padding added after the rootfs to an even 128k boundary
# as this is 128k eraseblocks flash.
define Build/dir685-pad-rootfs
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/padjffs2 $(IMAGE_ROOTFS) -c 128 >>$@
# Build D-Link DNS-313 images using the special header tool.
# rootfs.tgz and rd.tgz contains nothing, we only need them
# to satisfy the boot loader on the device. The zImage is
# the only real content.
define Build/dns313-images
mkdir -p $@.tmp/.boot
chmod 755 $@.tmp/.boot
echo "dummy" > $@.tmp/dummyfile
dns313-header $@.tmp/dummyfile \
dns313-header $@.tmp/dummyfile \
dns313-header $(IMAGE_KERNEL) \
rm $@.tmp/dummyfile
genext2fs --block-size $(BLOCKSIZE:%k=%Ki) \
--size-in-blocks $$((1024 * $(CONFIG_TARGET_KERNEL_PARTSIZE))) \
--squash-uids \
--root $@.tmp $@.tmp-boot
# The device firmware needs revision 1 of EXT2
tune2fs -O filetype $@.tmp-boot
e2fsck -pDf $@.tmp-boot > /dev/null
./dns313_gen_hdd_img.sh $@ $@.tmp-boot $(IMAGE_ROOTFS) \
rm -rf $@.tmp
define Build/wiligear-image
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkfwimage2 \
-m GEOS -f 0x30000000 -z \
-v $(1).v5.00.SL3512.OpenWrt.00000.000000.000000 \
-p Kernel:0x020000:0x100000:0:0:$(IMAGE_KERNEL) \
-p Ramdisk:0x120000:0x500000:0:0:$@ \
-o $@.new
mv $@.new $@
# Create the special NAS4220B and Itian Square One SQ201 image
# format with the squashfs and overlay inside the "rd.gz" file.
# We pad it out to 6144K which is the size of the initramfs partition.
# The "application" partition is just blank. You can put anything
# there when using OpenWRT. We just use that to create the
# "sysupgrade" firmware image.
define Build/nas4220b-sq201-images
mkdir -p $@.tmp
mv $@ $@.tmp/rd.gz
dd if=/dev/zero of=$@.tmp/hddapp.tgz bs=6144k count=1
cp $(IMAGE_KERNEL) $@.tmp/zImage
cp ./ImageInfo-$(1) $@.tmp/ImageInfo
sed -i -e "s/DATESTR/`date +%Y%m%d $(if $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),--date "@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)")`/g" $@.tmp/ImageInfo
(cd $@.tmp; tar --sort=name --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner -czf $@ * \
rm -rf $@.tmp
# WBD-111 and WBD-222:
# work around the bootloader's bug with extra nops
# FIXME: is this really needed now that we no longer append the code
# to change the machine ID number? Needs testing on Wiliboard.
define Build/wbd-nops
mv $@ $@.tmp
echo -en "\x00\x00\xa0\xe1\x00\x00\xa0\xe1\x00\x00\xa0\xe1\x00\x00\xa0\xe1" > $@
cat $@.tmp >> $@
rm -f $@.tmp
# All DTB files are prefixed with "gemini-"
define Device/Default
PROFILES := Default
KERNEL_DEPENDS = $$(wildcard $(DTS_DIR)/$$(DEVICE_DTS).dts)
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb
# A reasonable set of default packages handling the NAS type
# of devices out of the box (former NAS42x0 IcyBox defaults)
GEMINI_NAS_PACKAGES:=kmod-md-mod kmod-md-linear kmod-md-multipath \
kmod-md-raid0 kmod-md-raid1 kmod-md-raid10 kmod-md-raid456 \
kmod-fs-btrfs kmod-fs-cifs kmod-fs-nfs \
kmod-fs-nfsd kmod-fs-ntfs kmod-fs-reiserfs kmod-fs-vfat \
kmod-nls-utf8 kmod-usb-storage-extras \
samba36-server mdadm cfdisk fdisk e2fsprogs badblocks \
# The DIR-685 flash layout is kernel in WRGG format, padded and followed
# by the appended rootfs followed by some reasonable JFFS padding, the
# remainder will be used by JFFS2 through overlayfs.
# - For the factory image, the WRGG image includes the rootfs so that the
# default firmware will flash it properly as all it knows is WRGG format.
# - For the sysupgrade, we do not include the rootfs in the kernel image
# so it is not needelessly tossed into the RAM by the boot loader.
# This will be flashed from OpenWrt userland anyways so we only need
# the minimum to make the boot loader happy.
define Device/dlink_dir-685
DEVICE_TITLE := D-Link DIR-685 Xtreme N Storage Router
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-dlink-dir-685
kmod-switch-rtl8366rb swconfig \
IMAGES := factory.bin
# Pad to 128k erase blocks with 160 bytes WRGG header
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-offset 128k 160 | append-rootfs | dir685-pad-rootfs | dir685-image
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-685
define Device/dlink_dns-313
DEVICE_TITLE := D-Link DNS-313 1-Bay Network Storage Enclosure
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-dlink-dns-313
IMAGES := factory.bin.gz
IMAGE/factory.bin.gz := dns313-images | gzip
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dns-313
define Device/itian-raidsonic
IMAGES := factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | pad-to 6144k | \
nas4220b-sq201-images $(1)
define Device/itian_sq201
DEVICE_TITLE := ITian Square One SQ201
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-sq201
DEVICE_PACKAGES += kmod-rt61-pci kmod-usb2-pci
TARGET_DEVICES += itian_sq201
define Device/raidsonic_ib-4220-b
DEVICE_TITLE := Raidsonic NAS IB-4220-B
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-nas4220b
TARGET_DEVICES += raidsonic_ib-4220-b
# The wiliboard images need some changes to be functional and buildable.
# The dts would need to use the ecoscentric,redboot-fis-partitions partition
# parser to get the correct partition offsets and size.
# The mkfwimage2 call need to be adjusted to reflect the real size of kernel
# and rootfs. It is expected that the OEM firmware adjusts the on flash
# partition table with the values defined in the image header.
define Device/wiliboard_wbd111
DEVICE_TITLE := Wiliboard WBD-111
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-wbd111
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | wbd-nops
IMAGES := factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | wiligear-image "WILI-S.WILIBOARD"
define Device/wiliboard_wbd222
DEVICE_TITLE := Wiliboard WBD-222
DEVICE_DTS := gemini-wbd222
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | wbd-nops
IMAGES := factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | wiligear-image "WILI-S.WBD222"
$(eval $(call BuildImage))