Qxwlan E2600AC C1 based on IPQ4019 Specifications: SOC: Qualcomm IPQ4019 DRAM: 256 MiB FLASH: 32 MiB Winbond W25Q256 ETH: Qualcomm QCA8075 WLAN: 5G + 5G/2.4G * 2T2R 2.4/5 GHz - QCA4019 hw1.0 (SoC) * 2T2R 5 GHz - QCA4019 hw1.0 (SoC) INPUT: Reset buutton LED: 1x Power ,6 driven by gpio SERIAL: UART (J5) UUSB: USB3.0 POWER: 1x DC jack for main power input (9-24 V) SLOT: Pcie (J25), sim card (J11), SD card (J51) Flash instruction (using U-Boot CLI and tftp server): - Configure PC with static IP and tftp server. - Rename "sysupgrade" filename to "firmware.bin" and place it in tftp server directory. - Connect PC with one of RJ45 ports, power up the board and press "enter" key to access U-Boot CLI. - Use the following command to update the device to OpenWrt: "run lfw". Flash instruction (using U-Boot web-based recovery): - Configure PC with static IP 192.168.1.xxx(2-254)/24. - Connect PC with one of RJ45 ports, press the reset button, power up the board and keep button pressed for around 6-7 seconds, until LEDs start flashing. - Open your browser and enter, select "sysupgrade" image and click the upgrade button. Qxwlan E2600AC C2 based on IPQ4019 Specifications: SOC: Qualcomm IPQ4019 DRAM: 256 MiB NOR: 16 MiB Winbond W25Q128 NAND: 128MiB Micron MT29F1G08ABAEAWP ETH: Qualcomm QCA8075 WLAN: 5G + 5G/2.4G * 2T2R 2.4/5 GHz - QCA4019 hw1.0 (SoC) * 2T2R 5 GHz - QCA4019 hw1.0 (SoC) INPUT: Reset buutton LED: 1x Power, 6 driven by gpio SERIAL: UART (J5) USB: USB3.0 POWER: 1x DC jack for main power input (9-24 V) SLOT: Pcie (J25), sim card (J11), SD card (J51) Flash instruction (using U-Boot CLI and tftp server): - Configure PC with static IP and tftp server. - Rename "ubi" filename to "ubi-firmware.bin" and place it in tftp server directory. - Connect PC with one of RJ45 ports, power up the board and press "enter" key to access U-Boot CLI. - Use the following command to update the device to OpenWrt: "run lfw". Flash instruction (using U-Boot web-based recovery): - Configure PC with static IP 192.168.1.xxx(2-254)/24. - Connect PC with one of RJ45 ports, press the reset button, power up the board and keep button pressed for around 6-7 seconds, until LEDs start flashing. - Open your browser and enter, select "ubi" image and click the upgrade button. Signed-off-by: 张鹏 <sd20@qxwlan.com> [ added rng node. whitespace fixes, ported 02_network, ipq-wifi Makefile, misc dts fixes, trivial message changes ] Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
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include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/version.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
define Build/Prepare
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
define Build/Compile
# Please send a mail with your device-specific board files upstream.
# You can find instructions and examples on the linux-wireless wiki:
# <https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/ath10k/boardfiles>
ALLWIFIBOARDS:=alfa-network_ap120c-ac asus_map-ac2200 engenius_eap1300 linksys_ea6350v3 qxwlan_e2600ac
define Package/ipq-wifi-default
SUBMENU:=ath10k IPQ4019 Boarddata
TITLE:=Custom Board
define generate-ipq-wifi-package
define Package/ipq-wifi-$(1)
$(call Package/ipq-wifi-default)
TITLE:=Board for $(3)
define Package/ipq-wifi-$(1)/description
This device custom package board-2.bin overwrites the board-2.bin
file which is supplied by the ath10k-firmware-qca4019 package.
This is package is only necessary for the $(3).
Don't install it for any other device!
define Package/ipq-wifi-$(1)/install-overlay
$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA4019/hw1.0
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./$(2) $$(1)/lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA4019/hw1.0/board-2.bin
#$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,<devicename>,<filename>,<displayname>))
$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,alfa-network_ap120c-ac,board-alfa-network_ap120c-ac.bin,ALFA Network AP120C-AC))
$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,asus_map-ac2200,board-map-ac2200.bin,ASUS MAP-AC2200))
$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,engenius_eap1300,board-engenius_eap1300.bin,EnGenius EAP1300))
$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,linksys_ea6350v3,board-linksys_ea6350v3.bin,Linksys EA6350v3))
$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,qxwlan_e2600ac,board-qxwlan-e2600ac.bin,Qxwlan E2600AC))
$(foreach PACKAGE,$(ALLWIFIPACKAGES),$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PACKAGE))))