David Bauer 8e9a59a6b9 build: add mkrasimage
The current make-ras.sh image generation script for the ZyXEL NBG6617
has portability issues with bash. Because of this, factory images are
currently not built correctly by the OpenWRT buildbots.

This commit replaces the make-ras.sh by C-written mkrasimage.

The new mkrasimage is also compatible with other ZyXEL devices using
the ras image-format.
This is not tested with the NBG6616 but it correctly builds the
header for ZyXEL factory image.

Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
2018-08-28 11:26:53 +02:00

95 lines
2.6 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_NAME := firmware-utils
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
define cc
$(HOSTCC) $(HOST_CFLAGS) -include endian.h $(HOST_LDFLAGS) -o $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/bin/$(firstword $(1)) $(foreach src,$(1),src/$(src).c) $(2)
define Host/Compile
mkdir -p $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/bin
$(call cc,addpattern)
$(call cc,asustrx)
$(call cc,trx)
$(call cc,otrx)
$(call cc,motorola-bin)
$(call cc,dgfirmware)
$(call cc,mksenaofw md5)
$(call cc,trx2usr)
$(call cc,ptgen)
$(call cc,srec2bin)
$(call cc,mkmylofw)
$(call cc,mkcsysimg)
$(call cc,mkzynfw)
$(call cc,lzma2eva,-lz)
$(call cc,mkcasfw)
$(call cc,mkfwimage,-lz -Wall)
$(call cc,mkfwimage2,-lz)
$(call cc,imagetag imagetag_cmdline cyg_crc32)
$(call cc,add_header)
$(call cc,makeamitbin)
$(call cc,encode_crc)
$(call cc,nand_ecc)
$(call cc,mkplanexfw sha1)
$(call cc,mktplinkfw mktplinkfw-lib md5, -Wall -fgnu89-inline)
$(call cc,mktplinkfw2 mktplinkfw-lib md5, -fgnu89-inline)
$(call cc,tplink-safeloader md5, -Wall --std=gnu99)
$(call cc,pc1crypt)
$(call cc,osbridge-crc)
$(call cc,wrt400n cyg_crc32)
$(call cc,mkdniimg)
$(call cc,mktitanimg)
$(call cc,mkchkimg)
$(call cc,mkzcfw cyg_crc32)
$(call cc,spw303v)
$(call cc,zyxbcm)
$(call cc,trx2edips)
$(call cc,xorimage)
$(call cc,buffalo-enc buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,buffalo-tag buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,buffalo-tftp buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkwrgimg md5, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkwrggimg md5, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkedimaximg)
$(call cc,mkbrncmdline)
$(call cc,mkbrnimg)
$(call cc,mkdapimg)
$(call cc,mkdapimg2)
$(call cc, mkcameofw, -Wall)
$(call cc,seama md5)
$(call cc,oseama md5, -Wall)
$(call cc,fix-u-media-header cyg_crc32,-Wall)
$(call cc,hcsmakeimage bcmalgo)
$(call cc,mkporayfw, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkrasimage, --std=gnu99)
$(call cc,mkhilinkfw, -lcrypto)
$(call cc,mkdcs932, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkheader_gemtek,-lz)
$(call cc,mkrtn56uimg, -lz)
$(call cc,dgn3500sum, -Wall)
$(call cc,edimax_fw_header, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkmerakifw sha1, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkmerakifw-old, -Wall)
$(call cc,jcgimage, -lz -Wall)
$(call cc,mkbuffaloimg, -Wall)
$(call cc,zyimage, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkdhpimg buffalo-lib, -Wall)
$(call cc,mkdlinkfw mkdlinkfw-lib, -lz -Wall --std=gnu99)
$(call cc,dns313-header, -Wall)
$(call cc,mksercommfw, -Wall --std=gnu99)
define Host/Install
$(eval $(call HostBuild))