Birger Koblitz 204956aea5 realtek: Fix VLAN issues introduced by multicast patches
This adds the CPU port to the unknown multicast flooding port mask,
which fixes the VLAN issues introduced by the multicast group patches

Tested-by: Russell Senior <russell@personaltelco.net> [Netgear GS108Tv3]
Signed-off-by: Birger Koblitz <mail@birger-koblitz.de>
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <bjorn@mork.no> [whitespace fix]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz> [unknwon typo fix]
2021-05-09 16:19:31 +02:00

859 lines
22 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
#include <asm/mach-rtl838x/mach-rtl83xx.h>
#include "rtl83xx.h"
extern struct mutex smi_lock;
void rtl838x_print_matrix(void)
unsigned volatile int *ptr8;
int i;
ptr8 = RTL838X_SW_BASE + RTL838X_PORT_ISO_CTRL(0);
for (i = 0; i < 28; i += 8)
pr_debug("> %8x %8x %8x %8x %8x %8x %8x %8x\n",
ptr8[i + 0], ptr8[i + 1], ptr8[i + 2], ptr8[i + 3],
ptr8[i + 4], ptr8[i + 5], ptr8[i + 6], ptr8[i + 7]);
pr_debug("CPU_PORT> %8x\n", ptr8[28]);
static inline int rtl838x_port_iso_ctrl(int p)
return RTL838X_PORT_ISO_CTRL(p);
static inline void rtl838x_exec_tbl0_cmd(u32 cmd)
sw_w32(cmd, RTL838X_TBL_ACCESS_CTRL_0);
do { } while (sw_r32(RTL838X_TBL_ACCESS_CTRL_0) & BIT(15));
static inline void rtl838x_exec_tbl1_cmd(u32 cmd)
sw_w32(cmd, RTL838X_TBL_ACCESS_CTRL_1);
do { } while (sw_r32(RTL838X_TBL_ACCESS_CTRL_1) & BIT(15));
static inline int rtl838x_tbl_access_data_0(int i)
return RTL838X_TBL_ACCESS_DATA_0(i);
static void rtl838x_vlan_tables_read(u32 vlan, struct rtl838x_vlan_info *info)
u32 v;
// Read VLAN table (0) via register 0
struct table_reg *r = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_0, 0);
rtl_table_read(r, vlan);
info->tagged_ports = sw_r32(rtl_table_data(r, 0));
v = sw_r32(rtl_table_data(r, 1));
pr_debug("VLAN_READ %d: %016llx %08x\n", vlan, info->tagged_ports, v);
info->profile_id = v & 0x7;
info->hash_mc_fid = !!(v & 0x8);
info->hash_uc_fid = !!(v & 0x10);
info->fid = (v >> 5) & 0x3f;
// Read UNTAG table (0) via table register 1
r = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_1, 0);
rtl_table_read(r, vlan);
info->untagged_ports = sw_r32(rtl_table_data(r, 0));
static void rtl838x_vlan_set_tagged(u32 vlan, struct rtl838x_vlan_info *info)
u32 v;
// Access VLAN table (0) via register 0
struct table_reg *r = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_0, 0);
sw_w32(info->tagged_ports, rtl_table_data(r, 0));
v = info->profile_id;
v |= info->hash_mc_fid ? 0x8 : 0;
v |= info->hash_uc_fid ? 0x10 : 0;
v |= ((u32)info->fid) << 5;
sw_w32(v, rtl_table_data(r, 1));
rtl_table_write(r, vlan);
static void rtl838x_vlan_set_untagged(u32 vlan, u64 portmask)
// Access UNTAG table (0) via register 1
struct table_reg *r = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_1, 0);
sw_w32(portmask & 0x1fffffff, rtl_table_data(r, 0));
rtl_table_write(r, vlan);
/* Sets the L2 forwarding to be based on either the inner VLAN tag or the outer
static void rtl838x_vlan_fwd_on_inner(int port, bool is_set)
if (is_set)
sw_w32_mask(BIT(port), 0, RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_FWD);
sw_w32_mask(0, BIT(port), RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_FWD);
static u64 rtl838x_l2_hash_seed(u64 mac, u32 vid)
return mac << 12 | vid;
* Applies the same hash algorithm as the one used currently by the ASIC to the seed
* and returns a key into the L2 hash table
static u32 rtl838x_l2_hash_key(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv, u64 seed)
u32 h1, h2, h3, h;
if (sw_r32(priv->r->l2_ctrl_0) & 1) {
h1 = (seed >> 11) & 0x7ff;
h1 = ((h1 & 0x1f) << 6) | ((h1 >> 5) & 0x3f);
h2 = (seed >> 33) & 0x7ff;
h2 = ((h2 & 0x3f) << 5) | ((h2 >> 6) & 0x1f);
h3 = (seed >> 44) & 0x7ff;
h3 = ((h3 & 0x7f) << 4) | ((h3 >> 7) & 0xf);
h = h1 ^ h2 ^ h3 ^ ((seed >> 55) & 0x1ff);
h ^= ((seed >> 22) & 0x7ff) ^ (seed & 0x7ff);
} else {
h = ((seed >> 55) & 0x1ff) ^ ((seed >> 44) & 0x7ff)
^ ((seed >> 33) & 0x7ff) ^ ((seed >> 22) & 0x7ff)
^ ((seed >> 11) & 0x7ff) ^ (seed & 0x7ff);
return h;
static inline int rtl838x_mac_force_mode_ctrl(int p)
return RTL838X_MAC_FORCE_MODE_CTRL + (p << 2);
static inline int rtl838x_mac_port_ctrl(int p)
return RTL838X_MAC_PORT_CTRL(p);
static inline int rtl838x_l2_port_new_salrn(int p)
return RTL838X_L2_PORT_NEW_SALRN(p);
static inline int rtl838x_l2_port_new_sa_fwd(int p)
return RTL838X_L2_PORT_NEW_SA_FWD(p);
static inline int rtl838x_mac_link_spd_sts(int p)
return RTL838X_MAC_LINK_SPD_STS(p);
inline static int rtl838x_trk_mbr_ctr(int group)
return RTL838X_TRK_MBR_CTR + (group << 2);
* Fills an L2 entry structure from the SoC registers
static void rtl838x_fill_l2_entry(u32 r[], struct rtl838x_l2_entry *e)
/* Table contains different entry types, we need to identify the right one:
* Check for MC entries, first
* In contrast to the RTL93xx SoCs, there is no valid bit, use heuristics to
* identify valid entries
e->is_ip_mc = !!(r[0] & BIT(22));
e->is_ipv6_mc = !!(r[0] & BIT(21));
e->type = L2_INVALID;
if (!e->is_ip_mc && !e->is_ipv6_mc) {
e->mac[0] = (r[1] >> 20);
e->mac[1] = (r[1] >> 12);
e->mac[2] = (r[1] >> 4);
e->mac[3] = (r[1] & 0xf) << 4 | (r[2] >> 28);
e->mac[4] = (r[2] >> 20);
e->mac[5] = (r[2] >> 12);
e->rvid = r[2] & 0xfff;
e->vid = r[0] & 0xfff;
/* Is it a unicast entry? check multicast bit */
if (!(e->mac[0] & 1)) {
e->is_static = !!((r[0] >> 19) & 1);
e->port = (r[0] >> 12) & 0x1f;
e->block_da = !!(r[1] & BIT(30));
e->block_sa = !!(r[1] & BIT(31));
e->suspended = !!(r[1] & BIT(29));
e->next_hop = !!(r[1] & BIT(28));
if (e->next_hop) {
pr_info("Found next hop entry, need to read extra data\n");
e->nh_vlan_target = !!(r[0] & BIT(9));
e->nh_route_id = r[0] & 0x1ff;
e->age = (r[0] >> 17) & 0x3;
e->valid = true;
/* A valid entry has one of mutli-cast, aging, sa/da-blocking,
* next-hop or static entry bit set */
if (!(r[0] & 0x007c0000) && !(r[1] & 0xd0000000))
e->valid = false;
e->type = L2_UNICAST;
} else { // L2 multicast
pr_info("Got L2 MC entry: %08x %08x %08x\n", r[0], r[1], r[2]);
e->valid = true;
e->type = L2_MULTICAST;
e->mc_portmask_index = (r[0] >> 12) & 0x1ff;
} else { // IPv4 and IPv6 multicast
e->valid = true;
e->mc_portmask_index = (r[0] >> 12) & 0x1ff;
e->mc_gip = r[1];
e->mc_sip = r[2];
e->rvid = r[0] & 0xfff;
if (e->is_ip_mc)
e->type = IP4_MULTICAST;
if (e->is_ipv6_mc)
e->type = IP6_MULTICAST;
* Fills the 3 SoC table registers r[] with the information of in the rtl838x_l2_entry
static void rtl838x_fill_l2_row(u32 r[], struct rtl838x_l2_entry *e)
u64 mac = ether_addr_to_u64(e->mac);
if (!e->valid) {
r[0] = r[1] = r[2] = 0;
r[0] = e->is_ip_mc ? BIT(22) : 0;
r[0] |= e->is_ipv6_mc ? BIT(21) : 0;
if (!e->is_ip_mc && !e->is_ipv6_mc) {
r[1] = mac >> 20;
r[2] = (mac & 0xfffff) << 12;
/* Is it a unicast entry? check multicast bit */
if (!(e->mac[0] & 1)) {
r[0] |= e->is_static ? BIT(19) : 0;
r[0] |= (e->port & 0x3f) << 12;
r[0] |= e->vid;
r[1] |= e->block_da ? BIT(30) : 0;
r[1] |= e->block_sa ? BIT(31) : 0;
r[1] |= e->suspended ? BIT(29) : 0;
r[2] |= e->rvid & 0xfff;
if (e->next_hop) {
r[1] |= BIT(28);
r[0] |= e->nh_vlan_target ? BIT(9) : 0;
r[0] |= e->nh_route_id &0x1ff;
r[0] |= (e->age & 0x3) << 17;
} else { // L2 Multicast
r[0] |= (e->mc_portmask_index & 0x1ff) << 12;
r[2] |= e->rvid & 0xfff;
r[0] |= e->vid & 0xfff;
pr_info("FILL MC: %08x %08x %08x\n", r[0], r[1], r[2]);
} else { // IPv4 and IPv6 multicast
r[1] = e->mc_gip;
r[2] = e->mc_sip;
r[0] |= e->rvid;
* Read an L2 UC or MC entry out of a hash bucket of the L2 forwarding table
* hash is the id of the bucket and pos is the position of the entry in that bucket
* The data read from the SoC is filled into rtl838x_l2_entry
static u64 rtl838x_read_l2_entry_using_hash(u32 hash, u32 pos, struct rtl838x_l2_entry *e)
u64 entry;
u32 r[3];
struct table_reg *q = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_L2, 0); // Access L2 Table 0
u32 idx = (0 << 14) | (hash << 2) | pos; // Search SRAM, with hash and at pos in bucket
int i;
rtl_table_read(q, idx);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
r[i] = sw_r32(rtl_table_data(q, i));
rtl838x_fill_l2_entry(r, e);
if (!e->valid)
return 0;
entry = (((u64) r[1]) << 32) | (r[2] & 0xfffff000) | (r[0] & 0xfff);
return entry;
static void rtl838x_write_l2_entry_using_hash(u32 hash, u32 pos, struct rtl838x_l2_entry *e)
u32 r[3];
struct table_reg *q = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_L2, 0);
int i;
u32 idx = (0 << 14) | (hash << 2) | pos; // Access SRAM, with hash and at pos in bucket
rtl838x_fill_l2_row(r, e);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
sw_w32(r[i], rtl_table_data(q, i));
rtl_table_write(q, idx);
static u64 rtl838x_read_cam(int idx, struct rtl838x_l2_entry *e)
u64 entry;
u32 r[3];
struct table_reg *q = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_L2, 1); // Access L2 Table 1
int i;
rtl_table_read(q, idx);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
r[i] = sw_r32(rtl_table_data(q, i));
rtl838x_fill_l2_entry(r, e);
if (!e->valid)
return 0;
pr_debug("Found in CAM: R1 %x R2 %x R3 %x\n", r[0], r[1], r[2]);
// Return MAC with concatenated VID ac concatenated ID
entry = (((u64) r[1]) << 32) | (r[2] & 0xfffff000) | (r[0] & 0xfff);
return entry;
static void rtl838x_write_cam(int idx, struct rtl838x_l2_entry *e)
u32 r[3];
struct table_reg *q = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_L2, 1); // Access L2 Table 1
int i;
rtl838x_fill_l2_row(r, e);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
sw_w32(r[i], rtl_table_data(q, i));
rtl_table_write(q, idx);
static u64 rtl838x_read_mcast_pmask(int idx)
u32 portmask;
// Read MC_PMSK (2) via register RTL8380_TBL_L2
struct table_reg *q = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_L2, 2);
rtl_table_read(q, idx);
portmask = sw_r32(rtl_table_data(q, 0));
return portmask;
static void rtl838x_write_mcast_pmask(int idx, u64 portmask)
// Access MC_PMSK (2) via register RTL8380_TBL_L2
struct table_reg *q = rtl_table_get(RTL8380_TBL_L2, 2);
sw_w32(((u32)portmask) & 0x1fffffff, rtl_table_data(q, 0));
rtl_table_write(q, idx);
static void rtl838x_vlan_profile_setup(int profile)
u32 pmask_id = UNKNOWN_MC_PMASK;
// Enable L2 Learning BIT 0, portmask UNKNOWN_MC_PMASK for unknown MC traffic flooding
u32 p = 1 | pmask_id << 1 | pmask_id << 10 | pmask_id << 19;
sw_w32(p, RTL838X_VLAN_PROFILE(profile));
/* RTL8380 and RTL8390 use an index into the portmask table to set the
* unknown multicast portmask, setup a default at a safe location
* On RTL93XX, the portmask is directly set in the profile,
* see e.g. rtl9300_vlan_profile_setup
rtl838x_write_mcast_pmask(UNKNOWN_MC_PMASK, 0x1fffffff);
static inline int rtl838x_vlan_port_egr_filter(int port)
static inline int rtl838x_vlan_port_igr_filter(int port)
return RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_IGR_FLTR(port);
static void rtl838x_stp_get(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv, u16 msti, u32 port_state[])
int i;
u32 cmd = 1 << 15 /* Execute cmd */
| 1 << 14 /* Read */
| 2 << 12 /* Table type 0b10 */
| (msti & 0xfff);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
port_state[i] = sw_r32(priv->r->tbl_access_data_0(i));
static void rtl838x_stp_set(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv, u16 msti, u32 port_state[])
int i;
u32 cmd = 1 << 15 /* Execute cmd */
| 0 << 14 /* Write */
| 2 << 12 /* Table type 0b10 */
| (msti & 0xfff);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
sw_w32(port_state[i], priv->r->tbl_access_data_0(i));
u64 rtl838x_traffic_get(int source)
return rtl838x_get_port_reg(rtl838x_port_iso_ctrl(source));
void rtl838x_traffic_set(int source, u64 dest_matrix)
rtl838x_set_port_reg(dest_matrix, rtl838x_port_iso_ctrl(source));
void rtl838x_traffic_enable(int source, int dest)
rtl838x_mask_port_reg(0, BIT(dest), rtl838x_port_iso_ctrl(source));
void rtl838x_traffic_disable(int source, int dest)
rtl838x_mask_port_reg(BIT(dest), 0, rtl838x_port_iso_ctrl(source));
* Enables or disables the EEE/EEEP capability of a port
static void rtl838x_port_eee_set(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv, int port, bool enable)
u32 v;
// This works only for Ethernet ports, and on the RTL838X, ports from 24 are SFP
if (port >= 24)
pr_debug("In %s: setting port %d to %d\n", __func__, port, enable);
v = enable ? 0x3 : 0x0;
// Set EEE state for 100 (bit 9) & 1000MBit (bit 10)
sw_w32_mask(0x3 << 9, v << 9, priv->r->mac_force_mode_ctrl(port));
// Set TX/RX EEE state
if (enable) {
sw_w32_mask(0, BIT(port), RTL838X_EEE_PORT_TX_EN);
sw_w32_mask(0, BIT(port), RTL838X_EEE_PORT_RX_EN);
} else {
sw_w32_mask(BIT(port), 0, RTL838X_EEE_PORT_TX_EN);
sw_w32_mask(BIT(port), 0, RTL838X_EEE_PORT_RX_EN);
priv->ports[port].eee_enabled = enable;
* Get EEE own capabilities and negotiation result
static int rtl838x_eee_port_ability(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv,
struct ethtool_eee *e, int port)
u64 link;
if (port >= 24)
return 0;
link = rtl839x_get_port_reg_le(RTL838X_MAC_LINK_STS);
if (!(link & BIT(port)))
return 0;
if (sw_r32(rtl838x_mac_force_mode_ctrl(port)) & BIT(9))
e->advertised |= ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full;
if (sw_r32(rtl838x_mac_force_mode_ctrl(port)) & BIT(10))
e->advertised |= ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full;
if (sw_r32(RTL838X_MAC_EEE_ABLTY) & BIT(port)) {
e->lp_advertised = ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full;
e->lp_advertised |= ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full;
return 1;
return 0;
static void rtl838x_init_eee(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv, bool enable)
int i;
pr_info("Setting up EEE, state: %d\n", enable);
sw_w32_mask(0x4, 0, RTL838X_SMI_GLB_CTRL);
/* Set timers for EEE */
sw_w32(0x5001411, RTL838X_EEE_TX_TIMER_GIGA_CTRL);
sw_w32(0x5001417, RTL838X_EEE_TX_TIMER_GELITE_CTRL);
// Enable EEE MAC support on ports
for (i = 0; i < priv->cpu_port; i++) {
if (priv->ports[i].phy)
rtl838x_port_eee_set(priv, i, enable);
priv->eee_enabled = enable;
const struct rtl838x_reg rtl838x_reg = {
.mask_port_reg_be = rtl838x_mask_port_reg,
.set_port_reg_be = rtl838x_set_port_reg,
.get_port_reg_be = rtl838x_get_port_reg,
.mask_port_reg_le = rtl838x_mask_port_reg,
.set_port_reg_le = rtl838x_set_port_reg,
.get_port_reg_le = rtl838x_get_port_reg,
.stat_port_rst = RTL838X_STAT_PORT_RST,
.stat_rst = RTL838X_STAT_RST,
.stat_port_std_mib = RTL838X_STAT_PORT_STD_MIB,
.port_iso_ctrl = rtl838x_port_iso_ctrl,
.traffic_enable = rtl838x_traffic_enable,
.traffic_disable = rtl838x_traffic_disable,
.traffic_get = rtl838x_traffic_get,
.traffic_set = rtl838x_traffic_set,
.l2_ctrl_0 = RTL838X_L2_CTRL_0,
.l2_ctrl_1 = RTL838X_L2_CTRL_1,
.l2_port_aging_out = RTL838X_L2_PORT_AGING_OUT,
.smi_poll_ctrl = RTL838X_SMI_POLL_CTRL,
.l2_tbl_flush_ctrl = RTL838X_L2_TBL_FLUSH_CTRL,
.exec_tbl0_cmd = rtl838x_exec_tbl0_cmd,
.exec_tbl1_cmd = rtl838x_exec_tbl1_cmd,
.tbl_access_data_0 = rtl838x_tbl_access_data_0,
.isr_glb_src = RTL838X_ISR_GLB_SRC,
.isr_port_link_sts_chg = RTL838X_ISR_PORT_LINK_STS_CHG,
.imr_port_link_sts_chg = RTL838X_IMR_PORT_LINK_STS_CHG,
.imr_glb = RTL838X_IMR_GLB,
.vlan_tables_read = rtl838x_vlan_tables_read,
.vlan_set_tagged = rtl838x_vlan_set_tagged,
.vlan_set_untagged = rtl838x_vlan_set_untagged,
.mac_force_mode_ctrl = rtl838x_mac_force_mode_ctrl,
.vlan_profile_dump = rtl838x_vlan_profile_dump,
.vlan_profile_setup = rtl838x_vlan_profile_setup,
.vlan_fwd_on_inner = rtl838x_vlan_fwd_on_inner,
.stp_get = rtl838x_stp_get,
.stp_set = rtl838x_stp_set,
.mac_port_ctrl = rtl838x_mac_port_ctrl,
.l2_port_new_salrn = rtl838x_l2_port_new_salrn,
.l2_port_new_sa_fwd = rtl838x_l2_port_new_sa_fwd,
.mir_ctrl = RTL838X_MIR_CTRL,
.mir_dpm = RTL838X_MIR_DPM_CTRL,
.mir_spm = RTL838X_MIR_SPM_CTRL,
.mac_link_sts = RTL838X_MAC_LINK_STS,
.mac_link_dup_sts = RTL838X_MAC_LINK_DUP_STS,
.mac_link_spd_sts = rtl838x_mac_link_spd_sts,
.mac_rx_pause_sts = RTL838X_MAC_RX_PAUSE_STS,
.mac_tx_pause_sts = RTL838X_MAC_TX_PAUSE_STS,
.read_l2_entry_using_hash = rtl838x_read_l2_entry_using_hash,
.write_l2_entry_using_hash = rtl838x_write_l2_entry_using_hash,
.read_cam = rtl838x_read_cam,
.write_cam = rtl838x_write_cam,
.vlan_port_egr_filter = RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_EGR_FLTR,
.vlan_port_igr_filter = RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_IGR_FLTR(0),
.vlan_port_pb = RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_PB_VLAN,
.vlan_port_tag_sts_ctrl = RTL838X_VLAN_PORT_TAG_STS_CTRL,
.trk_mbr_ctr = rtl838x_trk_mbr_ctr,
.rma_bpdu_fld_pmask = RTL838X_RMA_BPDU_FLD_PMSK,
.spcl_trap_eapol_ctrl = RTL838X_SPCL_TRAP_EAPOL_CTRL,
.init_eee = rtl838x_init_eee,
.port_eee_set = rtl838x_port_eee_set,
.eee_port_ability = rtl838x_eee_port_ability,
.l2_hash_seed = rtl838x_l2_hash_seed,
.l2_hash_key = rtl838x_l2_hash_key,
.read_mcast_pmask = rtl838x_read_mcast_pmask,
.write_mcast_pmask = rtl838x_write_mcast_pmask,
irqreturn_t rtl838x_switch_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
struct dsa_switch *ds = dev_id;
u32 status = sw_r32(RTL838X_ISR_GLB_SRC);
u32 ports = sw_r32(RTL838X_ISR_PORT_LINK_STS_CHG);
u32 link;
int i;
/* Clear status */
sw_w32(ports, RTL838X_ISR_PORT_LINK_STS_CHG);
pr_info("RTL8380 Link change: status: %x, ports %x\n", status, ports);
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
if (ports & BIT(i)) {
link = sw_r32(RTL838X_MAC_LINK_STS);
if (link & BIT(i))
dsa_port_phylink_mac_change(ds, i, true);
dsa_port_phylink_mac_change(ds, i, false);
int rtl838x_smi_wait_op(int timeout)
do {
} while ((sw_r32(RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1) & 0x1) && (timeout >= 0));
if (timeout <= 0)
return -1;
return 0;
* Reads a register in a page from the PHY
int rtl838x_read_phy(u32 port, u32 page, u32 reg, u32 *val)
u32 v;
u32 park_page;
if (port > 31) {
*val = 0xffff;
return 0;
if (page > 4095 || reg > 31)
return -ENOTSUPP;
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
sw_w32_mask(0xffff0000, port << 16, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_2);
park_page = sw_r32(RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1) & ((0x1f << 15) | 0x2);
v = reg << 20 | page << 3;
sw_w32(v | park_page, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1);
sw_w32_mask(0, 1, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1);
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
*val = sw_r32(RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_2) & 0xffff;
return 0;
return -ETIMEDOUT;
* Write to a register in a page of the PHY
int rtl838x_write_phy(u32 port, u32 page, u32 reg, u32 val)
u32 v;
u32 park_page;
val &= 0xffff;
if (port > 31 || page > 4095 || reg > 31)
return -ENOTSUPP;
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
sw_w32(BIT(port), RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_0);
sw_w32_mask(0xffff0000, val << 16, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_2);
park_page = sw_r32(RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1) & ((0x1f << 15) | 0x2);
v = reg << 20 | page << 3 | 0x4;
sw_w32(v | park_page, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1);
sw_w32_mask(0, 1, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1);
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
return 0;
return -ETIMEDOUT;
* Read an mmd register of a PHY
int rtl838x_read_mmd_phy(u32 port, u32 addr, u32 reg, u32 *val)
u32 v;
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
sw_w32(1 << port, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_0);
sw_w32_mask(0xffff0000, port << 16, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_2);
v = addr << 16 | reg;
sw_w32(v, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_3);
/* mmd-access | read | cmd-start */
v = 1 << 1 | 0 << 2 | 1;
sw_w32(v, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1);
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
*val = sw_r32(RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_2) & 0xffff;
return 0;
return -ETIMEDOUT;
* Write to an mmd register of a PHY
int rtl838x_write_mmd_phy(u32 port, u32 addr, u32 reg, u32 val)
u32 v;
pr_debug("MMD write: port %d, dev %d, reg %d, val %x\n", port, addr, reg, val);
val &= 0xffff;
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
sw_w32(1 << port, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_0);
sw_w32_mask(0xffff0000, val << 16, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_2);
sw_w32_mask(0x1f << 16, addr << 16, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_3);
sw_w32_mask(0xffff, reg, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_3);
/* mmd-access | write | cmd-start */
v = 1 << 1 | 1 << 2 | 1;
sw_w32(v, RTL838X_SMI_ACCESS_PHY_CTRL_1);
if (rtl838x_smi_wait_op(10000))
goto timeout;
return 0;
return -ETIMEDOUT;
void rtl8380_get_version(struct rtl838x_switch_priv *priv)
u32 rw_save, info_save;
u32 info;
rw_save = sw_r32(RTL838X_INT_RW_CTRL);
sw_w32(rw_save | 0x3, RTL838X_INT_RW_CTRL);
info_save = sw_r32(RTL838X_CHIP_INFO);
sw_w32(info_save | 0xA0000000, RTL838X_CHIP_INFO);
info = sw_r32(RTL838X_CHIP_INFO);
sw_w32(info_save, RTL838X_CHIP_INFO);
sw_w32(rw_save, RTL838X_INT_RW_CTRL);
if ((info & 0xFFFF) == 0x6275) {
if (((info >> 16) & 0x1F) == 0x1)
priv->version = RTL8380_VERSION_A;
else if (((info >> 16) & 0x1F) == 0x2)
priv->version = RTL8380_VERSION_B;
priv->version = RTL8380_VERSION_B;
} else {
priv->version = '-';
void rtl838x_vlan_profile_dump(int profile)
u32 p;
if (profile < 0 || profile > 7)
p = sw_r32(RTL838X_VLAN_PROFILE(profile));
pr_info("VLAN profile %d: L2 learning: %d, UNKN L2MC FLD PMSK %d, \
profile, p & 1, (p >> 1) & 0x1ff, (p >> 10) & 0x1ff, (p >> 19) & 0x1ff);
void rtl8380_sds_rst(int mac)
u32 offset = (mac == 24) ? 0 : 0x100;
sw_w32_mask(1 << 11, 0, RTL838X_SDS4_FIB_REG0 + offset);
sw_w32_mask(0x3, 0, RTL838X_SDS4_REG28 + offset);
sw_w32_mask(0x3, 0x3, RTL838X_SDS4_REG28 + offset);
sw_w32_mask(0, 0x1 << 6, RTL838X_SDS4_DUMMY0 + offset);
sw_w32_mask(0x1 << 6, 0, RTL838X_SDS4_DUMMY0 + offset);
pr_debug("SERDES reset: %d\n", mac);
int rtl8380_sds_power(int mac, int val)
u32 mode = (val == 1) ? 0x4 : 0x9;
u32 offset = (mac == 24) ? 5 : 0;
if ((mac != 24) && (mac != 26)) {
pr_err("%s: not a fibre port: %d\n", __func__, mac);
return -1;
sw_w32_mask(0x1f << offset, mode << offset, RTL838X_SDS_MODE_SEL);
return 0;