Brian Norris f1c041e34f ipq40xx: Add subtarget for Google WiFi (Gale)
Google WiFi (codename: Gale) is an IPQ4019-based AP, with 2 Ethernet
ports, 2x2 2.4+5GHz WiFi, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB eMMC, and a USB type C port.
In its stock configuration, it runs a Chromium OS-based system, but you
wouldn't know it, since you can only manage it via a "cloud" +
mobile-app system.

The "v2" label is coded into the bootloader, which prefers the
"google,gale-v2" compatible string. I believe "v1" must have been
pre-release hardware.

Note: this is *not* the Google Nest WiFi, released in 2019.

I include "factory.bin" support, where we generate a GPT-based disk
image with 2 partitions -- a kernel partition (using the custom "Chrome
OS kernel" GUID type) and a root filesystem partition. See below for
flashing instructions.

Sysupgrade is supported via recent emmc_do_upgrade() helper.

This is a subtarget because it enables different features
(FEATURES=boot-part rootfs-part) whose configurations don't make sense
in the "generic" target, and because it builds in a few USB drivers,
which are necessary for installation (installation is performed by
booting from USB storage, and so these drivers cannot be built as
modules, since we need to load modules from USB storage).

Flashing instructions

Documented here:

Note this requires booting from USB storage.


I've tested:

 * Ethernet, both WAN and LAN ports
 * eMMC
 * USB-C (hub, power-delivery, peripherals)
 * LED0 (R/G/B)
 * WiFi (limited testing)
 * SPI flash
 * Serial console: once in developer mode, console can be accessed via
   the USB-C port with SuzyQable, or other similar "Closed Case
   Debugging" tools:
 * Sysupgrade

Not tested:

 * TPM

Known not working:

 * Reboot: this requires some additional TrustZone / SCM
   configuration to disable Qualcomm's SDI. I have a proposal upstream,
   and based on IRC chats, this might be acceptable with additional DT
     [RFC PATCH] firmware: qcom_scm: disable SDI at boot
 * SMP: enabling secondary CPUs doesn't currently work using the stock
   bootloader, as the qcom_scm driver assumes newer features than this
   TrustZone firmware has. I posted notes here:
     [RFC] qcom_scm: IPQ4019 firmware does not support atomic API?
 * There's a single external button, and a few useful internal GPIO
   switches. I haven't hooked them up.

The first two are fixed with subsequent commits.

Additional notes

Much of the DTS is pulled from the Chrome OS kernel 3.18 branch, which
the manufacturer image uses.

Note: the manufacturer bootloader knows how to patch in calibration data
via the wifi{0,1} aliases in the DTB, so while these properties aren't
present in the DTS, they are available at runtime:

  # ls -l
  -r--r--r--    1 root     root         12064 Jul 15 19:11 /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/wifi@a000000/qcom,ath10k-pre-calibration-data
  -r--r--r--    1 root     root         12064 Jul 15 19:11 /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/wifi@a800000/qcom,ath10k-pre-calibration-data

Ethernet MAC addresses are similarly patched in via the ethernet{0,1} aliases.

Signed-off-by: Brian Norris <computersforpeace@gmail.com>
(updated 901 - x1pro moved in the process)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
2022-03-25 18:14:13 +01:00

36 lines
1.2 KiB

define Build/cros-gpt
cp $@ $@.tmp 2>/dev/null || true
ptgen -o $@.tmp -g \
-T cros_kernel -N kernel -p $(CONFIG_TARGET_KERNEL_PARTSIZE)m \
cat $@.tmp >> $@
rm $@.tmp
define Build/append-kernel-part
# NB: Chrome OS bootloaders replace the '%U' in command lines with the UUID of
# the kernel partition it chooses to boot from. This gives a flexible way to
# consistently build and sign kernels that always use the subsequent
# (PARTNROFF=1) partition as their rootfs.
define Build/cros-vboot
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/cros-vbutil \
-k $@ -c "root=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1" -o $@.new
@mv $@.new $@
define Device/google_wifi
SOC := qcom-ipq4019
KERNEL_SUFFIX := -fit-zImage.itb.vboot
KERNEL = kernel-bin | fit none $$(DTS_DIR)/$$(DEVICE_DTS).dtb | cros-vboot
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := cros-gpt | append-kernel-part | append-rootfs
DEVICE_PACKAGES := ipq-wifi-google_wifi partx-utils mkf2fs e2fsprogs \
kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-f2fs kmod-google-firmware
TARGET_DEVICES += google_wifi