The "/dts-v1/;" identifier is supposed to be present once at the top of a device tree file after the includes have been processed. In ramips, we therefore requested to have in the DTS files so far, and omit it in the DTSI files. However, essentially the syntax of the parent mtxxxx/rtxxxx DTSI files already determines the DTS version, so putting it into the DTS files is just a useless repetition. Consequently, this patch puts the dts-v1 statement into the top-level SoC-based DTSI files, and removes all other occurences. Since the dts-v1 statement needs to be before any other definitions, this also moves the includes accordingly where necessary. Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
220 lines
4.2 KiB
220 lines
4.2 KiB
#include "mt7621.dtsi"
#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
/ {
compatible = "xiaomi,mir3g", "mediatek,mt7621-soc";
model = "Xiaomi Mi Router 3G";
aliases {
led-boot = &led_status_yellow;
led-failsafe = &led_status_red;
led-running = &led_status_blue;
led-upgrade = &led_status_yellow;
label-mac-device = &gmac0;
chosen {
bootargs = "console=ttyS0,115200n8";
leds {
compatible = "gpio-leds";
led_status_red: status_red {
label = "mir3g:red:status";
gpios = <&gpio 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
led_status_blue: status_blue {
label = "mir3g:blue:status";
gpios = <&gpio 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
led_status_yellow: status_yellow {
label = "mir3g:yellow:status";
gpios = <&gpio 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
wan_amber {
label = "mir3g:amber:wan";
gpios = <&gpio 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
linux,default-trigger = "dsa-0.0:01:1Gbps";
lan1_amber {
label = "mir3g:amber:lan1";
gpios = <&gpio 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
linux,default-trigger = "dsa-0.0:03:1Gbps";
lan2_amber {
label = "mir3g:amber:lan2";
gpios = <&gpio 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
linux,default-trigger = "dsa-0.0:02:1Gbps";
keys {
compatible = "gpio-keys";
reset {
label = "reset";
gpios = <&gpio 18 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
linux,code = <KEY_RESTART>;
reg_usb_vbus: regulator {
compatible = "regulator-fixed";
regulator-name = "usb_vbus";
regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
gpio = <&gpio 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
&xhci {
vbus-supply = <®_usb_vbus>;
&nand {
status = "okay";
partitions {
compatible = "fixed-partitions";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
partition@0 {
label = "Bootloader";
reg = <0x0 0x80000>;
partition@80000 {
label = "Config";
reg = <0x80000 0x40000>;
partition@c0000 {
label = "Bdata";
reg = <0xc0000 0x40000>;
factory: partition@100000 {
label = "factory";
reg = <0x100000 0x40000>;
partition@140000 {
label = "crash";
reg = <0x140000 0x40000>;
partition@180000 {
label = "crash_syslog";
reg = <0x180000 0x40000>;
partition@1c0000 {
label = "reserved0";
reg = <0x1c0000 0x40000>;
/* uboot expects to find kernels at 0x200000 & 0x600000
* referred to as system 1 & system 2 respectively.
* a kernel is considered suitable for handing control over
* if its linux magic number exists & uImage CRC are correct.
* If either of those conditions fail, a matching sys'n'_fail flag
* is set in uboot env & a restart performed in the hope that the
* alternate kernel is okay.
* if neither kernel checksums ok and both are marked failed, system 2
* is booted anyway.
* Note uboot's tftp flash install writes the transferred
* image to both kernel partitions.
partition@200000 {
label = "kernel_stock";
reg = <0x200000 0x400000>;
partition@600000 {
label = "kernel";
reg = <0x600000 0x400000>;
/* ubi partition is the result of squashing
* next consecutive stock partitions:
* - rootfs0 (rootfs partition for stock kernel0),
* - rootfs1 (rootfs partition for stock failsafe kernel1),
* - overlay (used as ubi overlay in stock fw)
* resulting 117,5MiB space for packages.
partition@a00000 {
label = "ubi";
reg = <0xa00000 0x7580000>;
&pcie {
status = "okay";
&pcie0 {
wifi@0,0 {
compatible = "pci14c3,7603";
reg = <0x0000 0 0 0 0>;
mediatek,mtd-eeprom = <&factory 0x0000>;
ieee80211-freq-limit = <2400000 2500000>;
&pcie1 {
wifi@0,0 {
compatible = "pci14c3,7662";
reg = <0x0000 0 0 0 0>;
mediatek,mtd-eeprom = <&factory 0x8000>;
ieee80211-freq-limit = <5000000 6000000>;
&gmac0 {
mtd-mac-address = <&factory 0xe006>;
&switch0 {
ports {
port@1 {
status = "okay";
label = "wan";
mtd-mac-address = <&factory 0xe000>;
port@2 {
status = "okay";
label = "lan2";
port@3 {
status = "okay";
label = "lan1";
&state_default {
gpio {
groups = "jtag", "uart2", "uart3", "wdt";
function = "gpio";