If the environment variable FILTER is set before compilation, compilation of the ppp-package will fail with the error message Package ppp is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libpcap.so.1 The reason is that the OpenWrt-patch for the Makefile only comments out the line FILTER=y. Hence the pcap-library will be dynamically linked if the environment variable FILTER is set elsewhere, which causes compilation to fail. The fix consists on explicitly unsetting the variable FILTER instead. Signed-off-by: Eike Ritter <git@rittere.co.uk>
12 lines
417 B
12 lines
417 B
--- a/pppd/Makefile.linux
+++ b/pppd/Makefile.linux
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ MPPE=y
# Uncomment the next line to include support for PPP packet filtering.
# This requires that the libpcap library and headers be installed
# and that the kernel driver support PPP packet filtering.
+# libpcap statically linked in OpenWRT, hence disabled here.
# Support for precompiled filters