Adrian Schmutzler 365a639f91 base-files: add function to remove devicename from LED labels
Currently, we request LED labels in OpenWrt to follow the scheme


However, specifying the modelname at the beginning is actually
entirely useless for the devices we support in OpenWrt. In patches
subsequent to this one, we will thus remove the modelname from
the label definitions on various targets.

To migrate the existing definitions from older installations,
a migration script needs to be deployed that does

  modelname:color:function -> color:function


  dir-789:green:status -> green:status

This patch introduces two functions that do exactly that:
For each entry in /etc/config/system, the routine will check whether
two (or more) colons are present, and then remove everything up to
(and including) the first colon.

For now, this will be applied unconditionally, i.e. if the function
is called for a device, all labels will be cut like this.

However, for a future case of mixed three-part and two-part labels,
it should not be too hard to provide a function argument with
exceptions to the removal.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de>
2020-10-02 13:50:50 +02:00

62 lines
1.2 KiB

. /lib/functions.sh
migrate_led_sysfs() {
local cfg="$1"; shift
local tuples="$@"
local sysfs
local name
config_get sysfs ${cfg} sysfs
config_get name ${cfg} name
[ -z "${sysfs}" ] && return
for tuple in ${tuples}; do
local old=${tuple%=*}
local new=${tuple#*=}
local new_sysfs
new_sysfs=$(echo ${sysfs} | sed "s/${old}/${new}/")
[ "${new_sysfs}" = "${sysfs}" ] && continue
uci set system.${cfg}.sysfs="${new_sysfs}"
logger -t led-migration "sysfs option of LED \"${name}\" updated to ${new_sysfs}"
remove_devicename_led_sysfs() {
local cfg="$1"
local sysfs
local name
local new_sysfs
config_get sysfs ${cfg} sysfs
config_get name ${cfg} name
echo "${sysfs}" | grep -q ":.*:" || return
new_sysfs=$(echo ${sysfs} | sed "s/^[^:]*://")
uci set system.${cfg}.sysfs="${new_sysfs}"
logger -t led-migration "sysfs option of LED \"${name}\" updated to ${new_sysfs}"
migrate_leds() {
config_load system
config_foreach migrate_led_sysfs led "$@"
remove_devicename_leds() {
config_load system
config_foreach remove_devicename_led_sysfs led
migrations_apply() {
local realm="$1"
[ -n "$(uci changes ${realm})" ] && uci -q commit ${realm}