In order to support SAE/WPA3-Personal in default images. Replace almost all occurencies of wpad-basic and wpad-mini with wpad-basic-wolfssl for consistency. Keep out ar71xx from the list as it won't be in the next release and would only make backports harder. Build-tested (build-bot settings): ath79: generic, ramips: mt7620/mt76x8/rt305x, lantiq: xrx200/xway, sunxi: a53 Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <> [rebase, extend commit message] Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
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# Copyright (C) 2010-2013
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
define Profile/Broadcom-wl
NAME:=Broadcom SoC, all Ethernet, BCM43xx WiFi (wl, proprietary)
PACKAGES:=-wpad-basic-wolfssl kmod-b44 kmod-tg3 kmod-bgmac kmod-brcm-wl wlc nas
define Profile/Broadcom-wl/Description
Package set compatible with hardware any Broadcom BCM47xx or BCM535x
SoC with Broadcom BCM43xx Wifi cards using the proprietary Broadcom
wireless "wl" driver and b44, tg3 or bgmac Ethernet driver.
$(eval $(call Profile,Broadcom-wl))