John Crispin 29207748b9 base-files: Use 200ms LED timing as before for the new phase preinit_regular.
This restores normal pre-r43715 200ms blink-period for the System LED we're all accustomed to see while our OpenWrt routers are booting.

Failsafe possibility will now be signalled with a new 100ms blinking, which is easily recognizable from the normal 200ms booting.

So no existing user will be scared by a new 500ms LED pattern, since such a slow pattern could easily be mistaken for something wrong... I was like "ok why my router is collapsing now, is this a bad flash, a kernel panic, or what else" when I've seen it for the first time ;)

Sorry for not having explained myself better in v1 of this patch.

Preinit, failsafe is possible: 200ms
Preinit, failsafe not possible anymore, booting normally: 200ms
Failsafe entered: 50ms

Now (after preinit_regular has been introduced):
Preinit, failsafe is possible: 200ms
Preinit, failsafe not possible anymore, booting normally: 500ms *here is the "offending" change*
Failsafe entered: 50ms

With my proposed patch:
Preinit, failsafe is possible: 100ms *indicate this condition with a new timing, that prompts the user to press the key if they want to start failsafe*
Preinit, failsafe not possible anymore, booting normally: 200ms *keep this as before*
Failsafe entered: 50ms

Signed-off-by: Vittorio Gambaletta <openwrt@vittgam.net>

SVN-Revision: 44056
2015-01-20 06:54:53 +00:00

72 lines
1.3 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2013 OpenWrt.org
led_set_attr() {
[ -f "/sys/class/leds/$1/$2" ] && echo "$3" > "/sys/class/leds/$1/$2"
led_timer() {
led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "timer"
led_set_attr $1 "delay_on" "$2"
led_set_attr $1 "delay_off" "$3"
led_on() {
led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "none"
led_set_attr $1 "brightness" 255
led_off() {
led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "none"
led_set_attr $1 "brightness" 0
led_morse() {
led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "morse"
led_set_attr $1 "delay" "$2"
led_set_attr $1 "message" "$3"
status_led_set_timer() {
led_timer $status_led "$1" "$2"
[ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_timer $status_led2 "$1" "$2"
status_led_set_heartbeat() {
led_set_attr $status_led "trigger" "heartbeat"
status_led_set_morse() {
led_morse $status_led "$1" "$2"
[ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_morse $status_led2 "$1" "$2"
status_led_on() {
led_on $status_led
[ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_on $status_led2
status_led_off() {
led_off $status_led
[ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_off $status_led2
status_led_blink_slow() {
led_timer $status_led 1000 1000
status_led_blink_fast() {
led_timer $status_led 100 100
status_led_blink_preinit() {
led_timer $status_led 100 100
status_led_blink_failsafe() {
led_timer $status_led 50 50
status_led_blink_preinit_regular() {
led_timer $status_led 200 200