Switched to xz archives for smaller size. Removed upstreamed patches. Reorganized Makefile a little bit for clarity. Build/Prepare is not useful anymore. Upstream converted the file to LF. Refreshed config. Removed -ansi option from the original CFLAGS as this was causing long long support to be missing. Removed fPIC. We have the macro $(FPIC) already used. No point in setting fpic and fPIC together. Removed pedantic -Wlong-long warnings as they are not useful. Removed -std=gnu++98. Not only is it unnecessary (it compiles against all standards), it actually results in a size increase. 75843 vs. 75222 (gcc in OpenWrt defaults to g++14). Added --gc-sections to linker flags to reduce size: 72653 vs 75222. Removed warn linker options. They have been upstreamed. Tested on Archer C7v2 and GnuBee PC1. Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <rosenp@gmail.com>
13 lines
877 B
13 lines
877 B
--- a/bin/Makefile.in
+++ b/bin/Makefile.in
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ define do_wrapper
$(Q)echo 'fi' >> $@.tmp
$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
- $(Q)echo '[ -n "$$V" ] && [ $$V -gt 1 ] && echo $(CXX) $(GEN_CFLAGS) $(GEN_CXXFLAGS) $(EH_CXXFLAGS) $$WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR "$$@" $$WRAPPER_OPTIONS' >> $@.tmp
+ $(Q)echo '[ -n "$$V" ] && [ $$V -gt 1 ] && echo $(CXX) $(GEN_CFLAGS) $(GEN_CXXFLAGS) $(EH_CXXFLAGS) $$WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR $$@ $$WRAPPER_OPTIONS' >> $@.tmp
$(Q)echo '' >> $@.tmp
$(Q)chmod 0755 $@.tmp
$(Q)mv $@.tmp $@