/* * Low-Level PCI and SB support for BCM47xx * * Copyright 2006, Broadcom Corporation * All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS OFFERED "AS IS", AND BROADCOM GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE, COMMUNICATION OR OTHERWISE. BROADCOM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT CONCERNING THIS SOFTWARE. * * $Id: hndpci.c,v 2006/04/08 06:13:39 honor Exp $ */ #include <typedefs.h> #include <osl.h> #include <pcicfg.h> #include <bcmdevs.h> #include <sbconfig.h> #include <bcmutils.h> #include <sbutils.h> #include <sbpci.h> #include <bcmendian.h> #include <bcmnvram.h> #include <hndcpu.h> #include <hndmips.h> #include <hndpci.h> /* debug/trace */ #ifdef BCMDBG_PCI #define PCI_MSG(args) printf args #else #define PCI_MSG(args) #endif /* BCMDBG_PCI */ /* Can free sbpci_init() memory after boot */ #ifndef linux #define __init #endif /* linux */ /* Emulated configuration space */ typedef struct { int n; uint size0; uint size1; uint size2; uint size3; } sb_bar_cfg_t; static pci_config_regs sb_config_regs[SB_MAXCORES]; static sb_bar_cfg_t sb_bar_cfg[SB_MAXCORES]; /* Links to emulated and real PCI configuration spaces */ #define MAXFUNCS 2 typedef struct { pci_config_regs *emu; /* emulated PCI config */ pci_config_regs *pci; /* real PCI config */ sb_bar_cfg_t *bar; /* region sizes */ } sb_pci_cfg_t; static sb_pci_cfg_t sb_pci_cfg[SB_MAXCORES][MAXFUNCS]; /* Special emulated config space for non-existing device */ static pci_config_regs sb_pci_null = { 0xffff, 0xffff }; /* Banned cores */ static uint16 pci_ban[SB_MAXCORES] = { 0 }; static uint pci_banned = 0; /* CardBus mode */ static bool cardbus = FALSE; /* Disable PCI host core */ static bool pci_disabled = FALSE; /* Host bridge slot #, default to 0 */ static uint8 pci_hbslot = 0; /* Internal macros */ #define PCI_SLOTAD_MAP 16 /* SLOT<n> mapps to AD<n+16> */ #define PCI_HBSBCFG_REV 8 /* MIN. core rev. required to * access host bridge PCI cfg space * from SB */ /* * Functions for accessing external PCI configuration space */ /* Assume one-hot slot wiring */ #define PCI_SLOT_MAX 16 /* Max. PCI Slots */ static uint32 config_cmd(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off) { uint coreidx; sbpciregs_t *regs; uint32 addr = 0; osl_t *osh; /* CardBusMode supports only one device */ if (cardbus && dev > 1) return 0; osh = sb_osh(sbh); coreidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); regs = (sbpciregs_t *) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_PCI, 0); /* Type 0 transaction */ if (bus == 1) { /* Skip unwired slots */ if (dev < PCI_SLOT_MAX) { uint32 win; /* Slide the PCI window to the appropriate slot */ win = (SBTOPCI_CFG0 | ((1 << (dev + PCI_SLOTAD_MAP)) & SBTOPCI1_MASK)); W_REG(osh, ®s->sbtopci1, win); addr = SB_PCI_CFG | ((1 << (dev + PCI_SLOTAD_MAP)) & ~SBTOPCI1_MASK) | (func << PCICFG_FUN_SHIFT) | (off & ~3); } } else { /* Type 1 transaction */ W_REG(osh, ®s->sbtopci1, SBTOPCI_CFG1); addr = SB_PCI_CFG | (bus << PCICFG_BUS_SHIFT) | (dev << PCICFG_SLOT_SHIFT) | (func << PCICFG_FUN_SHIFT) | (off & ~3); } sb_setcoreidx(sbh, coreidx); return addr; } /* * Read host bridge PCI config registers from Silicon Backplane (>=rev8). * * It returns TRUE to indicate that access to the host bridge's pci config * from SB is ok, and values in 'addr' and 'val' are valid. * * It can only read registers at multiple of 4-bytes. Callers must pick up * needed bytes from 'val' based on 'off' value. Value in 'addr' reflects * the register address where value in 'val' is read. */ static bool sb_pcihb_read_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, uint32 **addr, uint32 *val) { sbpciregs_t *regs; osl_t *osh; uint coreidx; bool ret = FALSE; /* sanity check */ ASSERT(bus == 1); ASSERT(dev == pci_hbslot); ASSERT(func == 0); osh = sb_osh(sbh); /* read pci config when core rev >= 8 */ coreidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); regs = (sbpciregs_t *)sb_setcore(sbh, SB_PCI, 0); if (regs && sb_corerev(sbh) >= PCI_HBSBCFG_REV) { *addr = (uint32 *)®s->pcicfg[func][off >> 2]; *val = R_REG(osh, *addr); ret = TRUE; } sb_setcoreidx(sbh, coreidx); return ret; } int extpci_read_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, void *buf, int len) { uint32 addr = 0, *reg = NULL, val; int ret = 0; /* * Set value to -1 when: * flag 'pci_disabled' is true; * value of 'addr' is zero; * REG_MAP() fails; * BUSPROBE() fails; */ if (pci_disabled) val = 0xffffffff; else if (bus == 1 && dev == pci_hbslot && func == 0 && sb_pcihb_read_config(sbh, bus, dev, func, off, ®, &val)) ; else if (((addr = config_cmd(sbh, bus, dev, func, off)) == 0) || ((reg = (uint32 *)REG_MAP(addr, len)) == 0) || (BUSPROBE(val, reg) != 0)) val = 0xffffffff; PCI_MSG(("%s: 0x%x <= 0x%p(0x%x), len %d, off 0x%x, buf 0x%p\n", __FUNCTION__, val, reg, addr, len, off, buf)); val >>= 8 * (off & 3); if (len == 4) *((uint32 *) buf) = val; else if (len == 2) *((uint16 *) buf) = (uint16) val; else if (len == 1) *((uint8 *) buf) = (uint8) val; else ret = -1; if (reg && addr) REG_UNMAP(reg); return ret; } int extpci_write_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, void *buf, int len) { osl_t *osh; uint32 addr = 0, *reg = NULL, val; int ret = 0; osh = sb_osh(sbh); /* * Ignore write attempt when: * flag 'pci_disabled' is true; * value of 'addr' is zero; * REG_MAP() fails; * BUSPROBE() fails; */ if (pci_disabled) return 0; else if (bus == 1 && dev == pci_hbslot && func == 0 && sb_pcihb_read_config(sbh, bus, dev, func, off, ®, &val)) ; else if (((addr = config_cmd(sbh, bus, dev, func, off)) == 0) || ((reg = (uint32 *) REG_MAP(addr, len)) == 0) || (BUSPROBE(val, reg) != 0)) goto done; if (len == 4) val = *((uint32 *) buf); else if (len == 2) { val &= ~(0xffff << (8 * (off & 3))); val |= *((uint16 *) buf) << (8 * (off & 3)); } else if (len == 1) { val &= ~(0xff << (8 * (off & 3))); val |= *((uint8 *) buf) << (8 * (off & 3)); } else { ret = -1; goto done; } PCI_MSG(("%s: 0x%x => 0x%p\n", __FUNCTION__, val, reg)); W_REG(osh, reg, val); done: if (reg && addr) REG_UNMAP(reg); return ret; } /* * Must access emulated PCI configuration at these locations even when * the real PCI config space exists and is accessible. * * PCI_CFG_VID (0x00) * PCI_CFG_DID (0x02) * PCI_CFG_PROGIF (0x09) * PCI_CFG_SUBCL (0x0a) * PCI_CFG_BASECL (0x0b) * PCI_CFG_HDR (0x0e) * PCI_CFG_INT (0x3c) * PCI_CFG_PIN (0x3d) */ #define FORCE_EMUCFG(off, len) \ ((off == PCI_CFG_VID) || (off == PCI_CFG_DID) || \ (off == PCI_CFG_PROGIF) || \ (off == PCI_CFG_SUBCL) || (off == PCI_CFG_BASECL) || \ (off == PCI_CFG_HDR) || \ (off == PCI_CFG_INT) || (off == PCI_CFG_PIN)) /* Sync the emulation registers and the real PCI config registers. */ static void sb_pcid_read_config(sb_t *sbh, uint coreidx, sb_pci_cfg_t *cfg, uint off, uint len) { osl_t *osh; uint oldidx; ASSERT(cfg); ASSERT(cfg->emu); ASSERT(cfg->pci); /* decide if real PCI config register access is necessary */ if (FORCE_EMUCFG(off, len)) return; osh = sb_osh(sbh); /* access to the real pci config space only when the core is up */ oldidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); sb_setcoreidx(sbh, coreidx); if (sb_iscoreup(sbh)) { if (len == 4) *(uint32 *)((ulong)cfg->emu + off) = htol32(R_REG(osh, (uint32 *)((ulong)cfg->pci + off))); else if (len == 2) *(uint16 *)((ulong)cfg->emu + off) = htol16(R_REG(osh, (uint16 *)((ulong)cfg->pci + off))); else if (len == 1) *(uint8 *)((ulong)cfg->emu + off) = R_REG(osh, (uint8 *)((ulong)cfg->pci + off)); } sb_setcoreidx(sbh, oldidx); } static void sb_pcid_write_config(sb_t *sbh, uint coreidx, sb_pci_cfg_t *cfg, uint off, uint len) { osl_t *osh; uint oldidx; ASSERT(cfg); ASSERT(cfg->emu); ASSERT(cfg->pci); osh = sb_osh(sbh); /* decide if real PCI config register access is necessary */ if (FORCE_EMUCFG(off, len)) return; /* access to the real pci config space only when the core is up */ oldidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); sb_setcoreidx(sbh, coreidx); if (sb_iscoreup(sbh)) { if (len == 4) W_REG(osh, (uint32 *)((ulong)cfg->pci + off), ltoh32(*(uint32 *)((ulong)cfg->emu + off))); else if (len == 2) W_REG(osh, (uint16 *)((ulong)cfg->pci + off), ltoh16(*(uint16 *)((ulong)cfg->emu + off))); else if (len == 1) W_REG(osh, (uint8 *)((ulong)cfg->pci + off), *(uint8 *)((ulong)cfg->emu + off)); } sb_setcoreidx(sbh, oldidx); } /* * Functions for accessing translated SB configuration space */ static int sb_read_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, void *buf, int len) { pci_config_regs *cfg; if (dev >= SB_MAXCORES || func >= MAXFUNCS || (off + len) > sizeof(pci_config_regs)) return -1; cfg = sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].emu; ASSERT(ISALIGNED(off, len)); ASSERT(ISALIGNED((uintptr)buf, len)); /* use special config space if the device does not exist */ if (!cfg) cfg = &sb_pci_null; /* sync emulation with real PCI config if necessary */ else if (sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].pci) sb_pcid_read_config(sbh, dev, &sb_pci_cfg[dev][func], off, len); if (len == 4) *((uint32 *) buf) = ltoh32(*((uint32 *)((ulong) cfg + off))); else if (len == 2) *((uint16 *) buf) = ltoh16(*((uint16 *)((ulong) cfg + off))); else if (len == 1) *((uint8 *) buf) = *((uint8 *)((ulong) cfg + off)); else return -1; return 0; } static int sb_write_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, void *buf, int len) { uint coreidx; void *regs; pci_config_regs *cfg; osl_t *osh; sb_bar_cfg_t *bar; if (dev >= SB_MAXCORES || func >= MAXFUNCS || (off + len) > sizeof(pci_config_regs)) return -1; cfg = sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].emu; if (!cfg) return -1; ASSERT(ISALIGNED(off, len)); ASSERT(ISALIGNED((uintptr)buf, len)); osh = sb_osh(sbh); /* Emulate BAR sizing */ if (off >= OFFSETOF(pci_config_regs, base[0]) && off <= OFFSETOF(pci_config_regs, base[3]) && len == 4 && *((uint32 *) buf) == ~0) { coreidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); if ((regs = sb_setcoreidx(sbh, dev))) { bar = sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].bar; /* Highest numbered address match register */ if (off == OFFSETOF(pci_config_regs, base[0])) cfg->base[0] = ~(bar->size0 - 1); else if (off == OFFSETOF(pci_config_regs, base[1]) && bar->n >= 1) cfg->base[1] = ~(bar->size1 - 1); else if (off == OFFSETOF(pci_config_regs, base[2]) && bar->n >= 2) cfg->base[2] = ~(bar->size2 - 1); else if (off == OFFSETOF(pci_config_regs, base[3]) && bar->n >= 3) cfg->base[3] = ~(bar->size3 - 1); } sb_setcoreidx(sbh, coreidx); } else if (len == 4) *((uint32 *)((ulong) cfg + off)) = htol32(*((uint32 *) buf)); else if (len == 2) *((uint16 *)((ulong) cfg + off)) = htol16(*((uint16 *) buf)); else if (len == 1) *((uint8 *)((ulong) cfg + off)) = *((uint8 *) buf); else return -1; /* sync emulation with real PCI config if necessary */ if (sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].pci) sb_pcid_write_config(sbh, dev, &sb_pci_cfg[dev][func], off, len); return 0; } int sbpci_read_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, void *buf, int len) { if (bus == 0) return sb_read_config(sbh, bus, dev, func, off, buf, len); else return extpci_read_config(sbh, bus, dev, func, off, buf, len); } int sbpci_write_config(sb_t *sbh, uint bus, uint dev, uint func, uint off, void *buf, int len) { if (bus == 0) return sb_write_config(sbh, bus, dev, func, off, buf, len); else return extpci_write_config(sbh, bus, dev, func, off, buf, len); } void sbpci_ban(uint16 core) { if (pci_banned < ARRAYSIZE(pci_ban)) pci_ban[pci_banned++] = core; } /* * Initiliaze PCI core. Return 0 after a successful initialization. * Otherwise return -1 to indicate there is no PCI core and return 1 * to indicate PCI core is disabled. */ int __init sbpci_init_pci(sb_t *sbh) { uint chip, chiprev, chippkg, host; uint32 boardflags; sbpciregs_t *pci; sbconfig_t *sb; uint32 val; int ret = 0; char *hbslot; osl_t *osh; chip = sb_chip(sbh); chiprev = sb_chiprev(sbh); chippkg = sb_chippkg(sbh); osh = sb_osh(sbh); if (!(pci = (sbpciregs_t *) sb_setcore(sbh, SB_PCI, 0))) { printk("PCI: no core\n"); pci_disabled = TRUE; return -1; } if ((chip == 0x4310) && (chiprev == 0)) pci_disabled = TRUE; sb = (sbconfig_t *)((ulong) pci + SBCONFIGOFF); boardflags = (uint32) getintvar(NULL, "boardflags"); /* * The 200-pin BCM4712 package does not bond out PCI. Even when * PCI is bonded out, some boards may leave the pins * floating. */ if (((chip == BCM4712_CHIP_ID) && ((chippkg == BCM4712SMALL_PKG_ID) || (chippkg == BCM4712MID_PKG_ID))) || (boardflags & BFL_NOPCI)) pci_disabled = TRUE; /* Enable the core */ sb_core_reset(sbh, 0, 0); /* * If the PCI core should not be touched (disabled, not bonded * out, or pins floating), do not even attempt to access core * registers. Otherwise, try to determine if it is in host * mode. */ if (pci_disabled) host = 0; else host = !BUSPROBE(val, &pci->control); if (!host) { ret = 1; /* Disable PCI interrupts in client mode */ W_REG(osh, &sb->sbintvec, 0); /* Disable the PCI bridge in client mode */ sbpci_ban(SB_PCI); sb_core_disable(sbh, 0); printk("PCI: Disabled\n"); } else { printk("PCI: Initializing host\n"); /* Disable PCI SBReqeustTimeout for BCM4785 */ if (chip == BCM4785_CHIP_ID) { AND_REG(osh, &sb->sbimconfiglow, ~0x00000070); sb_commit(sbh); } /* Reset the external PCI bus and enable the clock */ W_REG(osh, &pci->control, 0x5); /* enable the tristate drivers */ W_REG(osh, &pci->control, 0xd); /* enable the PCI clock */ OSL_DELAY(150); /* delay > 100 us */ W_REG(osh, &pci->control, 0xf); /* deassert PCI reset */ /* Use internal arbiter and park REQ/GRNT at external master 0 */ W_REG(osh, &pci->arbcontrol, PCI_INT_ARB); OSL_DELAY(1); /* delay 1 us */ if (sb_corerev(sbh) >= 8) { val = getintvar(NULL, "parkid"); ASSERT(val <= PCI_PARKID_LAST); OR_REG(osh, &pci->arbcontrol, val << PCI_PARKID_SHIFT); OSL_DELAY(1); } /* Enable CardBusMode */ cardbus = getintvar(NULL, "cardbus") == 1; if (cardbus) { printk("PCI: Enabling CardBus\n"); /* GPIO 1 resets the CardBus device on bcm94710ap */ sb_gpioout(sbh, 1, 1, GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY); sb_gpioouten(sbh, 1, 1, GPIO_DRV_PRIORITY); W_REG(osh, &pci->sprom[0], R_REG(osh, &pci->sprom[0]) | 0x400); } /* 64 MB I/O access window */ W_REG(osh, &pci->sbtopci0, SBTOPCI_IO); /* 64 MB configuration access window */ W_REG(osh, &pci->sbtopci1, SBTOPCI_CFG0); /* 1 GB memory access window */ W_REG(osh, &pci->sbtopci2, SBTOPCI_MEM | SB_PCI_DMA); /* Host bridge slot # nvram overwrite */ if ((hbslot = nvram_get("pcihbslot"))) { pci_hbslot = bcm_strtoul(hbslot, NULL, 0); ASSERT(pci_hbslot < PCI_MAX_DEVICES); } /* Enable PCI bridge BAR0 prefetch and burst */ val = 6; sbpci_write_config(sbh, 1, pci_hbslot, 0, PCI_CFG_CMD, &val, sizeof(val)); /* Enable PCI interrupts */ W_REG(osh, &pci->intmask, PCI_INTA); } return ret; } /* * Get the PCI region address and size information. */ static void __init sbpci_init_regions(sb_t *sbh, uint func, pci_config_regs *cfg, sb_bar_cfg_t *bar) { osl_t *osh; uint16 coreid; void *regs; sbconfig_t *sb; uint32 base; osh = sb_osh(sbh); coreid = sb_coreid(sbh); regs = sb_coreregs(sbh); sb = (sbconfig_t *)((ulong) regs + SBCONFIGOFF); switch (coreid) { case SB_USB20H: base = htol32(sb_base(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch0))); cfg->base[0] = func == 0 ? base : base + 0x800; /* OHCI/EHCI */ cfg->base[1] = 0; cfg->base[2] = 0; cfg->base[3] = 0; cfg->base[4] = 0; cfg->base[5] = 0; bar->n = 1; bar->size0 = func == 0 ? 0x200 : 0x100; /* OHCI/EHCI */ bar->size1 = 0; bar->size2 = 0; bar->size3 = 0; break; default: cfg->base[0] = htol32(sb_base(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch0))); cfg->base[1] = htol32(sb_base(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch1))); cfg->base[2] = htol32(sb_base(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch2))); cfg->base[3] = htol32(sb_base(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch3))); cfg->base[4] = 0; cfg->base[5] = 0; bar->n = (R_REG(osh, &sb->sbidlow) & SBIDL_AR_MASK) >> SBIDL_AR_SHIFT; bar->size0 = sb_size(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch0)); bar->size1 = sb_size(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch1)); bar->size2 = sb_size(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch2)); bar->size3 = sb_size(R_REG(osh, &sb->sbadmatch3)); break; } } /* * Construct PCI config spaces for SB cores so that they * can be accessed as if they were PCI devices. */ static void __init sbpci_init_cores(sb_t *sbh) { uint chiprev, coreidx, i; sbconfig_t *sb; pci_config_regs *cfg, *pci; sb_bar_cfg_t *bar; void *regs; osl_t *osh; uint16 vendor, device; uint16 coreid; uint8 class, subclass, progif; uint dev; uint8 header; uint func; chiprev = sb_chiprev(sbh); coreidx = sb_coreidx(sbh); osh = sb_osh(sbh); /* Scan the SB bus */ bzero(sb_config_regs, sizeof(sb_config_regs)); bzero(sb_bar_cfg, sizeof(sb_bar_cfg)); bzero(sb_pci_cfg, sizeof(sb_pci_cfg)); memset(&sb_pci_null, -1, sizeof(sb_pci_null)); cfg = sb_config_regs; bar = sb_bar_cfg; for (dev = 0; dev < SB_MAXCORES; dev ++) { /* Check if the core exists */ if (!(regs = sb_setcoreidx(sbh, dev))) continue; sb = (sbconfig_t *)((ulong) regs + SBCONFIGOFF); /* Check if this core is banned */ coreid = sb_coreid(sbh); for (i = 0; i < pci_banned; i++) if (coreid == pci_ban[i]) break; if (i < pci_banned) continue; for (func = 0; func < MAXFUNCS; ++func) { /* Make sure we won't go beyond the limit */ if (cfg >= &sb_config_regs[SB_MAXCORES]) { printk("PCI: too many emulated devices\n"); goto done; } /* Convert core id to pci id */ if (sb_corepciid(sbh, func, &vendor, &device, &class, &subclass, &progif, &header)) continue; /* * Differentiate real PCI config from emulated. * non zero 'pci' indicate there is a real PCI config space * for this device. */ switch (device) { case BCM47XX_GIGETH_ID: pci = (pci_config_regs *)((uint32)regs + 0x800); break; case BCM47XX_SATAXOR_ID: pci = (pci_config_regs *)((uint32)regs + 0x400); break; case BCM47XX_ATA100_ID: pci = (pci_config_regs *)((uint32)regs + 0x800); break; default: pci = NULL; break; } /* Supported translations */ cfg->vendor = htol16(vendor); cfg->device = htol16(device); cfg->rev_id = chiprev; cfg->prog_if = progif; cfg->sub_class = subclass; cfg->base_class = class; cfg->header_type = header; sbpci_init_regions(sbh, func, cfg, bar); /* Save core interrupt flag */ cfg->int_pin = R_REG(osh, &sb->sbtpsflag) & SBTPS_NUM0_MASK; /* Save core interrupt assignment */ cfg->int_line = sb_irq(sbh); /* Indicate there is no SROM */ *((uint32 *) &cfg->sprom_control) = 0xffffffff; /* Point to the PCI config spaces */ sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].emu = cfg; sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].pci = pci; sb_pci_cfg[dev][func].bar = bar; cfg ++; bar ++; } } done: sb_setcoreidx(sbh, coreidx); } /* * Initialize PCI core and construct PCI config spaces for SB cores. * Must propagate sbpci_init_pci() return value to the caller to let * them know the PCI core initialization status. */ int __init sbpci_init(sb_t *sbh) { int status = sbpci_init_pci(sbh); sbpci_init_cores(sbh); return status; }