Now that we have separate files for each kernel version,
only the version/hash for the target kernel are available.
This cause a missing hash error (and wrong kernel version) for
bpf-headers when a testing kernel version is used for the current target.
Fix this error by manually including the kernel version/hash file for the
specific kernel version requested.
Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
Add a package for util-linux' ipcs command, to show information about
System V inter-process communication facilities.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
ZTE MF286 is an indoor LTE category 6 CPE router with simultaneous
dual-band 802.11ac plus 802.11n Wi-Fi radios and quad-port gigabit
Ethernet switch, FXS and external USB 2.0 port.
Hardware highlights:
- CPU: QCA9563 SoC at 775MHz,
- RAM: 128MB DDR2,
- NOR Flash: MX25L1606E 2MB SPI Flash, for U-boot only,
- NAND Flash: GD5F1G04UBYIG 128MB SPI NAND-Flash, for all other data,
- Wi-Fi 5GHz: QCA9882 2x2 MIMO 802.11ac radio,
- WI-Fi 2.4GHz: QCA9563 3x3 MIMO 802.11n radio,
- Switch: QCA8337v2 4-port gigabit Ethernet, with single SGMII CPU port,
- WWAN: MDM9230-based category 6 internal LTE modem in extended
mini-PCIE form factor, with 3 internal antennas and 2 external antenna
connections, single mini-SIM slot. Modem model identified as MF270,
- FXS: one external ATA port (handled entirely by modem part) with two
physical connections in parallel,
- USB: Single external USB 2.0 port,
- Switches: power switch, WPS, Wi-Fi and reset buttons,
- LEDs: Wi-Fi, Test (internal). Rest of LEDs (Phone, WWAN, Battery,
Signal state) handled entirely by modem. 4 link status LEDs handled by
the switch on the backside.
- Battery: 3Ah 1-cell Li-Ion replaceable battery, with charging and
monitoring handled by modem.
- Label MAC device: eth0
Console connection: connector X2 is the console port, with the following
pinout, starting from pin 1, which is the topmost pin when the board is
- VCC (3.3V). Do not use unless you need to source power for the
converer from it.
- TX
- RX
Default port configuration in U-boot as well as in stock firmware is
Due to different flash layout from stock firmware, sysupgrade from
within stock firmware is impossible, despite it's based on QSDK which
itself is based on OpenWrt.
STEP 0: Stock firmware update:
As installing OpenWrt cuts you off from official firmware updates for
the modem part, it is recommended to update the stock firmware to latest
version before installation, to have built-in modem at the latest firmware
STEP 1: gaining root shell:
Method 1:
This works if busybox has telnetd compiled in the binary.
If this does not work, try method 2.
Using well-known exploit to start telnetd on your router - works
only if Busybox on stock firmware has telnetd included:
- Open stock firmware web interface
- Navigate to "URL filtering" section by going to "Advanced settings",
then "Firewall" and finally "URL filter".
- Add an entry ending with "&&telnetd&&", for example
- telnetd will immediately listen on port 4719.
- After connecting to telnetd use "admin/admin" as credentials.
Method 2:
This works if busybox does not have telnetd compiled in. Notably, this
is the case in firmware.
If this does not work, try method 3.
- Set IP of your computer to
- Have a TFTP server running at that address
- Download MIPS build of busybox including telnetd, for example from:
and put it in it's root directory. Rename it as "telnetd".
- As previously, login to router's web UI and navigate to "URL
- Using "Inspect" feature, extend "maxlength" property of the input
field named "addURLFilter", so it looks like this:
<input type="text" name="addURLFilter" id="addURLFilter" maxlength="332"
class="required form-control">
- Stay on the page - do not navigate anywhere
- Enter "http://aa& telnetd" as a filter.
- Save the settings. This will download the telnetd binary over tftp and
execute it. You should be able to log in at port 23, using
"admin/admin" as credentials.
Method 3:
If the above doesn't work, use the serial console - it exposes root shell
directly without need for login. Some stock firmwares, notably one from
finnish DNA operator lack telnetd in their builds.
STEP 2: Backing up original software:
As the stock firmware may be customized by the carrier and is not
officially available in the Internet, IT IS IMPERATIVE to back up the
stock firmware, if you ever plan to returning to stock firmware.
Method 1: after booting OpenWrt initramfs image via TFTP:
- Dump stock firmware located on stock kernel and ubi partitions:
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd4 > mtd4_kernel.bin
ssh root@ cat /dev/mtd8 > mtd8_ubi.bin
And keep them in a safe place, should a restore be needed in future.
Method 2: using stock firmware:
- Connect an external USB drive formatted with FAT or ext4 to the USB
- The drive will be auto-mounted to /var/usb_disk
- Check the flash layout of the device:
cat /proc/mtd
It should show the following:
mtd0: 00080000 00010000 "uboot"
mtd1: 00020000 00010000 "uboot-env"
mtd2: 00140000 00020000 "fota-flag"
mtd3: 00140000 00020000 "caldata"
mtd4: 00140000 00020000 "mac"
mtd5: 00600000 00020000 "cfg-param"
mtd6: 00140000 00020000 "oops"
mtd7: 00800000 00020000 "web"
mtd8: 00300000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd9: 01f00000 00020000 "rootfs"
mtd10: 01900000 00020000 "data"
mtd11: 03200000 00020000 "fota"
Differences might indicate that this is NOT a vanilla MF286 device but
one of its later derivatives.
- Copy over all MTD partitions, for example by executing the following:
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11; do cat /dev/mtd$i > \
/var/usb_disk/mtd$i; done
- If the count of MTD partitions is different, this might indicate that
this is not a standard MF286 device, but one of its later derivatives.
- (optionally) rename the files according to MTD partition names from
- Unmount the filesystem:
umount /var/usb_disk; sync
and then remove the drive.
- Store the files in safe place if you ever plan to return to stock
firmware. This is especially important, because stock firmware for
this device is not available officially, and is usually customized by
the mobile providers.
STEP 3: Booting initramfs image:
Method 1: using serial console (RECOMMENDED):
- Have TFTP server running, exposing the OpenWrt initramfs image, and
set your computer's IP address as This is the default
expected by U-boot. You may wish to change that, and alter later
commands accordingly.
- Connect the serial console if you haven't done so already,
- Interrupt boot sequence by pressing any key in U-boot when prompted
- Use the following commands to boot OpenWrt initramfs through TFTP:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0x81000000 openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin
bootm 0x81000000
(Replace server IP and router IP as needed). There is no emergency
TFTP boot sequence triggered by buttons, contrary to MF283+.
- When OpenWrt initramfs finishes booting, proceed to actual
Method 2: using initramfs image as temporary boot kernel
This exploits the fact, that kernel and rootfs MTD devices are
consecutive on NAND flash, so from within stock image, an initramfs can
be written to this area and booted by U-boot on next reboot, because it
uses "nboot" command which isn't limited by kernel partition size.
- Download the initramfs-kernel.bin image
- Split the image into two parts on 3MB partition size boundary, which
is the size of kernel partition. Pad the output of second file to
eraseblock size:
dd if=openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin \
bs=128k count=24 \
dd if=openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin \
bs=128k skip=24 conv=sync \
- Copy over /usr/bin/flash_eraseall and /usr/bin/nandwrite utilities to
/tmp. This is CRITICAL for installation, as erasing rootfs will cut
you off from those tools on flash!
- After backing up the previous MTD contents, write the images to the
respective MTD devices:
/tmp/flash_eraseall /dev/<kernel-mtd>
/tmp/nandwrite /dev/<kernel-mtd> \
/tmp/flash_eraseall /dev/<kernel-mtd>
/tmp/nandwrite /dev/<rootfs-mtd> \
- Ensure that no bad blocks were present on the devices while writing.
If they were present, you may need to vary the split between
kernel and rootfs parts, so U-boot reads a valid uImage after skipping
the bad blocks. If it fails, you will be left with method 3 (below).
- If write is OK, reboot the device, it will reboot to OpenWrt
reboot -f
- After rebooting, SSH into the device and use sysupgrade to perform
proper installation.
Method 3: using built-in TFTP recovery (LAST RESORT):
- With that method, ensure you have complete backup of system's NAND
flash first. It involves deliberately erasing the kernel.
- Download "-initramfs-kernel.bin" image for the device.
- Prepare the recovery image by prepending 8MB of zeroes to the image,
and name it root_uImage:
dd if=/dev/zero of=padding.bin bs=8M count=1
cat padding.bin openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-initramfs-kernel.bin >
- Set up a TFTP server at Router will use random address
from that range.
- Put the previously generated "root_uImage" into TFTP server root
- Deliberately erase "kernel" partition" using stock firmware after
taking backup. THIS IS POINT OF NO RETURN.
- Restart the device. U-boot will attempt flashing the recovery
initramfs image, which will let you perform actual installation using
sysupgrade. This might take a considerable time, sometimes the router
doesn't establish Ethernet link properly right after booting. Be
- After U-boot finishes flashing, the LEDs of switch ports will all
light up. At this moment, perform power-on reset, and wait for OpenWrt
initramfs to finish booting. Then proceed to actual installation.
STEP 4: Actual installation:
- scp the sysupgrade image to the device:
scp openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin \
- ssh into the device and execute sysupgrade:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ath79-nand-zte_mf286-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
- Wait for router to reboot to full OpenWrt.
STEP 5: WAN connection establishment
Since the router is equipped with LTE modem as its main WAN interface, it
might be useful to connect to the Internet right away after
installation. To do so, please put the following entries in
/etc/config/network, replacing the specific configuration entries with
one needed for your ISP:
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
option auth '<auth>' # As required, usually 'none'
option pincode '<pin>' # If required by SIM
option apn '<apn>' # As required by ISP
option pdptype '<pdp>' # Typically 'ipv4', or 'ipv4v6' or 'ipv6'
For example, the following works for most polish ISPs
config interface 'wan'
option proto 'qmi'
option device '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
option auth 'none'
option apn 'internet'
option pdptype 'ipv4'
If you have build with LuCI, installing luci-proto-qmi helps with this
Restoring the stock firmware:
If you took your backup using stock firmware, you will need to
reassemble the partitions into images to be restored onto the flash. The
layout might differ from ISP to ISP, this example is based on generic stock
The only partitions you really care about are "web", "kernel", and
"rootfs". For easy padding and possibly restoring configuration, you can
concatenate most of them into images written into "ubi" meta-partition
in OpenWrt. To do so, execute something like:
cat mtd5_cfg-param.bin mtd6-oops.bin mtd7-web.bin mtd9-rootfs.bin > \
You can skip the "fota" partition altogether,
it is used only for stock firmware update purposes and can be overwritten
safely anyway. The same is true for "data" partition which on my device
was found to be unused at all. Restoring mtd5_cfg-param.bin will restore
the stock firmware configuration you had before.
Method 1: Using initramfs:
- Boot to initramfs as in step 3:
- Completely detach ubi0 partition using ubidetach /dev/ubi0_0
- Look up the kernel and ubi partitions in /proc/mtd
- Copy over the stock kernel image using scp to /tmp
- Erase kernel and restore stock kernel:
(scp mtd4_kernel.bin root@
mtd write <kernel_mtd> mtd4_kernel.bin
rm mtd4_kernel.bin
- Copy over the stock partition backups one-by-one using scp to /tmp, and
restore them individually. Otherwise you might run out of space in
(scp mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin root@
mtd write <ubiconcat0_mtd> mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
rm mtd3_ubiconcat0.bin
(scp mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin root@
mtd write <ubiconcat1_mtd> mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
rm mtd5_ubiconcat1.bin
- If the write was correct, force a device reboot with
reboot -f
Method 2: Using live OpenWrt system (NOT RECOMMENDED):
- Prepare a USB flash drive contatining MTD backup files
- Ensure you have kmod-usb-storage and filesystem driver installed for
your drive
- Mount your flash drive
mkdir /tmp/usb
mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/usb
- Remount your UBI volume at /overlay to R/O
mount -o remount,ro /overlay
- Write back the kernel and ubi partitions from USB drive
cd /tmp/usb
mtd write mtd4_kernel.bin /dev/<kernel_mtd>
mtd write mtd8_ubi.bin /dev/<kernel_ubi>
- If everything went well, force a device reboot with
reboot -f
Last image may be truncated a bit due to lack of space in RAM, but this will happen over "fota"
MTD partition which may be safely erased after reboot anyway.
Method 3: using built-in TFTP recovery (LAST RESORT):
- Assemble a recovery rootfs image from backup of stock partitions by
concatenating "web", "kernel", "rootfs" images dumped from the device,
as "root_uImage"
- Use it in place of "root_uImage" recovery initramfs image as in the
TFTP pre-installation method.
Quirks and known issues
- Kernel partition size is increased to 4MB compared to stock 3MB, to
accomodate future kernel updates - at this moment OpenWrt 5.10 kernel
image is at 2.5MB which is dangerously close to the limit. This has no
effect on booting the system - but keep that in mind when reassembling
an image to restore stock firmware.
- uqmi seems to be unable to change APN manually, so please use the one
you used before in stock firmware first. If you need to change it,
please use protocok '3g' to establish connection once, or use the
following command to change APN (and optionally IP type) manually:
echo -ne 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<apn>' > /dev/ttyUSB0
- The only usable LED as a "system LED" is the green debug LED hidden
inside the case. All other LEDs are controlled by modem, on which the
router part has some influence only on Wi-Fi LED.
- Wi-Fi LED currently doesn't work while under OpenWrt, despite having
correct GPIO mapping. All other LEDs are controlled by modem,
including this one in stock firmware. GPIO19, mapped there only acts
as a gate, while the actual signal source seems to be 5GHz Wi-Fi
radio, however it seems it is not the LED exposed by ath10k as
- GPIO5 used for modem reset is a suicide switch, causing a hardware
reset of whole board, not only the modem. It is attached to
gpio-restart driver, to restart the modem on reboot as well, to ensure
QMI connectivity after reboot, which tends to fail otherwise.
- Modem, as in MF283+, exposes root shell over ADB - while not needed
for OpenWrt operation at all - have fun lurking around.
- MAC address shift for 5GHz Wi-Fi used in stock firmware is
0x320000000000, which is impossible to encode in the device tree, so I
took the liberty of using MAC address increment of 1 for it, to ensure
different BSSID for both Wi-Fi interfaces.
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
ZTE MF286D is a LTE router with four gigabit ethernet ports
and integrated QMI mPCIE modem.
Hardware specification:
- CPU: IPQ4019
- RAM: 256MB
- Flash: NAND 128MB + NOR 2MB
- WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 2.4GHz 802.11bgn 2x2:2
- WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 5GHz 802.11anac 2x2:2
- LTE: mPCIe cat 12 card (Modem chipset MDM9250)
- LAN: 4 Gigabit Ports
- USB: 1x USB2.0 (regular port). 1x USB3.0 (mpcie - used by the modem)
- Serial console: X8 connector 115200 8n1
Known issues:
- Many LEDs are driven by the modem. Only internal LEDs and wifi LEDs
are driven by cpu.
- Wifi LED is triggered by phy0tpt only
- No VoIP support
- LAN1/WAN port is configured as WAN
- ZTE gives only one MAC per device. Use +1/+2/+3 increment for WAN
and WLAN0/1
Opening the case:
1. Take of battery lid (no battery support for this model, battery cage
is dummy).
2. Unscrew screw placed behind battery lid.
3. Take off back cover. It attached with multiple plastic clamps.
4. Unscrew four more screws hidden behind back case.
5. Remove front panel from blue chassis. There are more plastic
6. Unscrew two boards, which secures the PCB in the chassis.
7. Extract board from blue chassis.
Console connection (X8 connector):
1. Parameters: 115200 8N1
2. Pin description: (from closest pin to X8 descriptor to farthest)
- VCC (3.3V)
- TX
- RX
Install Instructions:
Serial + initramfs:
1. Place OpenWrt initramfs image for the device on a TFTP in
the server's root. This example uses Server IP:
2. Connect serial console (115200,8n1) to X8 connector.
3. Connect TFTP server to RJ-45 port.
4. Stop in u-Boot and run u-Boot commands:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
set fdt_high 0x85000000
tftp openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-zte_mf286d-initramfs-fit-zImage.itb
bootm $loadaddr
5. Please make backup of original partitions, if you think about revert
to stock.
6. Login via ssh or serial and remove stock partitions:
ubiattach -m 9
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs_data
7. Install image via "sysupgrade -n".
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
(cosmetic changes to the commit message)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Kalle Valo ath10k-firmware repository no longer provides the
legacy board.bin files for the qca99x0 chips. Instead he
copied over the codeaurora version and add more board files.
In the future, this board-2.bin should find its way to
linux-firmware.git, which would allow us to remove the
extra download code completely.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
this should have been removed together with linux 5.4 APM821XX
support. Currently, this didn't hurt or broke something. But it
will in the next stable kernel release.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The SDK does not ship the generic platform files. Use relative path for
GENERIC_PLATFORM_DIR to make it work. This points it at the files from
the feed directory instead of the base SDK path
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
All devices which used this package migrated to the kernel GPIO-line
watchdog driver and configure it over their DT.
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
This solves issue with DDR training on Turris Omnia.
******** DRAM initialization Failed (res 0x1) ********
DDR3 Training Sequence - FAILED
ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###
Signed-off-by: Josef Schlehofer <>
Now that we can have both legacy and nft iptables variants
installed at the same time, install the legacy symlinks
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <>
As nftables is now the default, ip(6)tables-nft gets higher priority
The removed symlinks ("$(CP)" line) will now be installed by the
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <>
according to iptables-nft man page,
"These tools use the libxtables framework extensions and hook to the nf_tables
kernel subsystem using the nft_compat module."
This means that to work, iptables-nft needs the same modules as
iptables legacy except the ip(6)table-{filter,mangle,nat,raw}
ip_tables, ip6tables.
When those modules are loaded iptables-nft-save output contains
"# Warning: iptables-legacy tables present, use iptables-legacy-save to see them"
But as long as it's empty it should not be a problem.
To have nft properly display the rules created by ip(6)tables-nft we need
all iptables targets and matches to be built as extension and not built-in
When switching a package to iptables-nft, you need to keep the
iptables-mod-* dependencies
This patch does minimal changes:
- remove the direct iptables-nft -> iptables dependency
- and more important add nft-compat dependency
The rule
iptables-nft -A OUTPUT -d -m comment --comment "aaa" -j REJECT
table ip filter {
chain OUTPUT {
type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
ip daddr # xt_comment counter packets 0 bytes 0 # xt_REJECT
Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <>
Add option to compile kmod-vrf, support for Virtual Routing and
Forwarding (Lite).
This module depends on NET_L3_MASTER_DEV, which is a boolean kernel
option, so we need to create a configuration option also for this, and
make kmod-vrf depend on it.
Signed-off-by: Marek Behún <>
The sizes of the ipk changed on MIPS 24Kc like this:
13281 uboot-envtools_2021.01-54_mips_24kc.ipk
13308 uboot-envtools_2022.01-1_mips_24kc.ipk
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The sizes of the ipk changed on MIPS 24Kc like this:
11248 libcap_2.51-1_mips_24kc.ipk
14461 libcap_2.63-1_mips_24kc.ipk
18864 libcap-bin_2.51-1_mips_24kc.ipk
20576 libcap-bin_2.63-1_mips_24kc.ipk
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This release fixes two security mount(8) and umount(8) issues:
Improper UID check in libmount allows an unprivileged user to unmount FUSE
filesystems of users with similar UID.
This issue is related to parsing the /proc/self/mountinfo file allows an
unprivileged user to unmount other user's filesystems that are either
world-writable themselves or mounted in a world-writable directory.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The man page of the raw tool does not build because the disk-utils/raw.8
file is missing. It looks like it should be in the tar.xz file we
download, but it is missing.
We do not package the raw tool, so this is not a problem.
This fixes the following build error:
No rule to make target 'disk-utils/raw.8', needed by 'all-am'. Stop.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The sizes of the ipk changed on MIPS 24Kc like this:
289764 strace_5.14-1_mips_24kc.ipk
310899 strace_5.16-1_mips_24kc.ipk
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
795f420 cmis: Rename CMIS parsing functions
369b43a cmis: Initialize CMIS memory map
da16288 cmis: Use memory map during parsing
6acaeb9 cmis: Consolidate code between IOCTL and netlink paths
d7d15f7 sff-8636: Rename SFF-8636 parsing functions
4230597 sff-8636: Initialize SFF-8636 memory map
b74c040 sff-8636: Use memory map during parsing
799572f sff-8636: Consolidate code between IOCTL and netlink paths
9fdf45c sff-8079: Split SFF-8079 parsing function
2ccda25 netlink: eeprom: Export a function to request an EEPROM page
86792db cmis: Request specific pages for parsing in netlink path
6e2b32a sff-8636: Request specific pages for parsing in netlink path
c2170d4 sff-8079: Request specific pages for parsing in netlink path
9538f38 netlink: eeprom: Defer page requests to individual parsers
664586e Merge branch 'review/next/module-mem-map' into master
50fdaec ethtool: Set mask correctly for dumping advertised FEC modes
c5e7133 cable-test: Fix premature process termination
73091cd sff-8636: Use an SFF-8636 specific define for maximum number of channels
837c166 sff-common: Move OFFSET_TO_U16_PTR() to common header file
8658852 cmis: Initialize Page 02h in memory map
27b42a9 cmis: Initialize Banked Page 11h in memory map
340d88e cmis: Parse and print diagnostic information
eae6a99 cmis: Print Module State and Fault Cause
82012f2 cmis: Print Module-Level Controls
d7b1007 sff-8636: Print Power set and Power override bits
429f2fc Merge branch 'review/cmis-diag' into master
32457a9 monitor: do not show duplicate options in help text
c01963e Release version 5.16.
The sizes of the ipk changed on MIPS 24Kc like this:
34317 ethtool_5.15-1_mips_24kc.ipk
34311 ethtool_5.16-1_mips_24kc.ipk
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This fixes the following security problems:
* Zeroize several intermediate variables used to calculate the expected
value when verifying a MAC or AEAD tag. This hardens the library in
case the value leaks through a memory disclosure vulnerability. For
example, a memory disclosure vulnerability could have allowed a
man-in-the-middle to inject fake ciphertext into a DTLS connection.
* Fix a double-free that happened after mbedtls_ssl_set_session() or
mbedtls_ssl_get_session() failed with MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED
(out of memory). After that, calling mbedtls_ssl_session_free()
and mbedtls_ssl_free() would cause an internal session buffer to
be free()'d twice. CVE-2021-44732
The sizes of the ipk changed on MIPS 24Kc like this:
182454 libmbedtls12_2.16.11-2_mips_24kc.ipk
182742 libmbedtls12_2.16.12-1_mips_24kc.ipk
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This is a minor corrective release over GDB 11.1, fixing the following issues:
* PR sim/28302 (gdb fails to build with glibc 2.34)
* PR build/28318 (std::thread support configure check does not use CXX_DIALECT)
* PR gdb/28405 (arm-none-eabi: internal-error: ptid_t remote_target::select_thread_for_ambiguous_stop_reply(const target_waitstatus*): Assertion `first_resumed_thread != nullptr' failed)
* PR tui/28483 ([gdb/tui] breakpoint creation not displayed)
* PR build/28555 (uclibc compile failure since commit 4655f8509fd44e6efabefa373650d9982ff37fd6)
* PR rust/28637 (Rust characters will be encoded using DW_ATE_UTF)
* PR gdb/28758 (GDB 11 doesn't work correctly on binaries with a SHT_RELR (.relr.dyn) section)
* PR gdb/28785 (Support SHT_RELR (.relr.dyn) section)
The sizes of the ipk changed on mips 24Kc like this:
2285775 gdb_11.1-3_mips_24kc.ipk
2287441 gdb_11.2-4_mips_24kc.ipk
191828 gdbserver_11.1-3_mips_24kc.ipk
191811 gdbserver_11.2-4_mips_24kc.ipk
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Add the most recent supported firmware file for Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210
wireless chip. The API version 67 is not yet supported by the driver.
Additional PNVM file is required since API version 62.
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
Just use 'start' action which will have the desired effect instead of
trying to introduce a 'start_file' action which didn't work that way
because procd jshn magic would have to wrap around it.
Fixes: 88baf6ce2c ("ubox: only start log to file when filesystem has been mounted")
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
From: Peter Lundkvist <>
This fixes the script to recognize both
__NR_Linux, used by mips, and __NR_SYSCALL_BASE and
__ARM_NR_BASE used by arm.
Run-tested on arm (ipq806x) and mips (ath79), both with glibc.
Compile-tested and checked resulting syscall_names.h file wuth
glibc: aarch64, powerpc, x86_64, i486
musl: arm, mips
Fixes: FS#4194, FS#4195
Signed-off-by: Peter Lundkvist <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
If log_file is on an filesystem mounted using /etc/config/fstab we have
to wait for that to happen before starting the logread process.
Inhibit the start of the file-writer process and use a mount trigger to
fire it up once the filesystem actually becomes available.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Allow init scripts to trigger free-form actions by exposing
Clean up mount trigger wrappers while at it to reduce code duplication.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The arc700 target is not booting up since some time, see here:
It looks like there is a problem in the toolchain when using glibc.
Currently no one is working on fixing this problem, remove the target
instead. This target also does not have many users we are aware of.
If someone wants to have this target back, feel free to add a fixed
version of this target again.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Acked-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Acked-by: Stijn Tintel <>
bpftool will enabled libbfd and libopcodes which gets picked up by perf
as libraries to link against. Add those missing dependencies when either
of these packages are enabled.
Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <>
nf-nathelper-extra and nf-conntrack-netlink had iptables related
dependencies, yet, when looking for the respective kernel symbols and
checking it's dependencies it was confirmed that iptables wasn't
required and that these were either it's own moodule or tool independent
(nftables or iptables).
Correct these and make sure no unneeded extras are pulled in.
Signed-off-by: Tiago Gaspar <>
Add U-Boot env settings to allow accessing the environment using
fw_printenv and fw_setenv tools on the UniElec U7623 board.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Brings bootmenu and production/recovery dual-boot scheme like on
the BPi-R2, BPi-R64, E8450 and UniFi 6 LR.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
The ucode VM always passes 64bit integer values to sprintf implementation
while the `%d` format expects 32bit integers on 32bit platforms, leading
to incorrect formatting results.
Temporarily solve the issue by casting the numeric argument to int until
a more thorough fix arrives with the next update.
Fixes: FS#4234
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
This removes -static compile option. The -static option tells GCC to
link this statically with the libc, which we do not want in OpenWrt. We
want to link everything dynamically to the libc. This fixes a compile
problem with glibc.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Add the nohostroute option as available for gre and wg tunnels to
allow the user to prevent explicit creation of a route to the peer
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros AR7240 rev 2
* 350/350/175 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 32 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
* 1T1R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
* 6x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 2x ethernet, 1x power)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* 2x fast ethernet
- eth0
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
- eth1
+ builtin switch port 4
+ used as LAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* external antenna
The device itself requires the mtdparts from the uboot arguments to
properly boot the flashed image and to support dual-boot (primary +
recovery image). Unfortunately, the name of the mtd device in mtdparts is
still using the legacy name "ar7240-nor0" which must be supplied using the
Linux-specfic DT parameter linux,mtd-name to overwrite the generic name
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Changes from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4:
- ubiscan debugging and statistics utility
- Some mtd-tests erroneously using sub-pages instead of the full page size
- Buffer overrun in fectest
- Missing jffs2 kernel header in the last release, leading to build
failures on some systems.
Changes from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3:
flashcp: Add new function that copy only different blocks
flash_erase: Add flash erase chip
Add flash_otp_erase
Add an ubifs mount helper
Add nandflipbits tool
mkfs.ubifs: Fix runtime assertions when running without crypto
mtd-utils: Use AC_SYS_LARGEFILE
Fix test binary installation
libmtd: avoid divide by zero
ubihealthd: fix UBIFS build dependency
mkfs.ubifs: remove OPENSSL_no_config()
misc-utils: Add fectest to build system
mkfs.ubifs: Fix build with SELinux
Fix typos found by Debian's lintian tool
Fix jffs2 build if zlib or lzo headers are not in default paths
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
x86, mt7623 and others buildbot failed due to:
|Package kmod-hwmon-nct7802 is missing dependencies for the following libraries:
Fixes: 1ed50b92d1 ("package: kernel: add driver module for NCT7802Y")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This commit add package with hwmon-nct7802 module.
This driver implements support for the Nuvoton NCT7802Y hardware monitoring
chip. NCT7802Y supports 6 temperature sensors, 5 voltage sensors, and 3 fan
speed sensors.
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
(fixed c&p'ed module description)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
SOC: IPQ4019
CPU: Quad-core ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
DRAM: 256 MB
NAND: 128 MiB Macronix MX30LF1G18AC
ETH: Qualcomm Atheros QCA8075 Gigabit Switch (4x LAN, 1x WAN)
USB: 1x 3.0 (via Synopsys DesignWare DWC3 controller in the SoC)
WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 2.4GHz 802.11bgn 2x2:2
WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9984 5GHz 802.11nac 4x4:4
INPUT: 1x WPS, 1x Reset
LEDS: Status, WIFI1, WIFI2, WAN (red & blue), 4x LAN
This board is very similar to the RT-ACRH13/RT-AC58U. It must be flashed
with an intermediary initramfs image, the jffs2 ubi volume deleted, and
then finally a sysupgrade with the final image performed.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Roys <>
(added ALT0)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
OpenWrt plans to move over to firewall4 which uses nftables under the
hood. To allow a smooth migration the package `iptables-nft` offer a
transparent wrapper to apply iptables rules to nftables.
Without the config option for nftables the package isn't installed and
therefore can't be tested. This commit enabled it and therefore provides
the wrapper.
The size of the iptables package increases from 25436 to 26500 Bytes.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
ca6c35c uxc: usage message cosmetics
e083dd4 uxc: fix two minor issues reported by Coverity
35dfbff procd: jail/cgroups: correctly enable "rdma" when requested
3b3ac64 procd: mount /dev with noexec
ac2b8b3 procd: clean up /dev/pts mounts
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
0f16ea5 options.c: add DSCP code LE Least Effort
24ba465 firewall3: remove redundant syn check
df1306a firewall3: fix locking issue
3624c37 firewall3: support table load on access on Linux 5.15+
Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros QCA9558 ver 1 rev 0
* 720/600/240 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 128 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2T2R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (11n)
* 2T2R 5 GHz Wi-Fi (11ac)
* 6x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 2x ethernet, 1x power)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default))
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* TI tmp423 (package kmod-hwmon-tmp421) for temperature monitoring
* 2x ethernet
- eth0
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY (RGMII)
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 802.3af POE
+ used as LAN interface
- eth1
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY (SGMII)
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* internal antennas
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros AR9344 rev 2
* 560/450/225 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 64 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 1T1R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
* 2T2R 5 GHz Wi-Fi
* 6x GPIO-LEDs (3x wifi, 2x ethernet, 1x power)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* TI tmp423 (package kmod-hwmon-tmp421) for temperature monitoring
* 2x ethernet
- eth0
+ AR8035 ethernet PHY
+ 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
+ 802.3af POE
+ used as LAN interface
- eth1
+ 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
+ builtin switch port 1
+ 18-24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* internal antennas
Flashing instructions:
Various methods can be used to install the actual image on the flash.
Two easy ones are:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
initramfs from TFTP
The serial console must be used to access the u-boot shell during bootup.
It can then be used to first boot up the initramfs image from a TFTP server
(here with the IP
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin && bootm $fileaddr
The actual sysupgrade image can then be transferred (on the LAN port) to the
device via
scp <filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin root@
On the device, the sysupgrade must then be started using
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<filename-of-squashfs-sysupgrade>.bin
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
db7fb64 libopkg: pkg_hash: prefer to-be-installed packages
2edcfad libopkg: set 'const' attribute for argv
This should fix the ImageBuilder problems people are having since we
introduced the 'uci-firewall' providers.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
9a509d4 ruleset.uc: consolidate ip and ip6 offload
21f311d ruleset.uc: don't trim newline before comment sign
f121383 tests: enable flow offloading in tests
550df40 tests: add test for unknown defaults option
47c5a5b tests: add test for deprecated rule option
69a89d6 tests: add test for unknown rule option
07579df fw4.uc: handle interface zone option
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Almost all targets have the fixed-phy feature built into the kernel.
One big exception is x86. This caused a problem with the upcoming
LAN78xx usb driver. Hence this patch breaks out the fixed-phy from
of_mdio (which didn't include the .ko) and puts into a separate
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
phy drivers for Microchip's LAN88xx PHYs.
This is needed for the "LAN7801" variant
of the upstream lan78xx usb ethernet driver.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
libdw depends on when building with the musl-libc library, add
this missing dependency.
Fixes: 6835ea13f0 ("elfutils: update to 0.186")
Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <>
Linux upstream commit 9370f2d05a
add load firmware file through request_firmware,this affect the
nanopi r2s and some USB adapters in kernel 5.10 with this error:
'r8152 4-1:1.0: unable to load firmware patch rtl_nic/rtl8153b-2.fw'
This patch split the USB NIC firmware files from r8169 firmware,
and adds r8152-firmware to r8152 driver.
Add kmod-usb-net-cdc-ncm to support RTL8156A and RTL8156B 2.5G ethernet
adapters supported since v5.13-rc1.
Signed-off-by: Marty Jones <>
Update busybox to 1.35.0
* refresh patches
Config refresh:
Refresh commands, run after busybox is first built once:
cd package/utils/busybox/config/
../ ../../../../build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a15+neon-vfpv4_musl_eabi/busybox-default/busybox-1.35.0
cd ..
./ ../../../build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a15+neon-vfpv4_musl_eabi/busybox-default/busybox-1.35.0/.config >
Manual edits needed after config refresh:
* OpenWrt config symbol IPV6 logic applied to
* OpenWrt configTARGET_bcm53xx logic applied to
* OpenWrt logic applied to
* config/editors/ Add USE_GLIBC dependency to
* config/shell/ : change at "Options common to all shells" the symbol
(discussion in
Apparently our script does not see the hidden option while
prepending config options with "BUSYBOX_CONFIG_" which leads to a
missed dependency when the options are later evaluated.)
* Edit files by adding quotes to sourced items in
config/, config/networking/ and config/util-linux/ (commit 1da014f)
Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>
session tickets are a feature of TLSv1.2 and require less memory
and overhead on the server than does managing a session cache
Building mbedtls with support for session tickets will allow the
feature to be used with lighttpd-1.4.56 and later.
Signed-off-by: Glenn Strauss <>
- SoC: MT7621DAT (880MHz, 2 Cores)
- RAM: 128 MB
- Flash: 128 MB NAND
- Ethernet: 5x 1GiE MT7530
- WiFi: MT7603/MT7613
- USB: 1x USB 3.0
This is another MT7621 device, very similar to other Linksys EA7300
series devices.
Upload the generated factory.bin image via the stock web firmware
Reverting to factory firmware:
Like other EA7300 devices, this device has an A/B router configuration
to prevent bricking. Hard-resetting this device three (3) times will
put the device in failsafe (default) mode. At this point, flash the
OEM image to itself and reboot. This puts the router back into the 'B'
image and allows for a firmware upgrade.
If the firmware will not boot, first restore the factory as described
above. This will then allow the factory.bin update to be applied
Signed-off-by: Nick McKinney <>
CHECK_RUN_DIR=0 must be a part of MAKE_FLAGS, not MAKE_VARS, otherwise
it is not possible to compile mdadm on host without /run dir.
Signed-off-by: Sergey V. Lobanov <>
glibc version 2.34 does not provide versioned shared libraries any more,
it only provides shared libraries using the ABI version. Do not try to
copy them any more.
The functions from libpthread and librt were integrated into the main
binary, the and are only used for backwards
compatibility any more.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Provide uci-firewall via PROVIDES in both firewall and firewall4. This
will allow us to change the dependency of luci-app-firewall to
uci-firewall, making it possible to use it with either implementation.
Move CONFLICTS from firewall4 to firewall, to solve this recursive
dependency problem:
tmp/ recursive dependency detected!
tmp/ symbol PACKAGE_firewall is selected by PACKAGE_firewall4
tmp/ symbol PACKAGE_firewall4 depends on PACKAGE_firewall
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Reviewed-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
4ead2a6 treewide: move executables to /sbin
9ebc2f4 fw4.uc: filter duplicates in fw4.set
85b74f3 treewide: support flow offloading
be3b4e6 treewide: support hardware flow offloading
38889b7 treewide: support set timeout
31c7550 fw4.uc: do not skip defaults with invalid option
334a127 fw4.uc: introduce DEPRECATED flag
7a0d38f fw4.uc: add _name as deprecated option
5e7ad3b fw4.uc: don't fail on unknown options
be5f4e3 fw4.uc: allow use of cidr in ipsets
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Reviewed-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
The limitation of not being able to use iptables and nft nat at the same
time exists only in kernels before 4.18.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Reviewed-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
ARC4 was used for WEP, which is not secure anymore. Therefor it is
disabled in the driver, but the code is not removed for now.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The lantiq AES hardware does not support the gcm algorithm. But it
can be implemented in the driver as a combination of the aes_ctr
algorithm and the xor plus gfmul operations for the hashing.
Due to the wrapping of the several algorithms and the inefficient
16 byte block by 16 byte block invokation in the kernel
implementations, this driver is about 3 times faster for the larger
block sizes.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
After adding xts and cbcmac the aes algorithm source had three sections
for setting the aes key to the hardware which are identical.
Method aes_set_key_hw was created which is now called from within the
spinlock secured control sections in methods ifx_deu_aes, ifx_deu_aes_xts
and aes_cbcmac_final_impl and reduces the size of ifxmips_aes.c.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Since commit 53b6783 hostapd is using the kernel api which includes the
cbcmac-aes shash algorithm. The kernels implementation is a wrapper around
the aes encryption algorithm, which encrypts block (16 bytes) by block.
When the ltq-deu driver is present, it uses hardware aes, but every 16 byte
encrypt requires setting the key. This is very inefficient and is a huge
overhead. Since the cbcmac-aes is simply a hash that uses the cbc aes
algorithm starting with an iv set to x'00' with an optional ecb aes
encryption of a possible last incomplete block that is padded with the
positional bytes of the last cbc encrypted block, this algorithm is now
added to the driver. Most of the code is derived from md5-hmac and
tailored for aes. Tested with the kernels crypto testmgr including extra
tests against the kernels generic ccm module implementation.
This patch also fixes the overallocation in the aes_ctx that is caused
by using u32 instead of u8 for the aes keys.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Remove the dependency on kernel 5.4 from the Makefile to allow the
driver to compile with kernel 5.10 or kernel versions higher than
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The lantiq AES hardware does not support the xts algorithm. Apart
from the cipher text stealing (XTS), the AES XTS implementation is
just an XOR with the IV, followed by AES ECB, followed by another
XOR with the IV and as such can be also implemented by using the
lantiq hardware's CBC AES implemention plus one additional XOR with
the IV in the driver. The output IV by CBC AES is also not usable
and the gfmul operation not supported by lantiq hardware. Both need
to be done in the driver too in addition to the IV treatment which is
the initial encryption by the other half of the input key and to
set the IV to the IV registers for every block.
In the generic kernel implementation, the block size for XTS is set
to 16 bytes, although the algorithm is designed to process any size
of input larger than 16 bytes. But since there is no way to
indicate a minimum input length, the block size is used. This leads
to certain issues when the skcipher walk functions are used, e.g.
processing less than block size bytes is not supported by calling
The walksize is 2 AES blocks because otherwise for splitted input
or output data, less than blocksize is to be returned in some cases,
which cannot be processed. Another issue was that depending on
possible split of input/output data, just 16 bytes are returned while
less than 16 bytes were remaining, while cipher text stealing
requires 17 bytes or more for processing.
For example, if the input is 60 bytes and the walk is 48, then
processing 48 bytes leads to a return code of -EINVAL for
skcipher_walk_done. Therefor the processed counter is used to
figure out, when the actual cipher text stealing for the remaining
bytes less than blocksize needs to be applied.
Measured with cryptsetup benchmark, this XTS AES implementation is
about 19% faster than the kernels XTS implementation that uses the
hardware ECB AES (ca. 18.6 MiB/s vs. 15.8 MiB/s decryption 256b key).
The implementation was tested with the kernels crypto testmgr against
the kernels generic XTS AES implementation including extended tests.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The processing in the hmac algorithms depends on the status fields:
count, dbn and started. Not all were initialised in the init method
and after finishing the final method. Added missing fields to init
method and call init method after finishing final.
The memsets have the wrong size in the original driver and did not
clear everything and are not necessary. Since no memset is done in
the kernels generic implementation, memsets were removed.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Removing hash pointer in _hmac_setkey since its not needed and causes
a compiler warning.
Make the spinlock control sections shorter and move initializations
out of the control sections to free the spinlock faster for allowing
other threads to use the hash engine.
Minor improvements for indentation and removal of blanks and blank
lines in some areas.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Exceeding the temp array size was not checked and instead storage not
allocated by the driver was used/overwritten which in most cases
resulted in reboots. This patch implements processing the input to the
hash algorithm in tempsize chunks.
The _hmac_final methods were changed to _hmac_final_impl adding a
parameter that indicates intermediate or final processing. The started
variable was added to the context to indicate, if there is an
intermediate result in the context. For sha1_hmac the variable to store
the intermediate hash was added to the context too.
In order to avoid md5_hmac_final_impl being recursively called if the
padding of the input and the resulting last transform during the hmac
algorighms final processing causes the temp array to overflow and to
make sure that there is at least one block in the temp array when the
_hmac_final for final processing is called, the check for exceeding
the temp array in _hmac_transform was moved before copying the block
and incrementing dbn. dbn needs to be at least 1 at final processing
time to let the hash engine apply the opad operation.
To make the hash engine not apply the hmac algorithms final opad
operation, for intermediate processing the dbn in the control register
is set to a higher value than number of dbns are actually processed.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The hmac algorithms state, that keys larger than the key size should be
hashed with the underlying hash algorithms and then those hashes are to
be used as keys. This patch implements this. In order to avoid allocating
a descriptor during setkey, a shash_desc pointer is added to the context.
Another issue for multithreaded callers is the shared temp array.
The temp array is static and as such would be shared among multithreaded
callers, which obviously would neither work nor produce correct results.
The temp array (4k size) is moved to the context and since the size of
the context is limited, it can only be defined as pointer otherwise the
initialisation of the hash algorithm fails.
The allocations and freeing of both the temp and the desc pointer in the
context are done by implementing cra_init and cra_exit functions for
the hmac algorithms.
Also improved indentation in some areas.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Error ifxdeu-ctr-rfc3686(aes) (16) doesn't match generic impl (20) occurs
when running the cryptomgr extra tests that compare against the linux
kernels generic implementation.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The algorithms sha1, sha1_hmac and md5_hmac all use ENDI=1. The md5
algorithm uses ENDI=0 and the endian_swap methods to reverse the
endianess switch by using user CPU time, which is unnecessary overhead.
Danube and AR9 devices do not set endianess for SHA1, so is done for
Furthermore the patch replaces endian_swap with le32_to_cpu for md5 and
md5 hmac algorithms and removes endian_swap for them.
The init functions initialize the algorithm in the hardware. The lock is
not used to write to the control register. If another thread calls
another hash algo before update or final, the result will be wrong.
Therefore move the algorithm init to the lock protected sections in the
transform or final methods.
Setting the hw key for the hmac algorithms is now done from within the
lock protected sections in their final methods. The lock protecting is
removed from the _hmac_setkey_hw functions.
In final for md5 and sha1 the lock section is removed, because all the
work was already done in transform (which is called from final). As such
only copying the hash to the output is required.
MD5 and MD5_HMAC produce 16 byte hashes (4 DWORDS) only, therefor
writing register D5R to the hash output is removed for MD5_HMAC.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
All hash algorithms use the same base IFX_HASH_CON to access the hash unit.
Parallel threads should not be able to call different hash algorithms and
therefor a global lock is required.
Fixed linker warning, that md5_hmac_init, md5_hmac_update and
md5_hmac_final are static export symbols. The export symbols are not
required, because the functions are exposed using shash_alg structure.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The functions ifx_deu_aes_cfg and ifx_deu_aes_ofb have been part of the
driver ever since. But the functions and definitions to make the
algorithms actually usable were missing.
This patch adds the neccessary code for aes_ofb and aes_cfb algorithms.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
When running cryptomgr tests against the driver, there are several
occurences of different errors for even and uneven splitted data in the
underlying scatterlists for the ctr and ctr_rfc3686 algorithms which are
now fixed.
Fixed error in ctr_rfc3686_aes_decrypt function which was introduced with
the previous commit by using CRYPTO_DIR_ENCRYPT in the decrypt function.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
When running cryptomgr tests against the driver, there are several
occurences of different errors for setkey of des and des3-ede
Those key checks are already implemented in the kernels des
implementation, so this is added as dependency and the kernel methods
are called. It also required adding the kernels des/des3 context
definitions to the des_ctx internal structure to be able to call the
kernel methods.
Fixed ifxdeu-des... setkey unexpectedly succeeded on test vector x;
Fixed ifxdeu-des... setkey failed on test vector x; expected_error=0,
Renamed des_ctx internal structure and des_encrypt/des_decrypt methods
because they are already defined in the kernel module.
Fixed wrong DES_xxx constant definitions in crypto_alg definition for
Fixed method comment errors.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The <linux/cryptohash.h> was removed with Linux 5.8, because it only
contained the library implementation of SHA1, which was folded
into <crypto/sha.h>.
So switch this driver away from using <linux/cryptohash.h>.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Convert blkcipher to skcipher for the synchronous versions of AES,
DES and ARC4.
The Block Cipher API was depracated for a while and was removed with
Linux 5.5. So switch this driver to the skcipher API.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Some devices initialize AES during boot and AES works out of the box
and the correct endianess is set.
NDC means (No Danube Compatibility Mode) and the endianess setting has
no effect if its set to 0.
NDC 0: OFF ENDI bit cannot be written as in Danube
To make it work for other devices, the NDC control register needs to
be set to 1.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
OpenSSL with cryptdev support uses the data encryption unit (DEU) driver
for hard accelerated processing of ciphers/digests, if the flag
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
[fix commit title prefix]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Even if the minimum blocksize is set to 16 (AES_BLOCK_SIZE), the crypto
manager tests pass 499 bytes of data to the aes-ctr encryption, from
which only 496 bytes are actually encrypted.
Reading the comment regarding the minimum blocksize, it only states that
it's the "smallest possible unit which can be transformed with this
algorithm". Which doesn't necessarily mean, the data have to be a
multiple of the minimal blocksize.
All kernel hardware crypto driver enforce a minimum blocksize of 1,
which perfect fine works for the lantiq data encryption unit as well.
Lower the blocksize limit to 1, to process not padded data as well.
In AES for processing the remaining bytes, uninitialized pointers
were used.
This patch fixes using uninitialized pointers and wrong offsets.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
[fix commit title prefix]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
When handling non-aligned remaining data (not padded to 16 byte
[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]), a full 16 byte block is read from the input buffer
and written to the output buffer after en-/decryption.
While code already assumes that an input buffer could have less than 16
byte remaining, as it can be seen by the code zeroing the remaining
bytes till AES_BLOCK_SIZE, the full AES_BLOCK_SIZE is read.
An output buffer size of a multiple of AES_BLOCK_SIZE is expected but
never validated.
To get rid of the read/write behind buffer, use a temporary buffer when
dealing with not padded data and only write as much bytes to the output
as we read.
Do not memcpy directly to the register, to make used of the endian swap
macro and to trigger the crypto start operator via the ID0R to trigger
the register. Since we might need an endian swap for the output in
future, use a temporary buffer for the output as well.
The issue could not be observed so far, since all caller of ifx_deu_aes
will ignore the padded (remaining) data. Considering that the minimum
blocksize for the algorithm is set to AES_BLOCK_SIZE, the behaviour
could be called expected.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
[fix commit title prefix]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
The crypto algorithms are registered and available to the system before
the chip is actually powered on and the generic parameter for the DEU
behaviour set.
The issue can mainly be observed if the crypto manager tests are enabled
in the kernel config. The crypto manager test run directly after an
algorithm is registered.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
[fix commit title prefix]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Kestrel <>
Compiling without fPIC causes linking issues for packages using liblua.
Add $(HOST_FPIC) to host builds for both lua and lua5.3.
Suggested-by: Rosen Penev <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
Arch Linux users have encountered problems with packages that have a dependency on binutils. This error happens when libtool is doing:
libtool: relink: ...
So change PKG_FIXUP to "patch-libtool".
Fixes error in the form of:
libtool: install: error: relink `' with the above command
before installing it
Upstream Bug:
OpenWrt Bug:
Acked-by: John Audia <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
This is a bugfix release. Changelog:
*) Avoid loading of a dynamic engine twice.
*) Fixed building on Debian with kfreebsd kernels
*) Prioritise DANE TLSA issuer certs over peer certs
*) Fixed random API for MacOS prior to 10.12
Patches were refreshed.
Signed-off-by: Eneas U de Queiroz <>
Recently the hostapd has undergone many changes. The patches were not refreshed.
Refreshed with
make package/hostapd/{clean,refresh}
- 380-disable_ctrl_iface_mib.patch
- 600-ubus_support.patch
- 700-wifi-reload.patch
- 720-iface_max_num_sta.patch
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
This is required to be able to use flow offloading on devices with
ifnames that start with a digit, like 6in4-wan6.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Chromium based web-browsers (version >58) checks x509v3 extended attributes.
If this check fails then chromium does not allow to click "Proceed to ...
(unsafe)" link. This patch add three x509v3 extended attributes to self-signed
1. SAN (Subject Alternative Name) (DNS Name) = CN (common name)
2. Key Usage = Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
3. Extended Key Usage = TLS Web Server Authentication
SAN will be added only if CONFIG_WOLFSSL_ALT_NAMES=y
Signed-off-by: Sergey V. Lobanov <>
x509v3 SAN extension is required to generate a certificate compatible with
chromium-based web browsers (version >58)
It can be disabled via unsetting CONFIG_WOLFSSL_ALT_NAMES
Signed-off-by: Sergey V. Lobanov <>
NETGEAR ReadyNAS Duo v2 is a NAS based on Marvell kirkwood SoC.
- Processor Marvell 88F6282 (1.6 GHz)
- 256MB RAM
- 128MB NAND
- 1x GBE LAN port (PHY: Marvell 88E1318)
- 1x USB 2.0
- 2x USB 3.0
- 2x SATA
- 3x button
- 5x leds
- serial on J5 connector accessible from rear panel
(115200 8N1) (VCC,TX,RX,GND) (3V3 LOGIC!)
Installation by USB + serial:
- Copy initramfs image to fat32 usb drive
- Connect pendrive to USB 2.0 front socket
- Connect serial console
- Stop booting in u-boot
- Do:
usb reset
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 earlyprintk'
setenv bootcmd 'nand read.e 0x1200000 0x200000 0x600000;bootm 0x1200000'
fatload usb 0:1 0x1200000 openwrt-kirkwood-netgear_readynas-duo-v2-initramfs-uImage
bootm 0x1200000
- copy sysupgrade image via ssh.
- run sysupgrade
Installation by TFTP + serial:
- Setup TFTP server and copy initramfs image
- Connect serial console
- Stop booting in u-boot
- Do:
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 earlyprintk'
setenv bootcmd 'nand read.e 0x1200000 0x200000 0x600000;bootm 0x1200000'
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
tftpboot 0x1200000 openwrt-kirkwood-netgear_readynas-duo-v2-initramfs-uImage
bootm 0x1200000
- copy sysupgrade image via ssh.
- run sysupgrade
Known issues:
- Power button and PHY INTn pin are connected to the same GPIO. It
causes that every network restart button is pressed in system.
As workaround, button is used as regular BTN_1.
For more info please look at file:
from Netgear GPL sources.
Tested-by: Raylynn Knight <>
Tested-by: Lech Perczak <>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
This patch adds kernel module for Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc
G762 and G763 fan speed PWM controller chips.
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
The build fails when the openssl/sha.h header file is not installed on
the host system. Fix this by setting the HOSTCCFLAGS variable to the
OpenWrt HOST_CFLAGS variable, without setting this the include paths and
other modifications in the host flags done by OpenWrt will be ignored by
the build.
This fixes the following build problem:
gcc -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 -Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c99 -O2 -I../../include/tools_share fiptool.c -o fiptool.o
In file included from fiptool.h:16,
from fiptool.c:19:
fiptool_platform.h:19:11: fatal error: openssl/sha.h: No such file or directory
19 | # include <openssl/sha.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The build of the manpages needs the pandoc tool, this is not in the
minimal requirements of OpenWrt, just remove the build of the restool
manpage. This fixes the build on systems without pandoc like the OpenWrt build bots.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Up to now the WPS script triggered WPS on the stations only if it
could not trigger it successfully on any hostapd instance.
In a Multi-AP context, there can be a need (to establish a new
wireless backhaul link) to trigger WPS on the stations, regardless of
whether there is already a hostapd instance configured or not. The
current script makes it impossible, as if hostapd is running and
configured, WPS would always be triggered on hostapd only.
To allow both possibilities, the following changes are made:
- Change the "pressed" action to "release", so that we can make use of
the "$SEEN" variables (to know for how long the button was pressed).
- If the button is pressed for less than 3 seconds, keep the original
- If the button is pressed for 3 seconds or more, trigger WPS on the
stations, regardless of the status of any running hostapd instance.
- Add comments explaining both behaviors.
- While at it, replace the usage of '-a' with a '[] && []'
construct (see [1]).
This gives users a "fallback" mechanism to onboard a device to a
Multi-AP network, even if the device already has a configured hostapd
instance running.
Signed-off-by: Raphaël Mélotte <>
this patch consolidates the amd64-microcode
(moved to linux-firmware.git, previously this was an extra
debian source package download), amdgpu and radeon firmwares
into a shared "amd" makefile.
With the upcoming 20211216 linux-firmware bump,
this will include a microcode update for ZEN 3 CPUs.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Otherwise, connection setup may fail due to JSON parse error in netifd.
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
[Updated commit description]
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
PIN2 is used only to restrict changing of fixed dialling feature,
does not affect network registration. Therefore explicitly check for
PIN1 state during connection setup, which is required for network
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
[Updated commit description]
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
This is needed to properly close the control channel.
Otherwise, on the next try the caps call may fail.
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
We were missing (not using) the last sector of each partition,
compared with the output of gparted.
Signed-off-by: Javier Marcet <>
[moved the dot]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The mirror will go offline soon, only use the
normal download URL.
Reported-by: Denis Ovsienko <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The rtl8723bs firmware was removed and a symlink to the rtl8723bu
firmware was created like it is done in upstream linux-firmware.
The following OpenWrt packages are changing:
* amdgpu-firmware: Multiple updates and new files
* ar3k-firmware: Multiple updates and new files
* ath10k-firmware-qca6174: Updated ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/board-2.bin
* bnx2x-firmware: Added bnx2x-e1-, bnx2x-e1h- and bnx2x-e2-
* iwlwifi-firmware-iwl8260c: Updated iwlwifi-8000C-36.ucode
* iwlwifi-firmware-iwl8265: Updated iwlwifi-8265-36.ucode
* iwlwifi-firmware-iwl9000: Updated iwlwifi-9000-pu-b0-jf-b0-46.ucode
* iwlwifi-firmware-iwl9260: Updated iwlwifi-9260-th-b0-jf-b0-46.ucode
* r8169-firmware: Updated rtl8153c-1.fw
* rtl8723bs-firmware: removed
* rtl8723bu-firmware: Added rtlwifi/rtl8723bs_nic.bin symlink
* rtl8822ce-firmware: Updated rtw8822c_fw.bin
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Based on: 1ac627024d ("kernel: ath10k-ct: provide a build variant for
small RAM devices")
Like described in the ath10k-ct-smallbuffers version, oom-killer gets
triggered frequently by devices with small RAM.
That change is necessary for many community mesh networks which use
ath10k based devices with too little RAM. The -ct driver has been
proven unstable if used with 11s meshing and only wave2 chipsets are
supporting 11s. Freifunk Berlin is nowadays assembling its
firmware-based completely of vanilla OpenWRT with some package additions
which are made through the imagebuilder. Therefore we cannot take the
approach other freifunk communities have taken to maintain that patch
downstream [1]. Other communities consider these devices as broken and
that change would pretty much give those devices a second life [2].
[1] - 450b306e54
[2] -
Signed-off-by: Simon Polack <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <>
The auto-ht option already kept HT and VHT support, but wasn't updated
to support HE (11ax).
Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <>
This device is based on NXP's QorIQ T2081QDS board, with a quad-core
dual-threaded 1.5 GHz ppc64 CPU and 4GB ECC RAM. The board has 5
ethernet interfaces, of which 3 are connected to the ethernet ports on
the front panel. The other 2 are internally connected to a Marvell
88E6171 switch; the other 5 ports of this switch are also connected to
the ethernet ports on the front panel.
Installation: write the sdcard image to an SD card. Stock U-Boot will
not boot, wait for it to fail then run these commands:
setenv OpenWrt_fdt image-watchguard-firebox-m300.dtb
setenv OpenWrt_kernel watchguard_firebox-m300-kernel.bin
setenv wgBootSysA 'setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootdelay=2 console=$consoledev,$baudrate fsl_dpaa_fman.fsl_fm_max_frm=1530; ext2load mmc 0:1 $fdtaddr $OpenWrt_fdt; ext2load mmc 0:1 $loadaddr $OpenWrt_kernel; bootm $loadaddr - $fdtaddr'
The default U-Boot boot entry will now boot OpenWrt from the SD card.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Add a new target named "qoriq", that will support boards using PowerPC
processors from NXP's QorIQ brand.
This doesn't actually add support for any board yet, so that
installation instructions can go in the commit message of the commit
that adds actual support for a board.
Using CONFIG_E6500_CPU here due to the kernel using -mcpu=powerpc64
rather than -mcpu=e5500 when selecting CONFIG_E5500_CPU. The only
difference between e5500 and e6500 is AltiVec support, and the kernel
checks for it at runtime. Musl will only check at runtime if AltiVec
support is disabled at compile-time, so we need to use e5500 in CPU_TYPE
to avoid SIGILL.
Math emulation (CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION_HW_UNIMPLEMENTED) is required, as
neither e5500 nor e6500 implement fsqrt nor fsqrts, and musl hardcodes
sqrt and sqrtf to use these ASM instructions on PowerPC64.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Reviewed-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Backport an upstream patch to make libunwind build on ppc64, and add
powerpc64 to the dependencies.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
As of version 3.7, Nettle added PowerPC64 assembly for several
algorithms. Unfortunately, they cause build to fail due to ABI mismatch:
gcm-hash.o: ABI version 1 is not compatible with ABI version 2 output
Disable assembler when ppc64 and musl are used for now.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Backport an upstream patch that adds support for ELFv2 ABI on big endian
ppc64. As musl only supports ELFv2 ABI on ppc64 regardless of
endianness, this is required to be able to build OpenSSL for ppc64be.
Modify our targets patch to add linux-powerpc64-openwrt, which will use
the linux64v2 perlasm scheme. This will probably break the combination
ppc64 with glibc, but as we really only want to support musl, this
shouldn't be a problem.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Tintel <>
Acked-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
Provide incoming BSS transition queries to ubus subscribers.
This allows external steering daemons to provide clients with
an optimal list of transition candidates.
This commit has no functional state in case no ubus subscriber is
present or it does not handle this ubus message.
To prevent hostapd from sending out a generic response by itself, a
subscribing daemon has to return a non-zero response code to hostapd.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Backport a patch to allow extending the ubus BSS-transition method
for specifying individual dialog tokens for BSS transition
management requests.
This is required for handling BSS transition queries in the future.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
39b584b Revert "dhcpv6: add a minimum valid lifetime for IA_PD updates"
c9578e1 dhcpv6: add support for null IA_PD valid lifetime
ca43ea3 dhcpv6: add a minimum valid lifetime for IA_PD updates
Signed-off-by: Hans Dedecker <>
5ca5e0b netifd: allow disabling rule/rule6 config sections
8875960 interface-ip: add support for IPv6 prefix invalidation
e589c05 interface-ip: use metric when looking for a route
b54ffde main: fix hotplug script usage message
Signed-off-by: Hans Dedecker <>
This adds a new struct for storing statistics not (yet) tracked by
hostapd regarding RRM and WNM activity.
These statistics can be read using the get_status hostapd interface ubus
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Revert a commit to allow providing CFLAGS and LIBS from OpenWrt package
This downgrades the nl80211.h to kernel 5.15 and removes FILS_CRYPTO_OFFLOAD.
This is needed to make it compatible with our patched mac80211 from
kernel 5.15
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
The following patches were backported from upstream before and are not
needed any more:
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Just update PKG_VERSION/PKG_MIRROR_HASH since fman-ucode
of LSDK-21.08 had no changes.
Switched to AUTORELEASE for simplicity.
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
Update layerscape u-boot package to LSDK-21.08 and drop patches which
are no longer needed.
The new env variable 'fsl_bootcmd_mcinitcmd_set' is needed to protect
the configured bootcmd and mc_init values. See [1] for more
[1] b62c174e86
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
fdt* utils are needed by targets that use U-Boot FIT images for
sysupgrade. It includes all recent BCM4908 SoC routers as Broadcom
switched from CFE to U-Boot.
fdtget is required for extracting images (bootfs & rootfs) from
Broadcom's ITB. Extracted images can be then flashed to UBI volumes.
sysupgrade is core functionality so it needs dtc as part of base code
Cc: Yousong Zhou <>
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <>
update rtl8812au-ct driver to be ready for 5.15 Linux.
Signed-off-by: Janpieter Sollie <>
[added commit message from PR with changes, added tag to subject]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
The 'fils_dhcp' option can be set to '*' in order to autodetect the DHCP server
For proto=dhcp networks, the discovered dhcp server will be used
For all other networks, udhcpc is called to discover the address
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
Among other things, this can be used to auto-configure the DHCP server
address for wireless APs using FILS, if the bridged interface is
configured to DHCP
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
By default CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_POSIX_ACL is disabled, it should be enabled
only when you enable CONFIG_FS_POSIX_ACL.
Right now, when you enable CONFIG_FS_POSIX_ACL it will enable
CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_POSIX_ACL, but it will be disabled once you install
kmod-btrfs. This should prevent it.
Btrfs has enabled by default ACL for mount option.
More details:
Signed-off-by: Josef Schlehofer <>
The following command checks if a instance of a service is running.
/etc/init.d/<service> running <instance>
In the variable `$@`, which is passed to the function
`service_running`, the first argument is always the `instance` which
should be checked. Because all other variables where removed from `$@`
with `shift`.
Before this change the first argument of `$@` was set to the `$service`
Variable. So the function does not work as expected. The `$service`
variable was always the instance which should be checked. This is not
what we want.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <>
Reviewed-by: Sungbo Eo <>
71e08471ab56 mt76: eeprom: fix return code on corrected bit-flips
9a8fc6636d83 mt76: move sar_capa configuration in common code
7cdbea1dc82a mt76: only access ieee80211_hdr after mt76_insert_ccmp_hdr
678071ef7029 mt76: mt7615: clear mcu error interrupt status on mt7663
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
This patch adds supports for the GL-B2200 router.
- SOC: Qualcomm IPQ4019 ARM Quad-Core
- RAM: 512 MiB
- Flash: 16 MiB NOR - SPI0
- ETH: Qualcomm QCA8075
- WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n 2x2
- WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4019 5GHz 802.11n/ac W2 2x2
- WLAN3: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9886 5GHz 802.11n/ac W2 2x2
- INPUT: Reset, WPS
- LED: Power, Internet
- UART1: On board pin header near to LED (3.3V, TX, RX, GND), 3.3V without pin - 115200 8N1
- UART2: On board with BLE module
- SPI1: On board socket for Zigbee module
Update firmware instructions:
Please update the firmware via U-Boot web UI (by default at, following instructions found at
Normal sysupgrade, either via CLI or LuCI, is not possible from stock firmware.
Please do use the *gl-b2200-squashfs-emmc.img file, gunzipping the produced *gl-b2200-squashfs-emmc.img.gz one first.
What's working:
- WiFi 2G, 5G
Not tested:
- Bluetooth LE/Zigbee
Credits goes to the original authors of this patch.
- updates *arm-boot-add-dts-files.patch correctly (sorry, my mistake)
- add uboot-envtools support
- Li Zhang updated official patch to fix wrong MAC address on wlan0 (PCI) interface
- wire up sysupgrade
Signed-off-by: Li Zhang <>
[fix tab and trailing space, document what's working and what's not]
Signed-off-by: TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen <>
[rebase on top of master, address remaining comments]
Signed-off-by: Enrico Mioso <>
[remove redundant check in]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
Adds generic support for sysupgrading on eMMC-based devices.
Provide function emmc_do_upgrade and emmc_copy_config to be used in
/lib/upgrade/ instead of redundantly implementing the same
logic over and over again.
Similar to generic sysupgrade on NAND, use environment variables
CI_KERNPART, CI_ROOTPART and newly introduce CI_DATAPART to indicate
GPT partition names to be used. On devices with more than one MMC
block device, CI_ROOTDEV can be used to specify the MMC device for
partition name lookups.
Also allow to select block devices directly using EMMC_KERN_DEV,
EMMC_ROOT_DEV and EMMC_DATA_DEV, as using GPT partition names is not
always an option (e.g. when forced to use MBR).
To easily handle writing kernel and rootfs make use of sysupgrade.tar
format convention which is also already used for generic NAND support.
Signed-off-by: Enrico Mioso <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
CC: Li Zhang <>
CC: TruongSinh Tran-Nguyen <>
a6451fea5a3d mt76: mt7615: improve wmm index allocation
1911486414dc mt76: mt7915: improve wmm index allocation
7998a41d1321 mt76: clear sta powersave flag after notifying driver
664475574438 mt76: mt7603: introduce SAR support
5c0da39c940b mt76: mt7915: introduce SAR support
77fc6c439a32 mt76: mt7603: improve reliability of tx powersave filtering
094b3d800835 firmware: update mt7663 rebb firmware to 20200904171623
25237b19bcc1 mt76: eeprom: tolerate corrected bit-flips
1463cb4c6ac2 mt76: mt7921: fix boolreturn.cocci warning
586bad6020f7 mt76: mt7921: use correct iftype data on 6GHz cap init
8ec95c910425 mt76: mt7921s: fix bus hang with wrong privilege
688e30c7d854 firmware: update mt7921 firmware to version 20211014
6fad970893dd mt76: fix key pointer overwrite in mt7921s_write_txwi/mt7663_usb_sdio_write_txwi
95acf972750c mt76: fix 802.3 RX fail by hdr_trans
3f402b0cf6c0 mt76: mt7921s: fix possible kernel crash due to invalid Rx count
929a03a8d65d mt76: connac: fix last_chan configuration in mt76_connac_mcu_rate_txpower_band
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <>
This patch is a revert of the upstream patch to Debian's ca-certificate
commit 033d52259172 ("mozilla/ print a warning for expired certificates.")
The reason is, that this change broke builds with the popular
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (focal) releases which are shipping with an
older version of the python3-cryptography package that is not
|Traceback (most recent call last):
| File "", line 125, in <module>
| cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(obj['CKA_VALUE'])
|TypeError: load_der_x509_certificate() missing 1 required positional argument: 'backend'
|make[5]: *** [Makefile:6: all] Error 1
...or if the python3-cryptography was missing all together:
|Traceback (most recent call last):
| File "/", line 31, in <module>
| from cryptography import x509
|ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cryptography'
More concerns were raised by Jo-Philipp Wich:
"We don't want the build to depend on the local system time anyway.
Right now it seems to be just a warning but I could imagine that
eventually certs are simply omitted of found to be expired at
build time which would break reproducibility."
Link: <>
Reported-by: Chen Minqiang <>
Reported-by: Shane Synan <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
When compiling with CONFIG_USE_RFKILL=y, the build fails and mentions that
dependency on kmod-rfkill is missing, which is correct [1]. Add this
dependency to the Makefile.
Depend on +USE_RFKILL and not PACKAGE_kmod-rfkill, because it forces
selection of kmod-rfkill package. Other combinations in DEPENDS like
USE_RFKILL:kmod-rfkill or (+)PACKAGE_kmod-rfkill:kmod-rfkill do not force
selection of kmod-rfkill package.
The kmod-rfkill package itself depends on USE_RFKILL, so with +USE_RFKILL
in kmod-cfg80211 package it is not possible to select wrong combination of
Signed-off-by: Oldřich Jedlička <>
If spectral scan support is enabled then ath10k-ct will cause a NULL
pointer due to relay_open() being called with a const callback struct
which is only supported in kernel 5.11 and later.
So, simply check the kernel version and if 5.11 and newer use the const
callback struct, otherwise use the regular struct.
Fixes: 553a3ac ("ath10k-ct: use 5.15 version")
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
The configs/omap3_overo_defconfig file was removed from upstream U-Boot
in commit ed3294d6d1f9 ("arm: Remove overo board"). Remove it in OpenWrt
too. If someone needs this please add it also to upstream U-Boot.
This fixes the compile of the omap target.
Fixes: ffb807ec90 ("omap: update u-boot to 2021.07")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>