Executing '/etc/init.d/zram start' during runtime (with a swap being already
mounted) triggers zram device compaction and prints out nice stats info about
zram memory usage
Signed-off-by: Emil Muratov <gpm@hotplug.ru>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com> [use IEC's MiB unit]
Config option to limit maximum compression streams per zram dev for
multicore CPU's. This could be defined via 'zram_comp_streams' option in
the 'system' section of '/etc/config/system' file or via cli (for e.x.
with 'uci set system.@System[0].zram_comp_streams=2 && uci commit
system'). Default is number of logical CPU cores.
Signed-off-by: Emil Muratov <gpm@hotplug.ru>
Use only one zram swap device of the specified $size instead of
[N x $size] devices for multicore CPUs Now zram module uses multiple
compression streams for each dev by default, so we do not need to create
several zram devs to utilize multicore CPUs.
Signed-off-by: Emil Muratov <gpm@hotplug.ru>
* "zram stop" could reset up to $(num_of_cores) zram devices even if
some of those were not mounted as swap dev's. This fix tries to
enumerate mounted swap zram dev's before making a reset
* remove hot-added zram devs on stop (except zram0)
Signed-off-by: Emil Muratov <gpm@hotplug.ru>
Compression algorithms for zram are provided by kernel crypto API, could
be any of [lzo|zl4|deflate|<some_more>] depending on kernel modules.
Compress algo for zram-swap could be defined via 'zram_comp_algo' option
in 'system' section of '/etc/config/system' file, or via cli (for e.x.
with 'uci set system.@System[0].zram_comp_algo=lz4 && uci commit
system'). check available algo's via 'cat /sys/block/zram0
Signed-off-by: Emil Muratov <gpm@hotplug.ru>
Enable CONFIG_PROCD_ZRAM_TMPFS compatibility via two changes to list_cpu_idx():
* detect if /tmp is being used by /dev/zram0; if yes, offset initial value by 1 to skip first zram device.
* hot-add /dev/zram1, if not already present.
Signed-off-by: Conn O'Griofa >connogriofa@gmail.com>