This enables autonegotiation for all ephy ports on probe.
Some devices do not configure the ports, particularly port 4.
Signed-off-by: Gaspare Bruno <>
[replace magic values ; reword commit message]
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
The basic mode control register of the ESW PHYs is modified in this
codeblock. Use the respective macros to make this code more readable.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
As patches for the AR8031/AR8033 copper page selection were merged
upstream, we can backport these patches.
This also fixes a PHY capabilities detection issue on the Ubiquiti
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
The SERCOMM NA502 is a smart home gateway manufactured by SERCOMM and sold
under different brands (among others, A1 Telekom Austria SmartHome
Gateway). It has multi-protocol radio support in addition to LAN and WiFi.
Note: BLE is currently unsupported.
- MT7621ST 880MHz, Single-Core, Dual-Thread
- MT7603EN 2.4GHz WiFi
- MT7662EN 5GHz WiFi + BLE
- 128MiB NAND
- 256MiB DDR3 RAM
- SD3503 ZWave Controller
- EM357 Zigbee Coordinator
MAC address assignment
LAN MAC is read from the config partition, WiFi 2.4GHz is LAN+2 and matches
the OEM firmware. WiFi 5GHz with LAN+1 is an educated guess since the
OEM firmware does not enable 5GHz WiFi.
Attach serial console, then boot the initramfs image via TFTP.
Once inside OpenWrt, run sysupgrade -n with the sysupgrade file.
Attention: The device has a dual-firmware design. We overwrite kernel2,
since kernel1 contains an automatic recovery image.
If you get NAND ECC errors and are stuck with bad eraseblocks, try to
erase the mtd partition first with
mtd unlock ubi
mtd erase ubi
This should only be needed once.
Signed-off-by: Andreas Böhler <>
[use kiB for IMAGE_SIZE]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
About the device
SoC: MediaTek MT7620a @ 580MHz
RAM: 64M
WiFi: SoC-integrated: MediaTek MT7620a bgn
WiFi: MediaTek MT7612EN nac
GbE: 2x (RTL8211F)
- Reset
- Router/Repeater/AP (3-way slide-switch)
LED: - WPS (blue)
- 3-segment Wifi signal representation (blue)
- WiFi (blue)
- WAN (blue)
- LAN (blue)
- Power (blue)
UART: UART is present as Pads with through-holes on the PCB. They are
located next to the reset button and are labelled Vcc/TX/RX/GND as
appropriate. Use 3.3V, 57600-8N1.
Using the webcmd interface
Warning: Do not update to the latest Wavlink firmware (version
20201201) as this removes the webcmd console and you will need to
use the serial port instead.
You will need to have built uboot/sqauashfs image for this device,
and you will need to provide an HTTP service where the image can
be downloaded from that is accessible by the device.
You cannot use the device manufacturers firmware upgrade interface
as it rejects the OpenWrt image.
1. Log into the device's admin portal. This is necessary to
authenticate you as a user in order to be able to access the
webcmd interface.
2. Navigate to http://<device-ip>/webcmd.shtml - you can access
the console directly through this page, or you may wish to
launch the installed `telnetd` and use telnet instead.
* Using telnet is recommended since it provides a more
convenient shell interface that the web form.
* Launch telnetd from the form with the command `telnetd`.
* Check the port that telnetd is running on using
`netstat -antp|grep telnetd`, it is likely to be 2323.
* Connect to the target using `telnet`. The username should
be `admin2860`, and the password is your admin password.
3. On the target use `curl` to download the image.
e.g. `curl -L -O http://<some-other-lan-ip>/openwrt-ramips-mt7620-\
Check the hash using `md5sum`.
4. Use the mtd_write command to flash the image.
* The flash partition should be mtd4, but check
/sys/class/mtd/mtd4/name first. The partition should be
called 'Kernel'.
* To flash use the following command:
`mtd_write -r -e /dev/mtd<n> write <image-file> /dev/mtd<n>`
Where mtd<n> is the Kernel partition, and <image-file> is
the OpenWrt image previously downloaded.
* The command above will erase, flash and then reboot the
device. Once it reboots it will be running OpenWrt.
Connect via ssh to the device at on the LAN port.
The WAN port will be configured via DHCP.
Using the serial port
The device uses uboot like many other MT7260a based boards. To
use this interface, you will need to connect to the serial
interface, and provide a TFTP server. At boot follow the
bootloader menu and select option 2 to erase/flash the image.
Provide the address and filename details for the tftp server.
The bootloader will do the rest.
Once the image is flashed, the board will boot into OpenWrt. The
console is available over the serial port.
Signed-off-by: Ben Gainey <>
Device specifications:
* Model: Youku YK-L1/L1c
* CPU: MT7620A
* RAM: 128 MiB
* Flash: 32 MiB (YK-L1)/ 16 MiB (YK-L1c)
* LAN: 2* 10M/100M Ports
* WAN: 1* 10M/100M Port
* USB: 1* USB2.0
* SD: 1* MicroSD socket
* UART: 1* TTL, Baudrate 57600
Previous supported device YOUKU yk1 is actually Youku YK-L1. Though they look
really different, the only hardware difference between the two models is flash
size, YK-L1 has 32 MiB flash but YK-L1c has 16MiB. It seems that YK-L1c can
compatible with YK-L1's firmware but it's better to split it to different models.
It is easy to identify the models by looking at the label on the bottom of the
device. The label has the model number "YK-L1" or "YK-L1c". Due to different flash
sizes, YK-L1c that using previous YK-L1's firmware needs to apply "force update"
to install compatible firmware, so please backup config file before system upgrade.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[use more specific name for DTSI]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
- SoC: MT7621AT
- RAM: 256MB
- Flash: 128MB NAND
- Ethernet: 5 Gigabit ports
- WiFi: 2.4G/5G MT7615N
- USB: 1 USB 3.0, 1 USB 2.0
This device is very similar to the EA7300 v1/v2 and EA7500 v2.
Upload the generated factory image through the factory web interface.
(following part taken from EA7300 v2 commit message:)
This might fail due to the A/B nature of this device. When flashing, OEM
firmware writes over the non-booted partition. If booted from 'A',
flashing over 'B' won't work. To get around this, you should flash the
OEM image over itself. This will then boot the router from 'B' and
allow you to flash OpenWRT without problems.
Reverting to factory firmware:
Hard-reset the router three times to force it to boot from 'B.' This is
where the stock firmware resides. To remove any traces of OpenWRT from
your router simply flash the OEM image at this point.
With thanks to Leon Poon (@LeonPoon) for the initial bringup.
Signed-off-by: Tee Hao Wei <>
[add missing entry in 10_fix_wifi_mac]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Amped Wireless ALLY is a whole-home WiFi kit, with a router (model
ALLY-R1900K) and an Extender (model ALLY-00X19K). Both are devices are
11ac and based on MediaTek MT7621AT and MT7615N chips. The units are
nearly identical, except the Extender lacks a USB port and has a single
Ethernet port.
- SoC: MediaTek MT7621AT (2C/4T) @ 880MHz
- RAM: 128MB DDR3 (Nanya NT5CC64M16GP-DI)
- FLASH: 128MB NAND (Winbond W29N01GVSIAA)
- WiFi: 2.4/5 GHz 4T4R
- 2.4GHz MediaTek MT7615N bgn
- 5GHz MediaTek MT7615N nac
- Switch: SoC integrated Gigabit Switch
- USB: 1x USB3 (Router only)
- BTN: Reset, WPS
- LED: single RGB
- UART: through-hole on PCB.
J1: pin1 (square pad, towards rear)=3.3V, pin2=RX,
pin3=GND, pin4=TX. Settings: 57600/8N1.
Note regarding dual system partitions
The vendor firmware and boot loader use a dual partition scheme. The boot
partition is decided by the bootImage U-boot environment variable: 0 for
the 1st partition, 1 for the 2nd.
OpenWrt does not support this scheme and will always use the first OS
partition. It will set bootImage to 0 during installation, making sure
the first partition is selected by the boot loader.
Also, because we can't be sure which partition is active to begin with, a
2-step flash process is used. We first flash an initramfs image, then
follow with a regular sysupgrade.
Router (ALLY-R1900K)
1) Install the flashable initramfs image via the OEM web-interface.
(Alternatively, you can use the TFTP recovery method below.)
You can use WiFi or Ethernet.
The direct URL is:
a. No login is needed, and you'll be in their setup wizard.
b. You might get a warning about not being connected to the Internet.
c. Towards the bottom of the page will be a section entitled "Or
Manually Upgrade Firmware from a File:" where you can manually choose
and upload a firmware file.
d: Click "Choose File", select the OpenWRT "initramfs" image and click
2) The Router will flash the OpenWrt initramfs image and reboot. After
booting, LuCI will be available on
3) Log into LuCI as root; there is no password.
4) Optional (but recommended) is to backup the OEM firmware before
continuing; see process below.
5) Complete the Installation by flashing a full OpenWRT image. Note:
you may use the sysupgrade command line tool in lieu of the UI if
you prefer.
a. Choose System -> Backup/Flash Firmware.
b. Click "Flash Image..." under "Flash new firmware image"
c. Click "Browse..." and then select the sysupgrade file.
d. Click Upload to upload the sysupgrade file.
e. Important: uncheck "Keep settings and retain the current
configuration" for this initial installation.
f. Click "Continue" to flash the firmware.
g. The device will reboot and OpenWRT is installed.
Extender (ALLY-00X19K)
1) This device requires a TFTP recovery procedure to do an initial load
of OpenWRT. Start by configuring a computer as a TFTP client:
a. Install a TFTP client (server not necessary)
b. Configure an Ethernet interface to 192.168.1.x/24; don't use .1 or .6
c. Connect the Ethernet to the sole Ethernet port on the X19K.
2) Put the ALLY Extender in TFTP recovery mode.
a. Do this by pressing and holding the reset button on the bottom while
connecting the power.
b. As soon as the LED lights up green (roughly 2-3 seconds), release
the button.
3) Start the TFTP transfer of the Initramfs image from your setup machine.
For example, from Linux:
tftp -v -m binary 69 -c put initramfs.bin
4) The Extender will flash the OpenWrt initramfs image and reboot. After
booting, LuCI will be available on
5) Log into LuCI as root; there is no password.
6) Optional (but recommended) is to backup the OEM firmware before
continuing; see process below.
7) Complete the Installation by flashing a full OpenWRT image. Note: you
may use the sysupgrade command line tool in lieu of the UI if you prefer.
a. Choose System -> Backup/Flash Firmware.
b. Click "Flash Image..." under "Flash new firmware image"
c. Click "Browse..." and then select the sysupgrade file.
d. Click Upload to upload the sysupgrade file.
e. Important: uncheck "Keep settings and retain the current
configuration" for this initial installation.
f. Click "Continue" to flash the firmware.
g. The device will reboot and OpenWRT is installed.
Backup the OEM Firmware:
There isn't any downloadable firmware for the ALLY devices on the Amped
Wireless web site. Reverting back to the OEM firmware is not possible
unless we have a backup of the original OEM firmware.
The OEM firmware may be stored on either /dev/mtd3 ("firmware") or
/dev/mtd6 ("oem"). We can't be sure which was overwritten with the
initramfs image, so backup both partitions to be safe.
1) Once logged into LuCI, navigate to System -> Backup/Flash Firmware.
2) Under "Save mtdblock contents," first select "firmware" and click
"Save mtdblock" to download the image.
3) Repeat the process, but select "oem" from the pull-down menu.
Revert to the OEM Firmware:
* U-boot TFTP:
Follow the TFTP recovery steps for the Extender, and use the
backup image.
* OpenWrt "Flash Firmware" interface:
Upload the backup image and select "Force update"
before continuing.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Sturges <>
This submission relied heavily on the work of Linksys EA7300 v1/ v2.
* SoC: MediaTek MT7621A (880 MHz 2c/4t)
* RAM: 128M DDR3-1600
* Flash: 128M NAND
* Eth: MediaTek MT7621A (10/100/1000 Mbps x5)
* Radio: MT7603E/MT7613BE (2.4 GHz & 5 GHz)
* Antennae: 2 internal fixed in the casing and 2 on the PCB
* LEDs: Blue (x4 Ethernet)
Blue+Orange (x2 Power + WPS and Internet)
* Buttons: Reset (x1)
WPS (x1)
Flash factory image through GUI.
This device has 2 partitions for the firmware called firmware and
alt_firmware. To successfully flash and boot the device, the device
should have been running from alt_firmware partition. To get the device
booted through alt_firmware partition, download the OEM firmware from
Linksys website and upgrade the firmware from web GUI. Once this is done,
flash the OpenWrt Factory firmware from web GUI.
Reverting to factory firmware:
1. Boot to 'alt_firmware'(where stock firmware resides) by doing one of
the following:
Press the "wps" button as soon as power LED turns on when booting.
(OR) Hard-reset the router consecutively three times to force it to
boot from 'alt_firmware'.
2. To remove any traces of OpenWRT from your router simply flash the OEM
image at this point.
Signed-off-by: Aashish Kulkarni <>
[fix hanging indents and wrap to 74 characters per line,
add kmod-mt7663-firmware-sta package for 5GHz STA mode to work,
remove sysupgrade.bin and concatenate IMAGES instead in,
set default-state "on" for power LED]
Signed-off-by: Sannihith Kinnera <>
[move check-size before append-metadata, remove trailing whitespace]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
This commit adds support for the Wavlink WL-WN578A2 dual-band wall-plug
wireless router. This device is also sold under the name SilverCrest
SWV 733 A2.
Device Specifications:
- CPU: MediaTek MT7628AN (580MHz)
- Flash: 8MB
- RAM: 64MB
- Bootloader: U-Boot
- Ethernet: 2x 10/100 Mbps
- 2.4 GHz: 802.11b/g/n SoC
- 5 GHz: 802.11a/n/ac MT7610E
- Antennas: internal
- 4 green LEDs: WPS/Power, LAN, WAN, wifi-low, wifi-med, wifi-high
- Buttons: Reset, WPS
- Sliding mode switch: AP, repeater, client
- Small sliding power switch
Flashing instructions:
U-Boot launches TFTP client if WPS button is pressed during power-on.
Configure as follows:
- Server IP:
- Filename (rename sysupgrade file to this): firmware.bin
Flashing should not take more than a minute, device will reboot
Signed-off-by: Thomas Aldrian <>
SoC: MT7621
CPU: 880 MHz
Flash: 16 MiB
RAM: 128 MiB
WLAN: 2.4 GHz b/g/n, 5 GHz a/n/ac
MT7603E / MT7615E
Ethernet: 5x Gbit ports
There are two known options:
1) The Luci-based UI.
2) Press and hold the reset button during power up.
The router will request 'recovery.bin' from a TFTP server at
Both options require a signed firmware binary.
The openwrt image supplied by cudy is signed and can be used to
install unsigned images.
R4 & R5 need to be shorted (0-100Ω) for the UART to work.
Signed-off-by: Leon M. George <>
[remove non-required switch-port node - remove trgmii phy-mode]
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
This patch adds support for TP-Link Archer C6U v1 (EU).
The device is also known in some market as Archer C6 v3.
This patch supports only Archer C6U v1 (EU).
* SoC: Mediatek MT7621AT 2C2T, 880MHz
* RAM: 128MB DDR3
* Flash: 16MB SPI NOR flash (Winbond 25Q128)
* WiFi 5GHz: Mediatek MT7613BEN (2x2:2)
* WiFi 2.4GHz: Mediatek MT7603EN (2x2:2)
* Ethernet: MT7630, 5x 1000Base-T.
* LED: Power, WAN, LAN, WiFi 2GHz and 5GHz, USB
* Buttons: Reset, WPS.
* UART: Serial console (115200 8n1), J1(GND:3)
* USB: One USB2 port.
Install the OpenWrt factory image for C6U is from the
TP-Link web interface.
1) Go to "Advanced/System Tools/Firmware Update".
2) Click "Browse" and upload the OpenWrt factory image:
3) Click the "Upgrade" button, and select "Yes" when prompted.
Recovery to stock firmware:
The C6U bootloader has a failsafe mode that provides a web
interface (running at for reverting back to the
stock TP-Link firmware. The failsafe interface is triggered
from the serial console or on failed kernel boot. Unfortunately,
there's no key combination that enables the failsafe mode. This
gives us two options for recovery:
1) Recover using the serial console (J1 header).
The recovery interface can be selected by hitting 'x' when
prompted on boot.
2) Trigger the bootloader failsafe mode.
A more dangerous option is force the bootloader into
recovery mode by erasing the OpenWrt partition from the
OpenWrt's shell - e.g "mtd erase firmware". Please be
careful, since erasing the wrong partition can brick
your device.
MAC addresses:
OEM firmware configuration:
D8:07:B6:xx:xx:83 : 5G
D8:07:B6:xx:xx:84 : LAN (label)
D8:07:B6:xx:xx:84 : 2.4G
D8:07:B6:xx:xx:85 : WAN
Signed-off-by: Georgi Vlaev <>
The patch adds support for the TP-Link Archer A6 v3
The router is sold in US and India with FCC ID TE7A6V3
MediaTek MT7621 SOC
SPI Flash: W25Q128 (16MB)
Ethernet: MT7530 5x 1000Base-T
WiFi 5GHz: Mediatek MT7613BE
WiFi 2.4GHz: Mediatek MT7603E
UART/Serial: 115200 8n1
Device Configuration & Serial Port Pins
| |
Serial Pins: | VCC GND TXD RXD |
LEDs: Power Wifi2G Wifi5G LAN WAN
Build Output
The build will generate following set of files
[1] openwrt-ramips-mt7621-tplink_archer-a6-v3-initramfs-kernel.bin
[2] openwrt-ramips-mt7621-tplink_archer-a6-v3-squashfs-factory.bin
[3] openwrt-ramips-mt7621-tplink_archer-a6-v3-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
How to Use - Flashing from TP-Link Web Interface
* Go to "Advanced/System Tools/Firmware Update".
* Click "Browse" and upload the OpenWrt factory image: factory.bin[2]
* Click the "Upgrade" button, and select "Yes" when prompted.
TFTP Booting
Setup a TFTP boot server with address
While starting U-boot press '4' key to stop autoboot.
Copy the initramfs-kernel.bin[1] to TFTP server folder, rename as test.bin
From u-boot command prompt run tftpboot followed by bootm.
Archer A6 V3 has recovery page activated if SPI booting from flash fails.
Recovery page can be activated from serial console only.
Press 'x' while u-boot is starting
Note: TFTP boot can be activated only from u-boot serial console.
Device recovery address:
Thanks to: Frankis for Randmon MAC address fix.
Signed-off-by: Vinay Patil <>
[remove superfluous factory image definition, whitespacing]
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Removed upstreamed:
Removed/code was included upstream and therefore redundant:
All other patches automatically rebased.
* did not flag this yet it was included in 5.4.119[1], as a
result of the rebase, I removed my testing lines since I did not go back to
test built or to run test 5.4.119 with the removed patch present.
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
Vendor firmware expects model name without manufacturer name inside
'supported_devices' part of metadata. This allows direct upgrade to
OpenWrt from vendor's GUI.
Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <>
Before this commit, it was assumed that mkhash is in the PATH. While
this was fine for the normal build workflow, this led to some issues if
make TOPDIR="$(pwd)" -C "$pkgdir" compile
was called manually. In most of the cases, I just saw warnings like this:
make: Entering directory '/home/.../package/gluon-status-page'
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
bash: line 1: mkhash: command not found
While these were only warnings and the package still compiled sucessfully,
I also observed that some package even fail to build because of this.
After applying this commit, the variable $(MKHASH) is introduced. This
variable points to $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash, which is always the
correct path.
Signed-off-by: Leonardo Mörlein <>
MAC addresses read from official firmware
value location
Wlan xx 71 de factory@0x04
Lan xx 71 dd factory@0x28
Wan xx 71 df factory@0x2e
Label xx 71 dd factory@0x28
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[fix sorting in 02_network, redact commit message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The ZyXEL NR7101 is an 802.3at PoE powered 5G outdoor (IP68) CPE
with integrated directional 5G/LTE antennas.
- SoC: MediaTek MT7621AT
- RAM: 256 MB
- Flash: 128 MB MB NAND (MX30LF1G18AC)
- WiFi: MediaTek MT7603E
- Switch: 1 LAN port (Gigabiti)
- 5G/LTE: Quectel RG502Q-EA connected by USB3 to SoC
- SIM: 2 micro-SIM slots under transparent cover
- Buttons: Reset, WLAN under same cover
- LEDs: Multicolour green/red/yellow under same cover (visible)
- Power: 802.3at PoE via LAN port
The device is built as an outdoor ethernet to 5G/LTE bridge or
router. The Wifi interface is intended for installation and/or
temporary management purposes only.
UART Serial:
Located on populated 5 pin header J5:
[o] GND
[ ] key - no pin
[o] RX
[o] TX
[o] 3.3V Vcc
Remove the SIM/button/LED cover, the WLAN button and 12 screws
holding the back plate and antenna cover together. The GPS antenna
is fixed to the cover, so be careful with the cable. Remove 4
screws fixing the antenna board to the main board, again being
careful with the cables.
A bluetooth TTL adapter is recommended for permanent console
access, to keep the router water and dustproof. The 3.3V pin is
able to power such an adapter.
MAC addresses:
OpenWrt OEM Address Found as
lan eth2 08:26:97:*:*:BC Factory 0xe000 (hex), label
wlan0 ra0 08:26:97:*:*:BD Factory 0x4 (hex)
wwan0 usb0 random
ISP managed firmware might at any time update itself to a version
where all known workarounds have been disabled. Never boot an ISP
managed firmware with a SIM in any of the slots if you intend to use
the router with OpenWrt. The bootloader lock can only be disabled with
root access to running firmware. The flash chip is physically
inaccessible without soldering.
Installation from OEM web GUI:
- Log in as "supervisor" on
- Upload OpenWrt initramfs-recovery.bin image on the
Maintenance -> Firmware page
- Wait for OpenWrt to boot and ssh to root@
- (optional) Copy OpenWrt to the recovery partition. See below
- Sysupgrade to the OpenWrt sysupgrade image and reboot
Installation from OEM ssh:
- Log in as "root" on port 22022
- scp OpenWrt initramfs-recovery.bin image to
- Prepare bootloader config by running:
nvram setro uboot DebugFlag 0x1
nvram setro uboot CheckBypass 0
nvram commit
- Run "mtd_write -w write initramfs-recovery.bin Kernel" and reboot
- Wait for OpenWrt to boot and ssh to root@
- (optional) Copy OpenWrt to the recovery partition. See below
- Sysupgrade to the OpenWrt sysupgrade image and reboot
Copying OpenWrt to the recovery partition:
- Verify that you are running a working OpenWrt recovery image
from flash
- ssh to root@ and run:
fw_setenv CheckBypass 0
mtd -r erase Kernel2
- Wait while the bootloader mirrors Image1 to Image2
NOTE: This should only be done after successfully booting the OpenWrt
recovery image from the primary partition during installation. Do
not do this after having sysupgraded OpenWrt! Reinstalling the
recovery image on normal upgrades is not required or recommended.
Installation from Z-Loader:
- Halt boot by pressing Escape on console
- Set up a tftp server to serve the OpenWrt initramfs-recovery.bin
image at
- Type "ATNR 1,initramfs-recovery.bin" at the "ZLB>" prompt
- Wait for OpenWrt to boot and ssh to root@
- Sysupgrade to the OpenWrt sysupgrade image
NOTE: ATNR will write the recovery image to both primary and recovery
partitions in one go.
Booting from RAM:
- Halt boot by pressing Escape on console
- Type "ATGU" at the "ZLB>" prompt to enter the U-Boot menu
- Press "4" to select "4: Entr boot command line interface."
- Set up a tftp server to serve the OpenWrt initramfs-recovery.bin
image at
- Load it using "tftpboot 0x88000000 initramfs-recovery.bin"
- Boot with "bootm 0x8800017C" to skip the 380 (0x17C) bytes ZyXEL
This method can also be used to RAM boot OEM firmware. The warning
regarding OEM applies! Never boot an unknown OEM firmware, or any OEM
firmware with a SIM in any slot.
NOTE: U-Boot configuration is incomplete (on some devices?). You may
have to configure a working mac address before running tftp using
"setenv eth0addr <mac>"
Unlocking the bootloader:
If you are unebale to halt boot, then the bootloader is locked.
The OEM firmware locks the bootloader on every boot by setting
DebugFlag to 0. Setting it to 1 is therefore only temporary
when OEM firmware is installed.
- Run "nvram setro uboot DebugFlag 0x1; nvram commit" in OEM firmware
- Run "fw_setenv DebugFlag 0x1" in OpenWrt
OpenWrt does this automatically on first boot if necessary
Setting the flag to 0x1 avoids the reset to 0 in known OEM
versions, but this might change.
Writing anything to flash while the bootloader is locked is
considered extremely risky. Errors might cause a permanent
Enabling management access from LAN:
Temporary workaround to allow installing OpenWrt if OEM firmware
has disabled LAN management:
- Connect to console
- Log in as "root"
- Run "iptables -I INPUT -i br0 -j ACCEPT"
Notes on the OEM/bootloader dual partition scheme
The dual partition scheme on this device uses Image2 as a recovery
image only. The device will always boot from Image1, but the
bootloader might copy Image2 to Image1 under specific conditions. This
scheme prevents repurposing of the space occupied by Image2 in any
useful way.
Validation of primary and recovery images is controlled by the
variables CheckBypass, Image1Stable, and Image1Try.
The bootloader sets CheckBypass to 0 and reboots if Image1 fails
If CheckBypass is 0 and Image1 is invalid then Image2 is copied to
If CheckBypass is 0 and Image2 is invalid, then Image1 is copied to
If CheckBypass is 1 then all tests are skipped and Image1 is booted
unconditionally. CheckBypass is set to 1 after each successful
validation of Image1.
Image1Try is incremented if Image1Stable is 0, and Image2 is copied to
Image1 if Image1Try is 3 or larger. But the bootloader only tests
Image1Try if CheckBypass is 0, which is impossible unless the booted
image sets it to 0 before failing.
The system is therefore not resilient against runtime errors like
failure to mount the rootfs, unless the kernel image sets CheckBypass
to 0 before failing. This is not yet implemented in OpenWrt.
Setting Image1Stable to 1 prevents the bootloader from updating
Image1Try on every boot, saving unnecessary writes to the environment
Keeping an OpenWrt initramfs recovery as Image2 is recommended
primarily to avoid unwanted OEM firmware boots on failure. Ref the
warning above. It enables console-less recovery in case of some
failures to boot from Image1.
Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <>
ath79, lantiq, ipq40xx, ramips all use the OpenWrt-specific gpio-export
functionality. Consolidate the patch that adds it under hack-5.10 since
this logic is obviously not target-specific. For those who want to
disable it, unsetting CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS symbol will disable this code.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
CONFIG_FORTIFY_SOURCE=y is already set in the generic kernel
configuration, but it is not working for MIPS on kernel 5.4, support for
MIPS was only added with kernel 5.5, other architectures like aarch64
support FORTIFY_SOURCE already since some time.
This patch adds support for FORTIFY_SOURCE to MIPS with kernel 5.4,
kernel 5.10 already supports this and needs no changes.
This backports one patch from kernel 5.5 and one fix from 5.8 to make
fortify source also work on our kernel 5.4.
The changes are not compatible with the
306-mips_mem_functions_performance.patch patch which was also removed
with kernel 5.10, probably because of the same problems. I think it is
not needed anyway as the compiler should automatically optimize the
calls to memset(), memcpy() and memmove() even when not explicitly
telling the compiler to use the build in variant.
This increases the size of an uncompressed kernel by less than 1 KB.
Acked-by: Rosen Penev <>
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Manually rebased*
Added new backport*
All others updated automatically.
The new backport was included based on this[1] upstream commit that will be
mainlined soon. This change is needed because Eric Dumazet's check for
NET_IP_ALIGN (landed in 5.4.114) causes huge slowdowns on drivers which use
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ipq806x/R7800
Run-tested: ipq806x/R7800
No dmesg regressions, everything functional
*Credit to Alexander Lobakin
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
Some targets select HZ=100, others HZ=250. There's no reason to select a higher
timer frequency (and 100 Hz are available in every architecture), so change all
targets to 100 Hz.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
For the targets which enable ubifs, these symbols are already part of the
generic kconfigs. Drop them from the target kconfigs.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
This patch broke while refreshing on a kernel bump. It adds the
config_aneg function twice to the AR8035 PHY now.
Restore the old behavior to restore the patches original intent.
Fixes commit 57e32650ef ("kernel: bump 5.10 to 5.10.31")
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Refresh patches.
Tested on a dual-core MT7621 device (Ubiquiti ER-X) and a single-core
MT7621 device (Netgear R6220).
This change will make future kernel upgrades easier (avoids conflicts
with upstream).
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
Cc: Chuanhong Guo <>
Reduce spi-max-frequency for Xiaomi MI Router 4AG model
Xiaomi MI Router 4AG MTD uses two flash chips (no specific on router versions when produced from factory) - GD25Q128C and W25Q128BV.
These flash chips are capable of high frequency, but due to poor board design or manufacture process.
We are seeing the following errors in the linux kernel bootup:
`spi-nor spi0.0: unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: cc 60 1c cc 60 1c
spi-nor: probe of spi0.0 failed with error -2`
This causes the partitions not to be detected
`VFS: Cannot open root device "(null)" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6`
Then creates a bootloop and a bricked router.
The solution to limit this race condition is to reduce the frequency from 80 mhz to 50 mhz.
Signed-off-by: David Bentham <>
Ran in a fresh clone without any existing toolchains. No
manual intervention needed.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ipq806x/R7800
Run-tested: ipq806x/R7800
No dmesg regressions, everything functional
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
DTS properties that match *-gpios are treated specially.
Use ngpios instead, as most GPIO drivers upstream do.
Fixes 5.10 DTS errors such as:
OF: /palmbus@300000/gpio@600: could not find phandle
Fixes DTC warnings such as:
Warning (gpios_property): /palmbus@300000/gpio@600:ralink,num-gpios:
Could not get phandle node for (cell 0)
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
Cc: Daniel Golle <>
Use an existing kernel config symbol to fix devices whose ramstart is
not zero. See upstream patch message for more details.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
Cc: Tobias Wolf <>
Cc: Daniel Golle <>
The mt7530_{r,w}32 operation over MDIO uses 3 mdiobus operations and
does not hold a lock, which causes a race condition when multiple
threads try to access a register, they may get unexpected results.
To avoid this, handle the MDIO lock manually, and use the unlocked
__mdiobus_{read,write} in the critical section.
This fixes the "Ghost VLAN" artifact[1] in MT7530/7621 when the VLAN
operation and the swconfig LED link status poll race between each other.
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
CONFIG_MIPS_CMDLINE_FROM_DTB is set to 'y' for all ramips targets
already, which will ensure that the value of 'bootargs' will take
precedence over whatever is in arcs_cmdline.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
1. rename led pin "air" to a more common name "wlan" and use "phy0tpt" to trigger it.
2. led "wan" can be triggered by ethernet pinctrl by default so just drop it.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Fixes boot loader LZMA decompression issue,
reported by GitHub user KOLANICH at [0].
The reported LZMA ERROR has date of 2020-07-20, soon after
the device support landed:
Ralink UBoot Version:
3: System Boot system code via Flash.
Image Name: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-4.14.187
Created: 2020-07-20 3:39:11 UTC
Image Type: MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
Data Size: 1472250 Bytes = 1.4 MB
Load Address: 80000000
Entry Point: 80000000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... LZMA ERROR 1 - must RESET board to recover
[0] fea232ae8f (commitcomment-45016560)
Fixes: 4dc9ad4af8 ("ramips: add support for ZyXEL Keenetic Lite Rev.B")
Signed-off-by: Szabolcs Hubai <>
Use update_kernel to refresh all patches, required manual updates to:
Run-tested: x86_64
Nothing screamed out but any funny business with linux bridging should
suspect this update first.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <>
"firmware" partition size defined in the device tree file is 0xf70000,
so the right IMAGE_SIZE is 15808k
Fixes: df1e5d6463 ("ramips: fix partition layout of hiwifi hc5x61")
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Fixes the following error when building without CONFIG_MODULE_STRIPPED:
FATAL: modpost: sound/soc/ralink/snd-soc-ralink-i2s: struct
of_device_id is not terminated with a NULL entry!
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
MIPS Coherent Processor Systems (CPS), which include the MT7621 SoC, support
deep sleep idle states and have a specific cpuidle driver for them.
Enable support for it, while also switching from constant timer ticks to the
idle dynticks model, with the TEO governor.
Run-tested on a Redmi AC2100.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
We've been carrying this patch for many years [1], in order to fix a timer
calibration issue on MT7621. Turns out, after retesting with a recent kernel
(Linux 5.10), the system works perfectly fine without it (no rcu_sched stalls
or inconsistent BogoMIPS values across CPUs).
Manually refreshed:
Suggested-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
Tested-by: Donald Hoskins <>
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
There are only two lan ports and one wan port on Youku yk1
Fixes: e9baf8265b ("ramips: add support for Youku YK1")
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[add Fixes:]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Straightforward refresh of patches using update_kernel.
Run tested: x86_64 (apu2)
Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <>
Youku YK-L1 has a huge storage space up to 32 MB. It is better to
use a higher spi clock to read or write serial nor flash chips.
Youku YK-L1 has Winbond w25q256fvfg on board that can support
104 MHz spi clock so 48 MHz is safe enough.
The real frequency can only be sysclk(580MHz ) /3 /(2^n) so 80 MHz
defined in dts file will set only 48 MHz in spi bus.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Ran in a fresh clone without any existing toolchains.
Manually rebased:
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: ipq806x/R7800
Run-tested: ipq806x/R7800
No dmesg regressions, everything functional
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
[remove accidental whitespace edit]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Improve compatibility of the device tree include file. Now a new .dtsi
file will support both PSG1218A, PSG1218B and K2G.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[improve commit title, rebase]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
From many teardown image in the internet, I find Phicomm K1/k2 series use
Winbond W25Q64/W25Q128 or GigaDevice GD25Q64/GD25Q128 Flash chips. both of
them support 100+ MHz clock spi operate and fast-read instruction. PSG1218
with W25x or GD25x has been tested and it can run well in OpenWrt v19.07.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[improve commit title]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
HIWIFI HC5x61 devices support high speed spi clock up to 100+ MHz.
So set spi frequency to 80 MHz here (Due to frequency division the
real clock is 48 MHz).
I have tested HC5661 and it can run well in OpenWrt v19.07.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[adjust commit title and wrap message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
A SPI NOR flash should not be target-specific, so move it to generic in
case another platform needs to use it.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
Without that, after merging support to master, the device fails to boot
due to LZMA decompression error:
3: System Boot system code via Flash.
## Booting image at bc080000 ...
raspi_read: from:80000 len:40
. Image Name: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-5.4.99
Created: 2021-02-25 23:35:00 UTC
Image Type: MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
Data Size: 1786664 Bytes = 1.7 MB
Load Address: 80000000
Entry Point: 80000000
raspi_read: from:80040 len:1b4328
............................ Verifying Checksum ... OK
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... LZMA ERROR 1 - must RESET board to recover
Use lzma-loader to fix it.
Fixes: 59d065c9f8 ("ramips: add support for ZTE MF283+")
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
HC5661 does not have USB port, remove usb power control pin.
HC5x61 do not have LAN LEDs, remove ethernet LED control pin.
Only HC5861 has PA in 2.4G channel.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
Ubiquiti's own bootloader expects the configuration mode to be present
with a "@" instead of a "-" for the sperator character. Otherwise
booting of the image fails.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
Make packages depending on usb-serial selective, so we do not have
to add kmod-usb-serial manually for every device.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
So far, board.d files were having execute bit set and contained a
shebang. However, they are just sourced in board_detect, with an
apparantly unnecessary check for execute permission beforehand.
Replace this check by one for existance and make the board.d files
"normal" files, as would be expected in /etc anyway.
This removes an apparantly unused '#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common' in
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Enable testing kernel.
Fix compile errors by using new kernel APIs.
Fix fuzz by manually editing patches to ensure the code goes in the
right place.
For 721-NET-no-auto-carrier-off-support.patch, revert upstream commit
a307593a6 to keep the OpenWrt ralink driver operational.
Add mt7621-pci-phy patch to select REGMAP_MMIO as discussed in PR #3693
and #3952.
Run automatic quilt refresh on the rest.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
0098-disable_cm.patch is not needed because upstream fixed CM handling.
The rest are straightforward removals of upstreamed patches.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
This reverts commit b4aad29a1d.
This was accidentally folded into a single commit. Remove it and
apply it properly again.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Enable testing kernel.
Delete upstreamed patches:
0098-disable_cm.patch can be dropped, upstream fixed CM handling.
Fix compile errors by using new kernel APIs.
Fix fuzz by manually editing patches to ensure the code goes in the
right place.
For 721-NET-no-auto-carrier-off-support.patch, revert upstream commit
a307593a6 to keep the OpenWrt ralink driver operational.
Add mt7621-pci-phy patch to select REGMAP_MMIO as discussed in PR #3693
and #3952.
Rename patches to follow the 3-digit classification from the OpenWrt
Developer Guide.
Run automatic quilt refresh.
Signed-off-by: Ilya Lipnitskiy <>
5.4.102 backported a lot of stuff that our WireGuard backport already
did, in addition to other patches we had, so those patches were
removed from that part of the series. In the process other patches were
refreshed or reworked to account for upstream changes.
This commit involved ` -v -u 5.4`.
Cc: John Audia <>
Cc: David Bauer <>
Cc: Petr Štetiar <>
Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <>
* Increase "oem" partition size from 0x10000 to 0x20000
* Correct partition lables, synchronize with official firmware
It should be the same as hiwifi hc5x61a and the fact indeed the
case. Here is part of dmesg boot log read from official firmware:
[ 1.470000] Creating 7 MTD partitions on "raspi":
[ 1.470000] 0x000000000000-0x000000030000 : "u-boot"
[ 1.480000] 0x000000030000-0x000000040000 : "hw_panic"
[ 1.490000] 0x000000040000-0x000000050000 : "Factory"
[ 1.490000] 0x000000fc0000-0x000000fe0000 : "oem"
[ 1.500000] 0x000000fe0000-0x000000ff0000 : "bdinfo"
[ 1.510000] 0x000000ff0000-0x000001000000 : "backup"
[ 1.510000] 0x000000050000-0x000000fc0000 : "firmware"
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
ZTE MF283+ is a dual-antenna LTE category 4 router, based on Ralink
RT3352 SoC, and built-in ZTE P685M PCIe MiniCard LTE modem.
Hardware highlighs:
- CPU: MIPS24KEc at 400MHz,
- RAM: 64MB DDR2,
- Flash: 16MB SPI,
- Ethernet: 4 10/100M port switch with VLAN support,
- Wireless: Dual-stream 802.11n (RT2860), with two internal antennas,
- WWAN: Built-in ZTE P685M modem, with two internal antennas and two
switching SMA connectors for external antennas,
- FXS: Single ATA, with two connectors marked PHONE1 and PHONE2,
internally wired in parallel by 0-Ohm resistors, handled entirely by
internal WWAN modem.
- USB: internal miniPCIe slot for modem,
unpopulated USB A connector on PCB.
- SIM slot for the WWAN modem.
- UART connector for the console (unpopulated) at 3.3V,
pinout: 1: VCC, 2: TXD, 3: RXD, 4: GND,
settings: 57600-8-N-1.
- LEDs: Power (fixed), WLAN, WWAN (RGB),
phone (bicolor, controlled by modem), Signal,
4 link/act LEDs for LAN1-4.
- Buttons: WPS, reset.
As the modem is, for most of the time, provided by carriers, there is no
possibility to flash through web interface, only built-in FOTA update
and TFTP recovery are supported.
There are two installation methods:
(1) Using serial console and initramfs-kernel - recommended, as it
allows you to back up original firmware, or
(2) Using TFTP recovery - does not require disassembly.
(1) Using serial console:
To install OpenWrt, one needs to disassemble the
router and flash it via TFTP by using serial console:
- Locate unpopulated 4-pin header on the top of the board, near buttons.
- Connect UART adapter to the connector. Use 3.3V voltage level only,
omit VCC connection. Pin 1 (VCC) is marked by square pad.
- Put your initramfs-kernel image in TFTP server directory.
- Power-up the device.
- Press "1" to load initramfs image to RAM.
- Enter IP address chosen for the device (defaults to
- Enter TFTP server IP address (defaults to
- Enter image filename as put inside TFTP server - something short,
like firmware.bin is recommended.
- Hit enter to load the image. U-boot will store above values in
persistent environment for next installation.
- If you ever might want to return to vendor firmware,
For this router, commonly used by mobile networks,
plain vendor images are not officially available.
To do so, copy contents of each /dev/mtd[0-3], "firmware" - mtd3 being the
most important, and copy them over network to your PC. But in case
anything goes wrong, PLEASE do back up ALL OF THEM.
- From under OpenWrt just booted, load the sysupgrade image to tmpfs,
and execute sysupgrade.
(2) Using TFTP recovery
- Set your host IP to - for example using:
sudo ip addr add dev <interface>
- Set up a TFTP server on your machine
- Put the sysupgrade image in TFTP server root named as 'root_uImage'
(no quotes), for example using tftpd:
cp openwrt-ramips-rt305x-zte_mf283plus-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin /srv/tftp/root_uImage
- Power on the router holding BOTH Reset and WPS buttons held for around
5 seconds, until after WWAN and Signal LEDs blink.
- Wait for OpenWrt to start booting up, this should take around a
Return to original firmware:
Here, again there are two possibilities are possible, just like for
(1) Using initramfs-kernel image and serial console
(2) Using TFTP recovery
(1) Using initramfs-kernel image and serial console
- Boot OpenWrt initramfs-kernel image via TFTP the same as for
- Copy over the backed up "firmware.bin" image of "mtd3" to /tmp/
- Use "mtd write /tmp/firmware.bin /dev/mtd3", where firmware.bin is
your backup taken before OpenWrt installation, and /dev/mtd3 is the
"firmware" partition.
(2) Using TFTP recovery
- Follow the same steps as for installation, but replacing 'root_uImage'
with firmware backup you took during installation, or by vendor
firmware obtained elsewhere.
A few quirks of the device, noted from my instance:
- Wired and wireless MAC addresses written in flash are the same,
despite being in separate locations.
- Power LED is hardwired to 3.3V, so there is no status LED per se, and
WLAN LED is controlled by WLAN driver, so I had to hijack 3G/4G LED
for status - original firmware also does this in bootup.
- FXS subsystem and its LED is controlled by the
modem, so it work independently of OpenWrt.
Tested to work even before OpenWrt booted.
I managed to open up modem's shell via ADB,
and found from its kernel logs, that FXS and its LED is indeed controlled
by modem.
- While finding LEDs, I had no GPL source drop from ZTE, so I had to probe for
each and every one of them manually, so this might not be complete -
it looks like bicolor LED is used for FXS, possibly to support
dual-ported variant in other device sharing the PCB.
- Flash performance is very low, despite enabling 50MHz clock and fast
read command, due to using 4k sectors throughout the target. I decided
to keep it at the moment, to avoid breaking existing devices - I
identified one potentially affected, should this be limited to under
4MB of Flash. The difference between sysupgrade durations is whopping
3min vs 8min, so this is worth pursuing.
In vendor firmware, WWAN LED behaviour is as follows, citing the manual:
- red - no registration,
- green - 3G,
- blue - 4G.
Blinking indicates activity, so netdev trigger mapped from wwan0 to blue:wwan
looks reasonable at the moment, for full replacement, a script similar to
"rssileds" would need to be developed.
Behaviour of "Signal LED" in vendor firmware is as follows:
- Off - no signal,
- Blinking - poor coverage
- Solid - good coverage.
A few more details on the built-in LTE modem:
Modem is not fully supported upstream in Linux - only two CDC ports
(DIAG and one for QMI) probe. I sent patches upstream to add required device
IDs for full support.
The mapping of USB functions is as follows:
- CDC (QCDM) - dedicated to comunicating with proprietary Qualcomm tools.
- CDC (PCUI) - not supported by upstream 'option' driver yet. Patch
submitted upstream.
- CDC (Modem) - Exactly the same as above
- QMI - A patch is sent upstream to add device ID, with that in place,
uqmi did connect successfully, once I selected correct PDP context
type for my SIM (IPv4-only, not default IPv4v6).
- ADB - self-explanatory, one can access the ADB shell with a device ID
added to 51-android.rules like so:
SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="android_usb_rules_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTR{idProduct}=="1275", ENV{adb_user}="yes"
ENV{adb_user}=="yes", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"
While not really needed in OpenWrt, it might come useful if one decides to
move the modem to their PC to hack it further, insides seem to be pretty
interesting. ADB also works well from within OpenWrt without that. O
course it isn't needed for normal operation, so I left it out of
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <>
[remove kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport, take merged upstream patches]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The kernel bump to 5.4 has removed the mx25l25635f hack, and the
mx25l25635f compatible is no longer required.
Signed-off-by: DENG Qingfang <>
As suggested by Sergio, this adds GPIOs 19 and 8 explicitly into the
DIR-860L DTS, so the PCI-E ports get reset and the N radio (radio1)
on PCI-E port 1 comes up reliably.
Fixes the following error that popped up in dmesg:
[ 1.638942] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: pcie1 no card, disable it (RST & CLK)
Suggested-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
Signed-off-by: Stijn Segers <>
Reviewed-by: Sergio Paracuellos <>
The Netgear R6800 and R6700v2 devices have a Semtech SX1503 GPIO
expander controlling the device LEDs. This expander was initially
supported on 4.14, but support was lost in the transition to 5.4.
Since this driver cannot be built as a kernel module, enable it in the
kernel config for all mt7621 devices.
Run-tested on a Netgear R6800.
Cc: Stijn Segers <>
Cc: Hauke Mehrtens <>
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
1. From key and led config setting, we can find only "uartf" and "i2c" are used
as gpio by check mt7620 datasheet. It's time to remove unused pin group.
2. PSG1218 only have three led, so we can remove ethernet led pinctrl. refer to
Phicomm K2G.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
The lan port sequence was reversed compared to the labels.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[improve commit title/message]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The aliases node is expected as one of the first entries, and
having it there matches alphabetic sorting as well.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
These were redefines of the same value already set in the SoC dtsi
Reported-by: Shiji Yang <>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
Phicomm K2G:
add missing label_mac
Phicomm PSG1218A & PSG1218B:
The previous wan mac was set as factory@0x28 +1 (originally based
on the default case for the ramips target), but the correct wan mac
is factory@0x28 -1, being equal to factory@0x2e.
Signed-off-by: Shiji Yang <>
[minor commit title/message adjustments]
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <>
The Netgear EX6150 can, just like the D-Link DIR-860L rev B1, fail to
initialise both radios in some cases. Add the reset GPIOs explicitly
so the PCI-E devices get re-initialised properly. See also FS #3632.
Error shows up in dmesg as follows:
[ 1.560764] mt7621-pci 1e140000.pcie: pcie1 no card, disable it (RST & CLK)
Tested-by: Kurt Roeckx <>
Signed-off-by: Stijn Segers <>
[removed period from commit title]
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
As kernel size increased it start to fail to load squishfs image,
using lzma-loader fixed it.
wevo_11acnas is almost same device as w2914ns-v2 except ram size,
so I expect same thing would've happen in that device too.
Signed-off-by: Seo Suchan <>
Reviewed-by: Sungbo Eo <>
The TP-Link EAP235-Wall is a wall-mounted, PoE-powered AC1200 access
point with four gigabit ethernet ports.
When connecting to the device's serial port, it is strongly advised to
use an isolated UART adapter. This prevents linking different power
domains created by the PoE power supply, which may damage your devices.
The device's U-Boot supports saving modified environments with
`saveenv`. However, there is no u-boot-env partition, and saving
modifications will cause the partition table to be overwritten. This is
not an issue for running OpenWrt, but will prevent the vendor FW from
functioning properly.
Device specifications:
* SoC: MT7621DAT
* RAM: 128MiB
* Flash: 16MiB SPI-NOR
* Wireless 2.4GHz (MT7603EN): b/g/n, 2x2
* Wireless 5GHz (MT7613BEN): a/n/ac, 2x2
* Ethernet: 4× GbE
* Back side: ETH0, PoE PD port
* Bottom side: ETH1, ETH2, ETH3
* Single white device LED
* LED button, reset button (available for failsafe)
* PoE pass-through on port ETH3 (enabled with GPIO)
Datasheet of the flash chip specifies a maximum frequency of 33MHz, but
that didn't work. 20MHz gives no errors with reading (flash dump) or
writing (sysupgrade).
Device mac addresses:
Stock firmware uses the same MAC address for ethernet (on device label)
and 2.4GHz wireless. The 5GHz wireless address is incremented by one.
This address is stored in the 'info' ('default-mac') partition at an
offset of 8 bytes.
From OEM ifconfig:
eth a4:2b:b0:...:88
ra0 a4:2b:b0:...:88
rai0 a4:2b:b0:...:89
Flashing instructions:
* Enable SSH in the web interface, and SSH into the target device
* run `cliclientd stopcs`, this should return "success"
* upload the factory image via the web interface
U-boot can be interrupted during boot, serial console is 57600 baud, 8n1
This allows installing a sysupgrade image, or fixing the device in
another way.
* Access serial header from the side of the board, close to ETH3,
pin-out is (1:TX, 2:RX, 3:GND, 4:3.3V), with pin 1 closest to ETH3.
* Interrupt bootloader by holding '4' during boot, which drops the
bootloader into its shell
* Change default 'serverip' and 'ipaddr' variables (optional)
* Download initramfs with `tftpboot`, and boot image with `bootm`
# tftpboot 84000000 openwrt-initramfs.bin
# bootm
Revert to stock:
Using the tplink-safeloader utility from the firmware-utils package,
TP-Link's firmware image can be converted to an OpenWrt-compatible
sysupgrade image:
$ ./staging_dir/host/bin/tplink-safeloader -B EAP235-WALL-V1 \
-z EAP235-WALLv1_XXX_up_signed.bin -o eap235-sysupgrade.bin
This can then be flashed using the OpenWrt sysupgrade interface. The
image will appear to be incompatible and must be force flashed, without
keeping the current configuration.
Known issues:
- DFS support is incomplete (known issue with MT7613)
- MT7613 radio may stop responding when idling, reboot required.
This was an issue with the ddc75ff704 version of mt76, but appears to
have improved/disappeared with bc3963764d.
Error notice example:
[ 7099.554067] mt7615e 0000:02:00.0: Message 73 (seq 1) timeout
Hardware was kindly provided for porting by Stijn Segers.
Tested-by: Stijn Segers <>
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Similarly to the Archer C2 v1, the Archer C20 v1 will brick when one
tries to flash an OpenWrt factory image through the TP-Link web UI.
The wiki page contains an explicit warning about this [1].
Disable the factory image altogether since it serves no purpose.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Segers <>
Ran in a fresh clone without any existing toolchains.
No manual changes needed.
Build system: x86_64
Build-tested: bcm27xx/bcm2711
Signed-off-by: John Audia <>
The Netgear EX6150 has an Access Point/Extender switch. Set it as
an EV_SW. Otherwise when it's set to Access Point, it will trigger
failsafe mode during boot.
Fixes: FS#3590
Signed-off-by: Kurt Roeckx <>
The bootloader of a number of recent TP-Link devices does not properly
initialise the MT7621's internal switch when booting from flash. To
enable the mt7530 driver to clear the reset on the switch, the ramips
reset controller must be allowed to toggle these.
Backport upstream commit 3f9ef7785a9c from mips-next to allow control of
the "mcm" reset line.
Signed-off-by: Sander Vanheule <>
Initial commit 8375623a06 ("ramips: add support for TP-Link Archer
C2") contains detailed installation instructions, which do not mention
a factory image. From what I can see, no support to install OpenWrt
through the vendor web interface has been added since. The factory
image is also conspicuously absent from the device page in the wiki.
Yet, it is available for download.
I bricked my Archer C2 loading the factory image through the web UI.
Serial showed this error during bootloop:
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... LZMA ERROR 1 - must RESET board to recover
This patch disables the undocumented factory image so users won't get
tricked into thinking easy web UI flashing actually works.
Signed-off-by: Stijn Segers <>
- SoC: MediaTek MT7621AT
- RAM: 128 MB (DDR3)
- Flash: 16 MB (SPI NOR)
- WiFi: MediaTek MT7603E, MediaTek MT7612E
- Switch: 1 WAN, 4 LAN (Gigabit)
- Ports: 1 USB 3.0
- Buttons: Reset, WPS
- LEDs: Power, System, Wan, Lan 1-4, WiFi 2.4G, WiFi 5G, WPS, USB
- Power: DC 12V 1A tip positive
UART Serial:
115200 baud
Located on unpopulated 4 pin header near J4:
[o] Rx
[o] Tx
[o] GND
[ ] Vcc - Do not connect
Download and flash the manufacturer's built OpenWRT image available at
Install the new OpenWRT image via luci (System -> Backup/Flash firmware)
Be sure to NOT keep settings. The force upgrade may need to be checked
due to differences in router naming conventions.
- Loads only signed manufacture firmware due to bootloader RSA verification
- serve tftp-recovery image as /recovery.bin on
- connect to any lan ethernet port
- power on the device while holding the reset button
- wait at least 8 seconds before releasing reset button for image to
- See
MAC addresses as verified by OEM firmware:
use address source
LAN *:f0 label
WAN *:f1 label + 1
2g *:f0 label
5g *:f2 label + 2
The label MAC address is found in bdinfo 0xde00.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Pikler <>