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# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
NAND_BLOCKSIZE := 2048-128k
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/image.mk
UBI_OPTS := -m 2048 -p 128KiB -s 512
UBIFS_OPTS := -m 2048 -e 126KiB -c 4096
define Device/Default
PROFILES := Default
KERNEL_DEPENDS = $$(wildcard $(DTS_DIR)/$$(DEVICE_DTS).dts)
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | uImage none
PAGESIZE := 2048
IMAGES := sysupgrade.tar
IMAGE/sysupgrade.tar := sysupgrade-tar
define Device/dockstar
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-dockstar
FILESYSTEMS := squashfs
DEVICE_TITLE := Seagate FreeAgent Dockstar
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-ubi
TARGET_DEVICES += dockstar
define Device/goflexnet
DEVICE_TITLE := Seagate GoFlexNet
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-goflexnet
TARGET_DEVICES += goflexnet
define Device/goflexhome
DEVICE_TITLE := Seagate GoFlexHome
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-goflexhome
TARGET_DEVICES += goflexhome
define Device/linksys-audi
DEVICE_TITLE := Linksys EA3500 (Audi)
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-mwl8k swconfig wpad-mini
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-linksys-audi
KERNEL_SIZE := 2624k
FILESYSTEMS := squashfs
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(KERNEL_SIZE) | append-ubi
TARGET_DEVICES += linksys-audi
define Device/linksys-viper
DEVICE_TITLE := Linksys E4200v2 / EA4500 (Viper)
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-mwl8k swconfig wpad-mini
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-linksys-viper
KERNEL_SIZE := 2688k
FILESYSTEMS := squashfs
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(KERNEL_SIZE) | append-ubi
TARGET_DEVICES += linksys-viper
define Device/iconnect
DEVICE_TITLE := Iomega Iconnect
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-iconnect
TARGET_DEVICES += iconnect
kirkwood: add ZyXEL NSA310b The ZyXEL NSA310 device is a Kirkwood based NAS: - SoC: Marvell 88F6702 1200Mhz - SDRAM memory: 256MB DDR2 400Mhz - Gigabit ethernet: Realtek (over pcie) - Flash memory: 128MB - 1 Power button - 1 Power LED (blue) - 5 Status LED (green/red) - 1 Copy/Sync button - 1 Reset button - 2 SATA II port (1 internal and 1 external) - 2 USB 2.0 ports (1 front and 1 back) - Smart fan The stock u-boot cannot read ubi so it should be replaced with the LEDE/OpenWRT's u-boot or with a u-boot from here https://github.com/mibodhi/u-boot-kirkwood This device's boot ROM supports "kwboot" tool (in mainline u-boot, built automatically if CONFIG_KIRKWOOD is declared) that sends an uboot image to the board over serial connection, it is very easy to unbrick. The stock bootloader can use usb and read from FAT filesystems, so the installation process is simple, place the uboot file on a USB flashdrive formatted as FAT (here it is "openwrt-kirkwood-nsa310.bin", then connect TTL to the board and write the following commands in the bootloader console: usb reset fatload usb 0 0x1000000 openwrt-kirkwood-nsa310.bin nand write 0x1000000 0x00000 0x100000 reset Now you are rebooting in the new u-boot, write this in its console to install the firmware: usb reset fatload usb 0 0x2000000 lede-kirkwood-nsa310b-squashfs-factory.bin nand erase.part ubi nand write 0x2000000 ubi 0x600000 If your firmware file is bigger than 6 MiBs you should write its size in hex instead of 0x600000 above, or remove that number entirely (it will take a while in this case). If you are using another uboot that can read ubi, set mtdparts like this mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:0x00c0000(uboot),0x80000(uboot_env),0x7ec0000(ubi) And set your bootcmd to be like this bootcmd=run setenv bootargs; ubi part ubi; ubi read 0x800000 kernel; bootm 0x800000 Then you can install the firmware as described above. After you installed (or configured) the u-boot for booting the firmware, write the device's mac address in the ethaddr u-boot env. The MAC address is usually on a sticker under the device (one of the two codes is the serial), it should begin with "107BEF" as it is assigned to ZyXEL. write in the u-boot console (use your MAC address instead of the example) setenv ethaddr 10:7B:EF:00:00:00 saveenv to save the mac address in the u-boot. Signed-off-by: Alberto Bursi <alberto.bursi@outlook.it>
2017-01-23 19:34:29 +00:00
define Device/nsa310b
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-nsa310b
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-r8169 kmod-gpio-button-hotplug kmod-hwmon-lm85
kirkwood: add ZyXEL NSA310b The ZyXEL NSA310 device is a Kirkwood based NAS: - SoC: Marvell 88F6702 1200Mhz - SDRAM memory: 256MB DDR2 400Mhz - Gigabit ethernet: Realtek (over pcie) - Flash memory: 128MB - 1 Power button - 1 Power LED (blue) - 5 Status LED (green/red) - 1 Copy/Sync button - 1 Reset button - 2 SATA II port (1 internal and 1 external) - 2 USB 2.0 ports (1 front and 1 back) - Smart fan The stock u-boot cannot read ubi so it should be replaced with the LEDE/OpenWRT's u-boot or with a u-boot from here https://github.com/mibodhi/u-boot-kirkwood This device's boot ROM supports "kwboot" tool (in mainline u-boot, built automatically if CONFIG_KIRKWOOD is declared) that sends an uboot image to the board over serial connection, it is very easy to unbrick. The stock bootloader can use usb and read from FAT filesystems, so the installation process is simple, place the uboot file on a USB flashdrive formatted as FAT (here it is "openwrt-kirkwood-nsa310.bin", then connect TTL to the board and write the following commands in the bootloader console: usb reset fatload usb 0 0x1000000 openwrt-kirkwood-nsa310.bin nand write 0x1000000 0x00000 0x100000 reset Now you are rebooting in the new u-boot, write this in its console to install the firmware: usb reset fatload usb 0 0x2000000 lede-kirkwood-nsa310b-squashfs-factory.bin nand erase.part ubi nand write 0x2000000 ubi 0x600000 If your firmware file is bigger than 6 MiBs you should write its size in hex instead of 0x600000 above, or remove that number entirely (it will take a while in this case). If you are using another uboot that can read ubi, set mtdparts like this mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:0x00c0000(uboot),0x80000(uboot_env),0x7ec0000(ubi) And set your bootcmd to be like this bootcmd=run setenv bootargs; ubi part ubi; ubi read 0x800000 kernel; bootm 0x800000 Then you can install the firmware as described above. After you installed (or configured) the u-boot for booting the firmware, write the device's mac address in the ethaddr u-boot env. The MAC address is usually on a sticker under the device (one of the two codes is the serial), it should begin with "107BEF" as it is assigned to ZyXEL. write in the u-boot console (use your MAC address instead of the example) setenv ethaddr 10:7B:EF:00:00:00 saveenv to save the mac address in the u-boot. Signed-off-by: Alberto Bursi <alberto.bursi@outlook.it>
2017-01-23 19:34:29 +00:00
define Device/nsa325
DEVICE_TITLE := ZyXEL NSA325 (v1 and v2)
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-nsa325
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-gpio-button-hotplug kmod-rtc-pcf8563 kmod-usb3
define Device/on100
DEVICE_TITLE := Cisco Systems ON100
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-on100
# DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-mvsdio kmod-usb-storage kmod-i2c-core kmod-i2c-mv64xxx kmod-ata-core kmod-btmrvl kmod-btmrvl-sdio kmod-libertas kmod-libertas-sdio
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-i2c-mv64xxx
KERNEL_SIZE := 5376k
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(KERNEL_SIZE) | append-ubi
define Device/pogo_e02
DEVICE_TITLE := Cloud Engines Pogoplug E02
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-pogo_e02
TARGET_DEVICES += pogo_e02
define Device/ib62x0
DEVICE_DTS := kirkwood-ib62x0
$(eval $(call BuildImage))